Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Brunsude in the palm of seven

After the Seventh Awakening

Rumil took Rollinfuse's hand and put him into the carriage, but shook his head reluctantly:

"It's an indescribable pity that you will leave and return home when the kingdom needs you most... But after all, you are also old, and it doesn't seem appropriate to force you to stay in the royal city. So... Your Excellency, although it's a little strange for me to say so now... Please relax That great and tired body. Over the years, thanks to your hard work day and night, Haier Milan has had today's prosperity. Generations of descendants of the kingdom will not forget such merit.

"Don't say such words to old friends who are about to leave, Mr. Rumir, do you want me to be restless day and night because of the state affairs of Haier Milan after returning to my hometown?"

Rolinforth stretched out his hand and shook Rumir hard:

"I can finally remove the burden that has been pressing on my shoulders. I have been waiting for this day. It should be my luck to come when I am alive. After my retirement, everything in the country will be entrusted to you, Rumir. This is not an easy job. Cheer up and work hard for the Kingdom and Her Majesty.

"I understand your intentions, please rest assured. Anyway, I can't humiliate you, old friend. I remember that you, me and Baymont once made a bet to see which of the three of us would retire first. It seems that you are the first to admit defeat.

"Hahaha... It's really a little unwilling to say that! However, as the head of the college, Baymont should be the final winner, and only the head of the college can hold the position until the end. I think we might as well modify the bet now and see which of the three of us will die first?

"You really like to joke... Even if this kind of bet is divided in the end, can the loser still hear the laughter of the winner? And your seemingly long-lived physique also makes me wonder if you can become the final winner?

"If that's the case, I should really thank you for your good words today. However, when I am old, I am old. No matter how much I don't accept defeat, I can't stop physical exhaustion. Just because of temporary peace, my waist and limbs are already weak. It seems that this time I really have reached the age when I have to retire. I'm really unwilling... Rumile, age is so cruel and ruthless, and you should also pay more attention to your body.

"I will keep your advice in mind. Well, I wish you a safe journey."

Rumir raised his head and looked at his nose, as if he was smelling something in the air:

"It seems that there is a smell of a storm... The weather in summer is so fickle. The high priest must be careful to catch a cold."

Rollinforth said "um" and pulled the door back to his seat. Rumir saw the carriage disappear at the end of the road, said, "Thank you for your hard work, High Priest" and saluted deeply. Then he turned around and nodded to the ministers standing behind him:

"Everyone... Her Majesty is in the fleet of Silas, and the High Priest Rollinforth has also left and returned home. Now Haier Milan must be managed by us. Although the lack of two backbones will make us deeply uneasy, but at this extraordinary moment, please cooperate to deal with the future of Haier Milan, which has an uncertain future. Don't take it lightly because of this temporary peace!"

"We understand, High Priest Rumir, as long as the war is not completely over, we will not easily let down our vigilance. It's just that... It was unexpected for His Excellency Rollinforth to suddenly leave and return to his hometown at such an important moment. For Haile Milan, where the queen is not here, I'm afraid it will cause a worrying storm..."

Rumil smiled bitterly:

"Even so, we don't have the ability to resist the power of nature. Even Lord Rowlingforth can't fight against the demon of age, can we? I'm afraid that people like him can't support him anymore when he offers to retire and return home. Just in the shadow of his departure, I suddenly thought of my fate... I'm as old as him, but I don't have the determination to persist like him. What an indescribable regret and unwillingness... Hahaha..."

"It doesn't matter what happens. If even His Excellency Rumir resigns for the same reason, we really lack the pillars to rely on. After all, you are the only remaining important minister now..."

"That may not be true. After all, the fate of a kingdom can not be decided by one or two old people, but needs you in your prime. It's not necessary for us old men to charge on the battlefield... Once you think back to the past when we fought side by side with King Durand decades ago, there will be some unspeakable sadness... At that time, many of you were young knights who were still addicted to drinking and duels!"

The ministers laughed happily and followed Rumir back to the royal city. Only a young official in the crowd seemed to hesitate for a moment before he stepped forward to follow everyone's team.

Rolinforth's horse motorcade left the royal city for about a kilometer and stopped at the woods on the roadside. The high priest opened the door and got out of the car, signaling the escort guard to gather together:

"If there is no accident, the location of the operation should be two kilometers away. Now confirm your responsibilities again. Do you understand what to do next?"

"I understand!"

"Follow the plan and spread out separately. Please note that no matter what happens before receiving the order, no one is allowed to act without authorization. Please keep this in mind!"

"I understand!"

After agreeing and salute in unison, the guards dispersed and quickly disappeared into the woods. Rollinforth returned to the carriage again, closed the door and closed the curtains. After stopping for five minutes, the carriage continued to move forward.

The narrow road one kilometer in front of the path was blocked by rocks, and the carriage had to stop here. Hearing the driver's complaint, Rollinforth coughed majestically in the car:

"What's going on? What are you talking about?

"In rude, Mr. High Priest, this path is a shortcut to the territory. I have never encountered such a strange situation countless times, but today's road is suddenly blocked by a pile of stones. According to common sense, there will be no gravel cracking here..."

"Well... As expected, the location is here! It seems that I, an elderly person, really has no recession at all. Retirement or something is still a few years earlier! Poor guys, you want to take my life with this trick..."

"Your Excellency, what are you talking about? You mean this is someone..."

"What are you talking about! Get out of the car and hide aside now! If you spend any more time, your life will not be saved!"

The driver jumped off the carriage in surprise and rushed to the corner that was enough to hide. Rollinforth did not jump out of the car. The whole carriage was as quiet as if it suddenly froze, as if waiting for something suddenly to come.

Time passed minute by minute in this dead silence... After about fifteen minutes, there was a sharp roar from the sky.

It's Griffin!

Not only Griffin, but also several fireballs and wind blades came. The carriage was torn apart under this mixed attack and turned into coke together with the horses. However, despite such an attack, Rollinforth in the car did not have any counterattack action...

Was it torn to pieces together with the carriage at the moment of attack? Anyway, there is no sign that he is still alive.

A total of ten Griffins landed near the carriage, and three others circled and patrolled in the air. Ten knights in black cloak jumped off Griffin and carefully explored the movement around the wreckage of the carriage:

"Is there anyone else?"

"There are no people around, and no vision like Griffin has been found!"

What about Rollinforth? Have you died in the carriage?"

"I haven't found that he left the carriage just now, only the driver seems to have escaped..."

"Let the driver go! Our goal is just Rollinforth! Are you sure he hasn't left the carriage along the way?

"We have been following him since he got on the road, and we can make sure that he only got off the carriage once, as if the purpose is to dismiss his guard, and we haven't seen him get out of the carriage since..."

"Demobilization of the Guard? What is that for? Have you found our whereabouts?

"If we find our intention, we should return to the royal city immediately, and will not dismiss the guard and move forward alone, right? Maybe he didn't want the guard to follow him. He has always been such an old man who never admits defeat, hasn't he?

"Maybe so... I really don't know what the old devil is thinking about... Hey! Did you find the old man's body?

The knight who carefully searched for the wreckage of the carriage stood up after a busy time:

"No finding!"

"No? Has it been blown into dust by our magic?

"It's unlikely! The magic we use has been limited to the most appropriate level, and even if we die under magic, we should leave traces of corpses! Is that old guy not in the carriage at all?

"How is that possible! We have never seen him leave the carriage! Can he get out of the ground?"

"In a word, we seem to have been fooled by him... evacuate immediately! There must be an ambush around here..."

The knights hurried back to their mounts to escape from the scene. Suddenly, there was a faint scream in the sky. Everyone raised their heads in panic and saw the three knights who had been in charge of air patrol falling into the distance together with Griffin.

"There is indeed an ambush!"

The knights pulled out their weapons together to prepare for resistance, and then there were loud shouts around, and about 100 knights appeared on the horizon ahead.

"Yes... is the magical knight unit of the Fenrill Order!"

A knight shouted in panic:

"We are surrounded! If you surrender immediately, maybe..."

"Bastard! Now even if we surrender, we can't survive! Anyway, we launched a rebellion, and it was aimed at the old devil Rollinforth! Do you think that old guy will let me live!"

"So what should we do?"

"There is no other way but to fight to the death!"

The leading knight quickly stepped on the mount, and the other knights could only jump on Griffin:

"Kill bravely! With Griffin's power, you can definitely tear through the breakthrough! Anyway... we are also glorious nobles!"

"What else can a noble name do now..."

Although everyone wanted to refute this, when they thought about it carefully, they felt that there was no choice but to fight to the death, so they summoned up the courage to rush behind.

With Griffin's power, it will not be a problem to break through from above...

However, after Griffin was lift-up, everything in front of them shocked them:


The huge warship is staying in front of it, staring at the dark muzzle... In other words, whether they continue to move forward or turn around and retreat, they will be smashed to pieces by gunfire in a blink of an eye.

"I have arranged such a big formation... I really think highly of us!"

The leading knight gritted his teeth and then drove the mount to descend quickly, aiming at the knight troops in front of him:

"Tear the breakthrough! Assault!"

At the moment of casting magic, the magic of the knight troops also attacked at the same time.

Unlike ordinary magic melee, the members of the Knights of Fenrill used the same attribute magic that could only be agreed and synchronized after repeated training. In an instant, a huge water wall rushed straight at him, which not only solved the magic he used, but also quickly devoured him and his companions. Our bodies.

"Sure enough... I still can't do it... That old bastard of Rollinforth..."

After gritting his teeth and bursting out a sentence, his consciousness also went away.

It seemed that his skin was stung by something, and the coma knight leader slowly opened his eyes after twitching a few times. There is a strange scene in front of him:

Rolinforth, Rumir, and Selysia all surrounded him with indifferent eyes...

Why would Her Majesty...

The knight trembled all over, and his vague consciousness finally woke up. He stood up reluctantly with the pain on his body, but did not kneel down to the queen:

"Her Majesty..."

"Kneel down!"

Rumil shouted angrily, and then a waiter came forward and tried to put him to the ground. Selysia shook her hand at everyone:

"Don't embarrass him anymore. It's just insulting his dignity to ask him to kneel at this moment. Although you have not harmed me, your actions against the high priest are equivalent to treason. This is a decree set by my father. Have you completely forgotten, Lord Zamer?

"Her Majesty... Do you still call me 'Qing'? I am no longer qualified..."

"Before I issued a formal punishment order, I didn't call you that, Zamerqing. However, you must give me a reasonable explanation. Is your reason for doing so because Your Excellency the High Priest has deprived you of the title of your family?

"This is just one of the reasons... Although it makes me angry that 'the nobles without any merit have to hand over the corresponding power', I won't take such action simply for this reason... I just can't stand all kinds of transcendental acts of the high priest! From his arbitrary deprivation of the names of various nobles, to the incident of King Durand, and later random arrangement of substitutes when you disappeared... This kind of royal behavior! I can't stand it anymore! That's why I decided to take advantage of the opportunity of the high priest's recollection to take him anyway... But I didn't expect that I would be counted from the beginning..."

"That's because you're too young, Zamer."

Rolinforth "hummed" heavily:

"Although I never seek to be understood by you young people, I must tell you that my loyalty to the kingdom is not the turn of young people like you to question it. Whatever the reason, I don't care about your life, but your behavior..."

"I don't want to hear a lesson from you old man! You old man who only knows how to seduce the former king and deceive the queen..."

"Shut up! Zamerqing!"

The queen rarely showed anger in front of everyone, which surprised everyone:

"Her Majesty..."

"Zamer, please don't forget that I am also your descendant than young! I was also dissatisfied and even angry with the style of His Excellency the High Priest, and vowed to cut off his head as soon as I became the queen. However, I now deeply understand why my father had such trust in him, because he only carried in every word and every decision he carried against Haier Milan. Unlimited loyalty! Since we are in the same country, we must work together for the strength of this country. This is not something that can be solved by me, the high priest, or a young man like you alone. Don't you understand this truth?

"Her Majesty..."

"Where is your love for the country while venting your personal desires? Where is the love for the family? Although your father was deprived of his position, he never had any resentment, but left a rich legacy for you with his merits, but you did not consider these details at all, but simply vent your useless personal resentment! Please ask yourself, how long can Haier Milan last under the fierce attack of Silas? Can you get your current position without the High Priest?

"My status today... Your Majesty! You mean..."

"You can have everything you have today because of the selfless assistance of His Excellency the High Priest, not just your personal efforts! However, you don't seem to understand what gratitude is... What's the difference between making such a stupid move today and a rebellion? Now I'm afraid that no matter who you are, I can't excuse you anymore..."

Zamel looked at Rollinforth's deep eyes and lowered his head silently. After a moment, he muttered to himself in a desperate tone:

"Sure enough, everything is too late... I am no longer qualified to ask for forgiveness... But... It doesn't seem to end so easily, Your Majesty... I'm sorry that there is nothing I can do. Please take care of your noble life... For the great Haier Milan, please take care of yourself. ......”


Zamel's body suddenly collapsed, and Rumier helped him up in surprise, and then shook his head helplessly:

"Her Majesty... Zamer committed suicide by taking poison."

"Why... Why did you do such a stupid thing... I won't blame you too much for this, Mr. Zamer. Why do you young people always rely on blood but can't see the truth of the truth and don't want to work with me for the future of the kingdom... Is it in your hearts? Is the so-called family dignity really beyond everything?

"For some people, fame is indeed supreme, and no power and outsiders can take away. Maybe we are indeed too urgent on this point. After all, Haier Milan is a country with a long aristocratic tradition... Your Majesty, considering various reasons, it is Isn't it easy to deal with Zamer's matter?"

"Since he has atoneed for his death, there is no need to embarrass his family... Do what you want, Sir Rowling Forth. But... I hope such a tragedy will not happen again. No matter who is lost, it is an immeasurable loss for the kingdom. We can no longer bear this loss."

"I understand, please rest assured."

Sericia turned around with a soft sigh, but the sudden roar above her head immediately pulled her attention back:

"What's that call? Is it Griffin?"

"No...looks like a bigger guy than Griffin..."

Rolinforth looked carefully at the shadow in the sky and suddenly changed his face:

"It's a dragon! It's the legendary dragon!"


All the people present were shocked, but after the shadow quickly expanded their bodies, they found that what Rollinforth said was true:

"Why do legendary monsters appear here? This is obviously only available to Sierras..."

"Is it Silas's conspiracy? I really can't believe the nonsense of people like Gustav!"

"B bastard barbarian! Such a despicable trick was arranged..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Rolinforth waved his hand to stop everyone's argument:

"That's what Zamel just said, 'Please take care of your noble life'! That is to say, this should be one of Zamer's plans, not just Silas's conspiracy! The whole army is ready to fight!"

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The guarded knights quickly unfolded their formation, and the warships patrolling in the sky also quickly changed direction and began to shell. However, they could not hit smoothly at the high speed of the dragon that could not be captured. With the roar of the dragon, the warship was immediately swallowed up by the scorching flames.

"Oh no! The warship couldn't resist the attack of the magic dragon! What a terrible force that is!"

"Come here! Meet!"

After all, the magic knights are well-trained troops. Even in the face of such a strong enemy, they still performed the "tornado" together without fear. However, this amazing cooperation magic is still vulnerable before the flame of the dragon. After the heat wave, only a few burnt bodies are left on the ground. Selysia, who witnessed this tragedy, pressed her panic and gave the order:

"Retreat quickly! Don't continue to resist. Now we are not its opponents at all!"

However... despite the order to retreat, the remaining knights still shouted "Protect the Queen" in front of her and resisted in vain. Although every time after the flame of the magic dragon, someone will turn into a burnt corpse, the magic knights still support it bitterly.

" Stop it! Don't go any further! Hurry up and retreat!"

"If we retreat, we will be immediately killed by the dragon! Your Majesty! Please retreat first! Leave it to us to block it!"

Rollinforth roared and used a huge water bomb at the dragon, but as strong as the high priest, he could not hurt the dragon at all. After slaughtering another group of magic knights, the magic dragon rushed straight to Celicia.


Sericia let out a miserable cry, and the flame of the dragon had mercilessly surged towards her. When he felt that the scorching heat was about to devour his consciousness, Rollinforth suddenly rushed over and stood in front of her.

"No...don't, Lord Luo Linfus!"

"Her Majesty... It seems that even if you don't want to retire this time... I'm really sorry..."

Rollinforth smiled apologetically and then fell to the ground and died. Selysia, who was shocked by this scene, seemed to lose her self-consciousness in an instant, but opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the roaring monster in front of her.

"Her Majesty!"

Rumil's anxious voice came from one side, and he was ready to rush forward to resist the deadly flames. However, Selysia not only did not intend to escape, but raised the magic wand in her hand.

"Her Majesty! What do you want to do!"

Seeing that Selysia was also going to die under the flame of the magic dragon, Rumir couldn't wait to exchange positions with the queen in an instant at this moment. Even the attack launched by the Knights of Fenrill can't work. What effect can the Queen's power have? Is she really crazy because of the huge sacrifice in front of her?

In the next second, the flames of the dragon and Selysia exploded in front of him at the same time. To his surprise, the queen's flame completely fused the breath of the magic dragon in an instant and then devoured its body. From the tragic sound of the magic dragon, it can be concluded that the queen's magic blow worked.

"This...what's going on?"

Rumir stayed where he was, and everything in front of him had made him lose his ability to think.