Legend of the God

Chapter 127 Hanging Order - Death of Huanzhen

After receiving the report of the Gopher, the Rat King took the flower bell and other four demons to the entrance to explore the situation, while the frost took care of Shen Yan for fear that she would have another accident.

That day, after the Rat King returned to his dream with Huanzhen, who had only one breath left, Frost tried his best to rescue him at the request of Mu Yunfei. It was not until this time that Huanzhen woke up.

The green mountain is not old, and its head is white because of the snow. Although Huanzhen still has a breath, now the golden elixir has been completely shattered by Huan Yu, lost his spiritual power, and the meridians are broken. At this time, it is a miracle that he is not dead. Huanzhen, who had originally maintained a middle-aged appearance, quickly aged after becoming an ordinary person with the disappearance of Jindan.

Looking at the remnants of the wind and candle in front of him, it seems that he will drive to the west at any time. Turin's hatred for imprisoning his father Lingyu for ten years also seems to have eased a lot. What he wanted to say also swallowed his stomach at this time, but said in a slightly questioning tone:

"Huanzhen, can you tell me now why you framed my second brother? And as the son of your righteous brother, I would like to ask you why my father was imprisoned in those years?

"Your father?" Huanzhen, who was at the head of the bed, opened his bloody eyes and looked straight at Turin, but then shook his head. Obviously, he didn't know who the father was in Turin's mouth.

"Why, have you forgotten? My father is a spiritual rain!"

When Turin said the name of Lingyu word by word, his godless face was full of pain, and he suddenly cried loudly and said repeatedly:

"Lingyu, my good brother, I hurt you for my brother!"

Where is this performance? Listening to Huanzhen's words, I felt that he was definitely crying sincerely from the bottom of his heart, which made Turin a little confused for a moment. But after Huanzhen calmed down and told everything, Turin suddenly realized.

What kind of person is Huanzhen? In fact, he is not a person who disdains power and status as he seems on the surface. What he did before was just shown to the mysterious man "silver demon girl" who controls him behind him. Because Huan really understands that he is absolutely not the only one in this world who is controlled by this person, or a mysterious organization, so there must be a lot of eyeliners around him, so he slowly shows his enthusiasm for the status of power. Only by being such a greedy person can people relax their vigilance and put down their guard.

As before, he deliberately showed such urgency as the removal of the leader of the demon alliance at the Xiuzhen Conference, which is nothing more than to want other sects to stand up against him, so that he can justly destroy the plan of the "Silver Demon Girl" to control the cultivation world!

However, it was a pity that Qian Kun, who was unknown at that time, in order to find out the truth about Duanmu Qingyun's murder in that year, deliberately made Huanzhen sit in the position of the leader of the alliance in a way similar to cheating, but the result was equivalent to forcing Huanzhen to continue to act and continue to do some things to "cultivate the real world for disaster"!

In fact, before the battle of Luofu Mountain, Huanzhen has learned from the mouth of the "silver demon girl" that the real goal of the demon gate is to be in the Fumoyuan, and the perfect strategy set up by Luofu Mountain to destroy the masters of all the gates is not from the spirit snake king Chang Yu. Obviously, all this is under the control of the "silver demon girl".

On the surface, Huan Zhen still took the elites to Luofu Mountain according to the instructions of the "Silver Demon Girl", but when he discussed the war with the leaders of various factions several times, he hinted that the factions should strictly guard the door in case of accidents! Even after passing through the ten DA arrays, he made most of his disciples turn to the sect one after another, just to save the lives of more monks. In fact, he did do it!

As for framing Mu Yunfei, it is no wonder that he was taking Yan Rulong and others back to Kunlun under Luofu Mountain. Obviously, he was still fighting against the often unscrupulous Mu Yunfei, but appeared in front of them. Originally, Huanzhen was still very confused, but a person's appearance could be changed, but his breath was done. Don't fake it.

But what caught him off guard still happened. Mu Yunfei, who came to him, suddenly launched an attack, but what puzzled him was that although he was hit in the head, he did not suffer any damage. However, Yan Rulong, Jiuding and others, who had exhausted their aura in a series of wars, were not so lucky and were soon stunned by Mu Yunfei. When Huanzhen was left alone, Mu Yunfei stopped and proudly told Huanzhen that the battle of Luofu Mountain was caused by him and the demon family. Huanzhen knew that he was not Mu Yunfei's enemy at this moment. Just as he was ready to fight desperately, Huanyu appeared in time. Mu Yunfei saw it and immediately disappeared.

Because of this, Huan has always been full of resentment and hostility to Mu Yunfei, and did not hesitate to issue a hanging order against Mu Yunfei in the world of cultivation!

However, five years later, the dialogue when he ambushed Mu Yunfei on Liupan Mountain finally reminded Huanzhen of everything that should not have forgotten, Lingyu, Qinglan Forbidden Land, distraction DA method, five poisons and so on flashed in his mind one by one. At that time, he realized that all this came from the calculation of his good brother Huanyu.

Mu Yunfei learned from Lingyu that the situation ten years ago was like this:

After the mountain torrent, Huanzhen, Huanyu and Lingyu miraculously came to the bitterly searched Qinglan Forbidden Land. When they passed through the magic array, Huanyu was seriously injured. When Lingyu, who successfully obtained the secret method of Qinglan, decided to stay in the forbidden place for a period of time, Huanzhen and Huanyu left first with the "Five Poisons" and the evil soul faction's DA method respectively, but not long after, Huanzhen returned. Not only severely damaged Lingyu and imprisoned him in the stone room, but also forcibly took away Qinglan's secret. The first volume of the law, Lingdan.

However, the fact is that Huanyu is not as simple as the deputy head of the Yuqing Sect. He is the descendant of the evil soul faction that was destroyed thousands of years ago, so he has practiced the "God DA Method". At that time, Huanyu was not injured, but he deliberately pretended to be. The "huanzhen" that returned was also transformed by him with the distraction DA method. Because the breath was the same, Lingyu mistakenly thought it was Huanzhen!

Returning to Kunlun Mountain, after slightly changing the familiar "God DA Method", he found Huanzhen and exchanged it with him on the grounds of studying the Five Poisons, while Huanzhen, who did not know the truth, agreed without hesitation.

Although this divine DA method is also a superior skill, Huanzhen believes that it is an evil cultivation after all. He just read it in a hurry. After a little understanding, he did not practice.

Ten years later, at the foot of Luofu Mountain, Huanyu's old trick was repeated, turning into Mu Yunfei's appearance to cover this memory of Huanzhen, and severely damaged everyone with five poisons, and then caused his appearance to shock away the illusion of "Mu Yunfei"!

After saying this, Huanzhen's face was getting worse and worse. After gritting his teeth, he continued reluctantly:

"Torino, I can only infer this. At first, I couldn't figure out why he did this. But now I have completely understood that Huanyu must also be the 'silver demon girl'. And I, your father's spiritual rain and several leaders who were poisoned by the forbidden spirit are all pawns in their carefully arranged chess game. In order for them to better control the demon elimination alliance and unify the true world, they pointed all the spearheads at me. Now as long as I die, it can be said that there is no proof of death, and the sanctimonious Huanyu can naturally take over the position of the leader of the Demon Removal League! Cough, cough, cough!"

Speaking of this, Huanzhen's words began to be intermittent and coughed violently. His originally pale face had now turned into a gray color.

As the saying goes, people know that they are about to die, and their words are also good. Turin can be sure that there is no reason to lie, let alone lie. And for such a wish to give up his little self, he has already replaced his hatred with reverence.

Seeing Huanzhen's appearance at this time, Turin knew that his limit was approaching. Just as he was preparing to introduce the aura into Huanzhen's body, he was blocked by Huanzhen's withered hands.

"Torino, I know my own situation, and there is no need to waste aura for me! After listening to my words, do you still remember the old beggar and the little fool who suddenly appeared during the foundation-building period?

That old man, cough, cough, in fact, I knew that it was not your father. He deliberately said that in the Sanqing Palace, just because your eldest brother Linggull is also a descendant of Qinglanguan. Cough, cough, cough. After that, the elder came to me and told me that 'Wolf's ambition can be killed!'

At first, I didn't play for the tiger because my senior was hinting at me, but now I understand that it was not the vulture that I was invited that night, but the world's feathers. First, it was to prevent me from doubting the vulture, and second, I could test how much I knew about what he did. So, cough, cough, so be careful when you see your eldest brother in the future. He and Huanyu are obviously the same. Also, tell Mu Yunfei that the one who killed his father in those years was actually..."

"Senior, who is it? Senior, wake up, senior..."

When he really wanted to tell the real murderer, he swallowed his last breath. Turin, who shook his head, had to close Huanzhen's still open eyes helplessly, sighed, and turned around and walked out of the room. Looking at the simple scaffold built for Mu Yunfei before, I couldn't help muttering to myself, who killed the second brother's father? Huanyu? Silver Demon Girl? Or is there someone else?