Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 190 What a bold Chinese sick man!

"It just means that I didn't lie to you."

Faceless picked up the corners of his mouth, then took out a file bag and put it in front of Jiang Mu Sanyuan, and said, "I think the people above will soon intervene in my acquisition of Lanshi Group. At that time, you will take these materials and let your senior management come forward."

"What good thing is this?"

Jiang Mu Sanyuan took the file bag with a smile, opened it, and took out the contents. After looking at it for a while, Jiang Mu Sanyuan smiled more and said, "Faceless, you really surprise me more and more!"

"I hope you don't waste these good things."

Faceless, the smile at the corners of his mouth also thickens, and faintly reveals a burning heat.

"No, Lanshi Group is really going to come to an end this time. I'm really happy to cooperate with you, faceless."

Jiang Mu Sanyuan put down the document bag and raised the glass to Wuface. The two of them's cups touched each other in mid-air, making a crisp sound.

"I laughed very happily. It seems that some deal has been reached again."

In another dark place, Jun Nieyu looked at the faceless and Jiang Mu Sanyuan on the screen with a smile. Although the meeting between the two of them was monitored, their conversation could not be monitored together due to faceless caution. However, than their dialogue, Jun Nieyu was more interested in the article given to Jiang Mu Sanyuan without face. Looking at their expressions, it doesn't seem to be a good thing. It seems that he has to find a way to get the document before Jiang Mu Sanyuan carries out their plan.

Then, Jiang Mu Sanyuan said goodbye to Wumian and left the restaurant. Jun Nieyu asked No. 3 to follow Wumian as much as possible, and he himself followed Jiang Mu Sanyuan himself.

Jun Nieyu followed Jiangmu Sanyuan all the way and found that Jiangmu Sanyuan was very cautious and basically had no chance to start. Jun Nieyu has made up his way to his residence and moves according to the opportunity. However, Jiangmu Sanyuan's car suddenly stopped outside a restaurant. When he got out of the car, he took the document bag himself. Jun Nieyu looked at it, lifted the corners of his mouth, smiled, and followed into the restaurant.

Entering the restaurant, Jun Nieyu found a good position. It happened that he could see Jiangmu Sanyuan, while Jiangmu Sanyuan could not see him. Jiang Mu Sanyuan directly asked the waiter to give him a signature snack, and he also served three servings in a row, and then began to taste it slowly. Seeing that he seemed to like the snack in the restaurant, Jun Nieyu looked at it for a while, took out his mobile phone and made a few phone calls. After a while, she saw a woman with flowers twisting her waist and buttocks and walked into the restaurant. The waiter wanted to ask. She directly stretched out her finger with bright red nails and pointed to Jiang Mu Sanyuan. The waiter retreated aside, and then the woman gracefully continued to Jiangmu Sanyuan.

When Jiang Mu Sanyuan's men saw her approaching, they immediately got up and stopped him. When the woman saw it, she immediately said with a smile, "Oh, sir, there are still bodyguards."

With that, she looked at Jiang Mu Sanyuan with bright eyes, as if she had seen the money. At this time, another woman who was also dressed in fancy walked into the restaurant and also walked to Jiangmu Sanyuan, and another man of Jiangmu Sanyuan also stopped her.

"Oh, sir, you called more than my family!"

The woman who came first stared at the woman who came behind a little unhung. The woman behind stared back without showing weakness. Just as she was about to open her mouth, she saw the door of the restaurant open again. This time, three groups of women came in at once, and they still pushed each other at the door. As a result I found that they were all going to the same person, that is, Jiangmu Sanyuan.

Jiang Mu Sanyuan, who had been paying attention to eating snacks, finally raised his head and looked at the noisy women with a little impatiently and said, "What's going on?"

"Hey, sir, how many have you called? Although we can make money, you are too much. It's not the same price to play in a group!"

A woman fiddled with her hair and said, as soon as she finished speaking, several women came into the restaurant. Under the gaze of the diners, these women really walked to Jiangmu Sanyuan again.

Jun Nieyu looked at the other side and saw more and more women. He couldn't help laughing. He wanted to see what Jiangmu Sanyuan would do.

"Get them away!"

Jiang Mu Sanyuan said to his men with a gloomy face, and the strong smell of perfume seriously damaged the nature of his snacks.

"Yes, Mr. Sanyuan."

Jiang Mu Sanyuan's men bowed to him respectfully, and then pushed the women to ask them to leave the restaurant, but those women were not willing to ask Jiang Mu Sanyuan what they meant. Did they play with them and called them all the people here? As a result, they said no again!

"Give the money and send it away!"

Jiangmu Sanyuan's gloomy tunnel flashed with a murderous atmosphere in his eyes. His men immediately asked the women how much they wanted.

"Wait a minute, you are from Country J, right?"

One of the women suddenly said, and the man who handed the money to her immediately straightened his waist proudly and said angrily, "Of course."

As soon as the woman heard this, she immediately waved her hand and knocked off the money in her hand and said, "Oh, hey, I said, it turned out to be from J country. No wonder there are so many sisters!"

After saying that, she looked at the other women around her and said, "Hey, I'm not going to ask for this money. It's up to you. It's like it's obvious that people are from J who are from the country!"

As soon as her words came out, the woman who was about to receive the money looked at each other and withdrew their hands. The women who had already taken the money were watching by other people. Although they were a little hesitant, they were also stuffed back into the hands of those hands. One of them said, "Oh, forget it, when I went out to step on dog shit today."

"You don't know how to praise!"

Jiang Mu Sanyuan's men said with a dark face, and a woman immediately covered her mouth exaggeratedly and shouted, "Oh, do you hear me? People say that we don't know how to praise. If we play with others, we have to know how to lift up!"

"A bunch of women who are not even as good as dogs!"

Jiang Mu Sanyuan's hand slapped the woman in the face. The woman didn't expect that they would beat people. She didn't stop at once. In addition, the men were also strong. She stepped back a few steps and was supported by the woman next to her, so she stabilized her body.

"I even hit people! What's wrong with my mother selling? I also have dignity!"

The woman stared at the person who hit her with wide eyes. After shouting, she raised her hand and rushed to the man. However, as soon as he jumped on it, he was kicked back by the man, and after Jiang Mu Sanyuan's other men saw him do it, they also pushed the other women directly to the ground, and then threw the money on them and laughed, "Hurry up the money and get out!"

"Chinese people really owe repair!"

The man who took action first looked proudly at the woman who was kicked on the ground by him and couldn't get up for a long time and said.

"I'm sorry, sir, we are not allowed to fight here."

A staff member came over and said to Jiang Mu Sanyuan's men. The man looked at the staff and said arrogantly, "Didn't you see these dog-like women coming in to harass our Mr. Sanyuan for dinner?"

"I don't know the specific matter. I'm just reminding you that we are prohibited from quarreling here so as not to affect other guests' meals."

The staff member was neither humble nor arrogant. After hearing this, the man snorted heavily, "Isn't they the one that affected our Mr. Sanyuan's meal? We still kindly help you Chinese people deal with these bitches."

"I XXX, I'm not a dog, you are the dog! Your mother, your father and your whole family are... Grandma, little XX, I will bite you when I go out today!"

The woman roared and got up from the ground and rushed to the man again. The other women were also angry because of what Jiang Mu Sanyuan's men just said. After seeing her pounce on her, they also grabbed those people regardless of whether they were thirty-seven or twenty-one.

"A group of women who don't know life! Chinese people are indeed barbarians!"

Those people attacked the women again, many of whom were knocked to the ground, and the staff was also pushed to the ground by Jiang Mu Sanyuan's hands in the chaos. The other staff in the restaurant rushed over, but they hadn't arrived yet. Several diners who were watching next to them had stood up first and said unhappily, "Hey, I said, isn't it too much for you to do it again and again!"

"Another nosy Chinese pig!"

Jiang Mu Sanyuan's men seemed to be addicted. As soon as they finished speaking, they kicked the man who was talking. The man's reaction was okay, but he still left half a shoe print on his clothes.

"Damn. Your grandma, I really think you J people are great if you don't show your power, don't you? Brother, fight!"

The man said and picked up the chair next to him, and his friends next to him also raised the chair.

"Calm down first!"

The staff tried to persuade him, but he just opened his mouth and was slapped in the face by Jiang Mu Sanyuan's men. The staff member was immediately stunned, and then immediately stared at the person who beat him and shouted, "Fur, he really thinks she is God!"

After saying that, the staff raised his foot and was about to kick the person who hit him. At this time, Jiang Mu Sanyuan, who had never spoken, seemed to have finally finished his snack and said, "Enough!"

As soon as his words came out, his men who were about to take action immediately withdrew their feet, stood beside him respectfully, bowed their heads and said, "Mr. Sanyuan."

"I'm sorry to cause trouble to your restaurant. How much do you need to compensate, including disability expenses, mental loss expenses, etc., you can tell me."

Jiang Mu Sanyuan looked at the staff and said, his attitude was like a beggar. When he spoke, he glanced around, but he didn't see anyone who made him suspicious.

"It's great to be rich, brother. He invited me to feed the dog!"

The previous diner said to the staff member who was beaten. Jiang Mu Sanyuan immediately turned pale and looked at the talking diner gloomyly and said, "What are you talking about, Chinese?"

"I said, I invited you, I should be kind-hearted to feed the dog, how about it!"

The diner said word by word.

"Yes, it's his mother's feeding dog, and a few more plates of dog legs behind him, which is my mother's!"

The woman who was beaten before also shouted.

"How dare you, you sick people!"

Jiang Mu Sanyuan said gloomyly, and a touch of fierceness flashed on his face, and then ordered to his men, "Brup all your limbs, strip off your clothes and throw them out!"