Spiritual world

Chapter 137: Organism

"Ling Yuan, don't be sad. There is someone in this cave."

It is this quiet word that reminds me of it. In this cave, it seems like a thunderbolt. Everyone's eyes brushed at the source of the sound, Tan Mingzhe.

Ling Yuan jumped up directly from the ground and looked at Tan Mingzhe with hot eyes, with a burst of surprise on his face.

"Uncle Tan, what, did you find something? My parents, where are they?

Ling Yuan turned around with joy and found Tan Mingzhe squatting on the ground, constantly wiping something on the ground with his hands, and then stained something that seemed to be blood on the ground with his fingers. He gently put it in front of his nose and sniffed gently.

"Ye, Ling Yuan, don't worry. At least now I'm sure that there must be someone here."

"Oh, Mr. Tan, why is this really?"

Tan Mingzhe's action made some of the two monks present unable to figure out. However, Ling Yuan was beside him, but he seemed to have noticed something.

Tan Mingzhe's solemn look squatted on the ground and kept groping and checking. Turning around and standing up and observing carefully back and forth in the room made Ling Yuan involuntarily remember the appearance of those detectives in the TV series.

And Tan Mingzhe also seemed to be trapped in this action. After saying that, he no longer paid attention to everyone.

After Tan Mingzhe turned back and forth several times in the cave and searched almost every corner of the cave, he walked back to the crowd with a gratifying smile on his face.

"Hehe, now it can be confirmed. You may not understand what I'm doing just now. I'm afraid you are also a little confused. In fact, these things are also some of the furs I learned from Brother Lingxiao at the beginning. At the beginning, there were some things given to me by Brother Ling Xiao, including investigation and inference. I just took a closer look at the situation in the cave with the art of detection and inference. It was really as I expected.

"Oh, Mr. Tan, what do you see?"

The question of the blood wolf also represents the doubts of Xiao Daofeng and others. After listening, Tan Mingzhe smiled and felt a little mysterious. Immediately raised his hand, pointed to a small piece of blood stain on the ground that should have been solidified, and then pointed to the surroundings of the cave.

"It's actually very simple, but you don't have experience in this field, so you may not see it. Take a closer look, is there something wrong with the situation in this cave?

"Is this not right? No, right? Do you think there is anything wrong?

After Tan Mingzhe asked, before others could speak, he began to talk carelessly. The blood wolf beside him glanced blankly, and the bloodthirsty quickly retreated and did not dare to continue talking.

"Ha ha, Mr. Tan, don't have the same experience as this child. He is just a little careless."

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter. I can understand his mood. Not only him, but also the people present, I'm afraid these young children will find nothing. But you elders, who have experienced so many storms and waves, should be able to feel strange.

waved his hand and signaled that he didn't care about bloodphilia. Tan Mingzhe walked to Ling Yuan, looked at Ling Yuan's face with a thoughtful look, and gently patted Ling Yuan's shoulder, but did not disturb his thinking.

"Yes, when Mr. Tan said that, I really felt something was wrong. But as for what's wrong, I can't tell.

"It's true. I also feel a little strange, but I can't say it. Everything here seems to be fine. Ling Yuan's expression just now can also be seen. There is no change in the cave and his memory. Otherwise, he would have screamed long ago, and it would not have been false with his kind of missing for his parents just now.

The words of Blood Wolf and Dan Chenzi almost represent the thoughts of these people. Everyone else also nodded. However, Feng Lin stood beside Ling Yuan and looked up at Tan Mingzhe's smiling face. Looking at Ling Yuan's still thinking, she felt that this matter would not be so simple.

At present, Feng Lin was also in the cave, turning back and forth a few times, and then came to the dry blood stains of Tan Mingzhe's previous fingers, standing there for a long time, and suddenly raising her head and suddenly realized.

"Oh, Uncle Tan, is it because of this blood stain? This blood stain should not look like something left a few years ago. If it had been the blood stains left by the blood washing Wuling Village, it would have disappeared long ago. Has there been a fight in this cave not long ago?

"Haha, it's a little reliable. It seems that Miss Fenglin is really a heroine, much better than your seniors.

"Uncle Tan, you, you praised it."

Tan Mingzhe's praise made Dan Chenzi and others blush. It also made Fenglin blush, shy and modest, and returned to Ling Yuan's side.

"However, what Miss Feng Lin said is still wrong. Although it's a little close, it's not the reason I want to say. Forget it, it's not difficult for you. I'd better say it."

As soon as the voice changed, Tan Mingzhe denied Feng Lin's remarks. The difference before and after made Feng Lin stunned for a moment. However, when Tan Mingzhe just wanted to tell the answer, Ling Yuan next to him patted his thigh and exclaimed.

"Oh, yes, that's how it is. I'm really confused. I'm so confused. I should have seen these situations at first sight. How can such obvious traces be ignored?

Ling Yuan's performance made Tan Mingzhe, who was already wanted to speak, silent at that time. Immediately, he turned his head and smiled at Ling Yuan.

"Haha, it seems that Ling Yuanxian's nephew has something to do with each other. As I said, Brother Ling Xiao said these things at the beginning. These are just some small tricks of the Ling family. How can they hide them from the eyes of Ling Yuanxian's nephew? If it hadn't been for the news that the virtuous nephew was worried about his parents, I'm afraid I would have seen it a long time ago. Well, now that your nephew has understood, you might as well talk about it. I think you should see more than me, a layman.

"Ha ha, Uncle Tan, you are joking. How can I compare with you? I just see some fur. If what I say is wrong, I have to correct you.

said modestly, but Ling Yuan had some extra thoughts in his heart. This method is obviously the art of detective and survey. Moreover, everyone's words have not been hidden from Ling Yuan's ears. Naturally, I heard it really. These experienced people don't know anything about this kind of thing.

This also let Ling Yuan know a lot of things in his heart. It seems that on this flexible continent, everyone's ability to perceive danger only depends on his strong divine power and cultivation. It is impossible to infer whether it is dangerous or what has happened through some other external factors.

And also Tan Mingzhe's words let Ling Yuan know that only the Ling family knows this so-called inference technique.

"I also just heard Uncle Tan's point out and thought about it for a while before I understood the reason. Look, this cave is very clean and has a spotless feeling. And in such a situation, if no one has been here, how can there be such a dust-free cave that has been silent for several years and has not been taken care of?

As he spoke, Ling Yuan pointed to the stone wall around the cave, the place with obvious traces of cleaning, and then pointed to the neat straw and the ground, which was a little dusty but relatively clean.

"If these only prove that someone has come to clean the cave, then the blood stains on the ground just prove that there are absolutely people living in the cave. Because these blood stains, as Linlin said, are by no means left a few years ago. Because there was no fight in this cave at the beginning, because I hid here that year to avoid a disaster.

"What, you hid here back then."

When everyone heard Ling Yuan say that he escaped a disaster in this cave a few years ago, everyone was slightly surprised. Although this cave is also a little far away from Wuling Village, it will not hide a big living person and will not be found. And Ling Yuan did not explain the reason to them. After all, that layer of seal is also a secret of their Ling family.

"So, this blood stain was left later. Judging from the dryness of the blood stain, the blood stain appeared in the hole for no more than three months. It should be a blood stain that only appeared in the past two months. And smelling its fishy smell will not be human blood stains. This is the blood stain left by the beast. If I smell it correctly, this fishy smell is a goat-like beast unique to Xishan Pass called an alpaca. Its meat smell is less fishy and a little softer than that of goats.

Speaking of this, there is no need for Ling Yuan to explain. The people present are all old and elites. No one prompted that naturally he would not think of these reasons, but Ling Yuan's words were all over, and of course he understood the reasons.

There is only one thing about the appearance of the blood of such a food-type beast, which is what the hidden people in this cave left when they came out to look for food.

"Yes, hehe, the virtuous nephew is right and comprehensive. It seems that the virtuous nephew is also a true biography of the Ling family."

Ling Yuan smiled and said no to Tan Mingzhe's praise. He can't explain it. These things are just common sense for people on his plane.

"Uncle Tan, but I still don't understand that all these things show that there are indeed people in the cave. But why is it so quiet here, and it's such a big place, there is no daily use on the bed, and there is no trace of life in the cave.

When Ling Yuan's suspicion came out, Dan Chenzi and others nodded. Ling Yuan's words are reasonable. Since they have proved that there are people, there is no food in the room, no bedding, and there are no things used in daily life. There are no people. What's going on?

"Doesn't your nephew know? This is the reason why I insisted that your parents still exist. No one can do this sign except your Ling family. Because your Ling family will also have the same top-secret skill called machine art.