Spiritual world

Chapter 180: The Mystery of the Divine World

"Now, the two sides have officially formed an alliance."

Bing Mi's words dispelled the worries in the hearts of Ling Yuan and the three people. Anyway, as long as the two sides don't go to war, that's the best result. After entering Dongsheng Shenzhou, the three of them thought about it all the time. If the two sides can't form an alliance, then I'm afraid that the undead army can't stop it. Both continents will fall into endless disasters.

"Oh, is this true?"

Ling Yuan happily confirmed again, and Bing Mipo nodded slightly. Go on.

"This is natural. In fact, if it weren't for the undead army this time, it would be too powerful. If the two forces of the Elves and our Holy Light Empire can't stop it, there will be no war this time.

"As a result, after entering Nanzhanbuzhou, Danchenzi's predecessors showed great power and led an elite team to directly destroy the millions of troops of our Holy Light Empire, dozens of magic guides and sky knights. The old guys of the Holy Council were shocked. After that, the messenger brought the news that the undead army also landed and invaded from Dongsheng Shenzhou, which made the parliament afraid to fight again. It's logical to make peace."

After briefly talking about the situation of the alliance, Bing Mao began to talk about the situation of the Holy Light Empire. All present are their own people, and they are not afraid of being introduced into the empire and criticized for having an affair with foreigners.

In terms of the Holy Light Continent, the current situation is very bad. Although it looks very strong on the surface, it directly pulls out 80 million troops, which is more than the troops of the four continents on the flexible continent combined. But in fact, this is also a helpless move.

In the north of the Holy Light Continent, one-third of the land was occupied by the undead army. If it hadn't been for the two dangers of the Elf Mountains and the Carl Mountains, and the undead's air force could not have leaped, the Holy Light Empire at this time would no longer exist.

On the surface, the Holy Light Empire is strong, and the number of ordinary soldiers alone reaches 80 million, but in fact, the masters of the Holy Light Empire are very rare. The whole empire, including the merger of the elves, has only one sword demon and two great demon mentors. The elf clan has only one phantom archer, which is equivalent to the great swordsman, which is the peak strength of the spiritual change period.

Such a peak strongman makes the Holy Light Empire almost powerless to resist the invasion of the undead army. If it hadn't been for the existence of an indestructible thunder fortress between the two mountains, the Holy Light Empire might have begun its invasion plan long ago.

In the Thunder Fortress, there are eight thunder turrets and three sacred magic towers. I'm afraid that the legendary fairy dares not easily resist its power. Therefore, with this kind of defense, it is difficult for the undead army to cross the minefield. In two months, nearly 10 million cannon fodder troops were lost in exchange for the Thunder Fortress to lose some defensive items and energy stones.

"Oh, that's how it is."

After listening to the story of Bingmou, Ling Yuan lowered his head and meditated for a while, then raised his head and took a look at Bingmou.

"How could this happen? I heard the news that more than 2,000 years ago, the Holy Light Empire invaded a spiritual continent. At that time, he was a master. Not to mention the sword demon and demon mentor you are talking about, this is just equivalent to the strength of one or two spiritual disasters, that is, there are many sword saints and Dharma masters. Even the Urael is the god of war, three points stronger than the legendary fairy on our smart continent. How can it not fall to such a level today?

Ling Yuan expressed his doubts, and Tan Mingzhe and others nodded after hearing this. This is really hard to believe. In Tan Liren's words, the invasion of that year caused heavy losses on the flexible continent. A Ufay alone consumes nine masters in the spiritual disaster period on the flexible continent. As a result, the flexible continent has not recovered its vitality for more than 2,000 years.

"Alas, what should I say about this? I don't know where to start. This is not only our Empire of Light, but also your smart continent. In the past, there were one or two masters in almost every big family during the spiritual disaster period. Now, if I guess correctly, I'm afraid Master Ling, your teacher is the only one. Ha ha, don't look at me like this. It's not a secret. Not only do I know it, but also those old people in the parliament know it.

"Oh, is that so? So in this case, why do you know that there is only one master in the spiritual disaster period on our Nanzhanbuzhou, and you still have at least three masters with strength equivalent to the spiritual disaster period, but you have made concessions?

After hearing half of it, Ling Yuan's face changed. He has always felt that the reason why the two sides can form an alliance is based on the strength of teacher Dan Chenzi. Moreover, when the other party sees the strength of his teacher, he will definitely feel that the flexible continent is still the same as before, and the masters in the spiritual disaster period are hidden. Therefore, we can only form an alliance for fear of too many losses.

And now, Bing Mi's words completely dispelled his idea.

"Master Ling, I'm afraid only a person like me who has entered the cultivation of a magician can tell you about this matter clearly. You also have spies in the Holy Light Empire, which is certain. But they will never know about this situation. One reason why I dare not continue to fight is that the flexible continent has also been invaded. And you don't have a dangerous and absolutely safe fortress. If you invade, both sides will suffer heavy losses and will not be good for the empire. In addition, even if those three people practice, it is not easy to defeat the senior Dan Chenzi.

While talking, Bingmao released his magic power and felt the elements of heaven and earth. In the Magic Mountain, it is relatively cold and full of water elements, which is very powerful for the ice magician.

"What are you going to do?"

When he saw Bingmao talking, he suddenly released his magic and condensed in his palm. Zhao Hua thought that the other party was going to attack, so he quickly released his spiritual power with a serious face. Instead, Ling Yuan stood aside and watched the performance of Bing Mio easily without moving. Because he found from Tan Mingzhe's experience at the beginning and his current contact, Bing Mao's soul belongs to a gentleman and will not do this kind of sneak attack. What's more, although Tan Mingzhe's identity has not been recognized, he cannot be denied that he is the son-in-law of the Bing family.

"Hehe, don't be nervous. I just want you to feel my strength."

Seeing Zhao Hua's nervous appearance, Bing Yupo smiled, raised his hands, drew a cross on his chest, and then Bing Mapo waved his hands suddenly.

"The endless cold and condensed ice god gives me the power to freeze everything, ice storm."

chanting the spell, the mana in the palm of the ice soul turned into a cold light and shot at the stone wall beside it. A big stone on the stone wall between them, under this attack, was first frozen, then clicked and turned into ashes and disappeared.

Zhao Hua looked at it and thought about it secretly. He said that this guy's attack power is really strong enough. The cultivation of this ice soul is according to the standard of the flexible continent, that is, the level around the peak of the spiritual silence period. But after this so-called ice storm was carried out, Zhao Hua secretly calculated the attack power, even with his own cultivation, if he did not release the spiritual shield, he was afraid that it would be difficult to resist.

"My strength, according to the level of the flexible continent, is also the peak of the spiritual disaster period and the half-step spiritual infant period. But the magic power I exerted is comparable to the full blow of the spiritualling ling ling shi in the infant period. But you can also see that although my attack is powerful, it will take a long time. There is a saying in our Holy Light Empire that if a magician is approached, it is equivalent to fish on the chopping board and being slaughtered by others. The warrior is distanced by the magician, which is equivalent to looking for death.

"Moreover, there is another thing that is also the reason why the Holy Light Empire dares not go to war. That is, the masters lack the weapons they can use. In your words, there is a lack of powerful magic weapons. You are also masters. Naturally, you know how much natural resources and treasures need to be consumed. So, if there is no weapon, how can we fight?

"How can this be possible, although I haven't been to the Holy Light Continent. But the situation of the flexible continent is here, and there are countless magic weapons. Not to mention what kind of device, shaper is even lower. It's a fairy weapon, and it's not difficult to see. Don't you also get a sacred weapon and an artifact? Judging from that artifact, it can also be comparable to the fairy weapon of the flexible continent.

Ling Yuan was a little puzzled by Bing's words. Hurry up and ask. It's not to blame Ling Yuan's doubts. On the flexible continent, not to mention anything else, Ling Yuan saw that almost everyone took advantage of it. There are countless magic weapons to save lives and press the bottom of the box. Why did you get to the Holy Light Continent without weapons? No matter what else, there is no stick in the palm of the ice spirit in front of him.

"Well, that's what I want to say. The reason why the Holy Light Empire will decline to this is also have something to do with this. There have always been legends in our Holy Light Empire. After cultivating to the extreme, people can become gods and enter the kingdom of God in heaven. Therefore, when the God of War and the Dharma God cultivate to the extreme, they will break through the shackles of the ground and enter the Kingdom of God. This is not false. There has always been the existence of the Kingdom of God, just like in those years when the spiritual continent, the spiritual disaster period soared and could also enter the fairyland. But the difference is that after the spiritual disaster period soared, the magic weapons in the next session, except for fairy weapons and more ethereal artifacts, can't pass the washing of the fairy world's thunder punishment. Therefore, most of them will be passed on in advance. However, the Holy Light Empire is not like this. Every person who ascends will collect a large number of natural materials and earth treasures in advance to refine better and more life-saving magic weapons before flying into the Kingdom of God.

Now, we can't communicate with the Kingdom of God and lack the blade, so what should we do? Not to mention the invasion of the flexible continent, self-preservation is a problem. For more than 2,000 years, no god of war or magic has appeared since Ufai. It is for this reason that even the sword saint and Dharma have never been issued.

The words of Bing Mio shocked Ling Yuan and others. They didn't expect that the situation of this Holy Light Empire was similar to that of the Spiritual Continent. Not only did they not appear again, but they could not even communicate with the God Kingdom of the Upper World.