Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 210 I want to pinch you to death, I will pinch you to death!

"Counterattack? Lan Zifu, do you mean that we are finally going to return?

Jun Nieyu couldn't help showing a bad smile and finally fought back!

"Yes, let's start from Jiangmu Sanyuan first!"

Blue Zifu nodded.

"What should I do, you say!"

Jun Nieyu immediately said, Lan Zifu hooked the corners of her mouth and said softly, "Since he has found so many women, let him really taste the taste of death under the peony flowers!"

"Let him die in the hibiscus tent, and the country J can only eat Huanglian. This slap is so good!"

Jun Nieyu raised his eyebrows badly and sent a Qiu wave to Xiaokui next to him, "Isn't it, Xiaokui, when can I..."

"What are you talking about! Jun Nieyu!"

Xiao Kui immediately interrupted Jun Nieyu's words with a red face. Jun Nieyu looked at Xiao Kui with an innocent expression and said, "What's wrong, Xiao Kui, I haven't finished yet. I want to say that anytime I can ask you to send me a bouquet of flowers, just do it!"


Xiao Kui stared hard at Jun Nieyu. She knew that she had been teased by Jun Nieyu, but she was so embarrassed that she couldn't answer. She stamped her foot and stood behind Lan Zifu and no longer paid attention to Jun Nieyu.

"What about Grandpa Lan? Do you still want to declare bankruptcy?"

Ye Yao asked Lan Zifu, and Lan Zifu smiled and said, "It's just an announcement."

"I see."

Ye Yao smiled and asked again, "On the other side?"

"You can let him do it."

Blue and purple.

Then, Jun Nieyu sent the order to No. 2. After seeing Jun Nieyu's news, he smiled at the two dark guards and said, "Guys, it's a good show this time!"

After saying that, he whispered to the two dark guards. On the other side, No. 1 chased the trace of Yecha all the way, and there were almost no traces in the middle several times, wasting a lot of effort.

And Yecha chased faceless. Although faceless knew and threw him away several times, because the two of them had been under the hands of ghosts for many years and more or less understood each other's habits, Yecha finally kept up with the trace of faceless.

"Since you want to die, let you follow. Let's see how you get out of the madman!"

When Wumian arrived at a hidden place, he stopped outside with a gloomy face and looked back behind him. He knew that he had not thrown away Yasha. Although he could take him to other places, he later thought about it and went straight back to the framed hiding place.

Since he chose to stand on Chu Li's side, he will always pay for it!

He hummed coldly without a face, then adjusted his mood and walked into the room in front of him. As soon as I entered the room, I saw the frame sitting there with a shady face. As soon as I saw the faceless, I said, "I don't care about the small actions you do outside, but don't affect my affairs!"

"I know."

Faceless, he bowed his head to Tu Gang, carefully hid his emotions, looked at him, and then said, "Those people are mine in the end. Don't overdo it, or I will let you disappear in advance!"

After listening to the frame, his expression was stagnant, and then he said, "I understand."

The frame looked at him again, and then got up and walked inside. When he was about to walk to a room, his body suddenly pulled without warning, like an uncontrollably **. Faceless had been secretly watching the frame leave behind him. Naturally, he did not miss the action of the frame just now. The frame seemed to be to himself. He was a little annoyed and punched the air fiercely, as if to vent or take the opportunity to control something.

"Get back to your room and see something there!"

The frame suddenly turned around and said to the faceless gloomy. His eyes were very harsh, a little as if he was going to eat the faceless face.

When Wuface saw that look, he couldn't help but freeze. He hesitated and slowly turned back, but his movements were very slow.

"Get out!"

The frame roared fiercely again, and his expression was more gloomy and even a little distorted, and he couldn't help speeding up his pace. However, after taking two steps, he slowed down again.

After the painting was finished roaring, he kicked open the door of the room in front of him, and then almost rushed in. Then, the door was closed vigorously and the wall next to him was shaken.

Hearing the heavy closing sound, he took back his faceless foot. He turned around and stared at the door on the other side of the aisle.

Just as he was watching, there was a sound inside, staring faceless for a moment, and then strode towards the room. When he reached the door, he carefully leaned forward.


The door seemed to be hit hard by something, and the whole door panel shook heavily.


There was another framed roar, and there seemed to be anger and some pain in the voice.

His faceless eyes changed again and again, and then his eyes were fierce. He suddenly took out a button bomb and put it on the door, but just as he was about to press the button, a frame roar broke out, and the voice was more fierce than just now. This time, Wumen just paused and pressed the button.

After pressing the button, Wumen dodged to one side. After three seconds of silence, after an explosion, the wall next to the room shook fiercely. After a gust of smoke, a big hole appeared on the door.

"What are you doing!"

After the smoke, the framed figure appeared in the faceless sight. After the face saw his figure, his face immediately became gloomy. The abnormal performance of the framed just made him want to gamble, and there was something wrong with the frame.

In fact, when he saw the framed face clearly, he did obviously feel the change of the framed face. The whole face of the frame became a little distorted and his eyes became a little crazy. He stared at the faceless like a wolf and asked again, "What do you want to do?"

Faceless stared at the painting frame and suddenly threw out his weapon. Now that he has done it, he can only do it to the end! Therefore, his faceless eyes were cloudy and swept to the frame.

"Look for death!"

The frame hummed gloomily and did not move at all. He directly stared at the faceless weapon in front of him. When the faceless weapon was about to pierce his heart, he flashed his hand and grabbed the faceless weapon.

Faceless, he was shocked and wanted to retreat, but he found that he could not take back his weapon. His framed hand was like an iron pliers, holding his weapon and did not move.

While Wumen was shocked, the framed and snorted coldly. The other hand suddenly wrapped around the faceless neck like a snake. The faceless even felt an amazing chill on the back of his neck. He gritted his teeth and abandoned the weapon and quickly retreated. However, an incredible thing happened, and the framed hand was stiff. The ground stretched, so, although the faceless retreated, the framed hand still held his neck, and the faceless instantly felt a coolness all over his body in an instant. Before he could react, he was pressed hard by the frame and hit the wall with a solid face.

Faceless heard the sound of his nose breaking, and a fishy heat gushed out of his nose in an instant, but he didn't have time to worry about these, because after the collision, the frame picked him up again, and then smashed it into the wall. Faceless quickly protected his head with his hand. At the same time, his feet twisted towards the painting frame, but the painting frame was like a machine, allowing the faceless to twist his feet to his body, and then when the faceless frame was twisted down with waist force, he found that he had failed again.

The framed body did not move at all, and his other hand took the opportunity to grasp the faceless foot. Faceless, he was shocked and quickly loosened his feet, regardless of his neck still holding it in the framed hand. He pushed up fiercely and kicked the framed head with all his strength. After the framed head was kicked, he finally shook it. Next, his hand also loosened, and Wuface took the opportunity to break free from the buckle of the frame, jumped two times in a row, retreated to one side, and carefully stared at the frame.

"Yes, there has been progress, but low-level creatures are low-level creatures. Without transformation, what qualifications do you have to live under my hands!"

The frame smiled a little crazily at Faceless, then took out a launcher and smiled at Faceless, "Do you think I will keep fighting with you? Ignorance!"

With that, the frame pressed the first button of the launcher faceless. His face changed dramatically and he wanted to run out reflexively, but when he jumped up, he saw his whole body pumping in mid-air and fell back to the ground heavily.

"I still want to run! Hahahaha, can you run away!"

The frame stepped forward and stepped on the faceless leg. He stared at the frame without a bad face. He wanted to pull his leg out of the foot of the frame, but he couldn't do it at all because of convulsions.

When the painted frame saw that the faceless still wanted to struggle, he raised his feet high and stamped fiercely on the faceless calf. Then he heard a crisp sound, and the faceless calf bone was broken by the paint frame!

Faceless bit his lips tightly, without making a sound, framed it in his eyes, and smiled more crazily, "I still want to run. As I said, except for ghost hands, you are all ants in my eyes!"

With that, the frame raised his foot again and stamped down to the calf that had been trampled without face. There was another crisp sound, and the broken calf bone was broken again!

"If I want to pinch you to death, I will pinch you to death!"

The frame laughed wildly and took another foot, and the faceless bit his lips. The scarlet blood flowed out of the corners of his mouth. He still did not scream at all, and his calf had completely drooped to the ground, like bamboo broken into sections!

"It sounds so good!"

The frame seemed to fall into a crazy mood. He actually raised his foot again and stepped on the faceless calf. At this time, a figure quickly swept in and grabbed the faceless side when the frame's feet were about to stamp on the faceless leg again.


Tu Gang looked at the faceless Yecha with a dark smile, "I said how dare he suddenly look for death. It turned out that he had found a companion on Huangquan Road!"

Yecha stared at the painted frame warily and swept the faceless with the corner of his eyes. He saw the sweat and blood mixed with the faceless face, like an injured beast, staring at the frame grimly.

"He is out of control! Kill him, or you won't leave here alive!"

said facelessly.