Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 42 It's dirty, don't wear it again

In the morning, Lan Zifu simply got up early because she was not sleepy. After washing up, she found that her mobile phone had been ringing, so she picked it up and looked at it. As soon as she saw the number, she couldn't help frowning. It was Chu Li.

Lan Zifu looked at the screen for a while, threw her mobile phone back to **, and then went downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast and returned to the room, Lan Zifu found that her mobile phone had been turned off. Touching the heat above, it should have been automatically turned off by Chu Li. Lan Zifu was a little stunned when she touched the hot mobile phone. She didn't expect Chu Li to call for so long, but now that it has been turned off...

After Lan Zifu took a soft breath, she simply didn't turn it on and only used the mobile phone specially prepared for her by Mr. Lan for work.

When she went downstairs, Nan Xingzhuo and Xiaokui were waiting for her together.

"Let's go together."

Nan Xingzhuo said to Lan Zifu with a smile. Lan Zifu smiled, nodded and said nothing. She knew that Xiao Kui must have told Nan Xingzhuo about Chu Li's search for her yesterday.

When the three of them arrived at Lanshi Group, they saw Chu Li's RV parked there.

"Go up."

Nan Xingzhuo glanced at Chu Li's car and gently put on Lan Zifu's shoulder. Lan Zifu took a look and leaned against Nan Xingzhuo, but in fact, she was not really close to Nan Xingzhuo's body.

However, on the other hand, the author Chu Li in the car saw the two of them leaning together affectionately. His eyes suddenly opened the door and walked coldly to Lan Zifu and the three of them.

"Nan Xingzhuo, I said, don't touch my woman!"

As soon as Chu Li arrived in front of him, he stretched out his hand and coldly clasped Lan Zifu's arm, but Nan Xingzhuo took Lan Zifu's shoulder and sent her back, which made Chu Li's hand empty.

At first sight, Chu Li's hand fell empty, his eyes were cold, and the target of attack turned into Nanxing Zhuo.

Lan Zifu stood aside and frowned. She was worried that Chu Li would really hurt Nan Xingzhuo. She knew Chu Li so well that no one could provoke his authority. Once she provoked his authority, he would never have any mercy.

Sure enough, for a moment, Lan Zifu's worries became a reality. Nan Xingzhuo fell behind Chu Li's move and was coldly swept in the waist and retreated two steps to stabilize his body.

"Brother, are you all right?"

Xiao Kui asked Nan Xingzhuo anxiously, and Lan Zifu immediately stood in front of Chu Li, blocked his continued attack, and said, "Has Master Chu had enough trouble?"

"I said, don't let him touch you!"

Chu Li coldly clasped Lan Zifu's arm. Lan Zifu glanced at his hand faintly and said, "What if you touch it?"

"I will return it to him from Nan Xingkui."

Chu Li said coldly, then pulled off Lan Zifu's coat and threw it fiercely a few meters away. "It's dirty. Don't wear it again."

"Chu Li, if you dare to touch Xiaokui, you will regret it, I promise!"

Lan Zifu didn't look at the clothes thrown away by Chu Li and said to Chu Li indifferently. After listening, Chu Li's eyes were instantly cold, "You threatened me for him!"

"You started the threat first, Chu Li!"

Lan Zifu stared hard at Chu Li.

"Blue Zifu!"

Chu Li squeezed Lan Zifu's wrist fiercely. Although he frowned, Lan Zifu continued to look at Chu Li indifferently.

" Make me a jar of pickles, and I'll let go of today's things!"

Chu Li opened his mouth coldly again, let go of Lan Zifu's hand, and turned to the car and left. Nan Xingzhuo immediately came forward and asked Lan Zifu, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay. I'm sorry that you were blocked."

Lan Zifu said apologetically to Nan Xingzhuo, and Xiao Kui ran to pick up Lan Zifu's coat.

"You'll be fine. Go up."

Nanxing Zhuo smiled gently at Lan Zifu, and then the three walked into the Lanshi building. As soon as he arrived at the office, the secretary told Nan Xingzhuo and Lan Zifu that a gentleman named Ji Rongzu came to the company early and waited to see Lan Zifu, saying that Lan Zifu had explained before that as long as he said his name, he could see her. Lan Zifu asked her secretary to invite Ji Rongzu to the VIP room, and she and Nan Xingzhuo will arrive later.

"What's the plan?"

Nanxing Zhuo asked Lan Zifu with a smile. Lan Zifu raised the corners of his mouth and said, "A small company that has been working with Manghui before. Although the company is small, it has great potential. Ji Rongzu himself is also very potential. A large foreign company gave him a channel because of his character, but he hasn't come yet. When he told Mang Hui, Mang Hui was going to kick his little foot because of Du Jie's two channels.

"So you have buried everything before."

Nan Xingzhuo took over, and Lan Zifu nodded, "Yes, if Du De doesn't do this, he can still have a good old age. Unfortunately, he chose another one, so you can't blame me for not giving back."

After saying that, she smiled at Nan Xingzhuo and said, "Let's go and meet Mr. Ji Rongzu."

Nanxing Zhuo gently patted Lan Zifu on the shoulder, and then the two went to the VIP room. As soon as they entered, they saw a man about 30 with a bright face and bright eyes. As soon as he saw Lan Zifu and Nan Xingzhuo, he stood up and greeted Lan Zifu without humility, "Hello, Miss Lan!"

After that, he stretched out his hand to Nan Xingzhuo, "Mr. Nan, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Ji Rongzu."

"Hello, please sit down!"

Nanxing Zhuo gently shook hands with Ji Rongzu, and then the three sat down one after another.

"Miss Lan, I have thought about it. I want to cooperate with you. Your previous conditions are very reasonable, and I accept them all."

As soon as Ji Rongzu sat down, he said bluntly. Lan Zifu exchanged a look with Nan Xingzhuo. After that, Nan Xingzhuo said to Ji Rongzu, "Mr. Ji, I'm glad that you are willing to cooperate with us. Your channel is still your responsibility, but the first task we hope you can do is to take down Manghui. You can ?"

After Nan Xingzhuo finished speaking, he looked at Ji Rongzu quietly. He was not in a hurry to ask Ji Rongzu to answer. After listening to Nan Xingzhuo's words, Ji Rongzu frowned, but after a while, he raised his head again, looked at Nan Xingzhuo and Lan Zifu, and said in a low voice, "Ok!"

"We will provide you with some support."

Nan Xingzhu said again. After that, he and Ji Rongzu talked about some specific matters. Lan Zifu had been accompanying him all the time. Unconsciously, at noon, Lan Zifu asked Ji Rongzu to have a meal together. Ji Rongzu declined and said that he would go back and start to take action before Manghui's side was not much ready to seize the opportunity.

Therefore, Lan Zifu and Nan Xing Zhuo did not continue to force Ji Rongzu. After lunch, the two continued to be busy until late at night before returning to the castle together.

After chatting with Mr. Lan for a while, Mr. Lan asked Lanfu to go back to his room to rest when he saw that she was a little tired. After Lan Zifu returned to her room, she found pajamas to take a shower.

I just didn't expect to see Chu Li standing coldly in front of her bed after coming out of the bathroom!

Lan Zifu looked at Chu Li in a staring way and forgot to react for a moment. She watched Chu Li walk coldly to her and drag down her bath towel. Lan Zifu came to her senses in shock, clenched her bath towel and stared at Chu Li, "Don't mess around!"

"Lan Zifu, that's good. You don't have the same room with him."

Chu Li approached Lan Zifu coldly and locked her between him and the wall.

"Chu Li, I don't care how you come in. Leave quickly, or I will call people in."

Lan Zifu protected the bath towel with one hand and put it on her chest. Chu Li coldly clasped Lan Zifu's hands, "If you want to scream, just shout."

After saying that, Chu Li pulled off Lan Zifu's bath towel and began to pull off his belt.

"Chu Li!"

Lan Zifu screamed and struggled. He went crazy and sneaked into her room for this!

"You'd better call Nan Xingzhuo in and see what I do to you!"

Chu Li said coldly. His words made Lan Zifu understand that he came to revenge on what happened this morning!

Lan Zifu bit her lips and looked at Chu Li, "Chu Li, don't do these boring things. Since I left the villa, we have nothing to do with them!" Please leave immediately and don't harass me in the future, thank you!"

"Lan Zifu, I said that unless I don't want you, you are my Chuli woman!"

Chu Li fiercely pinched Lan Zifu's chin and raised Lan Zifu up...

Lan Zifu looked at Chu Li without struggling, but her expression suddenly became very cold and said quietly, "Chu Li, if you really do it, you will regret it, I promise!"

Chu Li listened to her words, paused and looked at Lan Zifu with a cold face. The two looked at each other for a long time. Chu Li's eyes flashed, and the hand joints pinched Lan Zifu's shoulder turned white. Then he coldly hugged Lan Zifu and threw it to **.

Lang Zifu watched him fall, and his eyes became more and more cold, but when she saw that Chu Li was just lying beside her coldly, Lan Zifu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He Chu Li...

"I'm sleepy, go to bed!"

Chu Li coldly clasped Lan Zifu's slender waist. After saying that, he really closed his eyes and went to sleep!

Lan Zifu stared at Chu Li in disbelief, and he actually slept next to her...

She kept looking at Chu Li. In the end, Lan Zifu didn't call anyone, and even she couldn't explain why. Later, she leaned in Chu Li's arms and fell asleep.

When she woke up in the morning, there was no trace of Chu Li. If it hadn't been for the bruise on her shoulder to remind her, Lan Zifu would have even thought it was just a ridiculous dream!

Lan Zifu was distracted for a moment, and finally lifted the quilt, got up to wash, use breakfast, and then went to the company with Nanxing Zhuo and Xiaokui, as if nothing had happened.

At noon, I don't know that it was because of the sudden cold last night. Lan Zifu began to feel a little heavy. She thought it was just a little cold, so she asked Xiaokui to buy cold medicine for her casually, but she didn't expect that it was getting more and more serious later. Lan Zifu got up and took it. I fainted directly when the document was on the ground. Hearing the sound and running into the office, Xiaokui immediately found Nanxing Zhuo. The two brought Lan Zifu back to the castle together.

As soon as he returned to the castle, Mr. Lan immediately asked the doctor to examine Lan Zifu. When the doctor examined Lan Zifu, Nan Xingzhuo noticed a little obvious trace at her collarbone and his eyes sank, but he did not say anything to Mr. Lan.

After the examination, the doctor told Mr. Lan that Lan Zifu was overworked and would be fine after a good rest for two days. After hearing this, Mr. Lan was relieved and asked Nan Xingzhuo to take care of Lan Zifu. He took Xiaokui to the kitchen in person and ordered him to make some supplements for Lan Zifu.

As soon as Mr. Lan left, Nan Xingzhuo said to Lan Zifu lying down, "Grandpa is gone."

Lan Zifu, who closed her eyes, opened her eyes, looked at Nan Xingzhuo and whispered, "Don't tell grandpa."

She knew that Nan Xingzhuo had found it.

"I'll be with you tonight."

Nan Xingzhuo said calmly, but his tone was irresistible.

"No, I don't think he will come again."

Lan Zifu shook her head faintly, but Nan Xingzhuo pressed Lan Zifu's shoulder, "Zifu, I don't want you to get any more harm."