Legend of the God

Chapter 457 First Time in the Fairyland - Polar Anode Storm

In the rotten forest, Mu Yunfei pretended to identify the road and slowly moved forward, while Taixiao and others followed closely. At the same time, they were also on guard against the sneak attack of those monsters.

"Dear Lord, the teacher was not as good as the third school that day. Why are you so respectful to that old man?" After marching for more than an hour, he seemed to feel that the atmosphere was particularly depressing, Xiang Long said in a muffled voice.

"That old man? Ha ha, Xiang Long, do you know that if you say this in front of the Later Tu Emperor, then the next moment will be lost!" After saying that, he couldn't help frowning. Although he didn't know what Lin Shi's strength was, when he entered the world of the Dragon Hall, he had tested it with his divine consciousness, but the result was unexpected. Lin Shi's consciousness was not his opponent at all, as if he was not at the level of immortal emperor! But this Lin Shi was a big shot a million years ago. It is said that he has long been ranked as a semi-saint. Why is his divine consciousness only at the level of an immortal emperor? Could it be him...

"So he is Lin Dishi!" Xiang Long was a little shocked, and he was also afraid.

Hu~hu~, a strong wind suddenly blew from the woods, and the leaves mixed with soil flew wildly with the wind. It was not surprising that there was a wind, but strangely, the wind did not seem to stop, and it was getting more and hotter and hotter!

"This is actually a polar anion storm! Such opportunities are not available. Practice quickly!"

The polar yang storm is a vision formed after the fairy spirit is strong to a certain extent. It is a great opportunity for practitioners to encounter unsought. A moment of cultivation in the polar yang storm is equivalent to a hundred years of practice. Of course, this kind of cultivation refers to the periphery of the polar yang storm. If you enter the center of the storm, the effect is better. , but the great opportunity is often accompanied by great danger. The aura in the center of this extreme yang storm is enough to support a strong man in the late period of the emperor!

Taixiao and others swallowed it, pumped the massive and hot wind of the polar sun into the meridians, filtered it with the yuan god, and immediately turned into the purest power.

At this moment, everyone's idea is that if you quench the aura here, it only takes a hundred years to reach the late emperor! And Taixiao and others are bound to understand the way of heaven and step into the semi-sacred list!

Among more than a dozen people in the Antarctic Mansion, although Mu Yunfei also sat cross-legged, he did not practice, but released his divine consciousness and extended in the direction of the Dragon Hall.

"Holy White Tiger, what the hell? How can there be a polar yang storm in the world of the Dragon Hall?

"I don't know either!" The holy white tiger is also a little puzzled. Although the fairy spirit of the Dragon Hall world is strong, it is far from reaching the level of a polar yang storm! After a short silence, Saint White Tiger seemed to think of something and continued to communicate with Mu Yunfei's consciousness:

"Maybe it's because of the bow in the Dragon Hall!"

"What bow?"

"Extreme Yang God Bow!"

"..." Mu Yunfei immediately withdrew his consciousness. Although there was no expression on his face, a blood light broke out in his eyes. Although this blood light flashed away, he could see his grief from it. As for Mu Yunfei's grief, it was unknown!

The polar yang storm did not last for much time, only about half an hour. After that, the rotten forest returned to calm down and ended its swallowing. Taixiao slowly stood up with a trace of satisfaction on his face:

"My magical skills have finally been completed! Yunfei, how far is the palace from here?

"Emperor, it should not be far away!"

"Well, we have to speed up!"

However, when Mu Yunfei took Taixiao and others to the valley outside the Dragon Hall, he saw the bodies of those dragon people, and the remains of the immortal emperor almost spread throughout the valley, and the strong smell of blood spread in the air, which smelled disgusting!

Taixiao's face changed and he immediately came forward to check the bodies. Taixiao did not care about the dead human beings. They were those monsters. After his inspection, he found that the bodies were complete except for the sword marks on his neck and the green blood under him! Taixiao looked a little ugly. He turned his head and stared at Mu Yunfei fiercely, which seemed to mean that only you knew the weaknesses of the monsters, but why did you cause such a situation!

"Cough, cough..." A slight cough suddenly sounded in the pile of corpses, and a blood-stained hand was raised straight up and grabbed the sky.

"Are you Fan Yan? What's going on here!" Taixiao saw that someone was still alive. As soon as he flashed, he came to the front of the man. He saw that it was Fan Yan, the head of the Fan family, so he covered his forehead with one hand, and a Yuanli immediately injected into his body and asked softly.

With the help of Taixiao, Fan Yan's originally pale face immediately turned red. After gasping for a few times, he said hatefully:

"After entering the rotten forest, we found that the Nan Wu faction was very fast and seemed to have a goal, so we followed them far away. Of course, we also found the Lin family, Tianshi Dao, Jiyang faction and so on. When we arrived here almost at the same time, we only saw black skin and red hair everywhere. Monsters... After a bloody battle, they suffered heavy losses. Countless heavenly kings and immortal emperors died under the claws of those monsters! But strangely, only Nan Wupai has no casualties, and even keeps harvesting those immortal monsters!"

Taixiao withdrew Yuan Li and looked at Fan Yan's unwillingness to close his eyes until he stopped breathing. Then he stood up and said to Yunxiao, Bixiao and the ten immortal emperors:

"Third brother, fourth brother, it seems that they didn't encounter a polar yang storm, so they arrived early! However, this Nanmu faction not only knows where the palace is, but also knows the weaknesses of the monsters. It seems that they have known the secret of the palace! After we enter the palace, we will pay attention to all the changes of the Nan Wu faction!"

"Yes, big brother (emperor)!"


When the last group, that is, the group of Antarctica, walked into the dragon mouth, the dragon people in the valley suddenly stood up and watched their necks, where there was still a scar. In addition to these dragon people, Fan Yan, who had been determined to be dead by Taixiao, stood up alive with a faint smile...

Two flowers bloomed, each with a branch, and several major forces that entered the Dragon Hall earlier entered the side hall one after searching for the hall without searching.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different, including the cow, the dragon, the mocking wind, the prison, the bully, the bully, the dragon, the negative, the kiss!

Of course, this is just a saying. In fact, these nine fierce beasts and magic dragons generally have the blood of the dragon clan, are the vassals of the Shengqing Dragon clan and the most powerful general of the Shengqinglong clan!

Therefore, the nine side halls of the Dragon Hall were built for this "Nine Sons"!

The Elder Yan Lie Emperor of Nanwu, who entered the side hall, was now lowering his head and carefully looking at a slightly yellowed map in his hand. After a while, he pointed to a wall and said:

"This is it! Come with me!"

This map is recorded and handed down from the Nanwpai Treasure Book. After hundreds of years of careful deliberation by Yunyu Zhenjun, it was combined with the recorded Tianzun Xinggong Palace. Of course, Yunyu Zhenjun was not sure at all before entering the world of the Dragon Hall, but gave it to Yan Lie, just to try his luck. He didn't want to be really a dragon. The world of the temple and the map of the Dragon Hall.

The wall in front of him is not on the map, and some are just a door. Yanlie has completely believed in the map in his hand. As soon as he put his hands on the wall, he passed through it, and several other people were slightly surprised and then passed through it.

Yan Lie is only in the middle of the emperor. Whether it is cultivation or strength, it belongs to the middle of the whole Nanmu faction, and it is not well known. But more or less, I also know some legends, and one of them is an extremely important legend!

Legend has it that in the late era of fierce beasts, with the death of a group of strong men such as the Dragon God, the Dragon Prince and the strong men of the Rosefinch clan, the ancient fierce beast Yinglong, who was also the blood of the dragon clan, suddenly appeared and continued to fight with the Holy Green Dragon clan. However, at that time, the rise of witches and demons was unstoppable. After a war, the Holy Green Dragon Family In his lifetime, Yinglong also died in the hands of the demon emperor Taiyi, but Yinglong's soul did not fly away. His soul turned into a divine bow and hurt the demon emperor Taiyi and disappeared!

The demon emperor Taiyi once said that the extreme yang power transformed by Yinglong was not as powerful as shooting the sun. He died for the holy green dragon family, so he was summoned to the palace of the Dragon God after his death! In the following years, I don't know how many people began to look for the Dragon God Hall for the words of the demon emperor Taiyi, but they were never available. As time went by, they gradually annihilated in the long river of history.

Of course, Yan Lie is not the only one who knows this legend, but also Taixiao and others. It's just a legend, but now it's different. When they step into the so-called Tianzun Palace, they know that this is the legendary Dragon God Hall!

"This is actually the Dragon God Hall. It turns out that the legend is true. Before I encountered a polar yang storm, it seems that it was because of the polar yang god bow!" Looking at the giant pillars of Panlong in the hall, Taixiao's heart was full of waves and moved at this moment. After walking a few steps, he said:

"If there really is such a thing. We must get it!"

"Brother, the powerful polar sun god bow is just a magic weapon. If this is really the Dragon God Hall, then it is where the dragon tomb is located, and the dragon saliva, dragon soul fruit, dragon essence blood, dragon spirit bone, dragon red tendons, etc. in the dragon tomb are really difficult treasures! Let's start with this kiss hall, search carefully, and remember not to forget any corner!" Bixiao, who had never spoken, gave orders. It's just that they didn't notice that Mu Yunfei was no longer in the hall!