Cold and charming school grass spoils the good girl

Chapter 139: Warm Sun and Cold Moon

This starfish pendant finally returned to his own hands. Accepting it at this moment is equivalent to re-accepting Situ Lei and forgiving everything he has done to himself.

Can these exquisitely packaged gifts in front of him and his seemingly sincere words really fill the gap in 22 years of life?

Look at the key in front of you and the glass house. Someone seems to have said something like this to me in my memory.

"I promise you to build a glass house by the sea for you. At the end of winter, the piercing sea water will beat on the reef. I picked you up, and the sun hit your face through the sea. Follow the cold, but I have no regrets.

Clear words came to mind.

That's what Ye Yichen said to me when he surrounded me on the beach of the shallow bay.

Now I have left him, but Situ Lei built such a glass house for me. Isn't this irony?

I was thinking that Situ Lei had come in somehow and silently looked at me behind my mind without saying anything.

"What are you thinking?" He asked softly.

"You, when did you come in?" Obviously, I felt a little flustered, but I still calmed down and quickly returned to my usual appearance.

"Just came in."

A black cloud floated on Situ Lei's face. Although I held his starfish pendant in my hand, I looked at the house in a daze and didn't even notice him coming in.

He is not a fool, at least at this moment he clearly feels that I am not thinking about him.

He took the starfish pendant from my hand and gently put it back on my neck.

The hair was gently pulled up by him. This is the first time he has worn this pendant for me. This is a unique pendant he made for me on my 18th birthday.

I haven't worn anything on my neck for a long time, and I finally have something that can hold myself in the empty place. The heart that has been empty for a long time also seems to have been filled in the original vacancy.

"Promise me, at least don't think about other people in front of me." He put his hand on my head and stroked it slowly.

"No, just because you did what he promised me but didn't achieve." I looked at him and said indifferently.

His hand stroked my head gently, and his deep eyes looked at me and refused to leave for a long time.

When the sun finally rose to the highest point in the sky and the dazzling and bright light finally shone on us through the window screen, Situ Lei's body suddenly leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

His kiss was several times hotter than the sun at this time, and almost stimulated all the already cooled blood in my body and moved around.

He kissed seriously and eagerly, as if he wanted to melt me.

I watched him kiss very close with his eyes closed, and his stiff body gradually softened and accepted his domineering and desperate kiss.

The arm unconsciously put on his shoulder and cooperated with his strong kiss, deep in it...

Is this the feeling that has been suppressed in my heart for him for two years, or have I changed, become greedy, become prostful, and become able to do this for my own self-interest...

Kissing and kissing, I only felt that two lines of tears came out of his closed eyes and entered the lips where he was kissing me.

At this time, he realized how impulsive, inappropriate and tough his behavior was.

"I'm sorry..." His words froze on his mouth and finally turned into a simple apology.


He wiped away the tears just scratched on my face and had nothing to say.

And under his domineering kiss, I also recalled many true feelings for him that I had already forgotten, or buried with my own hands.

Even if there is a helplessness in the past, even if there is hatred in the heart.

But I still love him...

After being depressed for so long, it's time to relax and celebrate a serious birthday.

I thought so. For the first time, I acted coquettishly to Situ Lei. For the first time, I took his arm and looked at him with a smile and said, "Let's Skip class today."

I know he won't refuse me. Whether it is any reasonable or difficult request. He will do his best to satisfy me.

So all day, Situ Lei was dragged out to go shopping, eat, and watch the children skate on the lake not far away.

For the first time, I felt like an ordinary girl, shuttling through various floors in the mall. Although there was nothing I particularly wanted to buy, the feeling of him holding my hand made me feel for the first time that I would be so proud to be noticed by pedestrians passing by.

I keep warning myself that only this time, only today can be so crazy, pull him so desperately, and do with him what I couldn't and didn't dare to do before. Be the real yourself and be the most authentic Xia Luolin.

I made such a decision and completely let go of my blocked heart.

" Luo Lin, try this." Situ Lei picked up a coat hanging on the hanger and handed it to me.

"Good." I smiled sweetly and took my clothes into the locker room.

So, is it a date?

I couldn't help laughing in my heart, trying one after another in the locker room with the clothes he chose and my favorite clothes.

"Hey, is your mobile phone more important or your girlfriend?" The clerk next to him couldn't get used to Situ Lei sitting on the phone and scolded him.

Situ Lei hung up the phone, with a trace of embarrassment on his cold face, and then lost a stiff smile in embarrassment.

"What am I doing? Look at her!" The clerk still scolded Situ Lei and asked him to look at me.

At this time, if she knew that the boy who was trained to blush by him was the president of the famous Minghui private university that could cover the sky with one hand, she didn't know if she would immediately become a timid bird and fly away.

"I really regret not leaving your mobile phone at home and seeing what to do with those guys in the student union who can't stand straight without a backbone." I pretended to be angry.

He looked at me with a smile, as warm and charming as the sun.


Tomorrow is a carnival night, and Minghui is still immersed in the celebration of Christmas, but in this graduation season, many people have the desire to play and do not have enough energy to disperse here.

Situ Lei, Liu Ziyang and Yuan Meng should also officially graduate after the beginning of next spring and start their internship. There are only a few time we can stay at school together. What will we look like by then?

And after they left, how will they spend the year when I was left alone? Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little lonely. Sure enough, getting used to a kind of life is not a good thing.


We have been wandering outside for a day. As soon as we entered the school gate, not far away, a smooth-looking boy trotted towards Situ Lei with a crying face. It seemed that he had been waiting here for a long time, and his fingers were already red and slightly blue.

"What's wrong?"

"Last month, the accounts of the books subscribed by the student union last month can't be reconciled. Anyway, there is a sum of money that can't be checked."

The boy became more and more nervous. He lowered his head and raised his eyelids from time to time to peek at Situ Lei's look.

"Call the vice president and go to the accounting room."

With that, Situ Lei patted me on the head and asked me to go back to the classroom first. Then he took the boy straight to the student union.

Later, I heard Yuan Meng say that that that person was a freshman. Fortunately, he just caught up with the transfer of the original accountant to a foreign school for internship, so he directly replaced him.

No wonder he was so scared. As soon as he took office, his accounts could not be checked, and Situ Lei always looked like an iceberg. It would be strange if he was not afraid.

Towards evening, I wandered aimlessly in a circle along the playground, waiting for Situ Lei to deal with the affairs of the student union before we went home together.

Suddenly, the wheelchair seemed to be caught by someone from behind. I suddenly turned around and saw Ye Yichen looking at the tension that I couldn't get rid of with a smile.

"Let go." I said coldly.

"Come with me, I'll tell you something." Ye Yichen ignored my displeasure at this time and pushed me to the corner of no one.

Although I knew in my heart that he would not hurt me, this move was so sudden that I was a little confused for a moment.

"Where on earth are you going to take me?"

I began to feel a little impatient, because I have left the school unconsciously. If Situ Lei can't find me, I will be worried that I will do something irrational soon.

"Don't worry, I have prepared a big gift for you for your birthday." Ye Yichen narrowed his eyes and still looked like a smile.

I haven't seen him smile at me for a long time, even with such a hypocritical smile.

He took me to the small park outside Minghui, then mysteriously took out a small gift box from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Did you bring me here just to give me this?" Looking at this inconspicuous box, I didn't feel bad, but I didn't understand his intention to do so.

"There is what you want most here."

He looked at the small box in my hand with an evil face. It was a small wooden box only the size of an ordinary jewelry box. It was not exquisite, but it was also cute.

I opened it suspiciously, but there was nothing in it except a few leaves.

The leaves are still very fresh, not yellowed dead branches, nor are they specimens that have been squeezed dry.

I looked at him, but he still turned his head and looked at the small box in my hand, silent, and still maintained that enchanting smile on his face.

I know that the mystery hidden in this box must not have been discovered, otherwise he would not be so quiet.

Then turned down, and the leaves were taken out by me piece by piece. A small white note appeared at the bottom of the box, which said a string of numbers that looked like a phone number but shorter than ordinary phones.

"Is this?"

"This is..." He smiled more and more ghostly, and his words were deliberately pulled long and slowly: "Your father's address."

At the moment of his words, the box in his hand fell to the ground, and the green leaves rose with the wind and floated into the air and flew to the sky.