Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 152 Obstructing Heavy Registration Road

Dr. Zhuo took a look at her and said, "If there is a problem, there is really a problem."

"Look, admit it. Don't shirk your responsibility!"

The pregnant woman listened to Dr. Zhuo's words and immediately shouted, and then covered her stomach and began to feel extremely distressed, "Oh, my baby, don't let anything happen to you, my baby!"

"It's not your fetus that has a problem, it's your problem."

Dr. Zhuo said that the pregnant woman was stunned after hearing this and looked at Dr. Zhuo and said, "I have a problem. What's wrong with me?" Don't talk nonsense and try to divert everyone's attention! If you don't know how to read it, don't talk nonsense, quack doctor!"

"Miss, how can you say that Dr. Zhuo is a quack!"

A nurse was probably a loyal supporter of Dr. Zhuo, and immediately looked bad when she heard the word quack. As soon as she finished speaking, another nurse also said, "Yes, Miss, Dr. Zhuo is so dedicated to examining you. Why do you insult people so much?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Am I wrong? Are you actually a group? Oh, my God, why is the current society like this? Men are rich and handsome. Why do they all post shamelessly? I'm a pregnant woman. I was knocked down by you and a group of people came to attack me. Oh, my God, how can I do this to a pregnant woman? Oh, my God, the world is cold!"

The pregnant woman shouted loudly. The nurses even scolded them on her face, and their faces became a little ugly, but they still endured and said, "Miss, aren't we checking for you? If you don't cooperate, why do you still scold people!"

"Who let you vent your nose with them! I'm a pregnant woman, I'm a pregnant woman! Oh, my God, a group of people came together to bully me as a pregnant woman! Everyone, please help me!"

The pregnant woman kicked on the ground, as if she didn't care about the baby in her belly at all. The nurse looked at her and quickly pressed her and said, "Miss, you can't do this. You will really have an accident!"

"I'm going to do this. Who let you bully me as a pregnant woman! Let you bully me, I'm a pregnant woman!"

The pregnant woman panicked when she saw the nurse and became more energetic.

"Your husband xxx is now in the xxx hotel, doing something with a woman named xxx in room xxx. Would you like to go and have a look, Miss xxx?"

The lawyer who had not spoken suddenly said. After hearing this, the pregnant woman immediately stared at the lawyer and said, "What are you talking about? What's wrong with that bitch? Where is it?"

"Room xxx of the hotel."

The lawyer repeated.

"I xxx, I'm here to get him money with a big belly. He's fine, but he went to see that dead woman again! I xxx, I skinned him and beat that woman's xxx to death!"

The pregnant woman pushed away the nurse next to her and got up from the ground and scolded several people who secretly helped her, "What are you still doing? I'm going to catch the rape!"

"Then they haven't given you an explanation yet! ......”

A man tried his best to wink at the pregnant woman. The pregnant woman raised her hand and slapped the man's ear, "Money you xxx, I xxx, and I still want you to touch porcelain!" I xxx touched his xxx porcelain, and now I'm going to peel off that pair of dog men and women!"

With that, the pregnant woman pushed away the crowd and walked towards a minivan. Seeing that those people had not followed, she turned around and began to curse again, "I xxx, why don't you come over and drive! If anyone dares to call that dog to report the news, I will go to his door and hit him to death, killing two dead bodies!"

"Sister, don't be excited. If you have something to say, if you have something to say, okay!"

The people quickly ran over in the surprised eyes of the crowd, and then the group left in the van.

"It turns out that it's really porcelain!"

A passer-by suddenly said, and the others shook their heads one after another, looked at Chu Li and Lan Zifu a few times, and began to slowly disperse with various expressions.

At this time, the people hiding around the corner saw everyone dispersed and quickly put away their cameras to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he saw a man and a woman standing behind him. They were Jun Nieyu and Xiaokui.

"That's it, who asked you to come?"

Jun Nieyu asked the young man in front of him with a smile. The young man looked at Jun Nieyu in panic and said, "I don't know what you're talking about! Get out of the way!"

With that, he turned around and was about to run away, but how could he walk under Jun Nieyu's eyes? He only felt a flower in front of him. Jun Nieyu stood in front of him again, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Name xxx, age xx, now living in xxx, has a girlfriend xxx, do you want to Do I say more?"

The young man stared at Jun Nieyu with wide eyes, and his face became more and more panicked. He stared at Jun Nieyu and said, "Don't mess around. I tell you, a man gave me money and asked me to wait here. He said that something will happen soon. Just let me wait here and take a picture. Really...really!"

"What kind of man?"

Jun Nieyu continued to ask. The young man thought for a moment and shook his head, "I can't remember."

"Can't remember?"

Jun Nieyu frowned. When the man saw it, he immediately panicked and said, "I really can't remember. This is the money he gave me. At worst, I don't want it. I'll give it to you!"

With that, the young man hurriedly pulled out a dozen of money from his pocket and gave it to Jun Nieyu, but Jun Nieyu ignored it and looked at the camera in his hand and said, "Did he give you the camera?"

"Ah...that's right."

The young man nodded, and Jun Nieyu immediately took the camera in his hand and said, "You go."

"Don't you want this money?"

The young man looked at Jun Nieyu hesitantly. Jun Nieyu glanced at his mouth a little speechlessly, "Ouch, let's go."


The young man turned around and wanted to run, but he raised his foot and turned around. He looked at Jun Nieyu with timidly and said, "You won't go to me or my girlfriend later, will you? I really just recorded a picture."

"If you don't leave, I will definitely!"

Jun Nieyu was a little impatient, and then took Xiao Kui to Chu Li and Lan Zifu.

"Little Blue Baby."

As soon as Jun Nieyu saw Xiao Chu Lan, he couldn't help thinking of the words he heard in the car.

"What's the gain?"

Chu Li swept coldly at Jun Nieyu.

"A camera, people are just passers-by."

Jun Nieyu handed the camera in his hand to Chu Li. After Chu Li took it over, he immediately pulled Lan Zifu to stuff her into the car.

"What are you doing, Chu Li!"

Little Chulan patted Chu Li in the back with dissatisfaction, "Why are you so rude? You want a gentleman, a gentleman!"

"Continue to register with your mommy!"

Chu Li said coldly, and then turned around and picked up little Chu Lan and put the little guy in his seat. The lawyer and doctor automatically retreated aside and made way.

After Xiao Chutian also got into the car, Chu Li started the car. Jun Nieyu took Xiao Kui's little hand speechlessly and got on the car again to keep up with Chu Li's car.

"Chu Li, what's in the camera?"

Little Chulan looked curiously at the camera at hand. Lan Zifu patted her head and said, "Mommy, take a look first and then tell you."

"Okay, okay, Mommy, hurry up and watch it."

Little Chu Lan nodded repeatedly, so Lan Zifu picked up the camera and began to check the contents. Seeing that the back eyebrows slowly tightened, Chu Li looked in his eyes and said coldly, "What's wrong? What's the problem?"


Lan Zifu put the camera in front of Chu Li. Chu Li looked at it and his eyes immediately cold.

"He deliberately left the camera to us."

Lan Zifu said softly. Little Chulan looked at their expressions and couldn't help blinking her big eyes and asked, "Mommy, is there anything wrong inside? Can I see it?"

"Xiao Lan won't look at it first, okay?"

Lan Zifu patted Xiao Chulan's head.

"It's not suitable for me, is it?"

Little Chulan raised her little face and asked, Lan Zifu nodded. Little Chulan immediately nodded, "Okay, then I won't look at it. Can my brother see it?"


Lan Zifu looked at Xiao Chutian, "Don't look at Xiaotian for the time being, okay?"


Little Chutian nodded without saying anything. Lan Zifu looked at the two sensible little guys and couldn't help laughing and said, "At night, Mommy will make delicious food for you!"


Little Chulan looked at Lan Zifu, and Lan Zifu nodded, "Of course!"

"In order to praise my sensible, let Chu Li watch us eat."

Little Chulan looked at Chu Li and said, "It took you so long today to thank me and my brother!"

"No problem."

Lan Zifu nodded with a smile, completely ignoring Chu Li's black face.

After that, they finally arrived at the registration office, but Chu Li's face became darker, and a large number of reporters gathered here! As soon as they saw Chu Li and Jun Nieyu's car approaching, they surrounded them.

"President Chu, is this President Chu?"

"President Chu, are you really going to marry Miss Lan?"

"Are you really in love or a business marriage? Will Chu and Lan Shi merge?


Those reporters lay on the window and tried to see the people in the car while throwing various problems, regardless of Chu Li and Lan Zifu not getting out of the car at all.

"It seems that Li, your registration is really hindered. Shall we take a look at the almanac first when we go out next time?"

Jun Nieyu's joke sounded in Chu Li's car. Chu Li looked coldly at the reporter outside. The impatience in his eyes seemed to have reached the extreme. He coldly threw a sentence at Jun Nieyu, "Go down and deal with these people."

"Why me!"

Jun Nieyu immediately cried, but he still turned his face and said to Xiao Kui, "Let's go. You go with me to send these people. Remember to protect me, or I'm afraid these people will eat me!"

said that Jun Nieyu pulled Xiaokui out of the car. The reporters opened the door one by one and rushed over immediately, regardless of the crazy shooting. Jun Nieyu quickly protected Xiaokui in his arms and said, "Hey, what are you doing? Isn't it just registration? As for such exposure?"

"Hey, it's not President Chu, it's a mistake!"

"Ah, it's wrong!"

Those reporters found that the person they shot was not Chu Li, so they had to go back to Chu Li's car, but Jun Nieyu dodged in front of them and laughed, "Why, we want to leave like this after shooting?"

"It's just a wrong shot, and we don't plan to shoot you. Although you are very photo-like, it will be deleted."

A reporter said, Jun Nieyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to send me and my lovely girlfriend by mistake, but you scared her!"

"Jun Nieyu, what are you talking about!"

Xiao Kui immediately blushed and wanted to push Jun Nieyu away, but Jun Nieyu immediately whispered in her ear and whispered, "With me, I'm your lady."


Although Xiao Kui knew that Jun Nieyu was taking the opportunity to eat her tofu, he still stared at him and blushed and did not push Jun Nieyu away, so Jun Nieyu took the opportunity to kiss her face.

"Why didn't I see that your girlfriend was scared? Get out of the way and make out."

Those reporters said that they were going to bypass Jun Nieyu and Xiaokui. At this time, in Chu Li's car, Xiao Chu Tian suddenly said coldly, "I will get off work in five minutes."