Spiritual world

Chapter 86: From the Fire Holy Sword

This fusion really made Ling Yuan's idea. The spiritual power in the body, along with the method recorded by the spiritual method, is integrated into several veins. Immediately formed a whirlpool, hovering in the acupuncture point.

Following the guidance of the spiritual method, after practicing the spiritual power in Ling Yuan's body for several weeks, Ling Yuan suddenly opened his eyes and a chilling cold light flashed. Then, Ling Yuan grabbed the knife on the stone table in front of him with both hands and stepped on Jiugong Xiangyun. The spiritual power in his body instantly followed the veins recorded in the spiritual method and released it.

The spiritual power spiritualized the knife in the blink of an eye, and then added the power from the fire. On this knife body, it is extremely beautiful. A colorful flame beat on the blade like an elf.

Then, Ling Yuan's treasure knife in his hand flew up and down and showed the gossip sword method. Tan Mingzhe, who was beside him, did not dare to neglect and quickly released a spiritual shield, but this shield did not defend himself, but waved his hands around Ling Yuan, afraid of Ling Yuan's knife power, hurting iron hands and others.

However, this spiritual shield lasted for a short time, and I saw Ling Yuan's figure flashing, and the sword in his palm was blowing wind. A fiery red spiritual wave hit the shield. In less than a wab of incense, the spiritual shield exerted by Tan Mingzhe, a spiritualist, was broken.

Although this spiritual shield, Tan Mingzhe did not exert all his strength. It's just using the strength of about one or two layers of the spiritual silence period. But even so, it is not an ordinary spiritual practitioner who can be broken in such a short time.

"Hehe, it's good. It's really a gift. Ling Yuanxian's nephew's talent is really a talent. I originally taught him this set of spiritual methods, that is, because he had a fire, so I felt that this set of fire was suitable for him to practice. Unexpectedly, he inferenced and integrated this set of knives with his exquisite fighting skills. So ordinary, if this set of knife method is used again, I'm afraid that even the high-level spiritual method will be unmatched.

Tan Mingzhe's idea is very accurate. However, he still ignored one point. That is, after the spiritual method and fighting skills are merged together, it not only has the defense effect of the spiritual method, but also has a strong attack power. What's more, it has the ability to advance the fighting skill. In this way, in the end, even if it is promoted to the power of the heavenly skill, it is not impossible.

"Okay, okay. Haha, haha. This set of knives is really powerful. I finally have a set of skills that can really fight with people. However, it is so ordinary that it can no longer be called the Eight Trigrams of the Holy Sword.

Feeling the power of this set of knives, Ling Yuan laughed. It's not his fault. After so many years of spiritual practice, Ling Yuan has indeed been worried about this attack method for more than a day or two. And that set of mandarin duck legs, although it is powerful. However, as Ling Yuan's cultivation became deeper and higher, the realm became higher and higher, and the power of mandarin duck legs gradually made Ling Yuan feel that some of them were not in line with his cultivation.

But it is really difficult to get other attack skills. And for his promotion so fast, the ordinary Xuanjie skill is no longer very useful. And the ground-level skills are really difficult to find.

Today, not only got a level spirit method, but also integrated into the mysterious gossip sword method, which is even more powerful. Therefore, it made Ling Yuan very happy.

Tan Mingzhe was even happier to see Ling Yuan happy. Although he does not know the characteristics of Ling Yuan's skill that can be promoted, he can also know that the power of this skill is much more powerful than the ordinary spiritual method.

The ordinary spiritual method is only released with its own spiritual power with the help of special veins. After spiritualizing the weapon, it will be cut down at the enemy one by one. It all depends on the power of skills and your own cultivation. And now Lingyuan's knife set also has those exquisite tricks. In this way, you can't fight head-on with the enemy at all, flash the opponent's resistance, and split it from other directions, which can greatly increase the lethality of the skill.

"Haha, my nephew is really talented. Your current set of skills combines my earth-level spiritual method, fire chopping and your fighting skills. And the spiritual power you exert is mixed with the power of fire. I think so, it's better to call it the All Saints of Fire.

"All the knives from fire, all the knives from fire. Not bad, not bad. Thank you, Uncle Tan, for your name.

Tan Mingzhe took the name

, which is very much in line with Ling Yuan's current situation. Therefore, Ling Yuan also thanked him. After closing the knife and set the situation, he quickly walked to the iron hand and others.

"Iron hand protection, there is nothing wrong now. You can tell me about Brother Wang Chen and others. They are taking good care of themselves in Chicheng. Why did they go back?"

"Yes, Master Lingyuan. Please sit down and let's talk slowly. This matter is a long story.

As he spoke, his iron hand reached out and asked Ling Yuan to sit on the stone stool. He turned around and waved to Tan Mingzhe and sat aside. Ling Yuan also replied, and the iron hand and others were not too polite. They all sat on the stone bench beside them. At this time, the iron hand opened his mouth and said it slowly.

"Master Ling Yuan, this matter should start from a year and a half ago. A year and a half ago, we received news from the Wang family of Nanzhanbu, the head of Wang Chen, using special means. It is said that Master Lingyuan, you are coming here to find Brother Wang Chen. On the one hand, I have experienced it, and on the other hand, I am looking for the news of your uncle Ling Xiao.

The iron hand said slowly, and Ling Yuan understood. It turned out that as early as 18 years ago, the Wang family sent two elders of the family to come here to open up their power for some special reasons.

In fact, this special reason is to find the news of Ling Xiao. But when I came here, it was empty. Ling Yuan has known these things for a long time through Tan Mingzhe's words. Uncle doesn't want to see them.

And you can't find Ling Xiao. Ten years ago, the two elders wanted to go back. After staying here for eight years, he not only established an iron-blooded mercenary regiment. And with the three-layer cultivation strength of the two elders during the flexible period, the iron-blooded mercenary regiment was abruptly developed into the largest mercenary regiment in Chicheng.

But such a huge force has been looking for eight years, and there is no news. The two elders were a little impatient. After all, this desert land is very good for mercenaries. But it's not as good as Nanzhanbuzhou, which is a place with good wind and rain. And the Wang family also has the Wuling Mountains, which can quickly improve their cultivation.

So, the two elders want to go back. But at this time, Wang Qingming was sent here to experience his 18-year-old eldest son, Wang Chen. On the one hand, he continued to look for it, and on the other hand, he let him practice by himself.

After all, in Nanzhanbu, there are not many forces that dare to provoke the Wang family, which makes the young disciples of the Wang family a little proud. Without iron-blooded battle and training, Wang Qingming was very worried.

As the eldest son, Wang Chen is naturally valued by Wang Qingming and let him come over. After being tested, he really hone his strength. After Wang Chen came to Chicheng, he was also very competitive. In more than eight years, his cultivation has been raised to the peak of the flexible period, which is also a genius.

A year and a half ago, after receiving his father's message, Wang Chen immediately made a detailed introduction to his opponent. Wang Chen himself also wants to see this prospective brother-in-law who has not met. Therefore, although he knew that Ling Yuan would have to come for at least a year, Wang Chen was not idle and was ready to welcome him in advance.

But six months ago, it was found that Ling Yuan had not yet arrived. Several waves of spies were sent to look for Ling Yuan on the road, but no trace was found. Wang Chen was a little anxious. At this time, someone reminded Wang Chen whether Ling Yuan took a path or crossed directly from the Eatenling Mountains.

After hearing this, Wang Chen also felt a burst of fear in his heart. He was really afraid that Ling Yuan, a young man, was young and hot-blooded, and crossed directly through the Spirit-eating Mountains. In that case, it would be dangerous.

But before I finished thinking about this idea, I got a message from another family. But the content of this news is not clear to Iron Hand and others. I just know that when Wang Chen saw the news, he was shocked. Even if he led the main force of the iron-blooded mercenary regiment, less than 200 people returned to Nanzhanbuzhou in advance.

And the iron hand was left by Wang Chen. Before leaving, Wang Chen also told him to retreat immediately after taking care of the follow-up matters. Exit Chicheng and go to the road outside the border city. Follow the road to the foot of the Eating Spirit Mountain, where the mountain leads to the path, and wait for Lingyuan for half a year. If Ling Yuan doesn't arrive, he will go back to the road and go to the Wang family in Nanzhanbuzhou to meet Wang Chen.

After listening to Wang Chen's arrangement, after Wang Chen and the others left, he quietly arranged all the follow-up things and was ready to leave. But at this time, for some reason, he was hunted down endlessly by the fantasy mercenary regiment. There is nothing they can do. Iron hands and others can only choose to retreat in advance and come to the border city.

I didn't expect that the fantasy person would catch up here. If it hadn't been for meeting Ling Yuan, I'm afraid that the iron-blooded people would have been killed by fantasy people at this time.

After saying this, the iron hand sighed. Ling Yuan and Tan Mingzhe were also shocked after listening to it. Taking a cold breath, both of them didn't expect that there would be such a story behind it.

However, all this has passed, and Ling Yuan was a little puzzled. I wonder what kind of news Wang Chen got and why he left in such a hurry. But at this moment, the iron hand suddenly remembered something and took out a letter from his arms. After Ling Yuan opened the letter, he was stunned.