Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 183 This is challenging his man's ability!

According to the data, Lan Zifu and Xiao Chulan are completely normal and the same as normal people!

After looking at Fu Yinghuan's data, he had to do a full-body examination of Lan Zifu and Xiao Chulan. As a result, he found that the opening of Xiao Chulan's forbidden area had been suspended! Lan Zifu's situation also eased, and Chu Li found that their hair seemed to slowly return to black.

Although I don't know why this happened, everyone was still relieved by this situation, so Lan Zifu once again confirmed with Fu Yinghuan that her situation was temporarily stable and said, "Since there is no problem on my side for the time being, let's make the next plan."

"What's the next plan?"

Fu Yinghuan looked at Lan Zifu doubtfully and said, "Damn, Lan Zifu, haven't you planned something again? Are you going to tell me that Nan Xingzhuo was taken away by Yugen? It's the layout in your plan. I will really be happy!"

"Didn't I?"

Lan Zifu raised the corners of her mouth faintly and looked at Chu Li, "Mr. Chu can exchange the Chu family for my Lan Zifu. Of course, I want to give myself and him, Xiaolan and Xiaotian a free future!"

"Damn, really!"

Fu Yinghuan stood up with an open smile, but then said, "Oh, no, since you have planned it, why do we still want to escape?"

"I can't calculate everything. I just left behind, or keep modifying the layout."

Lan Zifu smiled, looked at Chu Li with a cold face, and couldn't help coaxing him, "Oku, my young master Chu, don't be so domineering."

"After these things are over, you are not allowed to spend more time on any man!"

Chu Li said coldly. Fu Yinghuan looked at it and couldn't help asking, "Lan Zifu, come on, tell me what you left behind this time, which can make Chu Li jealous."


Lan Zifu smiled.

"Kien? What can he do? Didn't he betray us?!"

Fu Yinghuan looked blank and stabbed Xiaokui next to him, "Do you think of anything?"

"Miss Fu, I can't figure it out either."

Xiao Kui said and looked at Xiao Chutian, "Young master, can you understand the layout of Miss?"

"Mommy said she would give Keane a chance."

Xiao Chutian said coldly. After saying that, he looked at Lan Zifu. Lan Zifu immediately raised the corners of his mouth and smiled at Xiao Chutian, "Xiao Tianzhen is smart."

"You mean that Keane pretended to compromise with Eugen?"

Fu Yinghuan said, "Then why did he make that phone call to Nan Xingzhuo to confuse Eugen?"

"Yes, but I didn't expect Keane's biological father to be Gao Mu."

After saying that, Lan Zifu looked at Chu Li and said, "Have you found Keane's information?"

"Kee's mother is Cotton Doug's sister. After the accident, Cotton Doug adopted Keane to his name as his son."

Chu Li said coldly, stopped for a moment, and then said, "He should know that his biological father is still alive."

"So, our problem now is how to draw the frame out."

Lan Zifu was moved and looked at the ghost hand. He kept silent. It was not until she said the name of the frame that she saw a little reaction. The ghost hand also seemed to feel Lan Zifu's gaze. He looked at Lan Zifu and said, "Wu, have you guessed the friendship with Mr. Lan above? Easy content?"

"I think they will ask us to hand over the frame, finally."

Lan Zifu nodded.

"Sure enough."

The ghost said lightly, then got up and walked to his room.

At this time, on the other hand, Eugen and his men directly brought Nanxing Zhuo back to Country A. Although they did not bring them directly into their institutions, they also imprisoned Nanxing Zhuo and his lawyers in the residence they provided. Moreover, after Yugan sent Nanxing Zhuo in and out, he left, as if he intended to hang Nanxing Zhuo.

Outside the residence, a car was parked on the side of the road. The people inside watched Nan Xingzhuo being taken into the residence. He dialed a phone call, "Nan Xingzhuo was indeed taken back to Country A by Eugene. Do you want to take the opportunity to kill him?"

"Let's not move first."

The other end replied.


After the man answered, he ended the call and looked at the car slowly.

In another residence, Keane sat at his desk, and there was a faceless man standing opposite him.

"When can I see my biological father?"

Keane asked faceless, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Soon, as long as Nanxing Zhuo is a forebo, you can see Gao Mu."

"Why must Nanxing wash to death?"

Keane asked faceless.

"Nanxing Zhuo is not dead, how can I take over Lanshi Group?"

smiled facelessly, and a hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Do you want Lanshi Group?"

Keane was a little surprised. She didn't expect that it was Lan Shi's idea.

"Why not."

Faceless, then looked at Keane and warned, "Remember, don't think about helping Lan Zifu and others, or you will never see your biological father."

After saying that, Wumian jumped out of his room. Keane watched Wumian gradually fade away and turned into a point, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a trace of coldness.

It was gradually night. Chu Li finally sent little Chu Lan and Xiao Chu Tian to take a shower. Finally, he got a little time to be alone with Lan Zifu, so he wrapped around Lan Zifu's waist. Lan Zifu smiled at him and wrapped her backhand around Chu Li's waist and said, "What's wrong, young master Chu?"

She felt that since she came back from the ghost hand, Chu Li's dominance of her became more and more obvious. Even Lan Zifu thought of the word sticky. Now she just feels that Chu Li is sticking to him, as if she is afraid of losing her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help thinking about her situation again. Although the situation is very stable now, there is still a strange feeling in her heart.

"What do you think, just think of me!"

Chu Li found Lan Zifu looking at him. His eyes were a little fluttering. He pinched Lan Zifu and said in a low voice. He found that he didn't like to see Lan Zifu distracted towards him. Such Lan Zifu gave him an illusion that she would disappear at any time!

"How do you know that I'm not thinking about you, Chu Li?"

Lan Zifu smiled and teased Chu Li, but she didn't expect her to be funny. Chu Li's eyes changed. Looking at Lan Zifu, she became hot.

So, Chu Li lowered his head and kissed Lan Zifu's lips fiercely.

"They are case they come out...what if they see..."

Lan Zifu intermittently.

"They will talk about it when they come out and see it!"

Chu Li coldly put his hand into Lan Zifu's clothes. Lan Zifu couldn't help but look at Chu Li coquettishly. Although he knew that it was time to push Chu Li away, he couldn't help climbing on Chu Li's neck and sighing, "You are too bad. Chu Li... will... teach Xiao Tian and Xiao Lan... bad..."

"You like it, don't you?"

Chu Li suddenly held Lan Zifu's delicate earlobe, which made Lan Zifu almost mutter. She couldn't stick to Chu Li by herself, but she still struggled and said, "Oway, Chu Li, don't make any more trouble, make trouble again... Ah! Chu Li..."

Lan Zifu stared at Chu Li with a bright red face, and his hand actually...

"Really, don't make trouble?"

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu and raised the curvature of the corners of his mouth. He liked Lan Zifu's uncontrollable appearance.


Lan Zifu looked at the bad Chu Li, and although her face was still cold, it became particularly evil because of the faint smile at the corners of her mouth, which made her feel more difficult to struggle.

"What am I? Is it noisy or not? Do you want to shoot arrows or not?

Chu Li squeezed Lan Zifu harder. Lan Zifu couldn't help raising her body gently, and the word almost blurted out. At this time, an unspeakable sleepiness suddenly hit Lan Zifu without warning, making her unable to yawn herself!

"Blue Purple!"

The curvature of the corners of Chu Li's mouth suddenly disappeared, and she actually yawned at this time!


Lan Zifu wanted to say that she really didn't mean it, but she couldn't help yawning before she finished speaking.

Unexpectedly yawned again! Chu Li felt a basin of cold water pouring down his head. Her face was completely black. Lan Zifu saw it in her eyes and couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling. She said, "I really didn't mean it, Master Chu."

"Blue Purple!"

Chu Li almost wanted to bite Lan Zifu's neck. Her words made him more angry, and he didn't mean to yawn! This is challenging his man's ability!

"Chu Li..."

Lan Zifu looked at the black-faced Chu Li. Huo Ran understood and couldn't help laughing more loudly. At the same time, she yawned again.

"Lan Zifu, you are challenging my endurance!"

Chu Li said coldly, and then picked up Lan Zifu, strode to the bed, and threw Lan Zifu to **. Chu Li followed closely and pressed her whole body. Lan Zifu quickly held Chu Li and said, "Chu Li, don't make trouble. I won't laugh at you anymore!"

"It's late!"

Chu Li said coldly and bit Lan Zifu's lips again as soon as she lowered her head. She deliberately tried hard as if to punish her. Lan Zifu couldn't help frowning painfully, and then yawned again. After beating, Lan Zifu felt that a sense of sleepiness really swept her in an instant, making her close uncontrollably. Eye eyelids.

"Blue Purple!"

Chu Li looked at Lan Zifu in front of her in disbelief. She really fell asleep!

"Blue Purple!"

Chu Li gently shook Lan Zifu with a black face, and Lan Zifu just muttered vaguely, "I'm really sleepy... I'm sorry..."

Speaking of the back, her voice was basically the same as that of mosquitoes and flies. Chu Li looked at it coldly for a long time, and still gently pulled the quilt to cover it. Probably she was really sleepy recently. Thinking that Lan Zifu had been tension these days, Chu Li couldn't help gently stroked her face again. Cheek.

"Look, I said, brother, Chu Li can't eat mommy's tofu!"

The two small heads at the door of the bathroom looked at Chu Li and Lan Zifu, one left and one right, and naturally opened their mouths.

"If he continues, I will stop him."

Little Chu said coldly.

"You have washed it."

Chu Li looked back coldly at the two little guys. He just knew that the two little guys were peeking at them, but in order to punish Lan Zifu, he didn't stop. Unexpectedly, Lan Zifu would really fall asleep in the end!

"Yes, let you eat mommy's tofu behind my brother and me again. Look, let mommy fall asleep. I can't eat it!"

Little Chulan said with a well-respected expression on his face, then walked to the bedside, carefully climbed into bed, and said to Chu Li, "I won't let you sleep with Mommy today!"

After saying that, little Chulan slept next to Lan Zifu.

"I'm going to take a shower. You guys look at mommy."

Chu Li looked at little Chu Tian coldly and then walked to the bathroom. He needed to take a good shower to cool down, otherwise he would be sleepless tonight!

In another room, the ghost took off his upper clothes and looked down at his chest. It seemed to be a little bigger before. The ghost hand looked at it faintly and suddenly shook it. He couldn't help holding the chair next to him, and then his eyes flashed. He quickly picked up the clothes next to him and put them on his body. At the same time, a figure rushed in from the window and directly attacked the clothes in his hand.