Legend of the God

Chapter 142 Monument of Prophecy - Out

One was seriously injured, and the other was unable to move. Lingyu and his son had to watch the falling Yuqing Palace and hit them at the top of their heads. At this time, two red and blue figures suddenly appeared in the original position of Yuqing Palace. Before Lingyu could see whether the two were human or demons, a pain made him completely faint.

"Finally out! Humph, I've been sleepy for thousands of years, but I didn't expect to see the sun again! Human beings, just wait for my revenge! Haha!"

This self-proclaimed beast is a strange monster with a blue body and looks like a mantis, but it has a long snake tail, which is twice as long as its body. Although these are very fable, it is like a baby who likes to suck his fingers, and he is always unwilling to let go of the mouth that bites his tail.

But don't be confused by such seemingly mentally retarded behavior. Among the ancient fierce beasts, when it comes to power, they are under these scorpion. They are born with divine power. In the two pairs of crab-like forelimbs in the six-legged have the power of sputum. After being hit with all their full strength, it can be said that they are nine dead! It shows its strength. Fortunately, the speed of these scorps is average, otherwise there will be another one in the world!

However, the real terrible thing for Zhu Qian is not such a huge force, but its snake tail with its mouth in its mouth when walking and coiled when sleeping. This snake's tail can emit a light wave that is invisible to the naked eye. This kind of light wave is like a radio wave. The frequency can be adjusted at will according to the strength of Zhu Qian. As long as it can be consistent with the brain wave of the target, it can be attacked or controlled!

After laughing for a while, Zhu Qian finally vented his depression in his heart, then looked at the blood standing behind him and muttered to himself:

"If I can come out this time, I really want to thank the accompanying blood demon king. If her strength hadn't come from those low-level blood demons, I really don't know how to control her! However, it's really tiring to control so many monsters! Well, it's good to go to the mysterious whirlpool to restore spiritual power first, let these humble and ugly human beings live comfortably for a period of time!"

After saying that, he quickly shot north with blood into two streams of light, and the monsters who had besieged the Yuqing Sect retreated like the tide at this moment. In a flash, except for the mess left by the war and the extra Yuqing Palace covering the whole mountain, everything on this huge Yuqing peak returned to its former tranquility.

The next day, when the sun passed through the thick clouds and dispelled the chilly fog on the top of the mountain, only the dialogue came from the ruins:

"Dad, are you all right?"

"Well, it's okay, but my leg is pressed. Damn, how did this Yuqing Palace fall down! And those two figures, the red one must be Xueyi, but who is the cyan one? Is there any more powerful master than Huanyu in this Yuqing Palace?"

"Now that the aura of my whole body has been exhausted, it seems that if we want to go out, we can only wait for the aura to recover. By the way, Dad, do you think there will be nothing wrong with my second sister-in-law in the secret room of Yuqing Palace?

"I really don't know! It can only be seen in her creation! Alas, I have been in a coma for ten years. Fortunately, Huanzhen built such a secret room before, otherwise..."

This dialogue comes from Turin and Lingyu, the father and son who escaped from the dead. Of course, being buried under the Yuqing Palace without dying is by no means good luck or luck. That's because at the critical moment, the ice sword that got the spiritual rain in the forbidden land of Qinglan actually supported the boulder that fell to the two, and the result was that the boulder indirectly over the fallen Yuqing Palace, which saved the two. Life.

And the second sister-in-law in Turin's mouth was Shen Yan. On that day, the essence of frost and water temporarily relieved the injury in Shen Yan's body, but as Li Wei said, everything seemed to be in vain. Because Shen Yan's whole body's meridians have been damaged and she is unconscious, she can't cooperate with the essence of water to heal her wounds. What the frost has done is nothing more than hanging her breath!

But as if everyone did not give up Mu Yunfei, they did not give up treating Shen Yan. While the major masters took turns to protect their hearts, they looked for the strongest aura in the world to maintain the only trace of aura in Shen Yandan's field. Huangtian lived up to his heart. After the Holy League took over the Yuqing Palace, Turin accidentally found the secret room built by Li Wei and Huanzhen. Although it saved Shen Yan's life, it was no different from a vegetative man. No one knew when she would wake up! Now that the Yuqing Palace has been destroyed, Turin is naturally very worried!

"Dad, brother, where are you coming from? Dad, brother..."

This vague shout passed through the gravel crack and vaguely reached their ears. At this moment, Turin, who was still worried, finally appeared on his face. It was his sister Chang Yu who arrived! So the ice sword lying on his side and hit the huge stone with its hilt, dong, dong, dong...


Since Lao Liu followed him, Mu Yunfei knew everything about him. It turned out that Lao Liu was also a miserable person. Like the previous five people, he was born in this underworld since he was a child, and he was also a descendant of a famous Xiuzhen family, a famous merchant Ling Yu!

The merchant is attached to Jialan and is ruled by King Jialan. Because his great-grandfather Shang Litian has always been the left and right hand of Jialan King, the merchant enjoys a very high status and prestige in the whole underworld. Shang Lingyu, who was born intelligent, was born in such a prominent family, and his future must be unlimited. However, it was such a big family that completely destroyed him!

Because Shang Lingyu is the direct descendant of the merchant and the leader at home, he is naturally a popular candidate to succeed the family owner. Since ancient times, the emperor's family has been the throne, and the feelings of brothers have not been broken. When his parents passed away early, how could the fashionable and young Shang Lingyu escape the open gun and hidden arrows of his heart!

Fortunately, the other party also seemed to have some scruples, so he went out in private to the famous "Five Ghosts of Shadow Wolf" in the killer world. When Shang Lingyu went to visit his great-grandfather Shang Litian, whom he had not seen for a long time, the five ghosts of the Shadow Wolf killed the guard who escorted Shang Lingyu halfway. Fortunately, Shang Lingyu was alert and saw the one who was old with him. After imitating and the dead book boy, he exchanged clothes when the scene was in chaos. After remembering the voices and appearance of the five people, he stabbed himself with pain and lay in the pile of dead people, which was lucky to escape.

Shang Lingyu, who escaped from the ascending sky, has a home and can't go back. What's the difference between going back and dying at this moment? So he hid his name in the underworld and began his wandering career. He was only ten years old that year!

Shang Lingyu, who is in his 20s, integrates the strengths of hundreds of schools and has the strength of Ningdan in the later period, but because what he has learned is too complicated, he has never broken through! After wandering on this bottleneck for nearly ten years, he met the first master of his life, but the two masters and apprentices are quite strange. The apprentice still doesn't know how to call the master's name, and the master has never asked what his name is! But under the guidance of this unknown teacher, Shang Lingyu successfully broke through and was promoted to the Jindan period!

Forty-year-old Shang Lingyu stopped to achieve Yuanying again. At this time, the second master appeared, and coincidentally, he was also an unknown teacher! However, this second master did not say goodbye without saying goodbye like the previous one, at least telling Shang Lingyu. After Yuanying's later period, he could be found in Jialan City!

Just when Shang Lingyu was preparing to go to Jialan in the later stage, he accidentally met the five ghosts of the shadow wolf, but the strength of these five people was between him. In order to avenge and explore who the five ghosts were instructed by the family that day, Shang Lingyu mixed in and became one with the five people, and finally became the sixth ghost of the shadow wolf. !

To Shang Lingyu's disappointment, these five ghosts have always collected money every time they take over the "business" and never care about their employers. Since it was impossible to find out what happened in those years, Shang Lingyu gave up, but the cruelty of the five ghosts made Shang Lingyu think about ways to get rid of these five people all the time! Coincamately, in order to get the skills in the ancient battlefield, the five people with their own ghosts gave Shang Lingyu the opportunity to take advantage of it. In the end, he not only avenged the guards who died tragically to protect himself, but also eradicated these hidden killers in the underworld!

"Ling Yu, are you sure it's in this direction?"

Mu Yunfei couldn't help frowning and asking, the bones sprinkled everywhere on the cracked land in front of him, and looked like a hell on earth.

"Although I haven't been to Jialan City for nearly 50 years, I will definitely go in the wrong direction. Nowadays, there is chaos and a lot of war. As the saying goes, the law of the jungle, we will become kings and lose the bandits. Maybe one day we will become one of them!"

Mu Yunfei looked at the helplessness on Shang Lingyu's face and had to sigh in his heart that no matter where he went, it was this sad war that never ended! How many people lost their lives for this inexplicable war?

Looking at the strange red and black sun in the sky, Mu Yunfei's eyes flashed away, tightened the black cloak covering the flying sand, and continued to move forward with firm steps towards Jialan City!