Cold president's next wife

301 pain caused by the body 2

Shen Wenxuan found something. Leng Xueqing's face was not very good, as if she was suffering something. She held her hands tightly together, and she was even more afraid of something.

Looking at such a person, his heart will also hurt, but he won't tell others. He is a man, and there is no pain from a woman.

"Are you all right? Are you not feeling well or thinking about something?" If you ask with concern, how worried are you?

Originally, I felt that there was something in Leng Xueqing's heart and didn't want to say it to herself. Now her eyes are always wrong, "Is there something wrong, or did Tian Yufeng do something to you?" I can only think about this now and feel that there is something wrong with this woman's body, so I asked this.

As soon as he heard this, "What do you mean? You mean, I got along with him, not to tell you. That's a thing in the past. We had sex in the past. Didn't you know it when you knew me at that time? Now it's too late to ask." What's wrong with this man? Did he find anything?

Her body is painful and really hurts. As long as a man touches it, he will find a tingling sensation. It seems that Tian Yufeng, an asshole, has done good things.

"What do you think? As long as you don't have it, you know you won't end up doing this." After saying this, I regretted it again, which was also a thing of the past.

When I didn't know this woman, I knew that Tianyufeng had a woman. I didn't know who it was until I saw her.

"It's good to know." Yes! I don't know why I feel that it's wrong, and I can't say what's wrong. In addition, I also did something sorry for Leng Xueqing. It's useless to talk about the past. As long as you are happy, just let him go through the past, as long as you don't do something hot now.

Listening to Shen Wenxuan's words, if he knows what happened with Tianyufeng, he will die and will be killed alive. Although he has not seen Shen Wenxuan beat people, if a man starts to do something, he will be quite ruthless, and he also knew it back then.

The same man, but with different identities, is more like a strange man who didn't know him in those years.

Now I understand, but somehow, there is a sense of strangeness between them. After I really understand it, maybe I still live in the world, shaking my head, my body is painful, and everything is painful.

"You'd better not mess around, or I won't let you go." Remind him that he learned from Shen Wenxuan's speech, but what can he do if he let it go? What can he do if he let it go? Life still needs to live, and there will still be pain. To put it bluntly between men and women, it's just a little bit of a broken thing. As long as there is no third party, a man will not change his heart. As long as he really wants to marry the woman, he will You will also be happy.

But Shen Wenxuan is different. Like other men, he eats and watches the family. Looking at the outside, he always says that other people's wives are good, but no one knows what's good about it. He just comes to find a good reason for himself to persuade himself and his wife. That's really An asshole.

The hands are moving, the heart is beating, and the brain is thinking about other things, whose, their own, or the other party's affairs.

"Don't worry, my wife." Just pressed on Leng Xueqing's body, Leng Xueqing stared. Just as Shen Wenxuan wanted to enter her most precious thing into the woman's body, what was Leng Xueqing's face, the pain and her face was a little pale. This was everything Shen Wenxuan didn't expect and didn't want to see, but he had no choice but to retreat. Come back.

"Isn't it uncomfortable?" When I asked a disappointing question, I was very unhappy.

Shaking his head and waved his hand, "It's okay, come on." I know that my husband wants to, " turn off the light." In this way, I can't see the expression on my face, and it will continue. I don't know when, I don't know when it will come to an end, it doesn't hurt, it won't go on like this.

In order to have a son, he had to do so, that is, he was not happy. As long as he thought that he loved this man, and if the Shen family did not have a grandson, they would drive themselves out. This was also a clear thing, which was also what Shen Tian said earlier. He didn't say at that time. Why can't women do it? It seems that women are not biological and think their sons are great. What's the matter? It's good that they just like women and don't like their sons, okay?

I hate the Shen family. If there were no women, you men would not think about how they would come out, but they can't do without men. Therefore, men and women are seeds combined. Without seeds, fruit will not appear, and this person will not be born, just like flowers and trees.

A person's good and bad depends on how to cultivate. Shen Wenxuan is good, but he is nothing. He is not born well, and there is no family, let alone family affection. Sometimes if he wants to have it, maybe he is not like this.

The light is turned off, and no one can see anyone. It's just that the body collided with the body, and the skin collided with the skin. There was no sound, but only two gasps.

One by one, what is the beauty in the curve? What makes Shen Wenxuan feel the beauty she has never seen before, and the women below are all painful, as if the man who presses on her is not her husband, but Tianyufeng, this devilish man.

I dare not say a word. I'm afraid of calling the wrong name and dare not speak. I'm also afraid that I will mess up and scold these three words. Shen Wenxuan will definitely know then.

Shen Wenxuan is smart. She knows it very well and has known it for a long time, so sometimes she is careful that there is no harm to herself.

If he wants, he can give it. As long as it's finished, he can rest for a while without pain.

The night is terrible, as if you have intersect with her, and you have offended someone. You are being punished, letting this man ask her one after another and treat her as something, as someone else's plaything. You can do this at any time, as long as the other party is happy.

"How, why don't you talk?" Shen Wenxuan said.

"I don't want to say it." Three words answered her husband Shen Wenxuan's words. Shen Wenxuan didn't say anything more. As long as he wanted the other party, he was his wife and a woman. If it were a man, he would be crazy. He was not gay.

There will always be an end of things. No matter what he does, Shen Wenxuan falls down. At this time, he feels no pain, but he will still feel pain from time to time. His body is full of the marks and smell left by this man, and even more man's love. What is this kind of love? I dare not think about it. But what kind of love is another man? Is it not hatred or a kind of revenge? She dares not know. Maybe she wants to marry Shen Wenxuan just to do this. To put it bluntly, she just wants to get a woman's body. Leng Xueqing doesn't think about what she will do in the future. She can only do this first, step by step, and slowly Only when you watch a person die can you be liberated.