Spiritual world

Chapter 225: Exploring the Elf Mountain

The Elf Mountains are worthy of the paradise of the elves. After entering the mountains, Lingyuan five people found that the mountains were full of dense jungles. The towering trees stand there. If it hadn't been for the elf king to draw a general map in advance, and the five people of Lingyuan had been so profound, I'm afraid it would have been difficult to find the forest mentioned by the elf king. Because it is full of forests.

According to the route on the simple map, Lingyuan's five people quickly shuttled through the deep mountains and old forests. Although they also encountered many beasts along the way, it is not worth mentioning in the face of these masters who have reached the top. Among these five people, the blood addiction with the lowest cultivation has also entered the sixth layer of the spiritual infant period, which is enough to sweep the thousands of troops invincible in the elf mountains.

There was a burst of sound of breaking through the sky, and a slight spiritual fluctuation appeared from time to time, and the five people did not stay straight to their destination. Ling Yuan is at the forefront. One is that he is the fastest, and the other is that to find this kind of forest, this simple map alone is useless, but to rely on the power of Lingyuan's powerful divine consciousness. Although Ji Yun's cultivation is much higher than Ling Yuan's, his divine power is far from Ling Yuan's.

Flying fast at a low altitude in the forest, Ling Yuan released the power of his consciousness and expanded the range to more than ten miles, a little searcher. But after nearly half an hour, the approximate range marked on the map given by the Elf King has been almost gone and nothing has been found. This couldn't help but make Ling Yuan and the five people very disappointed.

Especially Ling Yuan, who has great trust in the power of his consciousness. There is no power interference in this place, and it is impossible to make mistakes. The only explanation is that the location shown on this map is not accurate, or there is no so-called secret channel here. Maybe those elves were destroyed by the monsters in the primitive forest because of their weak strength.

Just as Ling Yuan's people were about to give up, a wave suddenly appeared in Ling Yuan's consciousness. That's outside the range shown on the map, about two miles northwest, and there is a relatively different grove.

This forest is not a forest, and the trees are much lower than the towering trees in the forest explored.

"Teacher, Brother Xiao, there are some unusual places in front of you."

After saying hello to the back, after the streamer wings behind Ling Yuan flashed, a dark shadow flashed and the person disappeared in place. The next Lingyuan appeared outside the small forest three miles away. Ji Yun and others also rushed over quickly. When everyone came outside the woods, they found that the woods were really different.

First of all, the trees are much shorter than the forest outside. Secondly, there are obviously several houses in the center of the forest. The house is built according to the specifications of the flexible continent, and there is a faint fluctuation of spiritual power in the room.

"Ling Yuan, be careful, there are houses on the smart continent in such a place, and there are also spiritual fluctuations. Maybe there are some elders or hidden crises hidden in it."

"Ye�, I know the teacher. Then let's go in and have a look. There should be no problem to be careful.

As he spoke, Ling Yuan waved his hand and pulled out the Xuanyuan sword and held it in his hand, and the rest of the people also pulled their own blades. Even Ji Yun held the Xuantie steel whip, which he had never used before, with a nervous look on his face. No matter how advanced his cultivation is, he will always be very cautious in the face of unknown dangers.

But soon after, it made everyone feel much more relaxed. Along the way, when I walked all the way to the door, I didn't encounter any danger, not even a hint of danger. The whole forest is like a calm pool without any fluctuations. But Ling Yuan did not give up his vigilance. Because he found one thing, since his party came here, there has been a slight change in the spiritual power in the room. But the slight change was so subtle that others didn't notice it.

That is, Ling Yuan, the power of divine consciousness is too powerful. Therefore, these subtle fluctuations are sensed by Lingyuan. At this moment, Ling Yuan clenched the sword in his hand, freed his left hand, and gently opened the door. After opening the door, there was a desolate atmosphere on my face. It seemed that no one had come to this room for a long time.

The big guy entered it with Ling Yuan and found that it was very simple and even a little simple. In the whole room, there is only a stone table, two stone stools and a stone bed. And there is nothing else in the room, which can jump into all the scenes at a glance.

"Alas, there is nothing here. It's a pity that the elf king still said seriously what secrets are here. As a result, it was a waste of time."

After saying that, he came to the stone bed carelessly, waved the long gun in his hand, and poked the stone**, looking at the meaning that he wanted to sweep away the dust on it with spiritual power, and then sat down to rest.

"Brother, be careful."

Just as the blood-thirsty gun was about to touch the stone bed, Ling Yuan suddenly exclaimed. But Ling Yuan's words are a little late. People have physical reactions, and even spiritualists are inevitable. Therefore, when Ling Yuan finished his words, the bloodthirsty long gun also poked Shi**. But after the gun was poked out, the bloodthirsty also regretted it.

Kka. When the blood-thirsty gun touched Shi**, a loud noise was heard in the ear wheel. Subsequently, everyone felt that a strong spiritual pressure appeared in the whole room in an instant, and a dazzling light flashed. When everyone regained their eyesight again, Lingyuan found that the room had disappeared.

Looking up carefully, Ling Yuan found that they seemed to be in a cave now, because the walls were made of stone.

"Haha, I didn't expect that this bloodthirsty guy was careless and did a good thing. Don't we come to the secret road mentioned in the mouth of the Elf King? It's exactly the same as the secret path he described. Well, since we've come here, let's explore it.

With Xiao Qingyu's speech, Ling Yuan and others nodded. As it comes, it is still under the leadership of Ling Yuan, and everyone is moving forward little by little in this secret channel.

Less than a dozen steps away, Ling Yuan and others keenly found that there were several skeletons lying in the secret path. According to the shape of the skeleton, it seems to be human, but it is slightly higher than the skeleton of ordinary human beings, but much thinner. Ling Yuan, as we all know, this should be the remains of the elves. The further you go, the more skeletons there will be.

After walking for nearly a ray of incense, the skeleton began to be less. However, in this short period of incense, Lingyuan found nearly 1,000 skeletons without complete statistics. Further forward, the skeleton has decreased sharply. Less than a minute later, the skeleton disappeared, followed by a mummified corpse, and even some corpses, which could clearly see the outline.

Let's explore carefully and infer from the clothes and leftovers of these elves, these people should be high-level elves. Because of his strength, he maintained the integrity of the body and has not been weathered into a skeleton by time.

Brother Ling, why is the atmosphere here so strange? I always feel that there is something dangerous here.

"It's okay, it shouldn't be a big deal. With the strength of our group of people, we are not afraid of him. Look, most of these elves are in the spiritual silence period, and no one has the cultivation in the infant period. Here, the teacher is a spiritual scholar in the period of spiritual disaster, and three masters of the spiritual transformation period. Even if you are already on the sixth floor of the spiritual infant period, what are we afraid of?

In fact, Ling Yuan was not sure about what he said. But in order not to worry too much about bloodthickiness, he can only say so. As soon as he said this, Ling Yuan's eyes swept not far ahead. It was a fork in the road, and there was no more corpses in the direct passage, but at the corner, there were piles of 20 or 30 corpses lying there. Ling Yuan's consciousness was shocked when he explored it a little.

The advanced elves of these elves, based on the residual energy fluctuations in their bodies, have the lowest cultivation, the peak of the spiritual silence period, and even an elf with a golden crown, whose strength is comparable to the peak of the infant period. The average strength of such a group of people is about five or six layers in the infantile period. It can be said that 20 or 30 people are bloodthirsty here. You can imagine how strong that crisis is.

Ling Yuan looked carefully again and found that the front of the pile of corpses walked in one direction, which was the stone gate at the corner. Ling Yuan released his divine consciousness and wanted to explore through the stone gate, but when his divine consciousness had just touched the stone gate, a faint old man's voice suddenly came from his divine consciousness.