Legend of the God

Chapter 347 Shenzang - Fishy Luo Sijun

As one of the four emperors of the magic continent, Emperor Yuluo controls almost one-third of the land and resources of the magic continent! There are four right-hand men, the Flame Demon King, Killing the King, the Fear King, and the Crazy Demon King, so that Emperor Yuluo can take down such a large territory!

But this legendary fishy emperor is extremely mysterious, and few people have seen his true face. Perhaps only his four favorite subordinates are lucky to see him! It is said that Emperor Feiluo has long been a demon fairy or a higher-level existence, but this legend has not been confirmed, because no one has seen him take action. Even if he has seen it, I'm afraid it will be a haunted ending!

The Fishy Luo Emperor Palace is located at the northern end of the magic continent. This place known as the polar land is in the cold all year round, which also makes other magic practitioners the least understand. Why did the Fishy Luo Emperor, who sits on one-third of the magical continent, build his palace in this place where birds do not shit?

The north wind is roaring and the snow is blowing,

In this vast white polar land, four dark shadows soared from the horizon. When they approached, they found that these were four people, four people wearing four-color masks and wrapped in black clothes. Judging from their bodies, they were three men and one woman. These four people are the four true kings of flame demons, killing, fear and madness!

"Brother, I don't know what happened when the Lord is in a hurry to summon this time? I remember that there was once 200 years ago, when the Xianshi sea boat was missing! Brother, will it be the quota ten years later..." The killing with a silver mask asked the leader, the flame demon with a red mask.

"Second brother, you should know that the Lord doesn't like others to dictate, let alone us speculate about what he means! You'd better remember this!" After saying that, the flame demon took a deep breath, turned his head and sighed slightly at the mad demon king with a black mask, and said sharply:

"However, the master summoned us and other four people this time, and one thing should be related to the fourth brother!"

The crazy demon's moving body suddenly stagnated and quickly folded to the side of the flame demon and asked in disbelief:

"Does it have anything to do with me? Brother, what's going on?

The flame demon hasn't opened his mouth yet, and the sweet and greasy voice of fear with a blue mask sounded:

"Ah! I know! Brother, you mean, the number of spiritual stones handed over by the forces under the jurisdiction of the fourth brother in the past century has been reduced by less and less, even 40%! Well, this is indeed a little abnormal, fourth brother, don't you doubt this?

"Uh, this, third sister, you know, I have no problem fighting and killing. But let me manage those forces, I really can't do it! However, after the five biggest forces were destroyed by me ten years ago, they have also behaved a lot. Although there are not many spiritual stones handed over now, they are much more than in previous years!"

The magic continent is different from the real fairy continent. There is no sect here, only power! To put it well, a successful demon monk gathered a group of his men and controlled part of the land. It's ugly, in fact, it's occupying the mountain as the king! The comparison between power and power is the fist. Whoever has a big fist is Laozi!

Take the territory under the jurisdiction of the madman as an example, there are no less than a hundred large and small forces. He will not interfere in the development of these forces, as long as there are many spiritual stones handed in every year! Therefore, if the power is strong, you can attack the small forces, and the small forces either obey or resist, but the resistance is nothing more than two endings, or they are killed. The hard-established forces and the land they have been slaughtered by others, or they are swallowed back.

"Well, as far as I know, in recent years, several larger forces have appeared in your territory, and the speed of swallowing is also extremely fast! Can you check it with your heart? Although Emperor Luo once gave an order, Sizhenjun should do his job and not cross the boundary. But as the head of the four true kings, the flame demon is still very concerned about this madman who is more violent and extravagant than killing. In addition to killing like a madman, this guy is just intoxicated and practicing! Therefore, he sent his men to explore, but he didn't expect that those new forces were very strong. Several detectives did not go back. Those were all subordinates with the strength of the demon period (Huadivine period)!

"This, I'm really negligent!" Seeing that the flame demon was a little unhappy, the madman shrank his neck and did not dare to refute, so he had to admit his mistake. Although the madman is a complete violent killing god in the eyes of others, but in front of the flame demon, especially in front of the angry flame demon, he is more obedient than a good baby, not only a madman. In the eyes of the other two, except for the mysterious Lord, the flame demon is already the existence they look up to!

With a slight hum, the flame demon looked at the tall snow standing in the clouds in the distance and said faintly:

"You should know how to answer after seeing the Lord! It's getting late. I'm afraid the Lord has been waiting for a long time..."


Finally standing on the land of the magic continent, Mu Yunfei raised his head and stared at the sky for a long time!

"Your Excellency, what are you looking at?" Gong Yingchang looked around alertly and asked Mu Yunfei.

Mu Yunfei still looked at the sky. When several unknown birds quickly passed through the air, he sighed and said a sentence that almost fainted Gong Yingchang.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a blue and pure sky in the legendary magical continent full of killing and darkness!"

"Well, my lord, I don't know where you heard about it! In fact, the continents in the fairyland are almost the same, and there is the same blue sky above your head!" Gong Yingchang was a little flustered. Isn't this guy who is comparable to a magic fairy in front of him from the magic continent? So where does he come from? No, I have to get to know him first. In case Lord Yanmo asks, I can't answer questions, but it's not easy to explain.

"Your Excellency, you have been together for a while, but I don't know which force you are from?"

"Power? Oh, I'm just a free practice!" Although I don't know what's going on with the power in this guy's mouth, he also has a certain understanding of Gong Yingchang and Mu Yunfei. This person is very shrewd and can be said to be cunning. What he asked has a certain purpose.

"It turned out to be a free repair, no wonder! So, my lord, where have you practiced in the past? Gong Yingchang seems to be ready to break the casserole and ask to the end.

"Alas, to tell you the truth, 50,000 years ago, after I was also a famous family of the true immortal continent, I later converted to my Buddha, and then failed to stick to my heart, so I fell into the devil's way, so this magic continent is also the first time to come! Fifty thousand years, I really don't know when I will return to the True Fairy Continent and look at my family. Maybe my family has already..." Mu Yunfei pretended to be in pain, as if the truth is as he said!

Gong Yingchang looked at the grieving Mu Yunfei. First, he was stunned, and then scolded secretly. Damn, it's all the existence of magic immortals, and he is still here to lie to me! I thought I was a young girl! After the famous family of the real immortal continent, why did you convert to my Buddha to enter the devil's way? Is it so troublesome to become a demon monk? This is completely a matter of skill!

Gong Yingchang knew that Mu Yunfei was full of nonsense. I'm afraid he couldn't ask anything. He patted his forehead. He was a little helpless. He paid attention to it or said it directly, so as not to make detours. Everyone was tired.

"Your Excellency, now you and I have come to the magic continent! I think it's better to make some things clear first! For example, as the adult just said, falling into the devil's way is a magician? Don't say that Gong Yingchang sneered at this, even the magic practitioners of the whole magical continent dare not agree! Yes, tens of millions of years ago, demons could not be called demon practitioners. They did come from Buddhist practitioners! But these demons are the ancestors who created the way of magic cultivation, called the first demon! Nowadays, these original demons have long become the top figures in the demon world of the fairy world. Is it possible that adults are also the original demons? Ha ha! Today's demon practitioners are all the skills of the acquired demons, and the status of the demon practitioners has long been recognized and accepted by other practitioners, especially the four emperors of the magic continent, which has a pivotal position among the practitioners in the earth fairyland, not the so-called demon who only knows how to kill!"

Listening carefully to Gong Yingchang's narrative, Mu Yunfei's face was a little hot. In those years, his understanding of the demon practitioner only came from one of his masters, He Bi Zen Master, and He Bi Zen Master also learned from the Buddhist classics, and he was not clear about the real situation of the demon practitioners in the fairyland.

"It seems that I still underestimate Gong Yingchang. Although this person looks a little cunning, if it hadn't been for his words today, I'm afraid I would have caused a lot of unnecessary trouble when walking on this magical continent!"

Mu Yunfei nodded and temporarily accepted Gong Yingchang in the bottom of his heart, and even his tone became slightly milder.

"Gong Yingchang is not actually trying to hide anything, it's just a long story! Not to mention this, by the way, as soon as we set foot on this land, you seem to be nervous to death. Is there any rare danger?

"Your Excellency, this is located in the east of the magic continent. It is not the territory of Emperor Luo, but the sphere of influence of Yan Killing Emperor, one of the four emperors!"

"Kill the Emperor? Is he strong? And what's wrong with this so-called force? Mu Yunfei is still not clear about the forces repeatedly mentioned by Gong Yingchang.

"Strong, very strong! The power of Yan Killing Emperor is second only to Yuluo Emperor, from Wuyuan Mountain in the west to this sea area in the east, from Zhuwu Mountains in the north to the Dark River in the south, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the land of the magic continent! There are two demon kings under his seat, and their cultivation is in the Moluo period. Among them, the strength of the three corpse demon kings is even afraid of my main flame demon king! And I belong to the power of Emperor Yuluo. If I appear here rashly, once I am found by the forces stationed here, the situation will be..."

Before Gong Yingchang's words were finished, he saw several figures appearing around him, leading him, with a ferocious face, burly figure, wearing black and red armor. The green steel sword in this man's hand pointed to Mu Yunfei and shouted harshly:

"What kind of person dares to break into the territory of Xingyun Demon King without permission!"

"Xingyun Demon King? What the hell?"

For Mu Yunfei's ignorance and fearlessness, Gong Yingchang didn't know whether to be angry or laugh. He secretly said in his heart, what he was really afraid of. Xingyun Demon King was another demon king under the throne of Yan Killing Emperor, but he didn't expect that this was his sphere of influence! And this leader is better than him! However, on second thought, Mu Yunfei is the existence of a demon fairy. What about the Xingyun Demon King? Even if he fights against the Yan Killing Emperor, the victory or defeat is unpredictable!

Good opportunity! Gong Yingchang laughed a few times in his heart. A poisonous trick to kill people with a knife has been initially formed in his mind. Of course, this knife is Mu Yunfei, and the person who wants to kill is the emperor!

If Mu Yunfei can kill the emperor, then what should I do when I go back? Wouldn't it be better to be a demon king above 10,000 people under one person? Gong Yingchang stabilized his mind, cleared his throat, pointed to Mu Yunfei beside him and said:

"Xingyun Demon King, what the hell, I've never heard of it! From then on, everything here belongs to my lord, demon, demon, demon emperor!"

"Bold, I humiliated my master! Kill me!"