Spiritual world

Chapter 36: Sword for Heroes

Looking at the weak woman on the bed, her pale face makes the woman have a strange beauty.

Ling Yuan quickly walked to the bed under the leadership of Zhao Jun. Gently holding the woman's arm, which was a little dusty but still white, Ling Yuan released his consciousness and checked the woman's condition through the muscles and veins on his arm.

**'s woman, in fact, has no major illness. Ling Yuan can only tell from a little observation that the woman has only become a disease after years of fatigue, coupled with a hard life, nothing tonic and worry about the transition. That's why it leads to a coma.

For this condition, you only need to use some ordinary herbs, recuperate, then buy some meat, boil some soup or porridge, and eat it slowly. Medicine, food, two kinds of adjustment, you can walk on the ground in half a month. As for recovery, it is only a matter of time. At most, you will not recover completely for more than half a year.

After checking the condition, Ling Yuan ordered the boy to quickly take the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, brush the pharmacy, and then give the boy 30 gold coins to sell some good meat and supplements in addition to buying medicinal materials. The teenager saw that Ling Yuan not only prescribed a prescription for his mother, but also gave himself so much money to buy something for his mother to take care of. He immediately knelt on the ground and was moved to tears and kowtowed.

The boy is kind-hearted and very simple. Moreover, his life is difficult, and not many people are willing to play with him. Therefore, the boy's expression ability is not very good. In the face of such a great kindness, I can only kowtow hard now.

"All right, all right. Little brother, hurry up and go shopping. If it's too late, I'm afraid your mother will be in danger.

"Okay, okay. Thank you, brother."

After saying this, the boy took the money and prescription, ran out and went straight to Wandan Pavilion.

After the boy left, Ling Yuan did not continue to stay in the house. Although there is no hindrance, in this era, when she is alone, a woman is seriously ill in bed, after all, it is not pleasant to say. Sitting on the shabby stool in the outer room, Ling Yuan closed his eyes and refreshed. I began to think about myself after entering the mountain.

"Ky, don't be so obscene. The teacher told you first that you don't want me to save you until your life is at stake. The purpose of letting you enter the mountain is to improve your strength and let you burst your potential in the trap. So, let's go in and exercise honestly."

seemed to feel that Ling Yuan's intention, an old voice came from his consciousness, which suddenly made Ling Yuan look helpless. It seems that this speculation is impossible, but it is really too dangerous to enter alone. You can only find a mercenary team and rely on the strength of the team for the time being.

While Ling Yuan was thinking, there was a rapid footsteps outside. Subsequently, Zhao Jun held a lot of things in his hand, including medicinal herbs, meat, some good dishes, and a small wine gourd around his waist. It seemed that he wanted to make a good meal.

After seeing Zhao Jun bring the medicinal materials, Ling Yuan helped Zhao Jun and the two quickly boiled the medicinal herbs. After taking it for the woman on the bed, not to mention that in less than half an hour, the woman gradually woke up.

"Mother, you, you are awake."

As soon as he saw his mother wake up, Zhao Jun, without saying a word, quickly knelt in front of the bed and cried.

"Okay, kid, kid. Don't cry, mother is fine."

Seeing Zhao Jun crying, the woman on the bed said weakly. Suddenly, he turned his head and saw Ling Yuan standing beside him. The woman's face showed a little surprise. But when she turned her head and saw that on the table outside, the table was full of good dishes and meat, the woman seemed to understand something and immediately stood up from **.

Ling Yuan's eyes were quick-sighted. He quickly stepped forward, helped his mother with Zhao Jun, and sat on the collapse.

"This little brother, you saved the slave family, didn't you?"

"Ha ha, madam, I can't talk about saving. I can only say that I will do my best to help you mother and son. Practitioners should do more good deeds, so you don't have to worry too much.

I don't want this mother and son to be so grateful to himself. Ling Yuan took things very simply. But after hearing Ling Yuan's words, the mother's eyes were shining and she looked a little excited.

"You, are you a spiritualist?"

"Yes, madam, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised to feel something strange in the woman's words. Is it possible that there is any grudge between the spiritualists and their mother and son? Immediately, Ling Yuan asked puzzledly.

"Oh, no, nothing. The child's father is also a spiritualist. However, 20 years ago, it suddenly disappeared. Zhao Jun, not my own son, is an orphan I raised. He has also yearned for his father's past since he was a child, but no spiritualist is willing to accept him as an apprentice. Our family is poor and we can't afford to pay for teachers. Therefore, this brother, can you please accept my child as an apprentice, even if he is a cow and a horse?

The woman spoke with tears in her eyes. And Zhao Jun, who was beside him, sobbed even more. Seeing the mother and son look like this, Ling Yuan felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Mother, mother, mother. Jun'er, don't, Jun'er can't leave you, Jun'er, don't leave you.

Holding his mother's body, Zhao Jun plunged into his mother's arms with a reluctant face.

"Hey, boy, look at this mother and son, even with your help this time, they don't have the ability to live. I think this child is still honest. Although his talent is not very good, he can also be regarded as a spiritual seedling. I think so, give him your Yingxue horse, write him a letter of introduction, let him ride on the horse, and take his mother to live in the Wang family, which is also a good deed.

In Ling Yuan's consciousness, the teacher's words came from him. Hearing the teacher's words, Ling Yuan thought for a moment and said the same. Since you want to help, then help to the end, and you are practicing now, and you must not have time to take care of their mother and son. And this boy wants to cultivate spirits so much, it's better to send them to Wang's house.

"Okay, madam, I promise you. However, I'm just a junior spiritualist and can't teach apprentices. I will leave some gold coins for your mother and son first. After your wife has recovered, I will go to Junzhou with your son to find Wangjiazhuang. I will write you a letter of introduction, and they will treat you well when they see it.

After saying this, Ling Yuan quietly walked out of the room, came to a secluded corner of the yard, and quietly released the snow horse from the ring.

After tying the horses, Ling Yuan re-entered the room. Looking up, the woman, with the help of Zhao Jun, slowly walked out of bed. Ling Yuan looked at it and quickly walked up.

"Madam, you are not in good health, you'd better take good care of yourself. Zhao Jun, why don't you help your mother to rest? Hurry up and make some broth and let your mother recuperate.

"Big brother, mother, she insisted on coming down and said she wanted to take something. I, I can't stop it."

Zhao Jun's face was also helpless. The woman waved her hand at Ling Yuan and signaled that she was fine. With the help of her son, the woman walked to a box by the bedside. Ling Yuan looked at it and quickly opened the box with quick help. The woman pointed to the box, but did not touch it.

"Little brother, the knife inside was left by my husband before he left. Although it is not a good magic weapon, it is also a good weapon. My husband once said that if he can't come back, let me give this knife to other spiritual practitioners. Over the years, you are the one who is willing to help our mother and son. Therefore, little brother, you must not refuse. It is also my mother and son. The only thing to repay us is to make our mother and son feel at ease.

Following the direction of the woman's fingers, Ling Yuan looked up. In the box, there was indeed a simple knife lying quietly. Ling Yuan reached out to get it. Only then did she know why the woman only used her fingers to get it by herself.

Although this knife looks very inconspicuous, it is about the same size as my own simple knife. But the weight is too different. Rao Lingyuan is already a three-level spiritual gatherer. Unexpectedly, he was able to slowly pick up the knife after using five points of strength.

After taking the knife, put it into the scabbard on the back, and the knife can be put into the scabbard of the simple knife. Back to his back, Ling Yuan suddenly felt that there seemed to be a huge stone behind him, and it was a little difficult to walk oppressively. Originally, Ling Yuan planned to put the knife directly into the ring, but this idea was dispelled by Dan Chenzi's words.

"Ling Yuan, don't put this knife in. This treasure knife has an extraordinary history. Just like this ring, it has been sealed, so its original appearance is no longer clear. However, carrying it on your back can be used as a means of physical exercise, which can suppress your aura practice and make you practice more laboriously. Although it sounds bad, in fact, when you get used to such a method of practice, you will be much faster and more stable than others.

Hearing the teacher's words, Ling Yuan naturally stopped insisting on anything. At present, after carrying the treasure knife, he helped Zhao Jun and helped Zhao Jun's mother to the bed.

"Little brother, I know that you will definitely explore around in the future. I am also relieved about the military affairs. But there is one more thing. I hope the little brother can not be troubled. If you meet a spiritualist named Zhao Hua in the future, please tell him that Lan'er has been waiting for his return in Zhenyuan Town.

"Okay, madam, don't worry, take good care of yourself, and I will try my best to help you find it."

It was not easy to comfort the woman to lie down and rest. Ling Yuan and Zhao Jun were busy with the food. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, followed by a breath of fragrance, which rushed into Ling Yuan's nostrils. The fragrance made Ling Yuan feel quite refreshed.