Spiritual world

Chapter 154: Refining the Body to Cross the Spiritual Disaster

In the organ village in Wuling Village, the five elders of the Xiao family were sitting in the big warehouse. When they meditated cross-legged, they felt that the aura between heaven and earth suddenly had a trace of restlessness.

"What's going on?"

The elder opened his eyes and his eyes emitted two cold lights. He stood up and quickly walked out of the warehouse. He looked around and found nothing abnormal.

Today's warehouse is decorated with a lot of things and has become a temporary hall. The five elders of the Xiao family sat here day and night practicing. Around the warehouse, five disciples of the Xiao family stood around for 12 hours.

In the Wuling Village outside, three patrols were set up to change shifts every four hours to protect the defense of the whole Wuling Village. Even in the government village, there are also disciples of the Xiao family and the Wang family, which are divided into several teams and constantly patrolling in the government village.

I turned around the warehouse and saw that all the disciples were concentrating on defending there. The patrol was also constantly walking back and forth in the village, and there could be no abnormal situation. And when he came outside the warehouse, the elder found that the restlessness of the aura had weakened a lot and seemed to be nothing.

But when he returned to the warehouse, he felt the restlessness of Reiki and appeared in the divine consciousness again. The strong movement made the elder feel a burst of pressure. At this time, the two elders and others also opened their eyes and looked at the elders one by one, looking puzzled.

"Brother, what's going on? Why did the aura in heaven and earth suddenly rise? Is there an invasion from a foreign enemy?

"Yes, what's going on? Is it the Tongyun sect who sneaked on?

After the second elder asked, the third elder also asked later. Looking at the confusion of several brothers, the elder didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what had happened, so he could only shake his head and sigh.

"Well, who knows what happened, but no one from Tongyunmen came to attack. It is thought that Lingyuan and others have arrived at Tongyun Mountain. So many people went to Tongyunmen. If I were a cloud maniac, I would definitely not risk sending masters to attack here. Let's send someone to inquire about each other's news, and they will definitely inquire about our situation. With five of our brothers sitting here, even if they are masters of the spiritual change period, they can have a chance to escape.

"It's also true. What the eldest brother said makes sense. These days, we are extremely calm here. And even the Wang family courtyard is also very quiet. It seems that Tongyunmen is defending Ling Yuan with all its strength. I hope Ling Yuan and others can successfully destroy the Tongyun Gate. This Tongyun Gate should indeed disappear.


Before the three elders finished their words, suddenly there was a roar from the underground of the warehouse. Then the aura in the whole space quickly poured in from all around, and the space in the whole warehouse made the current warehouse seem to be a holy place for spiritual cultivation. The strong aura, mixed with the pressure of the power of space, made the five master elders of the infant period feel endless pressure.

"Elew, what's going on? Suddenly, there was a roar in the warehouse. The earth seemed to be shaking.

"No, Xiao Yun, you should exit first and tell those patrol people to withdraw from the exit outside the village. Let's see what's going on here."

After saying that, the elder beat Xiao Yun and others out. Although what the elder said was very nervous, in fact, the elder was very clear in his heart. He understood that the source of this power came from the underground cave of the warehouse. In the cave, these ordinary disciples didn't know, but their five brothers knew that it was Ling Yuan's teacher Dan Chenzi, who refined his body after receiving Xiao Daolin's body.

Now, there has been such a big fluctuation. Obviously, it must be the time for Dan Chenzi to refine his body at a critical moment, but as for what happened, the elders don't know.

In this case, he can't let Xiao Yun and others know the situation inside now. He can only send everyone away first, and the five of them can go down to see what happened.

Xiao Yun saw that the elder's face had changed greatly, and now he felt that it was definitely not a trivial matter. So he didn't dare to neglect, quickly led the crowd and quickly took the patrol team and other disciples of the Xiao and Wang family to the huge stone at the entrance. After Xiao Yun and others left, the five elders patted the mechanism of the Eight Immortals table in the warehouse and opened the entrance and went down to the underground cave.

In the cave, on the stone platform where the previous seal was located, there was no seal at this time, but an old man sat cross-legged on it. The aura between heaven and earth quickly poured in from around and ingested the old man's body.

Above the old man's head, there is a looming reiki whirlpool, in which the majestic aura rotates and enters the top of the old man's head along the bottom of the whirlpool. After the elder came down, he did not dare to disturb him and looked at it so quietly.

Under the stone platform, several disciples of the Wang family are sitting there and practicing. The momentum of these disciples is rapidly soaring. It can be seen that this aura* is really an opportunity for them to be promoted.

While the elders and others were watching, above the old man's head, the aura vortex slowly split, and finally became three aura vortex, and the three aura bonds quickly poured into the old man's body.

"Three flowers gather together, the strength of this elder Dan is so strong that it is. If I remember correctly, the three flowers can be condensed, and the strength can only be condensed after reaching the eight or nine layers of the spiritual change period. Looking at the momentum of Elder Dan, I'm afraid there is a lot of hope to advance. If you want to advance, will it become a spiritual disaster period?

"What, the spiritual disaster period? No way, for so many years, I have never heard of any senior on the mainland who has been promoted to the spiritual disaster period. I'm afraid that there is no spiritual disaster except for those hidden old and immortals. If Elder Dan really leads a spiritual disaster and survives it successfully, who can stand against Ling Yuan on Nanzhanbuzhou?

As soon as the elder's words came out, the two elders and others took a cold breath. However, as they spoke, they did feel that the spiritual pressure emanating from Dan Chenzi's body was really too powerful. Moreover, the appearance of the three flowers symbolizes the strength of Dan Chenzi. After this re-integration of the body, even if it can't lead to spiritual disaster, I'm afraid it can be the peak of the spiritual change period. Similarly, no one can resist it on Nanzhanbuzhou.

"Yes, if Elder Dan can successfully advance, it can't be said that Nanzhanbuzhou. Even on the whole flexible continent, few people dare to underestimate the Ling family. Alas, it's a pity. More than 200 years ago, if Elder Ling Tian had not died and still lived in the world, the Ling family would have become the existence of the top forces on the flexible continent.

As soon as the four elders sighed, they suddenly felt a violent shaking in the cave. Subsequently, the three aura condensed whirlpool flowers above Danchenzi's head also jumped quickly. A moment later, three whirlpools instantly shot into the top of Dan Chenzi's head. Looking at Dan Chenzi's body, the whole body seemed to be condensed by spiritual power, and once again became a little illusory, as if it were the previous divine consciousness.

The five elders were stunned when they saw this situation. Because of the cultivation and refining of the body of this level master, these five people have never seen it. Especially the appearance of the three flowers, the elders have only seen some in some ancient book records.

At the top of the cave, after Dan Chenzi's body is illusory, a spiritual cloud condensed, in which there are colorful fire thunder looming. A roar of Thunderbolt came from the clouds, mixed with great spiritual pressure.

"No, let's go."

As soon as he saw the appearance of the thunder cloud, the elder's face suddenly changed, waved his hand and condensed a spiritual power, which suddenly rolled up the disciples of the Wang family and rushed out of the cave. The two elders also ran out quickly.

"There really appeared a nine-day spiritual disaster. It seems that the strength of Elder Dan is about to advance."

It was not until dozens of feet away after leaving the warehouse that the elder marveled and breathed a sigh of relief. The rest of the elders also patted their chests and were afraid for a while.

"Yes, fortunately we left quickly. Nine-day spiritual disaster is really terrible. That spiritual pressure, even on senior Ling Tian at the beginning, was not so powerful. Although Elder Ling Tian did not show all his strength at the beginning.

Before everyone could catch their breath, they felt the earth under their feet constantly shaking. Then, the whole sky became gloomy, and then a series of fire thunder fell from the sky and fell directly into the warehouse. Looking at the huge warehouse, the whole was flattened by the fire.

With the spiritual valley inside, after the spiritual disaster fell, the whole disappeared without a trace. The organs under the warehouse could not stop the attack of the spiritual disaster at all, and a huge sinkhole appeared under the whole warehouse.

The spiritual disaster is one after another, and the Dan dust in the sinkhole is covered with a layer of spiritual protection. When the spiritual disaster split 6636, the spiritual shield on Dan Chenzi's body could no longer support it. At this time, Dan Chenzi's eyes opened slightly and didn't know where to take out a turquoise cloak.

As soon as the cloak came out, it shrouded over Dan Chenzi's head. When a thunder fell, he saw a green light flashing on the cloak and taking over the thunder. The thunder fell, all followed by the cloak. Until ninety-eight, the nine heavenly spiritual disasters finally dissipated between heaven and earth.