Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 128: A Sign of Nightmare

Along the way, the chaotic and difficult heart is like sweeping the fallen leaves in autumn. Before the dead leaves are swept away, a new wave of fallen leaves has come with the wind, and the heart is troubled.

Although the deputy store manager shouted loudly on the phone, it was difficult to say it clearly for a moment, but one who was about to cry asked me to go back and go back quickly.

She hesitated, and I couldn't return to Hangzhou alone at the jux of the upcoming exam, so I could only ask her to tell me what happened to Madeleine on the phone. I was thinking about how to deal with it.

I simply comforted her and said that I would call her after the student union. During this period, I also asked her to ease her emotions as much as possible so that she could explain it to me in detail later.

As soon as he entered the gate of the student union, Situ Lei greeted him nervously, as if he had been waiting at the door before.

"Where have you been?" He pressed my shoulder in a panic for fear that I would suddenly leave.

"Your home."

"Next time someone asks you to go anywhere alone, don't go, don't leave the student union and my sight." He looked at me firmly, not an order, but more concerned.

"What, did I sell it to you? Minghui's great school director, your father is eager for me to leave you quickly. Why are you forced to stay like this? If your words and deeds reach the ears of the Situ school director today, I guess you will say that I have relied on your Situ family to let go.

A smile floated lightly across the corners of my mouth, uncut and unruly.

After hearing my words, he slowly loosened his hand on my shoulder. His expression also changed from previous tension to indifference. Maybe he felt that he was too sentimental, or maybe my words hurt his glass heart.

I knew that he was really uncomfortable, but I was indifferent and didn't even treat him like this to me. I also felt a little proud of it.

The feeling of wanting to laugh but can't laugh, the pain of crying without tears, he should be familiar with this feeling earlier than me, but now I have seen him like this and watching me dispose of him here with my own hands, although there is a sense of pride, but there is no trace of happiness in my heart.

The disordered emotions are raging, like two tigers competing with each other, don't know which is more important, and don't know how to face him with a stable mentality.

I pushed him away and went into the elevator. Let him stand there half stiffly, and there is no look at the rest of the student union to surrender to us, and the whispers behind him.

I think the best way to calm down is only if there is less contact with him. Indifference is the attitude that should be dealt with. I'm afraid that I'm really too close to him these days.

Back to the room, I quickly called the Madeleine main store. At this time, the deputy store manager's mood had calmed down a lot. She spoke slowly and sometimes interrupted, and sometimes choked about the changes of Madeleine in the past few days and the things that I had to go back to deal with.

During this period, Madeleine's employees have somehow defected and have been poached by other shops nearby or even remote, but this is not too serious. Employees can still hire new ones after they leave. However, it should have been Ye's Group's daily expenses and material supply, but all of these were suddenly interrupted.

This led to the lack of supply of Madeleine's meals, and after changing the dessert chef and the supply of materials, the taste and texture of the dessert were not as good as before. The previous master stole the dessert recipe developed by the store manager when studying abroad to other stores. .

I listened to the deputy store manager's account, but I was anxious but it didn't help, but I was very confused about Ye's Group's cessation of supporting Madeleine. I hurriedly asked the deputy store manager if he had contacted Ye Yichen to ask about this matter.

The deputy store manager said that Ye Yichen did not know about it, and he had cut off contact with his father for a long time, and he did not know anything about Hangzhou. And he promised to return to Hangzhou to investigate this matter during the winter vacation, and then he would not be given any response.

Madeleine's capital deficit, coupled with the loss of personnel and formulas, may still be solved if these things happen separately, but now, it is indeed like adding insult to injury. No wonder the deputy store manager will be so panicked.

I asked her to comfort the employees who are still in the store for the time being. If the capital turnover is not good and the normal operation of the store cannot be maintained, just close it. I will go back to deal with it after the end of the term.

When I said this to her, my heart was as breathless as piled up several heavy stones.

Everyone's life is like a completely uneven path. Whether to create a prosperous road with your own strength, or to protect yourself by lighting lanterns carefully all the way, it is not what others can control. Maybe it's just a momentary impulse, but impulse is often the foundation of great things.

I was afraid that I would make a wrong decision on this impulse, so I wanted to put down the phone and think about what happened one after another. Is it Ye Yichen's operation, or is it really caused by a natural disaster, not someone else's disaster?

Just as I hung up the phone, the deputy store manager suddenly stopped me.

"Is there anything else?"

"Store, store manager, I don't know if I should tell you one more thing..."

The deputy store manager suddenly hesitated, as if the things she told me before were just a trivial matter. Next, what she wanted to say to me, and even deliberately wanted to hide were the real big things.

"You can say anything at once. Don't tell me one thing today. Another thing tomorrow makes me feel uneasy every day."

"Yes, it's Mi Xiu..."

"What's wrong with Mi Xiu?"

When I heard Mi Xiu's name, I suddenly became nervous. When I came to Minghui, because the dormitory was not allowed to keep pets, Ye Yichen and I did not bring them together, but stayed in Madeleine and asked the deputy store manager to take care of them.

"Say it quickly, what's wrong with Mi Xiu?" At the other end of the phone, no matter how much I urged, the deputy store manager has been speechless.

I know that the existence of Mi Xiu and La Xiu represents Ye Yichen's love for Anlan, but I have been loving them for so many years.

"Mixiu it, it's dead..."

A cold wind blew outside the window, but I sat here as if I was numb. The phone also slipped from my hand to the ground, but I still heard the deputy store manager saying, "Hey, hey, are you listening to the store manager? Hello..."

"Mixiu, dead..."

My mind was full of Mi Xiu rolling coquettishly in my arms. From the first time I saw it, I fell in love with this snow-white, delicate plush little fur ball.

But now, the deputy store manager's sentence 'dead' broke me into the abyss with the happy memory of the past.

How could it die? I haven't been Minghui for a year. Before I left, I touched their little heads and asked it and La Xiu to wait for Ye Yichen and me to go back...

I was stunned for a long time before I picked up the phone from the ground: "Mi Xiu, why did it die?"

"One day, I let Mi Xiu and La Xiu play at the door of Madeleine. When several girls in the coffee stand saw that Mi Xiu was cute, they fed him the cake they had just ordered. La Xiu couldn't grab it and ran away. But not long after eating the cake, he lay on the ground and twitched..."

The deputy store manager said, choking as if crying.

"I took it to the pet hospital, but it was too late. After Mixiu's death, no one has come since then. After the deputy store manager choked, the end of the phone fell into a dead silence as that day.

After a while, even if I can't accept it, I have accepted this indisputable fact.

"When did these all happen?"

I'm like a puppet full of strings, just talking about the set words one by one, without emotional rendering, and there is no warmth in emotion.

"Just this morning..."

"Okay, I know. I'll go back tomorrow."

When a person's emotions are better than a vertex, they will enter a very extreme state, either uncontrollable joy or indifference like a dead man...

And I, now is the latter.

Death, this word is like a spell full of curses. Every time I face this word, Lin will be my favorite person.

My mother's sudden departure has always been an incurable wound in my heart, and I didn't expect that Mi Xiu would leave me forever in this way.

It is just a puppy, the most insignificant and vulnerable little life in the world. It does not have wolf-like claws to protect itself from bullying, let alone human deep plans. I am the only one they can rely on, but I am incompetent to protect my family, but why am I so powerless even for them?

Deep self-reproach made it impossible for me to ease out of my sadness, just because a fatal element called the word 'death' was clearly engraved in this sadness.

"Yes, Ye Yichen..." I suddenly remembered him and quickly picked up the phone and dialed him.

"Ye Yichen, I'm going back to Hangzhou!" The moment the phone was connected, I blurted out almost nothing.

"You dialed the wrong number."

A woman's slow and charming voice came from the other end of the receiver. Before I could respond, she hung up the phone. In the few seconds before hanging up the phone, I seemed to hear a man's voice in the distance asking, 'Who is it?'

I can't determine whether it is Ye Yichen's voice. I deleted Ye Yichen's mobile phone number in my mobile phone long after entering the student union. This is just dialed by memory. Right or wrong, my mind is in chaos at this moment, and it is difficult to speculate and distinguish again.

I called first to book a ticket, and there happened to be a flight to Hangzhou at 1 o'clock at night. Then he simply sorted out the luggage to bring, and just took a few clothes to replace them.

First, I don't plan to stay in Hangzhou for too long. Second, Hangzhou belongs to the south. Although it has seen a cool atmosphere here in the morning and evening, it can only be described by meek words such as warm ocean at noon, but the weather in Hangzhou is as boring as a rice cooker all year round.

After sorting it out, I went to the office of the life committee to register. After asking for a week of family leave, I quietly left the student union with a simple handbag.

When he was about to arrive at the gate of Minghui's school, Liu Ziyang caught up and grabbed my bag: "Xia Luolin, where are you going?" His tone was domineering, as if it was forbidden for me to take half a step out of Minghui.

"I have asked for leave in the life department. You don't care where I go."

"You only registered for leave, where to go, with whom, you didn't mention it at all."

"Do I have to report to you where I'm going and what I do? Will you control it too much, or is this what your president Situ ordered to stare at me like a prisoner?

I indifferently snatched back the handbag that Liu Ziyang took from me. It happened that a taxi passed by, so I stopped it and moved in clumsily and slowly.

"Xia Luolin, can you still make sense?"

I didn't pay attention to Liu Ziyang's unreasonable and more deliberately disruptive words and obstacles to me. I closed the door and motioned the driver to drive quickly.

With the exhaust, Liu Ziyang chased two steps with an indignant face, and his lips moved a few times, as if he had said something, but I couldn't hear anything. He and Minghui gradually walked away...

"Xia Luolin, the Situ family has kept an eye on you. Do you know how much energy A Lei spent to save you..."

Liu Ziyang looked at my distant back and muttered helplessly.
