Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 33: Daughter of the Sea - 1

"You are Xia Luolin's mother, right?" Teacher Xiao asked.

"Well, is it my daughter who called me here today? What happened at school?"

Mom looked around and asked carefully. Because she was the only one in the office, she should also vaguely feel that there must be no good thing to come to her this time.

"luo Lin's grades have always been very stable, and she is also a good student who rarely talks and never causes trouble. That is, you know that her body is not very convenient. Minghan has always been arranged according to the number of her student ID card, which also makes it not very convenient for her every day. It is also appropriate for her classmates to help each other. But after a long time, you should understand what I mean, right?

What Mr. Xiao said was very euphemistic. At least I understood what she meant. They didn't charge me, but directly said things with my body.

"Well, I understand what you mean by the school?"

"In order to consider other students and the whole school, I called you today to inform and explain the circumstances of the matter in person, and the school leaders decided to let Xia Luolin drop out of school." With that, Mr. Xiao handed over the form that needed to be filled out of school to my mother.

Mom signed her name directly below without looking at it.

"Thank you for taking care of me during this period. Now that I have decided to let my daughter drop out of school, there is nothing to see. I have signed the words, and you can deal with the rest."

With that, my mother took the student ID card from my hand and patted it hard on the table, then pushed me out of the student's office and walked out of Minghan's door.

"Mom is looking for another school for you. Don't worry too much about it." After I went out, my mother, who was worried that she would be angry, comforted me instead.

"I'm sorry, Luo Lin."

We met Han Youxi as soon as we arrived at the school gate. I don't know why she said such a sentence to me inexplicably. Then he nodded politely to his mother and ran back to school.

When we got home, we seemed to have nothing happened, but after my poor father came home, he was scolded by my mother for my affairs and bombarded him until he went to bed at night.

And my life has returned to its former tranquility. For several weeks, except Liu Ziyang and Yuan Meng, no one knew that I had left school, and no one came home to see me.

I once felt that the friendship would become more and more indifferent with the passage of time, and in the end, there was only polite greetings and sudden departure.

During this period of school, I may have been wild. After the Spring Festival, I can't stay at home. Occasionally, I go out to chat with the old people in the community and play some extremely childish games with the children.

I was born to get along well with children and the elderly. I once thought about being a kindergarten teacher, but it was only limited to thinking about it.

" Luo Lin, have you found a new school?"

Early this morning, Ye Yichen came to my house and asked me out for a walk. I don't know how he knew about my withdrawal from school, let alone mention it again.

"Not yet. I definitely won't go to the disabled school. I'd rather stay at home than accept my fate as I am now."

"Let me know if you find it."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to be your companion. Anyway, I'm going to graduate. It's the same everywhere." We were on the bench in the park, and he looked at me and said relaxedly. It's as casual as talking about topics that have nothing to do with you.

"You still say that when you know you are going to graduate, okay? Don't you want to live after transferring to another school before the college entrance examination? If you don't come with me in such a good condition, I can't afford to pay you.

"Two meals a day is enough for me to support." He smiled simply.

"If I really find the school, I won't tell anyone. I'm not as fragile as you think. Without anyone, gravity still exists, and we still have to rely on ourselves." I'm not stubborn, but that's what I really think.

"Can you be my girlfriend?" Ye Yichen suddenly looked at me seriously.

I was stunned for a moment, then looked around to make sure that there was no one else, and looked at Ye Yichen in front of me in surprise. He pointed to himself again: "Me?"

"Yes, you. Xia Luolin. Be me, Ye Yichen's girlfriend, okay?" He deliberately stastled, and each mess was divided for fear that I couldn't hear it clearly.

I paused, not hesitating or thinking about it, but thinking about what to say to minimize the harm to him, because I really didn't have any love for him.

"I know, you have always been very good to me. But I can't lie to you, and I don't want to delay you..." I said gently, and I knew he would understand what I meant.

"Oi, I know what you're going to say next. Do you have someone you like?"

"Hmm." I don't want to hide it from him, no matter what.

"Situ Lei?"

"Oh, guess what. Sometimes you don't need to say it. In order not to make yourself more heartache, let it stay there. After all, it is a love that is impossible for me to achieve. I looked up at the sky and naturally touched the small pendant on my neck.

"Well, I know." He looked at me and smiled helplessly. I don't know what he knows, and I don't want to know. I just hope he doesn't like me like this.


"Where are you going crazy and come back so late again?" As soon as I opened the door, my mother asked me.

"Well, it's okay. I just went out with my former classmates, and my father went overtime again?" I asked while changing my clothes.

"Well, I can see which of your classmates is reliable. Only a few people have come since you dropped out of school. I thought they had forgotten you long ago."

"Let nature take its course. If you are not together for a long time, it will definitely fade. I can see why you are angry. Mom, what are you looking for? I looked at my mother who was looking for things in the box and cupboard at this time.

"Find your birth certificate, one-child certificate and other things. The community has been urging to go through the formalities.

Mom continued to be busy, stepping on the stool to reach the iron box on the big wardrobe. I have long been used to my mother's characteristics of putting a little on the left and a little on the right, and I can't find anything when I use it. She went back to her room.

The community has been in trouble recently, but those people with red hoop haven't come to my house for a long time.

I was thinking about it when suddenly there was a muffled sound outside the door. I quickly opened the door to see what had happened, but found that my mother fell to the ground motionless. I don't know why. Next to him were fallen stools and things like paper and passbooks scattered on the ground.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

I hurried over to help her. I found that her face was getting whiter and whiter, and I suddenly found that there was a sticky feeling on the hand that held up my mother. I pulled it out and saw that it was already stained with bright red blood.

At that moment, my mind went blank, and only a voice kept calling: "Don't let anything happen."

I pulled my mother out of the collapsed place of the table, chair and bench, let her lie flat on the ground first, and then picked up the phone and dialed it in a panic.

"Dad, come back quickly, Mom, Mom fell off the cabinet. Now, my hands are full of blood, and I'm so scared. At this time, I can only cry, and I can't even say a complete word.

"I'll be right back." Dad was very anxious when he heard my panicked voice.

I hung up the phone and cried and waited for my father to come back. Other than that, I couldn't do anything and didn't know what to do. I held her hand tightly beside my mother and kept rubbing it for fear that it would get cold. Until 120 came back with Dad.

"Sorry, there can only be one family member." 120 ambulance personnel blocked me and didn't let me get in the car to follow. Dad followed me to the hospital, just holding me in his arms and perfunctorily saying "It will be okay". And tell me to wait at home and watch TV or sleep if I'm afraid, and he will be back soon.

I was more and more scared at home alone. Listening to the ticking of the clock hanging on the wall, I only felt that every minute was so difficult.

My mind is already like paste, but I just hope that I can have someone around me now. I turned the TV on and off, and the sudden noise made me feel scared, but the dead silence also made me more panicked.

I repeatedly wiped away the uncontrollable tears in my eyes. Finally, I couldn't help picking up the phone and pressing a string of numbers. I don't know who I called. I just want to find someone to talk to me so that time can pass faster.


A man's lazy voice answered at the other end of the phone.

"...What, what should I do, I..." I was depressed alone for a long time. It was okay not to talk. Suddenly, the phone was connected and someone could accompany me. But once again, the emotions overflowed uncontrollably.

I'm just sobbing, and I don't know what I'm saying, and I don't know that the person on the other side of the phone is Situ Lei.

" Luo Lin? What's wrong with you? Where are you? Situ Lei heard my abnormal voice and immediately became nervous. Sit up from **. Listen carefully to the vague voice on my phone.

"Home, you...don't, hang up, I... I'm afraid." I'm like a frightened animal, afraid that the people on the phone will slip away and leave me again.

"Wait for me at home. I'll be right away. Don't hang up the phone." Situ Lei grabbed his clothes and got up and rushed out of the house. He drove to my house.

"What are you going to do?" Situ Bohan's voice came from behind him.

"You don't have to worry about it." Situ Lei left only a cold answer and disappeared into the night with the sound of closing the door.

No matter what the truth is, whether you continue to pursue it intentionally or meaninglessly, you should no longer hurt her.

What if she doesn't love you? She also has the right to be with the person she likes. At the moment you know that she may not be the person you are looking for, when you say something that you can stab her, you can't forget her until now. Thinking about it, Situ Lei knocked hard on the steering wheel and galloped on the highway.

A rapid knock came from the door. I held the phone and dared not move, and the door became heavier and heavier. At this time, "open the door" came from the phone in a hurry. I realized that the person on the other side of the phone was coming. I hurried to open the door but forgot that I was still holding the microphone tightly in my hand.

The phone was pulled and fell to the ground, and my heart fell from the position hanging in my throat to the soles with the sound of landing. Numbness, no feeling

"luo Lin, open the door." The knock on the door and the rapid sound, I don't know whether it came from outside the door or from the phone that fell to the ground. Two of the same voices were mixed together, and I covered my ears and didn't want to listen to them.

The knock on the door finally turned into a hard knock on the door. I was so scared that I almost rubbed against the door to open the door. When Situ Lei saw me so embarrassed, he took me in his arms.

Just hugged me tightly and gently touched my head as before: "Don't be afraid, I'm coming, it's okay..."

His tone was full of anxious and uneven breathing, as well as the gentle and melod voice that belonged to me.