Cold president's next wife

259 a lock and a heart

A lock opened a heart, and the two were facing each other. Although they ate well and drank well, someone left at the same time, and they didn't want to say anything. They just leaned against each other.

"Xueqing! We are going to have a group of children to play. What do you think? Pointing to the sky and saying, Xueqing looked at it. When it got dark, there were stars coming one after another. No wonder this man said so, but he was happy in his heart.

"Yes! But it's not my business alone. It's only for the two of us to do it, right? Yes! As long as you don't have half the way to give birth to the child, you have to rely on this man's seed.

Yes, there is no ripe fruit without seeds. "You know, I really want to have a child. It's yours, okay?" I just want to lean like this and keep going like this, and never want the dawn, but I know that time is moving forward, the dark night will leave, and the sun will come, but it will not be so fast.

The black night is terrible, and the loved ones will not become terrible, which will make people feel a taste of happiness and happiness.

In love, most men and women will date on a dark night, in a bar, among all the loving people, and meet on the red carpet of marriage.

The bride and groom listen to the song of happiness in people's blessings. What is a smile? It is a kind of love that brings them together.

In the song of love, men and women are opposite each other, lips and lips are imprinted in the heart, and hands and hands will not be separated.

"It's really beautiful today." What happened on the wedding day? I didn't plan to go out, but I only did it with him like this at night. I didn't expect it to happen today. Did I save him and hear everything I wanted, so I did it? It's really beautiful.

A meteor crossed in front of the two people. Leng Xueqing looked at it and then put her eyes on it. Shen Wenxuan also learned it at a glance.

I did the same when I was in school, but now that it's big, I still believe in this matter. I believe that I will be with Leng Xueqing all my life until the day of death, and I will not be separated.

How did they know each other? It was all because Tianyufeng made Xue Qing put it in the newspaper. Otherwise, they would not have looked at her photos and felt familiar, and they would not have met her. They would not have loved each other until today and lived all the time. Maybe the car accident would not have opened their eyes now.

Maybe she came together with Tian Yufeng, and maybe she will not be happy, because he knows who Tian Yufeng is. Recently, his father has disappointed him, but he doesn't want to say anything. His father is his father. There must be his reason for doing so, otherwise it won't be like this.

God's arrangement brought them together, a heart-to-heart conversation, otherwise they could get together, and at the same time, this woman married herself. If she changed others, she would not pay, so she would definitely keep this feeling well and would not let go of Xueqing's hand.

Shen Wenxuan hugged Xueqing and let Xueqing take a look. It was a little too tight, but he knew what this meant. Between life and death, what did the two go through? It was on the road of death.

"Do you know, I woke up that day. Although I wanted to talk, I didn't know why I closed my eyes, but I couldn't open them. Until the next day, I saw that you were fine. You can't do this kind of thing in the future. Do you hear it? I can't live without you. Otherwise, I know what I will do." Speaking loudly, I was also afraid. Today, when I remembered it once, I was not afraid that it was fake.

She also saw what happened that day, but she couldn't speak in her throat. Finally, her whole body was in pain. As soon as she wanted to say it, she saw Shen Wenxuan close her eyes again. What was her heart at that time? She was afraid that he would keep sleeping, and at the same time, she fell down and saw a person walking in front of her. Come here, this person is none other than Haifeng, this man.

When you are out of danger and open your eyes and see your beloved, you will be unhappy. Don't worry, you are the same. You have to be more careful when you go out. The man still hasn't been caught. Anyway, you have to call me every day. Otherwise, I won't be relieved when I listen to your voice. I know you'm fine, otherwise I won't be relieved. Yes! What is this car accident and whose fault is it?

Whether Yuyin wants to take him away or not, he will definitely be his own. This man loves her and she also loves him. The two people who love each other will not be separated.

"We will never be separated, don't you?" That's what I've been saying most. It's not that I don't believe it. It's what the first divorce has given her, what it brought, and whether it's okay or not.

"If you are not separated, you will never be separated." This is the truth, but it is said now. No one knows about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Something appeared in the air, which was so beautiful, full of stars and moonlight. "You know that there will be someone up there who has been looking at you and me. Do you think you are happy?" Listening to this, Xueqing knows who it is, that is, Chang'e. Otherwise, who lives on the moon, it's her. They are happy. They are really happy.

"It's good to know. I'm good, handsome, and I'm also a rich man, not like other men.

Listening to this made Xueqing smile. You really know how to say that only I can like you. If you change someone else, there will be only one person. All of them like you, but they are all for the face of money. Otherwise, who will like you? You are handsome and can't be eaten, right? This is the truth. There is nothing wrong with it. I believe Shen Wenxuan can see it. If others had left, she would have left long ago. She was stupid and looked at this man like this, otherwise she would have been better.

Xueqing drew a heart in the air, and at the same time, Shen Wenxuan removed a little in the air in exchange for Leng Xueqing's white eyes.

"What do you want to do? This is a heart. Can it be done without one piece? Really." It was going to be painted, but Shen Wenxuan wiped it away. Look at me." Another heart was drawn in it, and the hearts of the two were added together, slowly as if they could see it. Although it was black, what could they do, as long as the heart was red.

"You see, your heart is shining." He pointed to the heart of his painting in front of him and showed it to the other party. Although Shen Wenxuan couldn't see it, he knew that he had come up with it. But your mouth will shine more. Haha! Haha! He laughed loudly and put his lips on it, put his hand in Xue Qing's clothes, and slowly stroked it in one place.

Men are men, and they are still thinking about this matter, really.

But speaking, doing and saying are two different things. Today is a good day. Maybe this day can be regarded as a good day for them to get married. But when I think of this, I suddenly remembered one thing. It was also at this time that I met him for the first time. It seems that marriage is also this day. Is it really God's will? Of course. Things will be repeated, but without those people at that time, maybe things will change. It won't be as terrible as you think. Divorce will never be possible.

A lock for the heart, yes! She doesn't want much. As long as she is sincere, nothing will be finished without heart.

"Oc's right. You're not afraid to see it. It's cold here. You're not cold." A man is a man. No matter what the weather is, whether his mind is full of such things, otherwise he can't live.

"What's the matter? Is it cold?" He took his hand out and took his mouth away. He put Xue Qing's hand in her clothes. Woman, why are your hands so cold? After saying that, I took a look at the weather. It's winter. Why isn't it cold? It's a little cold, but I'm also happy. There is no one here. It's very quiet around, and no one will pass by. There are no people left. Only the two of them are not very good. It's okay to do anything.

"What do you think?" I asked a rhetoric, and I didn't want to say anything. The hands are cold and the lips are a little purple, but it doesn't matter how cold it is.

"I know, woman, let's go back to the room to talk, and then we have a baby and come out to play. What do you think? Are you happy?" With that, he picked up Leng Xueqing and turned around in place.

"Ah..." cut through the sky, the black night, but there is still no one person, or the two of them, who will go out in winter, even there are also a few, there is no way to come out. For the people in love, maybe they have gone home to fall in love long ago, otherwise find a bar, one I went to a warm place.

Xue Qing knew that only they were a pair of stupid people. They came out and looked at the stars in such a cold winter. Although it was pitiful, there were many of them. In addition, it was really rare to see meteors today. It was never before. It was fake to be unhappy.

The scream was gone. The two went back to the room. As soon as the door closed, another door closed. Ah! Don't!" Slowly, this sound sounded like an echo and would not disappear.