Cold-faced president only likes to love

Chapter 230 (End) Purple, or the fetus

The ghost hand looked at Chu Li and said, "It should be Lan Zifu to protect herself, and more to protect her fetus. Her hibernation gene is deepening. It was only 40% before, but now she is approaching 50%!"

After listening to the ghost's hand, Chu Li immediately clenched his fist and continued to ask, "What would happen if it reached 50%?"

"Once it reaches 50%, if you can't stop and continue to deepen, Lan Zifu may be sleeping all the time."

The ghost said in a low voice.

"Isn't it useful?"

Chu Li stared at the ghost's hand tightly, and his fist began to tremble slightly.

"I was just about to say this. The Shengzikui you brought back... is not the one I said!"

said the ghost hand.

"What did you say!"

Chu Li had a fierce earthquake, but Shengzi Kui was not...

"It's really not, Chu Li."

Fu Yinghuan also said, and then looked at the data on the instrument and said to the ghost hand, "Let's find another way. At this speed, Lan Zifu's hibernation gene will soon reach 50%!"

"What do you mean by what you said?"

Little Chu Tian asked with a cold little face and looked at Chu Li without blinking. Chu Li clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth and said to Xiao Chu Tian, "Your mother may sleep for a long time!"

"Chu Li, how long will mommy sleep?"

Little Chu Lan asked with his big eyes open. Chu Li slowly loosened his fist, bent down to pick up little Chu Lan, and looked at the little guy fixedly.

"Chu Li, say it quickly!"

Little Chulan saw that Chu Li didn't answer her question. Chu Li couldn't help urging again. Chu Li gritted his teeth and hit the back of Xiao Chu Lan's neck with a knife. Xiao Chu Lan immediately stared at Chu Li incredulously and fainted.

"Master Chu, you..."

Xiao Kui looked at Chu Li in consternation. Chu Li ignored her and put Xiao Chu Lan back to the ** she had just lay. At this time, Xiao Chu Tian looked at Chu Li with a tight little face and said, "You don't have to knock me out. I know what you mean by what you said. Mommy may not wake up because of your little brother."

As he spoke, the little guy's eyes suddenly turned red, but he endured it. Chu Li looked back at him and said hard, "No, your mother will wake up!"

Lan Zifu will definitely wake up!

"The color of blue and purple hair has changed again!"

Fu Yinghuan suddenly shouted, and Chu Li and Xiao Chu Tian immediately returned to Lan Zifu's bed and saw Lan Zifu's hair turning black little by little.

However, the data on the instrument has reached 50%, and it continues to rise!

"Damn, what's going on? Is it really can't stop!"

Fu Yinghuan said impatiently. The ghost turned around and looked at Chu Li and said, "Chu Li, you decide whether you want this child or not?"

"Ghost hand?!"

Fu Yinghuan stared at the ghost hand and threw a sentence, "There is no time to protect Lan Zifu, or protect the fetus, you have to choose one!"

"I want both!"

Chu Li punched the wall fiercely, and the deep sound finally opened Mr. Lan's eyes. After the ghost's hand found out, the figure immediately flashed. When it flashed in front of Mr. Lan, there was already an additional needle in his hand. His eyes flashed and inserted the needle into Mr. Lan's neck.

"Ghost hand..."

Mr. Blue looked at the ghost's hand and closed his eyelids again.

"I'm sorry! Boss Lan!"

The ghost hand whispered. Huo Ran pulled out the needle and threw it into the trash can on one side. Xiaokui next to him saw that his hand trembled a little.

"That said, Chu Li, what's your decision?"

The ghost returned and asked Chu Li again.

"I said I want both!"

Chu Li roared,

"Is there really no other way for the ghost hand?"

Chu Yun looked at the ghost hand.

"I won't let Chu Li choose!"

The ghost hand said in a low voice, and Chu Yun saw that his hand was also tightly clenched and was also trembling.

"Tell me what Shengzikui is like. I'll look for it right away!"

Chu Li suddenly grabbed the ghost's hand and said fiercely. The ghost hand looked at him and said, "Chu Li, it's too late. You can look at the data on the instrument by yourself. Once it exceeds 60%, I really can't guarantee you that Lan Zifu can still wake up!"

The ghost finger pointed to the rising data on the instrument.

"You said you wouldn't let anything happen to Lan Zifu!"

Chu Li roared vier.

"I'm sorry, Chu Li!"

The ghost hand looked at Chu Li and said slowly, "It's okay if you hate me or want to kill me. I still want you to choose. Do you want to protect Lan Zifu or the fetus!"

Chu Li listened to the ghost's hand and let go of the ghost's hand. His face turned pale in an instant. He stepped back two steps and then looked at Lan Zifu.

"Aunt Fu, can't you really leave mommy and brother?"

Little Chutian suddenly asked Fu Yinghuan. Fu Yinghuan looked at Xiao Chutian. He saw that he had a stubborn little face and was still holding back the tears in his eyes. Fu Yinghuan didn't know how to answer him. When Xiao Chutian saw that Fu Yinghuan only looked at him and did not say anything, the tears in his eyes finally rolled out slowly, but he immediately wiped it hard. He turned around and put his little hand on Lan Zifu's stomach. "Brother, it's agreed to protect Mommy. You have to do it!"

With that, Xiao Chutian shed another tear. He wiped it hard again and continued, "I don't want Mommy to have something to do, and Xiao Lan doesn't want Mommy to have something to do, and you don't want Mommy to do..."

"Xiaotian, don't say any more!"

The ghost hand interrupted Xiao Chutian and pulled Xiao Chutian aside. "Now Lan Zifu's situation is to protect the fetus. If the fetus protects her again, it will stimulate Lan Zifu's hibernation gene to open faster!"

"What should I do? I don't want Mommy to sleep all the time!"

Little Chutian said fiercely.

"Lan Zifu, did you hear that? Xiaotian doesn't want you to sleep. I also beg you not to sleep. You said you would never let me go. You are not allowed to break your promise!"

Chu Li grabbed Lan Zifu's hand hard. At this time, Lan Zifu's fingers suddenly moved. Chu Li's whole body shook and stared at Lan Zifu tightly, "Lan Zifu, did you hear me? Respond to me quickly!"

"Chu Li, don't..."

Fu Yinghuan just wanted to persuade Chu Li to calm down, but he saw Lan Zifu's fingers move again.

"Lan Zifu's fingers moved!"

Fu Yinghuan shouted to the ghost hand, and then flew to the instrument and saw that the rise of the hibernation gene data had just slowed down!

"Ghost hand, the speed is down!"

Fu Yinghuan said excitedly, but the ghost hand roared directly at Chu Li, "Continue to call Lan Zifu, wake up Lan Zifu quickly!"

"Miss, wake up quickly, miss!"

Xiao Kui didn't care. He ran to the other side of the bed and called Lan Zifu hard. Xiao Chu Tian also leaned back to Lan Zifu and called Lan Zifu, "Mommy, Mommy, wake up quickly."

"Lan Zifu, I know you can hear it. I beg you to wake up. Xiaotian and I are waiting for you to wake up. You can't leave us. Lan Zifu, if you dare to leave me, I will immediately take Xiaotian and them to you!"

Chu Li roared in a trembling voice. He stared at Lan Zifu's face tightly, and everyone else looked at Lan Zifu. Finally, Lan Zifu's eyelids moved, then again, and then slowly opened.

"Blue Purple!"

Chu Li picked up Lan Zifu and strangled her into his arms fiercely. Lan Zifu, who opened her eyes, slowly blinked her eyes, slowly raised her hand and hugged Chu Li, and said softly, "Chu Li."

"Lan Zifu! Lan Zifu!"

Chu Li repeated Lan Zifu's name, and a drop of hot water fell on Lan Zifu's back.

"Let go of me first."

Lan Zifu said softly to Chu Li, his voice seemed to be very weak.

"No! Lan Zifu will never let you go!"

Chu Li said fiercely, but Fu Yinghuan and the ghost noticed that Lan Zifu's face was not very good, so they said to Chu Li, "Chu Li, let go of Lan Zifu first. You may hurt her in this way."

After listening to the ghost's hand's words, Chu Li suddenly shook and immediately released Lan Zifu, but still hugged her gently. Lan Zifu looked at Chu Li, who was still trembling gently, couldn't help smiling gently, gently touching his face, and then looked down at the little Chu Tian next to him. There were two tears on his face.

"Mommy, you're awake."

Little Chutian squeezed his mouth and said deeply. Lan Zifu gently touched his head and said slowly, "Don't cry casually in the future. You said you wanted to protect Xiao Lan. If you cry, she will also cry."


Little Chutian bit his lip and nodded hard.

"Lan Zifu, you are now..."

Fu Yinghuan wanted to ask Lan Zifu how she was feeling now, but before she finished her words, Lan Zifu gently interrupted her, "I actually heard what you just said. I'm not really unconscious, but I just can't wake up."

At this point, Lan Zifu looked at Chu Li again, "Don't threaten me, Chu Li, remember, only I can threaten you."

"Blue Purple..."

"Listen to me."

Lan Zifu gently put her finger on Chu Li's mouth to stop Chu Li's words. Then, she slowly picked up Chu Li's hand, put it on her stomach, and continued, "Chu Li, remember, I want this child."

After saying that, Lan Zifu looked at little Chu Lan and Mr. Lan again, then smiled faintly and tried her best to look at Chu Li again, "Chu Li..."

Lan Zifu suddenly closed her eyes.

"Blue Purple!"

Chu Li held Lan Zifu's shoulder hard, and the instrument suddenly issued an elite alarm. The data of the hibernation gene, which had just slowed down, rushed over 60%!

"Chu Li, put down Lan Zifu!"

The ghost hand roared at Chu Li and said to Fu Yinghuan, "Fu Yinghuan, impose a forced ban immediately!"

"Damn, fight!"

Fu Yinghuan immediately opened all the instruments, and Chu Li seemed to have not heard the words of the ghost hand. He was still holding Lan Zifu hard. Chu Yun's heart was ruthless and forced to take Lan Zifu from Chu Li's hand to put it back **. Chu Li immediately wanted to grab it back. Chu Yun immediately punched Chu Li in the face and said, "You I really want to continue to hold her when the girl dies!"

When Chu Li heard this, his whole body finally stiffened and stopped. Ren Chuyun pulled him away from Lan Zifu's bedside.

"Chu Li, Mommy will be fine, right?"

Little Chu Tian asked Chu Li. Chu Li lowered his head and slowly looked at Xiao Chu Tian. His little lips had faintly bitten out of blood. Chu Li couldn't help holding him in his arms for a long time and said fiercely, "It will be fine. Lan Zifu will be fine!"

At this time, Chu Li's mobile phone suddenly rang. Chu Li let go of Xiao Chu Tian and took out his mobile phone. It was Jun Nieyu's point. He opened the interface, and Jun Nieyu and Nan Xingzhuo appeared on it. Nan Xingzhuo asked as soon as he opened his mouth, "How about Zifu?"

And Jun Nieyu said, "Li, I have another thing to tell you, that Shengzi Kui is wrong!"

When he and Nan Xingzhuo solved the problem of playing with those people, they received the latest news from below. As soon as they saw the information, he and Nanxing Zhuo were stunned for a while. They didn't expect that the Shengzi Kui that Chu Li got was not what they were looking for, but the news made them even more surprised.

"I know."

Chu Li said coldly. Jun Nieyu felt that Chu Li's mood was wrong and was stunned for a moment, but he continued, "Also, Li, I haven't finished talking yet. According to the information they have collected, it seems that the Shengzi Kui we are looking for has always been in Fu Yinghuan's hands."

"What are you talking about?"

Not only Chu Li, but also Fu Yinghuan were shocked after listening to Jun Nieyu's words

"In my hands? Which one are you talking about? Shit, it won't be..."

Fu Yinghuan stared at Jun Nieyu with wide eyes. Jun Nieyu took her words directly, "Yes, that's the material you used as a box treasure."

Before Jun Nieyu's words were finished, the ghost's hand had swept to the side of Lan Zifu and grabbed Lan Zifu's hand. On her wrist was the bracelet made by Fu Yinghuan with her special material before. The ghost hand pulled the instrument and scanned the bracelet. Fu Yinghuan immediately left Jun Nieyu and stared at the screen. The above data.

After a while, Chu Li took Xiao Chu Tian's little hand and stared at the ghost hand and Fu Yinghuan's expressions tightly. After seeing that the faces of the two of them had changed, Chu Li couldn't help asking, "Isn't it?"

However, Guishou and Fu Yinghuan still stared at each other and didn't hear Chu Li's words.

"Fu Yinghuan!"

Chu Li shouted coldly again. Fu Yinghuan and the ghost hand woke up and looked at Chu Li together and said, "Yes!"


Chu Li listened to Fu Yinghuan and the ghost's answer, and he was a little dull. Unexpectedly, they made such a big oolong!

The holy child Kui they have been looking for has already been in Lan Zifu's hand!

"No wonder Lan Zifu has never had any influence on Xiao Lan since then. No wonder she only had an influence on the baby at that time. Shit, how big an oolong we put. Shengzi Kui has been wearing it in Lan Zifu's hand, and we didn't even notice it!"

Fu Yinghuan is almost crazy, and today, everything has finally come through.

"Then why do you still fall asleep?"

Little Chutian asked. Chu Li came to his senses after listening to Xiao Chu Tian's words and looked at the ghost hand and Fu Yinghuan. The ghost hand said, "It should be because of Shengzi Kui, so Lan Zifu will repair herself, but it happened that she had a child, so the situation will become like this..."

"I just want to know if she will wake up and when she will wake up!"

Chu Li interrupted the ghost's hand. The ghost hand looked at Fu Yinghuan and said, "I believe she will wake up, but I don't know when she will wake up."

After listening to the ghost's words, Chu Li's expression stiffened, and his eyes slowly fell back to Lan Zifu's body. Looking at the quiet face, Chu Li was speechless for a long time.

Lan Zifu, you said that if you want this child, you have to wake up for this child!
