Spiritual world

Chapter 174: The Situation in Daxia (two Updates Today)

Jianzhou City is in chaos. Soldiers are walking around the streets to govern order. Although the city owner's mansion is relatively quieter. But it is also full of tension. From top to bottom, everyone's face has a trace of uneasiness.

In the hall, after the city owner Xiao Ran and Ling Yuan sat down, they ordered the maid to watch the tea. After Ling Yuan tasted a mouthful of fragrant tea and moistened his mouth, he slowly said.

"Lord Xiao Ran, this is Tan Mingzhe, who temporarily holds the position of protecting the law in our Yan League. This is Zhao Hua, who is also the guardian of our Yan League. As for me, hehe, I am the leader of the Yan League, and my name is Ling Yuan. All three of us are from Nanzhanbuzhou. We came here today to understand the war in China and discuss the strategy of retreating the enemy in a place where we want to meet your king.

"What, you, you are the famous leader of the Yan League."

After Ling originated from the newspaper, the city owner Xiao Ran changed color at that time. He looked respectful, but his face was a little unbelievable. Secretly turned his head, and behind the screen, a slight spiritual fluctuation came.

The spiritual power fluctuated to the three people of Ling Yuan and explored the cultivation of the three people. Originally, such exploration was very taboo among spiritual practitioners. However, Ling Yuan and the three also understood that the other party was cautious and did not take it seriously. Instead, they deliberately condensed their spiritual power and showed their cultivation to the other party.

Then, the spiritual fluctuation disappeared. Instead, a hair-thin spiritual light ingested the head of the city owner. Ling Yuan knew at a glance that this was the art of passing sound like silk. Ling Yuan could know that after the screen, there was a spiritualist at the peak of the flexible period.

"It seems that this Daxia Kingdom is indeed a paradise for spiritualists. In such a chaotic war, in the small border city, there is also this kind of spiritualist who can be regarded as an ordinary master.

Ling Yuan's divine consciousness spread the sound and talked with Tan Mingzhe. It can transmit sound like silk. Although it is not like Ling Yuan and others who can transmit sound, it can only be done at the peak of the flexible period. After entering the spiritual silence period, you can use divine consciousness to directly transmit sound, and there is no need to compress the sound with spiritual power like this.

"Lord Xiao Ran, these three identities should be true. Although the three of them did not release their spiritual power. But when I detected just now, the other party kindly showed his cultivation. All three of them are masters of the infant period. Among them, the man named Zhao Hua on the left side of the alliance leader is about to become a period of spiritual change.

"What, three masters of the infant period, one of whom is a spiritualist at the peak of the infant period. This, this."

As a city owner, he is also a prince. Although he is not a spiritualist, he is also very knowledgeable. Naturally, he knows what the three words of infantile mean. At present, I also fully believe in the identity of Ling Yuan. He turned his head and bowed to Ling Yuan and the other three with shame.

"I'm sorry for the three. It was the subordinate who was too careful, which made the supervisor explore the cultivation of the three. The lower official pleaded guilty to the three. Zhang Shengjian came out to meet the leader of Lingyuan League and the two guardians.

This city owner is worthy of being a well-informed person and knows how to explore other people's cultivation, which is taboo among spiritual practitioners. Although Ling Yuan and the others did not show any dissatisfaction, he did not dare to be rude. He quickly apologized and recruited Zhang Sheng, the supervisor. Zhang Sheng came out from behind the screen as a middle-aged man. He is not handsome, but he is also very energetic.

"Ha ha, Xiao Ran City Lord has too many gifts. Now that the world is in turmoil, it is normal to be careful. However, can you ask the Lord of Xiao Ran City to tell me about the current war in China?

Seeing that Ling Yuan did not mean to blame, he politely asked himself about the situation, and Xiao Ran was secretly relieved. It seems that this is a young man. Although his cultivation is profound, he is very humble. At present, there is no concealment at all, and everything he knows is out.

The next day, Ling Yuan and the three left Jianzhou City at dawn. Although the city owner tried his best to retain him, the three were worried and anxious, so they refused to retain the city owner. The owner of Xiao Ran originally wanted to send someone to escort the three people all the way to the capital Anyi, but was politely rejected by the three Ling Yuan. Although Jianzhou is far away from the battlefield, there are also many things here. Now there are not enough people to suppress bandits, so we can't make trouble with others.

Just let the city owner stamp a big seal on the customs clearance ultimatum to prevent continuous explanations along the way from delaying time.

Walking on the official road outside the city, Ling Yuan and the three of them frowned. Although before coming, I heard the messenger introduce the situation here. But after all, it was still not detailed enough, but they knew that the masters and armies of the three major continents rushed to fight against the undead disaster, but after listening to the introduction of the city lord Xiao Ran, the three found that the situation was more serious than they thought.

Since the seal was suddenly torn open, nearly a hundred miles of big mouths above the sea, countless non-dead spirits poured in from the dark continent.

Fortunately, over the past 3,000 years, the monarchs of Daxia have never forgotten the amazing war and have been planting many observation posts on the seaside.

When the non-death spirit appeared in the field of vision, the observation whistle immediately transmitted the news to the capital Anyi through a musical note. After receiving the news, Xia Jie, the emperor of Daxia, immediately sent three royal masters in the spiritual transformation period, led more than a dozen spiritual practitioners and hundreds of spiritual practitioners to rush to stop them as soon as possible.

When these masters arrived at the seaside, they saw that the whole sea was full of non-dead spirits. There are countless stone ghosts and destroyers flying in the sky. I don't know when some monks with the power of summoning appeared on the ground. These monks summoned the door of space, and countless ghouls, cave demons and even mixed with a lot of huge and powerful hatred.

Xiahou, who led the team, dared not neglect. At the first time, he led everyone to destroy the monks and destroy the door of space. Fight with these undead troops. After killing for a whole day and a night, he finally wiped out these dead on the ground. However, this elite team also lost dozens of spiritual practitioners, and even killed and injured more than 20 spiritual practitioners and slightly injured one spiritual infant master.

However, this battle also provides time for the arrival of subsequent forces. The complete landing of the undead troops was delayed by nearly five days. Although dozens of spiritualists were lost, nearly a million ghouls, at least 300,000 cave demons and 30,000 to 50,000 hatreds were also eliminated.

Seeing that there are still a large number of undead on the sea, they are still coming quickly in the direction of the land. Xiahou made a hasty decision to give up this sentry town by the sea and lead people to retreat to Dengzhou City. Xiahou is the prince of Daxia and has military power. Feeling that things were not good, he immediately ordered the lord of Dengzhou to mobilization all the troops of Dengzhou to prepare for battle as soon as possible.

Then Xiahou sent a note to the royal family and reported the news here. And sent several spiritual practitioners to mobilized soldiers and horses in ten states such as Youzhou, Cangzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou and Chongzhou at the fastest time day and night. In just three days, a defense line was pulled up at a distance of more than 100 miles outside Dengzhou and Laizhou. More than two million troops arrived.

Xia Jie's order has also spread to all states in the past three days. The city owners of each state did not dare to neglect and immediately mobilized their troops. Except for the 35,000 iron armored troops needed to maintain order on a daily basis, all the troops were sent to Dengzhou and Laizhou.

Before the army arrived at the Luzhou Peninsula, news came from the front. Xiahou was injured, more than half of the 2 million troops were lost, and the elite team was almost completely destroyed. Only the remaining two spiritual masters and seven spiritual infant monks are left.

This news shocked everyone. Few people can believe such a loss. Millions of troops and hundreds of spiritualists were lost in this way. Even Xiahou was injured. I'm afraid the so-called ancient clan can't do it easily.

Dengzhou and Laizhou were lost one after another, and the follow-up troops did not come. Xiahou felt that he could not do it and directly gave up Qingzhou. After withdrawing into Chongzhou, the army behind finally arrived. The masters of the royal family and the top figures of the big power finally appeared and came to Chongzhou. Since then, the whole line of Chuzhou, Xuzhou, Weizhou, Jizhou and Cangzhou has been completely blocked by 30 million troops.

Four masters of the spiritual disaster period appeared, including Xia Yun, the master of the royal family, and the whole army of the spiritual martial arts college was dispatched, which finally controlled the war. The reason for the failure of Xiahou and others was also rumored.

It turned out that when Xiahou and others led 2 million troops to quickly solve the battle and re-locked it at the seaside, the large army was attacked by the undead troops in the coastal sentry towns.

On the first day, with the assistance of Xiahou and other spiritual masters, the war was very easy. But after one night, the next day, dark clouds floated all over the sky. Everyone thought it was a change, but when the dark clouds got lower and lower, Xiahou suddenly shouted, "There is an enemy attack, ready to fight."

At this time, everyone found that the so-called dark cloud was not a real cloud, but a doomed stone ghost and destroyer. There are even thousands of ice bone dragons, the so-called ice dragons. With the arrival of these air troops, Xiahou's troops felt pressure. Among the undead troops on the ground, I don't know when many undead wizards came.

At this station, the two sides fought equally and earth-shakingly. In the end, with more than 100,000 casualties, Xiahou's troops still firmly controlled the battlefield. The other party's attendant was not given the opportunity to build a portal.

However, this phenomenon did not last long. On that night, when a big war came quietly, Xiahou and others finally knew the severity of the natural disaster of the dead. I also understand why the army of the dead is called a natural disaster and a non-death spirit.

PS: By the end of the month, it will basically return to normal updates. There should be no problem to update the two chapters on the recovery day next month, but the update time may not be very stable, because there have been a lot of things recently, and it is hard to say. There is a plot structure of the new book, other tasks, and you have to hook up with your girlfriend. Finally, I still thank the friends who have been accompanying Yuanfeng. Thank you for your support. Yuanfeng has been able to persist all the way until now because of your support. Thank you.