Spiritual world

Chapter 163: Nanzhan's Great Alliance

Yunlan mentioned the incident of the day and brought Ling Yuan into her memory. Thinking of what I experienced in the cave that day, it was vivid. Ling Yuan's heart was slightly sad.

Feed the change in Ling Yuan's mentality, and the smart Feng Lin naturally sensed something wrong. Although Ling Yuan's strength was weak at the beginning, women could always perceive women's thoughts. Looking at Yunlan's expression, a trace of affection in her tearful eyes made Feng Lin feel a little uncomfortable.

For a man she loves, no woman can tolerate her man's involvement with other women. Although Fenglin knew that there could be no deviant thing between Ling Yuan and Yun Lan, the unspeakable meaning made Feng Lin feel some dangerous omens. At this moment, Feng Lin took a gentle step forward and took Ling Yuan's arm.

Fee the temperature from Fenglin's delicate body and pulled Ling Yuan back to reality from his memories. Turning his head and looking at Feng Lin, Ling Yuan looked guilty. Although nothing happened that day, it was difficult to say. Thinking of the hatred of slaughter village again, Ling Yuan gently gritted his teeth and slowly closed his eyes.

"Yun Lan, these things have nothing to do with you. When everything happened, you were not at Tongyun Gate. Everything is planned by the old man Yun Kuang. Nearly 1,000 people from Wuling Village and Wang's family died. Everyone present can be released, and you can leave at any time without anyone stopping you. But the cloud madness must die. Uncle Tan, do it."

Close your eyes and sigh gently. There are many waves in my heart, but all this can't stop Ling Yuan's hatred for Yun Kuang and his determination to kill Yun Kuang.

Tan Mingzhe saw Ling Yuan's expression. Alas."

With a sigh, Tan Mingzhe has also walked around the world for decades, and naturally he can see that there is a lot of involvement between the two. But it is inconvenient to ask more about these things. Seeing that Ling Yuan was determined, he didn't say anything. He jumped to Yun Kuang's side, raised Yun Kuang with his hands slightly, and turned around to leave the hall. Originally, Tan Mingzhe felt that the owner of Yunlan might make trouble and cry for a while.

But what surprised him was that Yun Lan still sat on the ground without any movement. He watched Tan Mingzhe take Yun away. No dispute, no noise. Only at the moment when Tan Mingzhe took Yun Kuang away and turned away, he left two lines of tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Gee them the antidote and let them go. Lord Yunlan, send someone to take good care of her. If she wants to leave, you can't stop her.

He turned around and left the hall, leaving Li Qiming, who had just raised his foot and came in. He was stunned there and didn't know what had happened. He just saw Tan Mingzhe come out holding Yun Kuang with both hands and kill him casually. Li Qiming was very surprised.

As early as when Yun Lan first found himself and said he wanted to see Ling Yuan, he noticed a trace of friendship with Ling Yuan in Yun Lan's words. Therefore, Li Qiming felt at the beginning that this boy was really good, his cultivation talent was so high, and there were many beautiful women around him. First, the Miss Feng fell in love with him, and then the door owner of Tongyunmen, which is unclear.

But today Ling Yuan is so determined, which is very unexpected by Li Qiming.

"Master Yunlan, what's going on?"

The puzzled Li Qiming came to Yunlan. I asked in a low voice. He has a good feeling for Yunlan. As Li Tang's royal guardian, Li Qiming knows Tongyunmen very well. Naturally, we know that Yunlan does not act like other Tongyunmen Guardians, elders and cloud madness.

As early as before the cloud madness came out of the customs, the Tongyun Gate under Yunlan's management was very regular. There had never been a phenomenon of bullying others, let alone any evil.

However, Li Qiming's inquiry did not get any answer from Yunlan. Yunlan just gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, stood up and slowly walked to the door of the hall. Looking at Yunlan's lonely and delicate back, Li Qiming felt sympathetic for a moment and felt that Ling Yuan was a little too ruthless.

I stayed on Tongyun Mountain for half a month and divided the disciples of Tongyunmen. Those low-level disciples, who have never done evil, were released. And some people who usually do evil are killed directly. Many disciples of Tongyunmen had nowhere to go after their release and volunteered to join the banner of the Yan League.

On the second day after killing Yun Kuang, a maid came to report that the owner of Yunlan left quietly. Leave a letter to Ling Yuan before leaving. There were not many words in the letter, only one poem was written.

"The sky arranged to meet, but there was a blood feud and abandoned it. The hatred of killing the master has calmed down, and there have been no strangers since then.

A short poem told Yunlan's feelings when he left. After reading it, Ling Yuan's heart was complicated. But think about the responsibilities you bear. The plan of the Phantom Palace, the traces of parents. Ling Yuan resolutely put the book in the envelope and put it into the ring.

In 15 days, Tongyunmen was completely destroyed. Since then, there has been no more Yunmen on Nanzhanbuzhou. Some are just an extra tourist destination of the Tanglong Empire, Tongyun Mountain. For Yanmeng, Ling Yuan means that since the matter of Tongyunmen has been solved, it is better to end its existence. After all, Yanmeng is not the only one who belongs to Lingyuan. These people in Yanmeng have their own belongings and can't force others to continue to follow them.

But as soon as the idea was said, it was refuted by everyone present. And everyone's reasons also made Ling Yuan have no rebuttal. For nothing else, everyone is just one sentence, because the Phantom Palace has blacklisted everyone in the whole Yan League. Therefore, this alliance will not only not be disbanded, but also continue to expand its power. It's better to be able to bring in all the forces on Nanzhanbu.

Especially Cangling Academy, if it can attract Cangling Academy and other forces, then everyone will have more capital when dealing with the Phantom Palace in the future. And if it is scattered, everyone will immediately be retaliated by the Phantom Palace. This kind of revenge cannot be resisted by any force belonging to the Yan League.

Everyone's statement made Ling Yuan have nothing to say. They helped themselves avenge the deep blood, but now they will even be destroyed because of their relationship with the mysterious Phantom Palace. In this case, with Ling Yuan's personality, he naturally can no longer say the words of dissolving the alliance, although Ling Yuan is very reluctant to be the leader of the alliance and does not want to be bound by such forces.

After cooking Tongyunmen, Lingyuan returned to Wangjiazhuang, Jiangzhou. At this time, Wangjiazhuang was reborn after a disaster. It is bigger and wider than before. After returning to the graves of the villagers of Wuling Village and killing Zhang Ergou with their own hands, Wuling Village was also transformed by Ling Yuan to become the base camp of the Ling family.

The so-called disciples of the Ling family are also some disciples left behind after the dissolution of Tongyunmen. Most of these people are poor people who enter Tongyunmen to make a living. And these people are all kind-hearted people, so Ling Yuan left hundreds of people behind.

Since the Phantom Palace came into sight, Ling Yuan's mood has gradually changed. Slowly, my mentality has also changed, and I no longer do what I want to do as I want like the prodigal son I used to be. Instead, everything will be considered more long-term, which also makes Ling Yuan feel that he really wants to deal with Tongyunmen and find the traces of his parents. Without some of your own forces, you can never succeed.

After Lingyuan arranged the passage connecting the Wuling Mountains in Xishan Pass, they sent the confidant disciples of the Wang family to take care of it. Stationed in the government village. Three days later, Xiao Daofeng also moved the headquarters of the Xiao family to Wuling Village. And officially announced that the Xiao family has joined the Yan League since then. It is no longer a separate existence, but the first formal law enforcement hall of the Yan League.

The Wang family also announced that they would join it. The head of the law enforcement hall appointed Xiao Qingyu to serve. Some elite disciples of the Xiao family and the Wang family were selected to form a law enforcement hall.

With the actions of the Xiao family and the Wang family, in addition to the royal families of various countries, mercenary groups such as Lone Wolf and Cangshan, the Xue family, the Zhang family and other families, as well as famous forces on the mainland, have joined in. As a result, the Yan League has also been more perfect. In addition to the law enforcement hall, it has also established Dan Hall, Refinery Hall, Linggu Hall, Shang Hall and so on. In their respective duties, the Yan League was formed into a perfect force.

In addition, the Yan League has designated an elder group, led by Xiao Daofeng, whose members are Song Jiang, Blood Wolf, Tan Mingzhe and others. Zhao Hua, who came out of the seal, returned to Yingling Town again. After receiving his wife Lan'er to Wuling Village, he also joined the Presbyterian Group. As a result, the elder group of the Yan League has become the most powerful force above Nanzhanbuzhou, and its members are all masters of the infant period.

Other royal families who cannot fully join the Yan League have also announced the existence of the Yan League. And declare the Yan League as its own ally.

This series of actions shocked the whole Nanzhanbuzhou. Some forces that usually don't like to show their attention have felt the pressure. Even some forces that are usually not very inspect and secretly engage in unseeable things became panicked at this time. Some forces even want to form an alliance to nip the Yan League in the bud.

However, the actions of these forces immediately disappeared after the Yan League announced that Dan Chenzi, an unparalleled master during the spiritual disaster, joined the Yan League and became an elder. Joke, a Xiao Daofeng is enough to give them a headache, not to mention the existence close to gods during the spiritual disaster period.

Yanmeng's actions shocked outsiders one by one, but after ten months, after the Yanmeng's headquarters was completely improved in Wuling Village, one thing stunned Ling Yuan and other senior officials of the Yanmeng.

"Zhang Yunlei, why did you come to my Yan League? Do you want to ask for an explanation about Tongyunmen?

"Ha ha, the leader of Lingyuan League joked. At the beginning, I was also forced to be helpless. At that time, Yun Kuang was so powerful that he was forced to marry the owner of Yunlan to me. I couldn't help it. However, Lingyuan League leader, today we will not talk about the past for the time being. I, the Pluto Kingdom, got the exact news, so I came here. On behalf of the Zhang family and the royal family of the Mingying Kingdom, I came to discuss with the leader of Lingyuan League about joining the Yan League.

Ling Yuan's words made Zhang Yunlei a little embarrassed. But today's matter is important, and Zhang Yunlei can't take care of these. At present, he said what he came for. Hearing that the Mingying Kingdom and the Zhang family were going to join, everyone felt a little disbelief.