Spiritual world

Chapter 178: Saint's Ice Rain Heart

Tan Mingzhe's cultivation broke through to the fifth level of the spiritual change period in these three days. Ling Yuan and the two also benefited a lot. Tan Liren also knew that these two were friends of Tan Mingzhe at the last moment. Even this Ling Yuan is the descendant of the Ling family.

So during the period of helping Tan Mingzhe, he also helped the two of them.

A remnant soul, a mummified corpse and a spiritual bed. In this way, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, so the three infant practitioners have improved a lot of cultivation.

Tan Mingzhe directly advanced to the fifth level of the spiritual transformation period. Zhao Hua was originally the peak of the spiritual infant period. With the help of Tan Liren this time, he benefited a lot. Unexpectedly, he successfully advanced to the spiritual transformation period and became the existence of the first layer of the spiritual transformation period, and consolidated the realm in three days.

Ling Yuan is the person who benefits the most except Tan Mingzhe. Because of his identity, Tan Liren also takes good care of him. Nearly one-third of the spiritual power is refined in Lingyuan's body, directly raising Lingyuan's cultivation to the peak of the infant period. However, Lingyuan's realm is too far from the spiritual transformation period, and the bottleneck has not been touched, so it has not broken through.

After the three opened their eyes and slowly stabilized their cultivation, they sighed in their hearts that the master of this spiritual disaster period was really powerful. The remnant soul has existed for two thousand years, and not only has not dissipated, but also has such power. What kind of power should it have if it is alive?

Ling Yuan dares not imagine the power of such a master. I'm afraid that there will be the power of destruction between his hands and feet. And according to Tan Liren's words, more than 2,000 years ago, the Tan family alone had four or five masters in the spiritual disaster period. The Tan family can only be regarded as a first-class family, and cannot be regarded as a peak force. It can be imagined how many masters there were on the flexible continent at the beginning.

Now, except for Dan Chenzi and several elders of Cangling Academy, they have never seen a master in the spiritual disaster period. On Dongsheng Shenzhou, I'm afraid that only a few ancient clans and Lingwu College still have some spiritual disasters. But eight-fold spiritual practitioners like Tan Liren are even more rare.

All this should be related to the original war. Ling Yuan and the three of them sighed a lot about the scourge of the flexible continent in a war. From this moment on, the three of them determined that they must stop the invasion of the spirit. If you are invaded by the undead again and suffer a catastrophe, I'm afraid that thousands of years later, even the masters of the spiritual baby on the continent will be a rare top strength.

After the three people practiced, Tan Mingzhe waved the dragon gun in his hand in the room and slowly wore in with it. After all, Tan Mingzhe has only used both palms or swords before. This is the first time to use this kind of big gun. Fortunately, Tan Liren passed on a set of skills to Tan Mingzhe in the last time, called Rift Shooting.

After another half a day, Tan Mingzhe became familiar with the cracking shooting method, and it was almost perfect with the running-in of the fire dragon gun. In fact, after the cultivation enters the infantile period, the infant is completely materialized, almost equivalent to another person in the body. Therefore, no matter what is cultivated, it is countless times stronger than before the infant period.

When Tan Mingzhe was running into his fire dragon gun, Ling Yuan and the two were not idle. They sat cross-legged and sat aside, absorbing the aura between heaven and earth and consolidating their realm.

This Dongsheng Shenzhou is worthy of the paradise of monks. On the whole Dongsheng Shenzhou, the aura in any corner is very sufficient. And this Demon Spirit Mountain was the secret base of the Tan family in those years, and its aura was even more abundant. Therefore, compared with Nanzhanbuzhou, even in the Juling Pavilion, it is much worse than here.

"Miss, is the sacred object here? Why is there nothing? On the contrary, there is only such a black hole. Is it possible that the sacred object is here?"

After the three of them finished practicing, they were about to get up and leave when they suddenly felt footsteps on the ground. The three quickly held their breath, released their divine power, and carefully explored. I heard the voice of a middle-aged man above, and then the crackling footsteps became clearer. There were five people, one of whom seemed to be a woman according to the lightness of his footsteps.

"Ye, it should be here. Let's go down and have a look."

"Okay, since Miss is sure, let's go down. Shake, you go down and explore the road first.

"Yes, the left guard."

As he spoke, he heard a thump outside. It should be that a person jumped down. Then Ling Yuan felt that the entrance outside was obviously bright. He released his consciousness and took a closer look. It turned out to be a blonde man. It is the same as white people in Europe and the United States, which makes Ling Yuan feel very strange. It was the first time he had seen such a man on the flexible continent.

"Protector, saint, this place is about 30 meters from the ground, which is not high. Everyone should be able to relax by casting wind spells."

"Okay, let's go down."

As the road explorer shouted loudly, the female voice above came again, and then four people jumped down. Listening to the woman's voice, Ling Yuan felt that he seemed to be a little familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember who it was. Originally, he wanted to release his divine consciousness to explore again, but he suddenly felt that the previous middle-aged man suddenly released an energy light curtain, like a spiritual shield. It's just that the range is much larger than the spiritual shield, covering several other people.

It seems to be prepared for a sudden organ attack, so it is prepared for defense. Ling Yuan gave up if he couldn't explore the divine knowledge. Although this is the case, the three people can probably know that this group of people must be sent from the Holy Light Continent. Otherwise, such blonde men will not appear on the smart continent. Moreover, when the other party mentioned the sacred object, it was more certain that the purpose was to come for the ring left by Rabik, the great magic mentor mentioned in Tan Li's population.

Before coming, the Holy Light Empire suddenly invaded, although now, according to the plan, it is very sure to be able to alliate with the Holy Light Empire. But after all, the world is unpredictable, and now the other party sends people to look for sacred objects. Regardless of the alliance, this ring must not be taken away by them. Otherwise, if the Holy Light Empire invades again after the undead troops are solved a day later, there will be one more sacred object and one more threat to the spiritual continent.

Thinking of this, the three people were ready to fight. I thought that no matter what, no matter how much the price is, these five people will be killed here. By the way, see if you can take the ring away.

"Qiankun Palm, open it for me."

The five-person team of the Holy Light Empire, just passed through the stone gate, suddenly felt that it was suddenly bright and brightened. This sudden alternation of light and dark made these people feel difficult to adapt for a while. At this time, Zhao Hua took action, and the palm of the universe turned into an orange light and hit it.

After the advanced spiritual change period, Zhao Hua's hand is extremely powerful. This palm directly breaks the energy light curtain, but although this light curtain is broken, the power of the universe palm has almost dissipated. It can be seen how powerful the defense power of this light curtain is.

"No, someone attacked. Get ready."

After being attacked by Zhao Hua's palm, the middle-aged man immediately shouted. But as soon as the words fell, I suddenly felt that my ribs were swollen, my throat was salty, and a fishy breath surged up. I didn't take a breath, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

It can be seen how powerful Zhao Hua's Qiankun's palm is. Although the light curtain offsets most of the power, the aftershocks are still unbearable for this man. As soon as Zhao Hua saw that the other party was injured and his palms condensed again, he would continue to fight.

"Brother Zhao Hua, stop it."

Zhao Hua's second chapter was about to go down, and suddenly Tan Mingzhe's voice came from behind him. A figure flashed, and Tan Mingzhe quickly appeared in the middle of the two. He waved a hand to stop Zhao Hua from moving again. He raised his right hand and pointed to the middle-aged man, and his fingertips trembled slightly.

"You, are you, Bing Mio?"

When a mouthful of blood spewed out, I knew it was not good. The strength of the other party is too much beyond himself. After more than 40 years of practice, he was just promoted to become a magician last year, and he felt that these two were unambiguous. At least above the Holy Light Empire, he is also a master. But now I have been injured by the other party's palm. Bing Mian's heart is not good, and I will die. Not only am I going to die, but I'm afraid that young ladies and others will not escape the poison.

But when he was already desperate, a dark shadow flashed, and a person flashed from behind the man. As soon as the man came out, he stretched out his hand and pointed to himself. Unexpectedly, he called out his name, and the ice was shocked. Opening his eyes and taking a closer look, he suddenly shouted out.

"Ah, you, Tan Mingzhe. How can it be you? Why are you here?

When the two said their names to each other, Ling Yuan also came over from behind. It doesn't matter. Looking up, Ling Yuan seemed to be electrocuted and stayed there.

"Uncle miao po, this, this is. Ah, you, Ling Yuan, why are you here?"

The woman was a little puzzled when she saw Bing Mian and met a strange middle-aged man. Just as he was puzzled, a young man appeared in front of him, and the woman looked up and screamed.

"Ice and Rain Heart, it's really you."

The other party screamed, and Ling Yuan also reflected, shook his head and woke himself up a little. The woman in front of her is none other than the medicine fairy, Bingyuxin, who met when she entered the Spirit-eating Mountains.

"You, why did you come here? Just now, I heard that man call you a saint. Are you the saint of the Holy Light Empire?

Seeing that it was the heart of ice and rain, Ling Yuan asked softly. In his memory, he has always believed that Bingyuxin is just a spy sent by the Holy Light Empire, and he is also an unintrodible spy. Otherwise, the other party will not have the appearance of a flexible mainland person. But today, looking at this situation and the previous population named Piao Yao, called Bing Yuxin as the saint, which made Ling Yuan very puzzled.

"Oh, hehe, this should be Ling Yuan, the young master Ling, who has been remembered by the young lady. Sure enough, he is a hero. You are right. My lady is indeed the saint of the Holy Light Empire, but it is difficult to explain this matter in one word. I think Tan Mingzhe, you should understand."