Legend of the God

Chapter 181 Bloody War - Blood World

Mu Yunfei, who was leaning against the incense case, shook his body continuously, and his body immediately became blurred and illusory. The next moment he was already in the hall!

I don't know how many times faster than fighting ghosts and immortals! But if you really think that this is the speed after Mu Yunfei's full recovery, it is a big mistake! This is not speed, but Zhang Yao and others went to Naihe City according to his instructions. Pei Jishi passed on his "shadow magic power" to him!

Mu Yunfei can practice the water whirlpool in the throat wheel. He is mainly proud of the skill of cultivating the soul, not the real ghost cultivation. He can absorb a large amount of earth yin aura in the soul needle acupuncture hole, thus giving Mu Yunfei a special physique that can practice any ghost cultivation skill! That's why Ma Ling's trouble of shaping his soul meridians has been saved!

At first, Zhang Yao, Ma Ling, Pei Jishi and Zhu Dan did not want to leave. Mu Yunfei had to lie, claiming that although he had recovered his strength, his aura in his body was chaotic and could not go! And if you want to find a closed place without interference in the underworld, I'm afraid there is no better place than this underground cage! Moreover, under the continuous assurance and urging of Mu Yunfei, the four people reluctantly went to Naihe City.

Five days, but in just five days, Mu Yunfei not only mastered the trick of practicing the magic power of shadow, but also completed the first step of the magic power of shadow!

Fantasy, as the name implies, is an illusion, not actually exists. Simply put, this is just a blindfold!

Unlike ordinary blinding methods, the real essence of this first illusion lies in the array! So it's not so easy to see through!

Replay Mu Yunfei's movements in slow motion, shaking his body continuously, just to confuse the other party, and his feet are not idle. The yin aura released from the soles of his feet penetrate into the ground, but controls the dark vision array between the positions he wants to reach. This dark vision array using space is unheard of by Mu Yunfei, also known as a visual dead angle. As long as Mu Yunfei walks on this road full of dark vision, no one can see his figure or hear what he said until it appears where he wants to reach!

And the so-called fast is just relative to the feeling. Imagine that when a person disappears in front of you for no reason and then appears in an unexpected place, don't you feel very fast? Mu Yunfei wants to truly decompose and reorganize his body like Pei Jishi, and he can only practice the eighth magic power of Huaying!

Although the distance of this illusion is only a few feet, Mu Yunfei is very satisfied with the way to save his life at the critical moment!

With a smile on his face, Mu Yunfei looked at the direction of breaking the stone wall and muttered:

"It's almost time. It's time to go!"

But there is no exit except for the broken stone wall and an unopened prison door! Mu Yun flew straight to the last prison door that had not yet found a way to open.

Bend down and patted the dust on the ground at the door. A square stone slab appeared in front of him. Mu Yunfei lifted the stone slab, skillfully like lifting the carpet in front of his house. Under the stone slab lay a small black iron rod with irregular gears.

Looking at this small iron rod, Mu Yun flew to the left side of the prison door. After measure it with his palm, he put the top of the small iron rod on the stone wall. With a little force, a magical scene appeared. The small iron rod was inserted into the lock hole like a key.


The prison door twisted the small iron rod three times in a clockwise direction, and then twisted it counterclockwise twice before opening it. It goes without saying that the way to open this door must come from the memory obtained by Mu Yunfei.

Behind this prison door is no longer a room, but a tunnel connected to each other. In addition to the lack of light, it is also very winding! I don't know how long this tunnel is!



"Bum, bang, bang!"

The strange sound, bursts of angry roar, a sad sob and the sound of hitting the wall instantly broke the silence in the tunnel, as if the end of the tunnel was an abyss.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, there was a little light around the originally dark. These lights came from the cells set up on both sides of the tunnel, and there was a cell every dozen feet, and the distance was still dark! Mu Yunfei covered his aura all over his body in case of a sudden attack. While listening, he slowly walked forward!

Suddenly, a tragic howl came from the cell that Mu Yunfei had just passed, and he stepped back a few steps and looked inside at the iron railing on the prison door.

" hiss!"

Mu Yunfei couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, and the hair all over his body immediately stood up!

In the dark, a guy with a bull's head was lowering his head and tearing his body with his iron-cone-like fangs. No, to be precise, it should be said that he was eating the arm that had just been pulled from his body. And I don't know whether it's saliva or blood coming out of his mouth

Suddenly, the bull-headed man stopped chewing, suddenly raised his head, and smiled at the strangeness of the cracked teeth. Mu Yunfei was alert, but before he retreated the door, a snake-like black and red tongue stretched out from the cracks in the iron railing and wrapped it around Mu Yunfei's neck!

At this time, Mu Yunfei was still calm. He stuck his tongue on his neck with one hand, raised his left hand and snapped his finger.

"Oh, my!"

A little red flame lit up on the tongue. In less than a moment, the flames connected into a line, burning and quickly spread to the prison door.

The bullhead was shocked and knew that he had met a master, so he quickly withdrew his long tongue and retreated into the dark corner, and the painful wail sounded again. It seems that that guy can't stand this fire technique exerted by pure yang aura! Mu Yunfei, who stroked his neck, smiled and continued to walk forward.

After passing through more than ten cells again, Mu Yunfei couldn't help stopping. At this time, his heart was full of doubts and hesitation. There were no previous scenes in that memory. It seemed to be hell in hell!

In fact, Mu Yunfei doesn't have to go through the underground cage through the ghost wilderness, but the memory he got is not only the mechanism map of the whole underground cage, but also vaguely mentions that there is a big secret related to the safety of the whole five worlds in this inconspicuous underground cage! So in any case, Mu Yunfei also has to confirm it!

After turning a corner, the terrain is obviously much higher. This is a three-way intersection with a total of three tunnels connected together. Mu Yunfei neither chose the right tunnel nor stepped into the left side, but stood at the junction of the two tunnels and saw him reach out his hand to press the stone wall. Go!

disappeared! Through the wall?

Mu Yunfei almost fell down. Looking up, his pupils suddenly tightened. In his memory, the stone wall built of illusions should be a room, but this is a huge cave, like a world of blood, and his eyes are red everywhere! Mu Yunfei felt bad and quickly turned around and patted the stone wall he had just passed. What's going on? It's true. The illusion that could have been freely entered and exited has become a situation that can only be entered and cannot be exited.!

Since he can't get out, he has to find another way out. What Mu Yunfei can do is to continue to look forward and leave. There has never been this cave in my memory, and it is naturally much slower than before. Walking and stopping, Mu Yunfei carefully paid attention to everything around him!

Along the way, no life was found, some just white bones, some sitting, some lying, some fragmented, of course, more broken bones!


Mu Yunfei couldn't help tightening his heart, and there was a light and heavy footsteps not far away, and it was getting closer and closer. In a while, a figure suddenly appeared at a corner in front of him and was staggering towards Muyun.

This is definitely a person, at least in his lifetime! With a white skull, the two green flames in the eyes are constantly shining, and there is only half of the body left in the upper body, and the remaining flesh can no longer cover the broken ribs! He walked up and down. It turned out that one of his legs was missing, and from the flat wound, it was obviously cut off by a sharp blade.

This skeleton seems to be self-conscious. Perhaps because of the sudden appearance of Mu Yunfei, he was slightly stunned, and then the green flame in his eye socket jumped fiercely, looking extremely excited!

"Guck, guck!"

The upper and lower jaws kept opening and making a gurgle sound of bone collision. Maybe he was talking, but he didn't realize that he had no vocal cords for a long time, and there would be no sound.

Mu Yunfei saw that this person did not attack himself, and waved to him and turned around and walked forward, as if he was talking about going with him! After calming his mind, he followed closely.

It feels like it has been more than half a day, but the bloody world seems to have no end. Gradually, Mu Yunfei has lost his patience and stopped to shout at the skeleton leading the way:

Who the hell are you? Where are you going to take me?"

"Hum, hum!"

At this moment, a creepy smile sounded from around. From the laughter echoing in the cave alone, it is impossible to tell where it came from, but the skeleton leading the way in front of it was like a mouse meeting a cat and began to tremble, as if it were very scared and afraid!

With a "click", the skeleton suddenly cracked and scattered on the ground. The still complete skull was still struggling and shaking until the two green flames in the eye socket disappeared before it stopped!

It must be that light! Mu Yunfei looked around warily. The skeleton would disintegrate without any reason, but was shattered by a flash of green light. At this moment, Mu Yunfei's face showed a trace of disdain and walked towards the bloody waterfall on the left side of the cave. Before and after coming, Mu Yunfei said lightly:

"Come out! The guy with his head and tail exposed!"

"Ji Jie, Jie!"

After this triumphous gloomy smile, a huge figure stepped out from behind the waterfall. This is a disgusting and disgusting humanoid monster.

Although the monster bowed its back, it was as tall as 3,000 feet. Maybe it had been soaked in water for a long time, so its skin looked particularly pale, and its swollen body was full of limbs, but it did not have a head, and the sound seemed to come from its belly. I thought it was full of goose bumps all over its body. After a closer look, I found that it was actually an eyeball, as if it had just been cut out of the eyes of a living person, still spinning, and the pupils kept shining green light.

"What the hell are you? Demon? Or a demon? Where on earth is this? Why did you kill the skeleton? Mu Yunfei, who frowned, asked one after another.

"You don't need to know who I am or where it is. You just need to remember that you will become the food in my belly at the next moment! And your eyes will also become my trophy! Wow ha ha!"

After saying that, the monster opened his arms and rushed straight to Mu Yunfei.