Spiritual world

Chapter 2: Shock, Father's Last Wish

"What is this? Just two broken books, what's the use of this? 555... No toys, no new things. However, these two jade bottles are good. They seem to be made of fine workmanship and cold in their hands. They seem to be made of good jade. If this is put on the earth, I'm afraid it will be worth a lot of money.

After opening the iron box, Ling Yuan was stuped for a while, and then kept tossed the iron box and muttered in a low voice. It seems that the things in this box are very disappointed.

After he turned around for a while and found that there were indeed only these things in this box, Ling Yuan looked disappointed. But in his spare time, Ling Yuan opened a book piled up on it and slowly saw it.

On the title page of the book, there are a few big characters and five spiritual formulas. After opening another page, there is something written on it, which makes Ling Yuan look a little inexplicable. What to meditate, calm down, gather the aura of heaven and earth, condense between the spiritual platform, guard the spiritual platform, gather aura, enter the first realm of spiritual cultivation, gather spirits. After the spiritual gatherers, and the spiritual practitioners behind them are collectively known as spiritual practitioners.

"What kind of thing is this? It's still quiet and meditated cross-legged, making it look like what is written in the novel. It's boring. Ha ha, do you still divide so many realms? Do you really think this is the world of immortals? Still practicing spirits? Can you become a fairy?"

Ling Yuan muttered and continued to look at it. He couldn't help shaking his head and disbelief.

The spiritual man definitely wrote that after gathering spirits, he became a spiritual gathering man. Practice slowly, understand the way of heaven and earth, temper the square inch of the spiritual platform, absorb more aura of heaven and earth, gradually accumulate, and then gradually improve your cultivation. And the cultivation class is also very clearly divided.

The lowest level is the first layer after the gathering of spirits, the gatherers. Then there are spiritual illumination, spiritual light, spiritual movement, spiritual silence, spiritual infant, spiritual change and spiritual disaster. After the nine heavenly spiritual disaster, you can become the legendary fairy body, and even more ethereal god body. And each level of practice is divided into nine levels, and the tenth level is promotion. It is very detailed.

The book also writes that the first few layers are very easy. As long as you practice hard and persevere, you can achieve it. It's just a matter of time. But when the spiritual period comes, it is a dividing line. Because when the spiritual practitioners in the nine-level spiritual silence period break through to the spiritual infant period, there will be a thunderstorm on the spiritual platform. This disaster was specially designed to wash away some poorly qualified people and spiritual practitioners with messy spiritual roots. Because people with poor qualifications, even if they can luckily cultivate a spiritual baby, there will be no chance to make progress in this life.

Therefore, in the spiritual world, this thunder disaster is also called a small disaster, so there has always been a saying in the spiritual world. The road to spiritual cultivation is very difficult, and the road to spiritual cultivation is smooth. But later, people added another sentence: don't miss the spiritual baby. As soon as the spiritual disaster arrives, the world changes. If you don't prepare early, the spiritual baby will dissipate.

And next to these sentences, there are some other notes that annotate the meaning of these two sentences. Ling Yuan could see that it was written by his father, Ling Yu. It seemed that he was afraid that he would not understand, so he wrote the comment. But Ling Yuan shook his head for a while and couldn't help thinking that the people here were indeed poorly educated. In the novels I read, there couldn't be more of this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Ling Yuan scoffed at this book, thinking that it was just a magic stick and deliberately wrote it to deceive people. Therefore, Ling Yuan did not continue to read another book under this spiritual decision, and directly closed the iron box. Anyway, I have found my gift, so go home.

Thinking so, Ling Yuan stood up and prepared to go out. However, as soon as he got to the mouth of the cave, he was dumbfounded.

At the entrance of the hole in front of me, I could clearly see that the big poplar tree outside fell down and blocked straight at the entrance of the cave. Just leave some gaps in the leaves to see the scene outside the cave, so that this cave will not become a dead hole that can't see the sun.

As soon as he saw this situation, Ling Yuan immediately stepped out and drilled out from the establishment. But when his footsteps were about to step out of the cave and reach the mouth of the cave, a white light suddenly flashed in front of him without warning. Ling Yuan was gently shaken out by the white light.

"What the hell is going on?"

After saying that, Ling Yuan rushed over again in disbelief. But this time, his force was even more powerful when he bounced back. Ordinary, when Ling Yuan was shocked to the ground again, he really woke up. There was indeed a light curtain in front of him, preventing him from going out. At this time, Ling Yuan's brain was a little not thinking enough. He couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Dad, mother, 5555, Yuan'er has met a ghost, damn it."

After a gentle sob, Ling Yuan did not act rashly this time, but gently picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the mouth of the cave.


I only heard a soft sound, just like the sound of a stone hitting the spring. In an instant, at the mouth of the hole, the light curtain appeared again. This time, Ling Yuan could see clearly. At the entrance of the cave, there was a layer of milky light curtain, emitting a colorful light, which was very dazzling. When Ling Yuan was fascinated, the small stone bounced back by the light curtain and bounced on Ling Yuan's body.


cried in pain, and Ling Yuan came to his senses. Looking at himself, he couldn't get out horizontally and vertically. Ling Yuan had no choice but to sit cross-legged. In my spare time, I opened the book of the Five-e elements of spiritual practice again. The reaction was tasteless, and the book below was opened again.

When this opened, Ling Yuan was surprised again. This book, called Fa Zhen Jue, records various phalanxes. Compared with the pictures in the book, Ling Yuan found that the large array at the mouth of his cave is called the thick soil condensation array, and the defensive effect is particularly good, and it also has the function of concealing breath and shielding sound. However, the sound outside can come in, which is very magical. Moreover, this array can last for more than three hours after activation. Seeing this, Ling Yuan suddenly screamed strangely and said that it was late this time. It seemed that he couldn't get out for a while.

Thinking of this, Ling Yuan turned off the iron box and lay on the stone **. It was strange that the stone bed was not cold at all, but very warm. Lying on **, Ling Yuan soon fell asleep. But before closing his eyes, Ling Yuan also thought for a while. How could his parents know this place? It seems that his father knows that there is a formation here and deliberately let himself come here, but what's the use of doing this? How could my father know, or the magic array made by my father?

After thinking for a long time, Ling Yuan didn't think about anything. Soon, he was sleepy and fell asleep.

While Ling Yuan was sleeping, there was a faint shout and shouting in his ear. Ling Yuan, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up. Ling Yuan, who woke up, ran to the mouth of the cave and looked at it. First, there was a burst of excitement on his face, and then his eyes immediately turned red. Involuntarily, his body came to the mouth of the cave. The array light curtain was activated. Ling Yuan was crazy and kept rushing forward. His hands kept patting the light curtain, but there was no movement at all. Gradually, Ling Yuan became tired and could only watch what happened in front of him.

It turned out that Ling Yuan saw that there were many people flying in the sky on the other side of his village. Those people are uniformly dressed like Taoist priests, but their clothes are different from Taoist robes. Some of these people have to fly directly in the air, while others have to step on flying swords, flying knives and flying gourds. In short, all kinds of things are stepping under your feet.

Seeing these people, Ling Yuan's head was short-circuited in an instant. These things, isn't it the plot I saw in the novel, the flying of the sword, which is only in fairy chivalrous novels. But then, before Ling Yuan continued to think and get excited, those people began to launch attacks. Seeing that there were a lot of people flying out of his village, about a dozen men. It is led by a couple.

Ling Yuan knew that it was his parents when he closed his eyes. Seeing that his parents took more than a dozen uncles in the village who would take off to fight against these people. But two fists can't beat four hands. These people all fell from the sky in less than an hour. In the end, only Ling Yuan's parents were left.

At this time, Ling Yu and his wife waved their hands together. The couple each held a sword, and the two swords were combined and merged into one place. A vast sword spirit shrouded the whole world. Those attacking enemies were immediately shocked. The leading man shouted and dispersed quickly. But it's too late.

The combination of the two swords, a shocking sword spirit poured out from Ling Yu and his wife. After flying out of the sword body, the sword spirit actually condensed into an entity, forming a colorful sword. The sword, split in the air, looked at 20 or 30 people in front of Ling Yu and the two, was split by this sword spirit on the spot. There are no bones left. Not only are people gone, but even these people, the magic weapons under their feet, have disappeared without a trace, which shows the power of this sword spirit.

However, after wielding this sword spirit, Ling Yu and the two also lost their last mana, unable to support their bodies and fell from the sky. In the process of falling, the man in white quickly waved three swords from behind, piercing Ling Yu and his wife with blood. Ling Yuan, who saw this scene in the cave, suddenly was shocked and fainted.

Two hours later, Ling Yuan slowly woke up. When he woke up, he immediately ran down the mountain. The iron box jumped up and down in his arms, but Ling Yuan didn't seem to feel the pressure of such an iron thing. It was strange to run quickly into the village that all the previous people disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Ling Yuan was not in the mood to think about those things and threw himself on his parents. After a ray of incense, Ling Yuan ran to his parents' bodies and saw his parents' bodies lying on the ground. Ling Yuan's tears couldn't help flowing down. For five years, Ling Yuan remembered the kindness of his parents in front of him. At this moment, thinking of these things, Ling Yuan ploped and knelt on the ground.

"Father, mother, child is unfilial. I watched you two elders be killed by the enemy, but they can't take revenge. The child is unfilial, ah."

At this moment, Ling Yuan's eyes were red, and he looked up to the sky and shouted like a demon. But suddenly, I heard a weak voice.

"Yuan'er, don't call. No, don't attract the enemy again."

"Ah, father, you are not dead yet."

Following the sound, Ling Yuan looked down and found that his father did not know when. He slowly opened his eyes and raised his hand to stroke his arm.

"Ha ha, cough, cough. No, but it's soon. Yuaner, remember, don't think about revenge for us. Now you don't have that strength. When you can cultivate the cultivation of a spiritual baby, you may have the strength to avenge the two of us. Now, Yuaner, you must listen to me and remember your father's words. Live well, well, and live well. You must wait until you have achieved success before thinking about other things. In addition, remember what I said yesterday. Wait a minute, you, go to Xishan to hide. After the incident, I went, Jiang... Looking for Wang.. The people of the Wang family will take care of you. Before that, don't reveal your background.

After saying this, Ling Yu's head shrugged and completely lost his vitality. Seeing that his father was really dead, Ling Yuan's eyes were full of blood and red, and a messy mood appeared in his heart. There is anger, helplessness, regret and chagrin. But at this time, behind Ling Yuan, a hand suddenly rested on Ling Yuan's shoulder and suddenly jumped up in horror, the crying and hatred.