Cold president's only favorite little wife

Chapter 70 No one hit me

Qiao Ying looked at Qiao Mu, her eyes full of shock and surprise, followed by strong dissatisfaction and anger. She pouted and stared at Qiao Mu with dissatisfaction: "Why do you restrict my personal freedom?"

Hearing Qiao Ying talking to Qiao Mu like this, An Ru frowned slightly, looked at Qiao Ying with a slight reproach, and did not speak.

The atmosphere in the room was obviously a little tense. Qiao Mu frowned and was naturally very angry when he heard Qiao Ying's words, "I am your brother, and my eldest brother is like a father!"

"Humph..." Qiao Ying heard Qiao Mu say this and snorted coldly, "Is the eldest brother like a father? I don't have an irresponsible father like you. How many times have you taken care of me since I was a child? What are you busy with all day? What's the use of making that money? When did you control my life or death? When my parents passed away, I asked you to take good care of me. When did you do it? Now it's okay. When I grow up, you interfere with my freedom again. You are not qualified to do so. Her attitude completely angered Qiao Mu. Qiao Mu's face turned red, stretched out her hand, slapped, and slapped Qiao Ying on the face.

With a slap, the room suddenly became silent, quiet and even the sound of breathing was faintly visible.

Qiao Ying covered her face and looked at Qiao Mu in shock. Her eyes sparkled with tears. She stared at Qiao Mu with sadness and heartache. Before the tears fell, she turned around and ran out.

Qiao Mu clenched his hand. With this slap, he used a lot of strength and his hand trembled slightly. At this time, he realized what he had done, and his heart was full of regret, especially when he saw Qiao Ying's eyes when he left, his heart was even more painful and he hated himself.

Seeing Qiao Ying crying and running out, An Ru came to her senses from the shock, "Qiao Mu, are you crazy?"

After saying that, An Ru quickly turned around and ran out to chase Qiao Ying. Qiao Mu also came to his senses and followed An Ru.

"Joe, what's wrong with Joe's second brother? Is Sister Qiao Ying all right? Yuan Muyu was also very surprised. She knew that Qiao Mu and Qiao Ying seemed to be a little different, but the blood was thicker than water. Qiao Mu seemed to be very fierce to Qiao Ying, but she still spoiled her sister very much. Watching Qiao Mu hit Qiao Ying, Yuan Wanyu was still a little worried.

Lu Ziqi's face has returned to normal and comforted Yuan Wanyu in a low voice, "It's okay. In fact, I have long known that this day will always come for their brothers and sisters, but I didn't expect it to destroy our mood in front of us. As the saying goes, you have to tie the bell man to untie the bell. Let them solve this matter by themselves. After saying that, the nurse has sent a nutritious meal, a very light porridge.

"But what's going on with Qiao Ying's sister and Qiao's second brother?" Yuan Wanyu is still very confused. The two of them are very good when they are good, but when they quarrel, they are not like brothers and sisters, but more like enemies.

Qiao Mu and Qiao Ying's parents used to be entrepreneurs in Country C. Qiao Mu's mother is from Country A. After meeting Qiao Mu's father, they married Country C. Their business became bigger and bigger. When Qiao Mu was ten years old, he offended some profiteers and was killed by profiteers. Qiao Ying didn't know these things. She just thought that her parents died in a traffic accident, but Qiao Mu remembered it clearly. At a young age, he carried hatred and fled back to our country A with his sister. After meeting me, he has been trying to become strong and avenge his parents. After the meal-delivering nurse left, Lu Ziqi calmly opened his mouth and told Yuan Mangyu about Qiao Mu and his sister.

"What Qiao Mu did is very dangerous, so he had to keep a distance from Qiao Ying. Since he met An Ru, Qiao Mu has paid less attention to Qiao Ying. In those years, Xiaoying wanted to learn racing, but Qiao Mu disagreed. I sent Xiaoying there, and the two quarreled. In short, Qiao Ying was ignored because of Qiao Mu's business. Over the years, it may not be easy for Xiaoying to live alone abroad. No matter how rich she is, she is a girl, alone, with no family or friends, and has suffered too many hardships that we can't imagine. Lu Ziqi opened his mouth faintly, which made Yuan Wanyu sad for a while.

It turned out that Qiao Mu and Qiao Ying were also poor people. They thought they were pitiful, but no matter what, their parents were still there, and she still relied on, but Qiao Ying and Qiao Mu's parents are no longer in the world. They can only rely on each other. Why bother each other because of previous misunderstandings?

Qiao Ying ran out of the hospital crying, came to the street, stopped a taxi, sat up and choked at the driver, "Drive, go to Jinxiu Villa."

The weather changed. At the previous moment, the sky was still clear. At this time, there was already a gust of cold wind, and the clouds covered the clear sky. A mountain rain was about to come and the building looked like a rainstorm was coming.

An Ru was not very comfortable. Qiao Mu had to take care of her and come out to chase Qiao Ying. When the two stood at the door of the hospital, Qiao Ying had disappeared. An Ru had just been so violently since she got sick. Her face was very pale and gasping. Looking outside, her eyes were full of worry and anxious. Tears swelled in my eyes. For so many years, Qiao Ying has been her own sister. Looking at Qiao Ying being beaten, An Ru was very worried about her.

Qiao Mu took out her mobile phone and called Qiao Ying, but no one answered.

At this time, Qiao Ying sat behind the taxi and cried in a mess. The driver looked at Qiao Ying, who was sitting in the back crying from the rearview mirror. His face was a little solemn and uneasy. Without saying anything, he silently drew a few tissues and handed them to her.

"Thank you." Qiao Ying lowered her head, choked, and thanked her in a low voice.

At the same time, a white light flashed in the sky, followed by a muffled thunder, which made the noisy city a little more panic. Peders avoided the rain one after another, and the cars on the road hurriedly drove towards the home. Soon, the big raindrops fell down and mercilessly hit the windshield of the car.

Looking at the sudden heavy rain, Qiao Ying took advantage of the sound of the rain and cried loudly. The red marks on her face were already burning and painful at this time. The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became. Tears reflected the rain outside the window and kept falling.

The car quickly arrived at Jinxiu Villa. Qiao Ying took out the money from her pocket and handed it to the driver. She turned around and got out of the car. Before the driver could find money for her, she saw Qiao Ying running to the door of the villa.

The rain was very heavy, and it was already a rainstorm. It hit Qiao Ying's body fiercely. Qiao Ying's clothes were quickly wet, and her hair was messy and depressed, which made people couldn't help but feel sad. She didn't know whether it was tears or rain on her face, and slid down her cheeks.

Standing at the gate of the community, Qiao Ying only felt that her steps were heavy, and tears kept pouring out of her eyes. Warm tears were mixed with cold rain. She came out without her mobile phone, Jinxiu Villa, and no pass. Neither people nor cars could enter. She stood here stupidly and let the rain wash away.

Qiao Ying didn't know how long she had been standing. She saw a security guard in the security room running towards her with an umbrella in her eyes, "Miss Qiao, come in quickly." The security guard covered Qiao Ying with an umbrella and pulled her into the security room.

Sitting on the bench in the security room, Qiao Ying did not receive the water handed over by the security guard, but sat there with dull eyes and did not say anything.

This security guard was a person who had helped Shen Luohan. When he was poor, it was Shen Luohan who met him and gave him such a job. He had seen Shen Luohan bring Qiao Ying several times, and also knew that Qiao Ying was Shen Luohan's girlfriend. Just now, he did not recognize Qiao Ying standing in the rain in the security room, but The more I looked at it, the more familiar I became. Then I recognized her and brought her in.

The security guard called Shen Luohan's home, but no one answered. Qiao Ying sat down like this and ignored anyone. What kept flowing down her face was not the rain, but tears gushing from her eyes. The security regiment in an anxious room is spinning around and doesn't know what to do.

At this time, a white car slowly came. When the security guard saw the people in the driver's seat, he couldn't help but look happy and hurried out with an umbrella: "Master Shen, that's great. I'm looking for you."

"What's wrong?" Shen Luohan slowly fell down the window and looked at the relaxed security guard, very puzzled.

The security guard looked at Shen Luohan and said anxiously, "I just saw Miss Qiao standing at the gate of the villa in the rain, so I brought her in. Who knew that as soon as she arrived, she just sat there crying, didn't say anything, and ignored us."

Hearing the security guard's words, Shen Luohan's face changed and immediately said, "What about her?"

"In the security room." As soon as the security guard finished speaking, he quickly opened the air and saw Shen Luohan open the door and ran into the security room in the rain.

"Xiaoying..." As soon as Shen Luohan came in, he saw Qiao Ying sitting there with a pale face. Her hair was soaked. She didn't know whether it was rain or tears on her face, and her cheeks on one side were still red and swollen, as if she had been bullied.

Seeing this scene, Shen Luohan's heart suddenly hurt, followed by an unconcealed anger, "Xiaoying, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? Tell me." Shen Luohan rushed up, stretched out his hand painfully to wipe away the water on Qiao Ying's face, touched her warm tears, and touched her heart. He touched her hot cheeks, which was distressed and angry.

Seeing Shen Luohan, Qiao Ying held back her tears and rushed out more freely. Her whole body was also choked and gradually turned into crying and threw herself into Shen Luohan's arms. Shen Luohan didn't care about her rain at all. He hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear, "Okay, don't cry. I'll take you home and tell me who bullied you. I'll make the decision for you."

Half coaxed and half persuaded to take Qiao Ying home, Shen Luohan put bath water for Qiao Ying and asked her to take a bath. After taking a shower, Qiao Ying came out of the bathroom with her bathrobe and saw Shen Luo's cold face worried about the hot water in her hand, and her eyes turned red again.

"Drink the water. There is no ginger at home, so I can only drink some hot water." Shen Luohan didn't expect that Qiao Ying would get so heavy rain. He usually doesn't live here, but just wants to be close to work and can come here to rest for a few nights. More often, he still lives in a villa.

"Ye." Qiao Ying seemed to have recovered. She answered faintly, took the hot water in Shen Luohan's hand, sat on the sofa beside him, and drank slowly.

Seeing that Qiao Ying's mood had recovered a lot, Shen Luohan was relieved. He went into the kitchen and took out the eggs he had just cooked for her, carefully peeled the shell, and rolled on her swollen cheeks with white and tender eggs. His eyes were full of heartache and anger, "Xiaoying, who hit you?"

Qiao Ying heard Shen Luohan's worried and distressed tone, and her eyes were sore, and tears kept sliding down. She wanted to speak, but her throat hurt so much that she choked and couldn't speak.

"No one hit me." Qiao Ying cried for a while, suppressed tears, and spoke hoarsely.