Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 94: In exchange for life-1

I didn't care whether he wanted to or not, dragged him and moved to the chair beside him. He shook my hand several times and then stared at me with very cold eyes.

"Now is not the time for you to lose your child's temper." I also stared at him with the same cold eyes, no less.

"I don't need you to be so pretentious. Go to your Ye Yichen. What about your momentum of leaving just now? How can your heart be easily moved by what I suffered for you? Although he was in pain and did not have much strength to resist, his expression and words were full of indifference that people refused thousands of miles.

"What does it have to do with you if I can't find him? If you can't see me with him so much, why do you follow me all the way?"

In this way, we seem to quarrel endlessly under the moonlight night, like a strange person, but we can't give up each other and pull it. In the end, I still suppressed him on the stool beside him.

As a girl with limited mobility, I must be tired of scolding and gasping for a man like Situ Lei who refuses to cooperate with you at all, but he looks ungrateful. He lowered his head slightly, and his pale face and the sweat oozing from his forehead showed his indescribable pain.

But even so, he is still like a child who is capricious and grumpy because he doesn't get candy, and his hand that I try to raise his clothes to check his body again and again.

I pinched him hard and asked him not to resist. While he was angry and powerless to return his hand, I took the opportunity to lift his clothes and break the place he had been holding with his hand, which made him feel painful.

A black, finely curved mark suddenly appeared on the covered waist. It was a long knife, and it could not be seen how many needles had been stitched. The traces were clearly visible, and there was no sign of fading with time.

Is this left two years ago? I thought it was just a car accident that almost killed, but I didn't expect to have an operation, leaving such a mark on my body that would not dissipate.

His memory is like this stitched scar. Even if it heals, I won't forget the one who cut him with the knife. Is that so? I thought, and then touched it gently with my finger: "Here?"

After being touched gently by me, he didn't say anything, just instinctively hiss. Perhaps he felt that as a man, he was just beaten and should not be too delicate, so he sat there silently. Next, no matter which part of his body I touched, he was silent, but his face was still solemn.

And what Anan said to me at that time suddenly flashed in my mind.

The kidney failure caused by the car accident two years ago, and the last accident in Hangzhou, this time he was firmly hit by a stick in the back... Looking at his look, it must be a recurrence of the old injury.

Angan said that even now he has not recovered 100%, and he may be pushed to the edge of death again because of some accident.

The more I think about it, the more scared I feel. The anxiety just now that I was strongly worried that Ye Yichen would abandon me has been completely broken by the worry of life in front of me.

In a panic, I took out my mobile phone and was about to call 120, but he stretched out his hand and stopped me again. His big hand pressed my hand holding the mobile phone tightly on my lap: "I, just take a break..." His voice was weaker than just now, with a little painful look, and even the words became difficult to pick up.

"No, I don't know where you were injured now. Look at what you look like now. If you leave it alone like this, it will definitely be life-threatening." I looked at his already painful bloodless face and tried to pull out his hand.

"Can't bear it? For example, if I really die, you should be happy. Then, no one will stop you from being with Ye Yichen..."

He looked at me, although his words were intermittent, but he gritted his teeth. The feeling in his eyes was that Ye Yichen and I could die immediately. There is hatred in his eyes, but there is a trace of hatred and countless loneliness.

"Situ Lei, don't be childish, okay? Do you think I will be moved by it if I easily give up my life for me, and I will never forget you with guilt in my life, and then live in repentance? You're wrong. I don't care about whether you are alive or dead at all. If you want me to regret and revenge on me or Ye Yichen, then you can live well, laugh at us and cry, and make us suffer..."


He looked at me with a slight ridicule, as if I was so naive when I said this at this time. With his smile without a trace of anger, the hand on my leg also slowly loosened.

After hanging up the phone, 120 quickly rushed here and sent Situ Lei to the hospital. As the only person present who was familiar with the details, I also got in the car and followed the hospital. He still gasped, his eyebrows tightened and opened his eyes slightly, and the sweat almost soaked his clothes and stuck to his body thickly.

A person's life is too fragile, and if he is not careful, it will cause irreparable harm. Will he regret making himself such a weak person for me? On the rainy night of the car accident, what a strong hatred made him turn around the car and end his life to get himself out of this pain.

Now I want him to face me as if nothing had happened. Have I forgotten too much that I shouldn't forget, or is it too difficult for people to impose his escape on him...

"Who are you? Can any family members contact him?" The nurse pushed him into the emergency room and ran out anxiously to ask me.

"I am, I am his classmate. What, is he in a dangerous situation now?

I don't know what to be the relationship between me and him, a stranger, or a friend? After a moment of hesitation, it is still defined in an ordinary classmate relationship.

"His body should have suffered from an old disease a long time ago, probably because of some severe impact, his old illness has been repeatedly lacerated, and he suffers from moderate anemia. You'd better contact his immediate family quickly. It is difficult to match his blood type in our hospital for a while."

The nurse said and quickly ran back to the emergency room, pushed Situ Lei into the elevator and sent him to the emergency room. And I followed.

The infusion tube is inserted into his pale skin. Why is he anemia? Usually, he looks like a vivid person. In the student union, he can make everyone busy with just one order. At this moment, he is like a piece of white paper, white without blood and no signs of life fluctuations.

His family, where can I find his family? Situ Bohan is my biological father. He was originally adopted into Situ's family instead of me. Even now it is life-and-death, I have no way to start. Even if Situ Bohan is present now, I'm afraid he doesn't know who Situ Lei's biological parents are.

I was anxiously spinning outside the emergency room. There were only a few numbers in Situ Lei's mobile phone. Anlan, Liu Ziyang, Ling Fei, a member of the discipline committee, and one who didn't have a name, that's me...

In a hurry, I called Anan over, but I didn't dare to tell her that it was caused by me. But I know that even if I don't say anything, she probably guesses that as long as Situ Lei is with me, it is nothing strange to happen, and what happened is absolutely unrelated to me.

After a while, she came with Han Heya. I don't understand why these two people are always together. They are obviously hostile to each other, and they are sarcastically arrogant on the surface, but every time they appear, they are like babies. Where there is peace, Han and Ya must follow.

Anan looked at me waiting outside the emergency room. As soon as she strode over and wanted to scold me, the door of the emergency room opened again. The nurse just came out in a hurry: "Has Situ Lei's family arrived?"



Anan and Han and Ya agreed in unison.

The nurse first looked at them up and down. The two young girls in sexy swimsuits seemed to have just arrived from the beach in the shallow bay and didn't even wash away the floating sand on their feet. And no matter how you look at it, they are all undecisive children.

"Okay, okay, what's your relationship with Situ Lei? Are you an immediate family member, sister or sister?"

The nurse hesitated for a moment and looked at Anan's solemn expression. From time to time, she looked into the emergency room with the door open, looking worried and anxious. Looking at Han Heya, he stood leisurely and couldn't see that he was worried about Situ Lei at all. He just occasionally looked at An's anxious face and smiled privately.

I'm more like an outsider. Although I followed his ambulance all the way to the hospital and waited outside the door, my expression was indifferent and calm as if nothing had happened.

Maybe I'm really cold-blooded. In the hospital, a place full of the smell of disinfectant water, this pungent smell not only kills the bacteria that should not exist in the pure white world, but also kills the enthusiasm and feelings I should have as a living person.

Even if he was injured and lying here for me, covered by this layer of white...

"I'm his girlfriend." Anan said.

"Hmm." Han Heya snorted coldly after she said this and turned her head.

"Where are his family members? How do you usually take care of him? He should be young. Why is he so strong and dry? He has poor physical fitness. He is not only malnourished but also moderate anemia. You are the only three little girls who have caused such a big mess. Call his family to give him a blood transfusion immediately. The nurse angrily taught the two people in front of her a lesson and didn't forget to take me in and remanage me.

I thought things would stalemate here again, but after all, none of us can find Situ Lei's real relatives. But Han Heya smiled proudly: "I think it's a big deal. Isn't it just a blood transfusion? I'll do it."

She twisted her slender waist and glanced at Anlan contemptuously.

"Who are you?" The nurse looked at Han and Ya suspiciously, and the credibility of the two girls in her heart had been greatly reduced.

"Me." Han Heya said, deliberately lengthen the tone, and then looked at An Ran beside him and continued to say, "I'm Situ Lei's fiancee..."

After being calm all night, I was finally struck by this sentence. I looked at Han Heya, who was proud beside me with a puzzled face, and An Ran unexpectedly did not have the strength to refute after listening to this words, and even looked indifferent, as if she had already known and acquiesced to this matter.

"Are you RH-positive blood?" The nurse asked seriously to ensure authenticity.

"Yes. Not to mention blood donation, even the kidney in his Situ Lei's body was given to him..." Han Heya smiled proudly and charmingly, and the corners of his slightly narrowed eyes scratched my face.