Spiritual world

Chapter 186: Ling Clan Secret

Tan Mingzhe and the other two still felt that it seemed a little dangerous to leave Ling Yuan here alone. Although they don't feel any danger, people are separated from each other. Does Daxia have any other ideas about Nanzhanbuzhou? It is not even possible to take the opportunity to recapture Nanzhanbuzhou.

After all, the Great Xia Kingdom was the only official on this flexible continent.

But later they felt that Xia Jie was very kind and spoke politely. Tan Mingzhe didn't say anything more, but did not leave directly. Instead, he told Ling Yuan that they stayed in an inn near the palace called Yuelai Inn. After waiting for Ling Yuan to come back, the three of them left together.

Ling Yuan saw that the two of them were resolute, so he did not insist. After sending the two away, Xia Jie waved his hand and called Xia Feng away. Originally, he wanted Xia Yuhe to go out with him, but Xia Yuhe snuggled softly in Xia Jie's arms, and the sweet words in his mouth could not stick out. Xia Jie had no choice but to keep Xia Yuhe.

Tan Mingzhe and the other two came to Yuelai Inn and opened three next to each other. The two sat in their respective rooms, meditating cross-legged, but they didn't sleep. Waiting for Ling Yuan to come back with trembling.

The two waited and waited until Dingdingtian, that is, three o'clock. Around the early morning, Ling Yuan finally returned to the Yuelai Inn. The two hurried to Ling Yuan's room and saw Ling Yuan sitting **, and their faces were very ugly. He lowered his head and meditated, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Ling Yuanxian's nephew, Xia Jie left you. You two have never talked about this for more than five hours and more than ten hours. What did he say to you? Why are you so dull when you come back?

Ling Yuan saw Tan Mingzhe coming in and sighed, and then told them what had happened. As soon as Ling Yuan said what Xia Jie said to him, Tan Mingzhe and the two of them were shocked and changed colors.

It turned out that in the dragon study of the palace, Xia Jie saw everyone leaving here, leaving Ling Yuan, Xia Yuhe and himself at the scene. Then he shook his head slightly, sighed, turned from the back of the desk to the front, reached out to hold Ling Yuan's hand, and was intimate.

"Ling Yuanxian's nephew, alas, I didn't want to talk about these things, but I heard Yuhe secretly tell me just now that Xian's nephew has been looking for your uncle Ling Xiao."

"Exact, I don't know, king, do you know the news of my uncle?"

Hearing Xia Jie's question, Ling Yuan was stunned at that time. He didn't understand what Xia Jie meant, but looking at Xia Jie's expression, it didn't seem to be a word for no reason. Ling Yuan's heart moved. Did Xia Jie know the whereabouts of his uncle? It's hard to say. The power of Daxia is all over Dongsheng Shenzhou, that is, the other three major continents, and it is not clear how many eyeliners of Daxia are. Maybe people really know some clues.

Thinking of this, Ling Yuan arched his hand to Xia Jie with doubts on his face. Xia Jie was very polite. He reached out and made an invitation posture and sat down Ling Yuan next to him. Then he said it from beginning to end.

Xia Jie said that it turned out that the Ling family was originally with the Xia family in ancient times. Moreover, at first, the Ling family did not have the surname Ling, but Ji. In ancient times, Dongsheng Shenzhou was also one of the four clans. These four clans were the Fuxi clan, that is, Fenglin's family and the Feng clan.

The second one is the Xuanyuan family, which is the ancestor of the Ling family, the Ji family. The third clan is the Jiuli clan, which is the Li clan behind the Phantom Palace. The fourth is that the Shennong clan, who rarely appears now, is named Jiang.

After hearing this, Ling Yuan was shocked. He didn't expect that behind the Phantom Palace was the Li clan, and he didn't expect that the Li clan was also one of the four ancient clans. Of course, this just surprised Ling Yuan. What's more, Ling Yuan shocked the names of the four clans. How can they be so close to the legendary Honghuang clan? Today, Ling Yuan is more sure that there is a deep connection between this flexible continent and the earth.

Seeing Ling Yuan bowing his head and meditating, Xia Jie continued to speak. At the beginning, the four clans and the people of the Feng clan have always been free and comfortable. However, the strength of the Feng clan has always been the strongest force among the four clans, so the other three families also have a good relationship with the Feng clan, and they also know that the other party has no intention of competing for the world, so they have never dared to provoke the Feng family.

Different from maintaining a neutral relationship with the Feng family, the two clans of Xuanyuan and Jiuli had ambition to win the world at that time. At this time, the flexible continent is not as dense as it is now, so there is no power to rule the flexible continent. They are all small families, and the small clans divide and rule the territory within their respective families.

In order to rule the whole flexible continent and unify the two most powerful families, the two clans began an endless battle, which lasted for more than 300 years. The population of the flexible continent is sparse, and coupled with these years of war, the plague broke out all over the field. The whole flexible continent is in a desperate situation.

At this time, people in the fairyland intervened. Many masters on both sides have soared, and these ancestors have taken action to help their children and grandchildren want to end the battle as soon as possible.

As soon as the immortal predecessors of these two sides took action, they brought a greater disaster. Finally, there was nothing he could do. The immortal emperor of the fairyland personally intervened and calmed down the war. Just when everyone thought that the war was over, a warrior of the Jiuli clan, named Li Kuang, was brave on the battlefield because of his fierce force, and after killing, his eyes were red and rampaged. He is called a madman.

When the two sides reconciled, this madman sneaked into the Xuanyuan clan and assassinated the patriarch. The Jiuli clan took this opportunity to launch an attack again. Xuanyuan was driven out of Dongsheng Shenzhou and fled to Beiju Luzhou. With the obstruction of the Black Water River, the Jiuli people are not good at water warfare, so they did not continue to attack.

This also gave the Xuanyuan people a chance to rest and recuperate. Two hundred years later, Xuanyuan had two brothers. These two brothers are geniuses of spiritual cultivation. In just 50 years, they have become the cultivation of nine spiritual disasters. This shocked the world. Under the leadership of the two brothers, the two sides began to fight again.

This war is countless times larger than the battle 200 years ago. But now, because of the battle 200 years ago, the people on the flexible continent were killed and injured, and the war started again, which almost fell into the end of the world. The plague broke out again, and the patriarch of Shennong saw that Xuanyuan was strong this time, and the Jiuli people could not resist it.

In addition, the patriarch of Shennong, who also cherished the lives of the world, decisively gave up this former ally and threw himself into the arms of Xuanyuan. End the battle as soon as possible and develop an antidote to the plague, making great contributions to the people of the world. But from then on, the Shennong Jiang family was also hated by the people of the Li family. Even some people of the Xuanyuan family also looked down on the Jiang family and felt that they were traitors.

Shennong's rebellion made the Jiuli family completely irresistible. More than 30 years later, the Jiuli clan completely failed, and the ruler on the mainland became the Xuanyuan clan. However, the two brothers of Xuanyuan didn't know why they didn't want to use Xuanyuan as their surname and changed their surnames. The eldest brother changed his name to Xia Qi, and the other changed his name to Ling Yun.

"What, our ancestors were actually brothers?"

Hearing this, Ling Yuan took a cold breath. He really didn't expect that there was such a relationship between the Ling family and the Xia family. In this case, why have you never heard of the royal family of Daxia helping when the Ling family fell? Instead, I heard some news that the royal family of Daxia also had bad behavior towards the Ling family. Thinking of this, Ling Yuan became more vigilant against Xia Jie.

"This is natural. Does the virtuous nephew want to say, in this case, why did the royal family of Daxia not help when the Ling family fell? There are still secrets in this.

Xia Jie seemed to see the vigilance in Ling Yuan's heart and explained his doubts. He said that the reason why he didn't take action was that it was not someone else who attacked the Ling family, but the Jiang family. The Jiang family made a great contribution to the establishment of Daxia, so many people forgot the brotherhood of their ancestors. I feel that the existence of the Ling family has always been a threat to the people of the Xia family. In case the Ling family usurps the throne, the Xia family will not be easy to deal with.

Therefore, with the obstruction of these people, Xia Jie can't take action. It also led to the decline of the Ling family.

"Oh, in that case, the king, you left me here today, not just to tell me these past events."

Ling Yuan frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then asked. Hearing this, Xia Jie smiled and looked kind.

"This is natural. Nephew, one of the reasons why I told you this today is to let you know the origin of the Ling family. Another one is to tell you the news about Ling Xiao. Your uncle Lingxiao, just five years ago, a spy told me that he went near the Blackwater River, as if he was looking for the ruins of his ancestors. Because in those years, the practice place of Xia Qi and Ling Yun brothers was at the bottom of the Heishui River. It is said that there is infinite power there to avoid the future crisis of the Xuanyuan clan, which can be used to overcome the difficulties. And Xia Qi did not tell the Xia family this secret, but as the secret of the Ling family. This is why many Xia's family has always regarded the Ling family as a big problem.

After saying these things, Ling Yuan's vigilance against Xia Jie faded a lot. What people said is reasonable, well-founded, and doesn't seem to be false. At this time, Ling Yuan had the intention to leave directly and went to the Blackwater River to find his uncle Ling Xiao. But just as he got up to leave, Xia Jie got up and stopped him and said another word, which made Ling Yuan anxious and left the palace regardless of saying goodbye.