Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 61: Back to School

Minghui Private College

In my impression, I heard of this place when I read Minghan. This is nothing more than a place for those with average grades to go to school internally. If I hadn't dropped out of school that year, I would have been a student here long ago.

In private schools like Minghui, the school is undoubtedly full of rich second-generation people who hang around and get degree certificates, as well as school scum who have poor grades and directly promoted from Minghan. It's hard for me to imagine

I looked around the environment of the school, and it was still an invincible scene.

A gardenia seems to overflow the flower garden, and some of the small white petals have been scattered. When the wind blows, it is like a white snowflake swaying in the air. With its faint fragrance, I can't help but have a strange feeling in my heart. I can't tell what it's for, but I just feel very happy.

The blooming flowers are like a bridge to dreams. In this original place, I found the origin of dreams.

"Hey, does this place feel cold?" Yuan Meng's voice came from behind me.

I found that Yuan Meng had a new skill in the two years since I left, that is, it was haunted. She can always appear quietly behind me.

"When did you come here?"

"I've always been there."

She looked at me, I looked at her, and our faces were full of doubts and puzzles.

"Bear by the way, please give the dormitory application form to Liu Ziyang for me."

"Go by yourself. Anyway, we are together again. There is no need for your relationship to be so tense."

Yuan Meng withdrew my hand.

"I don't want to report the bloodshed with the great life committee member on the first day. You must hand this in for me, and Ye Yichen's, who also bothers you!"

I solemnly raised the two application forms and presented them in front of Yuan Meng.

"Eh, why is even Ye Yichen's here with you? Won't he go to this kind of thing himself? Yuan Meng sniffed his nose.

"He has other things to do, and I can deal with this little thing by myself."

"Then what did he do? If he really can't get away from it, then I'll consider handing it over for him."

That's what it is to say. In fact, Yuan Meng is nothing more than unable to suppress his gossip.

"Actually, it's nothing. He was called by the people of the student union. I don't know what happened."

Actually, I don't want him to meet with the people of the student union, including everyone in this school, I have circled them into the enemy's red line.

As the president of the student union, although we don't violate the river, Ye Yichen is too persistent to use me to revenge on him. It is inevitable that something superfluous will happen if he bumps with words.

Liu Ziyang and I can't get along with each other. Even if I don't mean to be unhappy with him, I can't guarantee when he will go crazy to trouble me again.

I heard Yuan Meng say that Anan and Han Heya gave up the opportunity to go to other famous universities and chose to stay in Minghui.

In detail, behind the quiet appearance of this school is the largest minefield for me. Anyone who accidentally touches it may be blown up.

"Lolin, what do you think?" Yuan dreamed that I was stunned.

"Nothing, you said nothing will happen to the student union now. Why don't we go and have a look?"

"What can happen to the student union?" Yuan Meng looked like I was full.

Returning here seems to be another big failure in my life. The feeling of inescapable bad luck began to wrap around my head and it was difficult to dissipate.


Yuan Meng suddenly shouted.

"Xia Luolin, you must tell me seriously whether your relationship with Ye Yichen has been upgraded. Isn't it!!"

I was completely recovered by Yuan Meng's loud voice.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I have a basis. You are so worried if he doesn't go to the student union. Usually, you look like I won't care if you go to death. Now it's obvious that you are so nervous."

"Don't say that I seem to be cold-blooded, okay?"

"Okay, I don't use the words properly. You should have given him a way to die after knowing that he was going to die.


"What kind of image did I leave in your heart?"

"Stubborn, cold killer."

Yuan Meng answered almost without thinking.


I like the word, and I am indeed very stubborn. Sometimes even I feel that there is a kind of perverted persistence in my bones. Those things that I think I have let go seem to have slowly returned to my hands, like holding a fairy ball. Obviously, it hurts, but I still don't want to let go, but because of a Some one-sided stimulation is getting tighter and tighter.

If I am in pain, I must go to hell with the people who make me suffer.

I have thought about it so extreme.

But it's just a thought.

The first day of school was as plain as ever. I imagined countless things that might happen today, such as Ye Yichen's anger, Liu Ziyang's impulse, and even Han Heya came to trouble me on the first day.

Now it seems to be my own wishful daydream.

" Luo Lin, have you applied for a West Point major?"

Yuan Meng lay lazily on me** with ice cream in her.


"What about Ye Yichen? He won't sign up for a major with you, will he?"

"No, he is financial."

"Ah, this is not his style. I remember that it was crazy when he chased you in high school. He didn't hesitate to go through fire and water for you. He didn't care about going to school and employment. He looked like the death of the Xia family."

Yuan Meng turned over with difficulty and lay on her back**. It looks like a turtle bathing in the sun. After basking enough of its shell, it should turn around and dry its belly bag.

"Do you think people like him are good or bad?"

"Men's loyalty must be excellent. But he has a criminal record, and I wouldn't forgive him if it were me. Thinking about Liu Ziyang at the beginning, I was too soft-hearted to give him the opportunity to take advantage of it. People will change. At the beginning, his sunshine, innocence and stupidity were obvious to both of us. But can you imagine that he will become a person with the same sense of existence as a neighborhood committee aunt now?

I looked at Yuan Meng's serious face, coupled with her lying on **, as if her soul had entered the wrong body, and what she said was reasonable and could not get rid of the appearance of a harmonic star. Unconvinced.

"Actually, I have always felt that I can't trust him completely, but I don't know why this feeling has changed recently."

"Have you been in love with him for a long time?"

"If it really fell in love with him three years ago, would I still squeeze into a dormitory with you to see you eat ice cream?"

I looked at Yuan Meng helplessly and sighed.

"Look at what's wrong with me eating ice cream. You are close to life, experience life, and know more about life. I am simply the representative of modern life. But who you like is your freedom, and now you don't have any relatives around you. It's good to find someone you can rely on.

Yuan Meng put away her unscrupulous face and said.

"Actually, I don't have any feelings for him, but it's just a vague feeling in my heart. He seems to be a little true to me. No matter where that is, at least it has no purpose, for his persistence and for me."

I don't know what I wanted to express, but from the last few days when I had a high fever in Hangzhou, I woke up and hugged him tightly. I saw his tired face, because of the bruises left by the shoulder and arm of the door, and the look of fear of losing me, I became unbearable to be thousands of miles away from him. zhi wai.

also gradually let go of his heart and try to believe him and accept him. He even wants to change his attachment, whether it's to Anan, Situ Lei or me.

My persistence and I are destined to stab myself and the people around me.

"Maybe I talk too much. No matter what changes have occurred between you and him, whether he is true or not, I advise you to be careful. Maybe you don't know when he will turn against you and sell you."

I whispered "um".


Yuan Meng suddenly let out a scream like an old lady flashed her waist.

"What's wrong?"

I hurriedly threw down the book in my hand and turned to look at Yuan Meng.

She was still lying on my**, but somehow the ice cream in her hand fell on her face and gradually melted along her big face.

"You are..."

I looked at her face getting worse and worse. First, she was iron blue, and then I didn't know if I was angry or because I had been staring at her and felt ashamed and became more red.

"Which bastard attacked me!" Yuan Meng suddenly sat up and roared.

At this time, a head poked out of the window: "Yuan Meng, you should know that it's easy to rot when discussing other people's right and wrong behind your back."

"Ye Yichen, you son of a bitch, why are you hiding under the window to attack me? Why are you not afraid of your ears rotting when you eavesdrop on others? Besides, what's wrong with you? Let me talk about it. You must apologize to me immediately!!"

Yuan Meng roared more violently after discovering the culprit.

"I just passed by here, but didn't you really say bad things about me behind my back?"

Ye Yichen's face was innocent, and the sun shone on his white skin, as pure as a little angel coming to the world.

"I don't have it. You say, you say it, you have to show evidence when you speak! Even if I accidentally mention your name, what's wrong? The name is originally called. But if you attack me, this is personal injury. Even if I don't rely on my face to eat, you hit me on the head and affected the normal operation of my brain. Can you compensate for not accurately calculating the attack method of the ball during training?

Yuan Meng fully showed her unreasonable talent.

"I think you should thank me for developing your intelligence and making your unreasonable eloquence more proficient."

Although he has been fighting with Yuan Meng, his eyes have been fixed on me, looking at me with a smile, patiently and happy, and suppressing his emotions.

He made me feel that at this moment, a strange elf living in my body was pulling my hair and pulling my sleeves. And all this happened to be seen by him.