Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 124: Unable to get rid of, pawn-like fate

I didn't want to see him, but I took into account that there were too many people around him. After all, as a school director, he was not very good at disfuting people in public. So I get into his car.

After getting on the car, he signaled the driver to drive, but I stopped him: "If you have anything, just say. I'll leave after listening. There's no need to drive somewhere specially."

"Okay." He smiled bitterly.

"Actually, Luo Lin, I have never asked you to forgive me, but can you give me a chance to make some compensation?"

In the spacious RV, I looked at him in connoy. He lowered his head slightly, with a sense of atonement, and there was a feeling of repentance in his words.

"I understand your kindness. In fact, you don't need to feel indebable. Let's just think that we don't know each other and live a peaceful life."

This is not the first time I've seen him like this, and it's not the first time I've heard this. It's not that I'm cruel or that I have no feelings. It's just that I don't think it's necessary. I don't need a family who has chosen to abandon me, and I don't want to disdain his kindness to me after waking up many years.

"I know you won't come home with me, let alone accept my kindness to you."

"Since we know, it doesn't make sense for us to continue talking. I'll go first."

With that, I opened the door and was ready to leave. The fatigue of running in the maze has not faded, and the dust intertwined with sweat and mud has not been washed away. The feeling of physical discomfort has also been urging me to go quickly, take a shower and go back to the dormitory to sleep.

"Wait a minute." Situ Bohan stopped me again.

"Is there anything else?"

"I know you won't accept everything I want to give you. Maybe what I'm saying now will be a little inappropriate for you or Situ Lei, but since you don't plan to get anything from Situ's family, can you keep a distance from Situ Lei and don't let him indulge in you..."

His words came out of his mouth faintly, not strong, not soft, as if they had been planned for a long time. As soon as I came out with a completely deceased attitude, he brought out his words lightly like pushing a boat.

"Keep your distance and don't indulge in me?" I kept repeating these two words in my heart, and suddenly wanted to ask him with a smile, whether I couldn't give up on him or whether he insisted on locking me.

Is this what my biological father should have said? I hope I stay away from his adopted son and that Situ Lei will not be addicted to me? It seems that he is smiling or not, but his heartache is better than nothing. For a moment, he doesn't know what to make a statement.


He saw that I was stunned and didn't answer, and whispered to me

"Oh, do you want to drive me out of your Situ family in the same way, just like I was in Minghan?" I sneered.

"I didn't mean that. If you want, I should send Ming Han Minghui to you. That's what belongs to you. However, you know how much He Ya has paid for Xiaolei. They had no intersection, but He Ya has been silently in love with Xiaolei. After learning about Xiaolei's car accident two years ago, she donated a kidney to him without saying a word..."

"What is the meaning of telling me these now? Do you think my sudden appearance hinders her from cultivating feelings between Han Heya and Situ Lei? Or is it in the way of your Situ family's sincere gratitude?

My words are not cut, and there is also some cynicism. Is Situ Bohan a fool? People with clear eyes can see that Situ Lei doesn't like her, and Han Heya's kidney donation is not because Anlan gave up his family property.

"Do you really think Han Heya did these things because they loved Situ Lei?"

I almost brought out Anran's name, and the words came back to my mouth. I have already promised Anlan that this matter will not be mentioned to anyone, even after Situ Bohan has said such annoying stupid words now.

"I know you don't like Xiao Lei. Ye Yichen's father and I are also friends. If you really want to be together, I can explain the past to him, and I will never let Xiaolei do anything to hinder you."

I looked at Situ Bohan's face, and what he said to me at this moment was obviously premeditated. And from the meaning of his words, he has long known what Situ Lei did. That day, I should have thought of him when I saw him with Ye Yichen in the school infirmary of the student union.

The world is cold, and human nature is still like this, not to mention that it is mixed with so many monetary benefits. Whether it is Ye Yichen or Han Heya, they are saying words that help themselves for their own interests, and the sharp blades in their eyes have also pointed to me for this without exception.

Because I am not only a weapon that hurts people, but also a stone that hinders them.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs. I won't be interfered by you as before." His words made me a little inexplicably restless. I got out of the car quickly and didn't want to say anything more to him.

Each of them manipulated me at will for themselves, whether it was Situ Lei, Ye Yichen, or Situ Bohan, who claimed to be my biological father but had not fulfilled his responsibilities as a father at all.

After I left, Situ Bohan sighed in the car, as if he were tired, but there were countless helplessness in it. It seems that as long as I am in Minghui, the scope of his Situ family will bind me out of breath.

I went out of the school gate unkemptly and found a secluded corner in the park not far away to sit quietly. A rockery, a small river, a swing, and a few wandering passers-by.

I sat here, watching them go back and forth in front of my eyes, listening to the river flowing around my ears, and seeing the fallen leaves fall silently in the palm of my hand. Natural warmth comes from the people and things around you, but the natural cold air is quiet and irresistible in the air.

I shook the swing that no one was sitting beside me, remembering the night when Situ Lei raised me up.

That night, there should be this small park in front of the scene.

I played with the fallen leaves in my hand and gently rotated its rhizome, with a faint wind on the edge of my palm. The old sports equipment in the park also keeps making a 'squeaking' sound. I quietly looked at the slightly desolate scenery in autumn, and my heart was as calm as water.

I put the fallen leaves in the book and didn't know when I fell in love with collecting these flowers and plants along the way, as if I could block the scenery and mood here and preserve them for a long time.

A white light spot falls with the wind. He bent down and picked it up from the ground. Although it was stained with a little soil, it still retained its unique pure white.

That's the star I picked in the flower garden in the maze. The fingertips touched, and there seemed to be the temperature and breath of the man on it.

I also remembered that when I was in the maze that day, the white figure seen from afar suddenly appeared like a cloud and mist, ethereal in the flowers full of stars. The shower in my hand slowly sprinkled clear and bright water beads, and the smile faintly visible in the corners of my eyes was as warm as jade...

Every time I think of this, I can't help smiling at the corners of my lips.

Is this missing?

Or I have never forgotten that gentleness, but the memory of him is evoked again by all kinds of things in the maze.

When it drifts with the autumn wind outside, the leaves are rolled disorderly by the wind on the ground, with no end and no end.

Everything is so spontaneous, causeless and fruitless, but my mind is blank and I want to blow the wind. I don't know how long it took until I felt a little cold and went back to the dormitory.

I sat on the ground carefully, threw the crutch aside, and leaned against the wall. The cold touch of the tiles penetrates the skin directly to the brain.

Close your eyes and turn on the shower button...

Cold water flows down from the head like a top, first cooling the brain, and then the body.

Whenever I feel restless, whenever the cool breeze pours into my heart like a big hole, I like to immerse myself in cold water. Flush, or immerse myself, as long as I can float in this cold **, I can get a little comfort.

"Dad, Dad..."

I was sitting on the ground, let the water wash, let the water leave along the hair, and the eyelashes and the tip of my nose began to drip, drip into my mouth, fascinated into my eyes, and finally mixed with tears that I haven't seen for many years.

The sound was blocked by the current, some choked, and some drowned...

The salty taste was diluted, but it finally came from my body. The feeling remained clearly on the tip of the tongue, and it crossed the face, and remembered it in my heart...

I didn't mention to anyone that Situ Bohan met me alone and said that. And the people of the student union are also busy promoting the election for vice president.

But after returning from our group of people from the mountains and forests, Situ Lei seemed to have changed and began to smile at me. I'm not surprised that he suddenly changed, because the reunion in the maze ignited a small light again with the unquenched warmth in each other's hearts.

Although it is weak, it is enough to melt his face in the corner of the iceberg.

The feeling of seeing the blue sky through the clouds and fog finally doesn't have to be busy with the election, and you don't have to revolve around Situ Lei. The peace before the winter vacation and the peace after winter. At this time of year, Minghui will have a few days off from the student union.

One can relax. We have been busy with school festivals and many chores in the school. Winter and summer vacations alone are not enough.

Second, it also gives us a review time to prepare for the final exam. After all, they are all students, and we can't miss ourselves because we are busy dealing with other people's affairs.

I just came back from Yuan Meng's dormitory. The temperature difference between indoors and outdoors is huge. Although I am not afraid of the cold, I instinctively opened my palms and rubbed them.

"AnRan, you deliberately harmed me, didn't you!"

Just out of the elevator, I heard Han and Yana's sharp and harsh voice from afar.

I followed the sound and hid behind the wall, not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but that was also the only way for me to go back to my room.

With a 'pop', Han Heya went back to An's face with an angry face, and a loud slap almost staggered Anan's fan. If it hadn't been for the wall behind, I'm afraid she would have fallen down.

"Han Heya, you think you already have the ability to attack me, don't you?"

Before Han and Ya glanced at her contemptuous eyes, An Rang also reached out and slapped her in the face.

I thought the two would fight together because of this, but in this dark corridor, it is as quiet as the prelude to death, peaceful and silent...