Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Blood Dawn Eleventh Six

Eleventh-6 sunset

"What a sad ending. Even as an enemy, I can't help feeling sorry for that young man."

Xilu stood alone in Lyon's tomb and maintained her lonely appearance for almost two hours. Even loyd could not persuade her at all, and finally she could only let her go. Gustav stared at the thin back and sighed while asking questions:

"Although I can understand the pain of losing an important minister... Is the Queen's attitude too extreme? I also admit that as a future enemy, it is really a regrettable thing to lose such an opponent. However, since you are on the battlefield, you must be ready to die at any time, which is also the righteousness of soldiers. Why does the Queen have to be worried about this?

Lode was silent for a moment before answering helplessly:

"Because for Haile Milan, His Excellency Lyon is extraordinary."


"Many generals have lost their lives in the battle with your country. I heard from the war report that General Wilsam, who was seriously injured in your country's raid not long ago, has finally died... For our country, Lyon is the last hope and pillar. I'm afraid that not only Her Majesty, but also the whole kingdom will fall into In the deep sadness."

"I also agree that it is a well-deserved honor for Mr. Lyon to force Heland to such an extent and formulate such a beautiful and bold breakthrough battle. General Lagna of our country will also be deeply sorry to learn this news. He has been eager to compete with His Excellency Lyon.

"If there are other reasons... Maybe it's because Your Excellency Lyon himself is very easy to fall in love with women, so even if she already has a beloved partner, it is not strange that Her Majesty will like Lyon."

"That's really full of romantic reasons, but I'm happy to accept such an explanation. By the way, Mr. loyd, will the Queen have a strong sense of revenge? Are you worried about this?

"Revenge... Maybe this is also an inevitable result! However..."

"As you are worried, this is not a reassible thing, because I was dominated by this consciousness, and I made various decisions that were regarded as crazy in the war, so that I put the fate of the two countries on an unbalanced balance. You must feel the same way, right? If the Queen is dominated by revenge like me, I'm afraid your parliament will go from peace to the edge of madness again..."

"I'm not worried about this. Her Majesty is by no means the kind of person who will lose her calmness... It should be said that if it had been before, maybe she would have done so, but now she is different. Take a step back and say that if she really makes such a decision, I will try my best to stop her..."

"So, is this the so-called guardian knight?"

Loide's heart suddenly trembled... He tried his best to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, and his long-trained face did not show any strangeness:

"Speaking of which, I am indeed a guardian knight..."

"Your owner is the rumored Miss Xilu, right?"

"It's indeed Miss Xilu, but what do the so-called rumors refer to?"

"You should know this better than me! Even if nothing else is mentioned, the meritorious deeds of Miss Xilu in the defense of the royal city of Haier Milan surprised our country. I don't know if you have heard of the name 'Blenxiud'?

"Your Majesty refers to the 'legendary great magician'?"

"Of course, this is a well-known fact in the mainland. However, if the rumored great magician appeared beside him, it might be another scene, right?

"Does Your Majesty want to tell me that Miss Xilu is Brunshud?"

"You don't seem to be surprised?"

"Because I've heard such a rumor for a long time, and... I also believe it's true. Because Brunsude's power is feared by the mainland, I have more value as a guardian knight. So my duty is destined to be to guard by a Brunsud, not to stage a tragedy like Celine in the past.

"It's really full of optimism. Do you know that the guardian knight or Brunswick is accompanied by the definition of tragedy, or do you want to fight against fate? In this case, I also have a question that I want to get your exact answer... If you can't guide the power of Brunsude and put Miss Desilu on the dark road, what choice will you make?

"Then I will follow my choice. Since I have made an oath with the other party, I will accompany her to go on, even if I am against the whole world."

"I don't know how to evaluate you for a while, but... it should be said that you are still a straightforward person that I admire! Being able to make this choice based on one's heart is at least quite valuable compared with those hypocritical things. If Miss Xilu heard you say these words here, she would be deeply moved, right?

"On the contrary, she will definitely scold me as a 'stupid' and beat me up... She will never put anyone around her in danger because of herself. She is that kind of person."

"Is that why you are willing to give up to her? Although this explanation really makes me laugh, it is also full of envy, because you will not have any scruples about the criticisms of the world... This is a situation that many people are fascinated by, but not many people can achieve it.

"Thank you for your praise. In fact... I'm not as great as your majesty said. For the mainland, I'm just a dangerous factor."

"Then you and I are on the same front, because I am synonymous with danger in the eyes of the mainland countries."

"After all, he is still different from His Majesty, and he has no ambition to control the fate of the mainland."

"I have never had it either. Although in the eyes of the countries, I have always been ambitious for the power of the mainland, in fact, I have never even dreamed of this. I don't want to control the mainland, but I want to control my own fate. I am a poor person who can't control my own destiny..."

"What Your Majesty said today surprised me. It seems that I, like the people of the countries in your majesty's mouth, have only a simple appearance, but your majesty itself is like a deep sea. The deeper you go down, the more you feel full of unspeakable mystery..."

"Your praise for me is also a little too much. No matter what you say or do, it can't change the fact that we are mortals, and mortals should have the law of mortal survival and cannot be equated with the immortal gods. Neither the king nor the Brensud nor the guardian knight can escape this definition.

"Like Your Majesty said."

"Do you know what makes me feel the saddest? That's why the people I can talk to are all enemies of the past or future, not the subjects of my own country... Is this a strange luck or a wonderful irony? My so-called king of Sierras, everything I have in my hands is so sad...hahaha! I'm really speechless about such a reality..."

"Then there is no need to complain about such a reality, Mr. Gustav."

In the midst of a cherished conversation, the two did not realize that Xilu did not know when to return to them:

"Let's go quickly. We still have a lot of things to do."

"Your Majesty, have you calmed down?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Gustav. What about me... I had a good conversation with Leon just now.

"Oh? Is it the so-called heart-to-heart transmission?

"That's it. Lyon only told me one sentence, but for me, it's enough.

"I wonder if I can listen to the teachings of His Excellency Lyon from heaven?"

"You can't stop walking until you close your eyes forever, let alone ignore your true intentions for various reasons... That fool, if you had followed this rule earlier, there would not have been such an end today! However, as he said, we can't stop here, and the unfinished ideals are still in front of us! Lord, the remnant troops of the country, led by Alvin, should have broken out of the encirclement. We must strengthen the patrol and find and cooperate with them as soon as possible.

"I understand, but what are Her Majesty's plans for the next?"

What other plans do you have? Do your best to defeat Hland!"

"Does defeat mean the destruction of Heland?"

"Of course, such an opportunity will not be missed if it can perish! King Durand was killed before, and Lyon died in the battle... Herland's crimes are unforgivable!"

"Her Majesty...!"

Loide looked at the other party in surprise, but Xilu's pale face did not show much color that worried him. He turned to the ring in Xilu's hand and was immediately shocked by the faint blue luster:


The impact of Lyon's death made Celine, who was too obsessed with the resentment of "losing her lover", wake up again and try to dominate Xilu... This reality made loyd's spirit involuntarily reach extreme tension. Fortunately, Xilu still maintains her will. Perhaps it is that Xilu's spiritual power has reached a level enough to compete with Celine with her own maturity. Or maybe Lyon's death has not caused excessive damage to Xilu as imagined. However, Celine has also affected Xilu silently. It has been confirmed that although it is not possible to assert what the consequences will be after she wakes up completely, at least it can be concluded that Xilu's consciousness will disappear...

In any case, we can't let such worries become a reality, otherwise it is not a situation that can be described by words such as "big things are bad". At least, in terms of selfishness, I don't want Xilu to be suddenly replaced by another woman. Loyd came forward with some restlessness and held her hand:

"Her Majesty..."

"Don't worry."

Xilu gently shook off his hand, with a relaxed look on her face:

"It's just a small accident, and I don't need you to worry about me. Don't worry, although Lyon died in the war, at least you are still with me, I won't lose confidence and hope. Anyway, I'm going to make Hland pay..."

Xilu's amazing courage made loyd tremble unconsciously, and even made him doubt whether Xilu had been replaced by Celine at this moment, but he finally denied this speculation from her familiar eyes. In order to hide his uneasiness, he secretly gestured to Xilu, indicating that "you do not have the power to make such a decision on behalf of the Queen." Xilu nodded with understanding, and then turned to Gustav and bent down:

"I don't know if I can use your power?"

"What does the Queen mean?"

"Now I don't have many troops to command, and it's just an empty talk to avenge Lyon, but after joining the remaining national army, I can have the power to fight back. At that time, I hope you can give me the right to move freely and command my army to fight against the Kingdom of Heland.

"You are laughing, Your Majesty. In any way, you are my guest, not my subordinate. The so-called 'power to act freely' is too polite. However, I also remember telling you that I asked you to accompany me just to be a witness of history, but now, do you want to personally devote yourself to this uncertain battlefield of life and death? At that time, I can no longer guarantee that you can retreat..."

"Please don't worry about my safety, Mr. Gustav. Since it's my own decision, I won't back down for all kinds of reasons.

After Xilu saluted again, she quickly ran towards the rear warship. Gustav stared at her back with great interest and smiled at Loyde:

"This queen is still a very reliable person at the critical moment, and it seems that I have not gone asted. Just why do you look a little uneasy? Is it because the Queen's decision is a thoughtless move in your heart?

"I have no intention to criticize Her Majesty's opinion... However, this is indeed quite a resourceful decision. Anyway, I must stop this result from happening... It's really rude to make Your Majesty laugh."

After returning to the room, Xilu seemed to have lost all her strength again. She, who was paralyzed in **, had no previous fighting spirit at all, but held her shoulder and trembled. Loyd closed the door sadly and came to her side and hugged Xilu's shoulder:

"Are you afraid, Xilu?"

"It's more than fear... I don't know what to do anymore! Why did I just say such ignorant words... Why am I not the real queen, but I unconsciously began to replace her role and even use her power... What's wrong with me? Is it true that Lyon's death has confused my mind?

Noting that her ring had lost its original blue luster, loyd held her in her arms and gently stroked her head:

"You have done nothing wrong. You are just loyal to your heart and made the right decision. Don't be afraid and don't be lost. No matter what you are going to do next, I will protect you.

"I... now I finally understand my true intention. I thought that Lyon's death would put me in an uncontrollable crazy state, but... I accepted this fact very calmly. Standing in front of Lyon's tomb, I even thought: Fortunately, it's not Loyde, otherwise I don't know what to do..."

"That is to say... in your heart, have I really taken the place of Lyon?"

"I don't know... I just have such a strange intuition... If this is true, will you be happy?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Don't men... all have such an exclusive desire?"

"Maybe that's the case... but I'm not so simple and selfish. When you fainted when you heard the news of Lyon's death, I knew exactly how much you loved him, so even if you say so now, I can guess that you are just deliberately pretending to be strong. But I will never be overwhelmed by the so-called jealousy as you said, so it's enough for you to face your own heart.

"You idiot... You don't understand at all!"

Xielu pushed away Loed hard, clenched her fist and roared at him:

"I'm not as strong as you said! I have been completely crushed by Lyon's death! Do you know what it means for me to say Lyon? But after waking up, I suddenly understood the feelings I really should face! So I don't do what you said at all now! Why are you always paranoid about your own judgment and refuse to face the reality..."

"I... are paranoid about my own judgment?"

"If you still don't understand, I can at least wake you up!"

With a crack, loyd was slapped in the face. This is really ruthless, and loyd's face suddenly swelled up. As soon as she saw the blood flowing from the corners of the other party's mouth, Xilu also jumped up in surprise:

"Stupid...stupid! Why don't you avoid it!"

"Because I also want to confirm reality... It should be said that I confirm my feelings like you."

"Confirm...what do you mean?"

"Now I can finally confirm the reality, sure enough... I'm still against Xilu..."

"Don't say this kind of repeated words a thousand times! Although... although it won't be annoying even if it is repeated ten thousand times..."

Xilu wiped away his blood and pulled him to sit down by the bed:

"But... what should we do next?"

"Of course, continue according to your decision."

"As I just said... Go on? But I don't understand why it was just now..."

"But since you made such a decision as the queen, if you go back halfway, I'm afraid it will lead to worse consequences? So no matter what, we can only stick to it like this..."

"Really... I'm the real fool!"

"There is a saying that 'the tiger is in a hurry to climb the tree', not to mention that you are not a real fool, and there will always be a feasible way. The first thing we need to do now is to join Alvin's troops, and then we can cooperate with Silas's fleet to launch a two-line battle. Although it is destined to be resisted by Hland, which will intensify the war in an all-round way, it is enough for us to minimize the damage with the Sierras army as the main force of the front. Anyway, leave everything to me, Gerald and Farnde.

"Yes... I almost forgot a few of them. Probably because these days, I am either you or Lyon... Speaking of which, I still have some unspeakable fear of Farnde, and I always feel that he is not a really worthy person to rely on, but..."

"It may be reasonable to say that he is not worthy of relying on, because he temporarily cooperates with us for his own purposes, but he is a trustworthy guy, because like you and me, he is also a person loyal to his feelings."

"Yes... When it comes to loyalty to feelings, or love, what he did is really touching... But there is nothing to envy, because if it were you, you would have done the same. I don't need to envy his sealed lover."

"That's right. But to be honest, thanks to you, our situation is even more difficult.

"Don't be sarcastic about me anymore! What's the use of saying this now! Are you trying to revenge me because you were slapped in the face by me?

"I didn't mean that at all..."

"Then you can help me get through this difficult time!"

Xi Lu walked back and forth restlessly while biting her nails:

"I... Although I am now replacing the status of the Queen, I can't compare with Her Majesty in all aspects! In addition to magic, I am confident that I can beat her..."

"That's enough. After all, you are not the queen herself. Of course, it is impossible to be comparable to her in all aspects. By the way, do you have any special feelings about the ring in your hand?

"You mean 'clover'? What do you mean by how you feel about it?

"I've heard you say that the ring is boarded with Celine's soul and has been waiting for the day she wakes up, right?"

"That's what the mysterious phantom told me in Lake Libianta. What's the problem?"

" you have the impression of being dominated by Celine?"

"Every time I feel the power of the ring explodes, I lose consciousness, so I don't have any memory of being dominated by Celine at all. However, I heard from you last time that at the seaside of Loriley, I suppressed Fran in a coma just with the power of Celine in the ring. I can't imagine how much her real power has reached..."

"So, this ring is too dangerous for you. In fact, Celine's power has dominated your will several times, and you can't compete with her existence at all. Whenever the power of the ring wakes up, I worry that Xilu will leave me, and this worry will become a reality every time. If you are under too much pressure to cause Celine to wake up completely, then my significance as a guardian knight will completely disappear..."

"Since your worries are meaningless, don't worry any more!"

Xilu stretched out her right index finger and squinted at the tip of his nose:

"What is your duty as a guardian knight...?"

"Of course, guarding your side as your left and right hands and mind..."

"That's right! So, isn't it your duty to protect me from being swallowed up by Celine's power? If you don't think you can do it, I can remove your guardian knight position..."

"Please don't make such a difficult request to me. But I hope you can give me a reasonable answer. Why do you still want to give up this ring when you know it has such a dangerous power?

"Yes... why? Probably because I was attracted by Celine's story! What a pair of lovers worthy of our sympathy... Don't you think so? Therefore, in any case, I will find a way to fulfill their last wish so that they can meet again in the sun in a real form one day.

"What a wish full of romantic definitions... Although I can't predict what efforts or even sacrifices will be made to achieve this ideal, I will definitely stand by your side and support you until the last moment, and I believe you will achieve this great long-cherished wish for them."