Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 39 Misunderstanding

Lei Han clenched his fist, half knelt on the ground, looked at Shen Lin warily, and wasware of Shen Lin's move again. But after half a sound, Shen Lin still did nothing. Lei Han couldn't help wondering: What is this unruly lady doing? Is it that she is thinking about how to torture me? Damn, if that's the case, you look at me too much. Although I don't have spiritual assistance now, it's not so easy to play with me in applause. Well, if you don't take action, I won't rush to take action. Now take a break.

Lei Han thought of this, took a breath and relaxed his body, but his eyes were still staring at Shen Lin. As long as Shen Lin moved a little, Lei Han was fully armed and ready to attack.

But Shen Lin was stunned and did not move when he looked at the snow sword inserted on the ground. His red lips and white teeth showed a trace of doubt and confusion, and his eyebrows were locked, as if he was thinking about something.

Lei Han looked at Shen Lin and thought to himself: What on earth is this unruly lady thinking? Why hasn't she taken action for so long? Doesn't she want to attack me anymore? She is still planning some more vicious moves to hit me. I really don't understand her. She came to attack me inexplicably. Now she stands aside and looks at the snow-capped sword in a daze.

When Lei Han was thinking about coming to his senses, Shen Lin in front of him seemed to be a little moving. He put away the red whip in his hand and twisted his body slightly. His petite and exquisite body walked in the direction of Lei Han. Lei Han was shocked and came to his senses. He hated that he was so careless and easy to relax his guard. So Lei Han immediately clenched his fist, stared at Shen Lin's movements, and posed for battle.

But Shen Lin did not want Lei Han to attack him as he imagined. She just walked to the snow sword inserted on the ground, stared for a moment, and then reached out her hand to pull out the snow sword and waved it gently to the sky. The sword flashed, and the wind sounded, and drew an arc in the air. Lei Han looked at Shen Lin unclearly and didn't know what medicine was sold in Shen Lin's gourd.

When Shen Lin saw the snow sword in his hand, his cold face suddenly eased and muttered, "It's not him, it's not him. It seems that I'm wrong with him. I'm really stupid. Isn't it obvious? How could his strength be..." Immediately Shen Lin looked at Lei Han, bit his lips, twisted his clothes, and said to Lei Han like a kitten who made a mistake, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, that's why I hit you so hard." When Shen Lin said this, Lei Han was not only stunned, but also stunned by the guards who had been standing at the gate of Shen's house and quietly watching the fight. Because this is too inconsistent with Shen Lin's character, in their minds, they apologized to others. Shen Lin was determined not to do this kind of thing before. Even if it was her fault, she would never apologize, but forced others to apologize to her. But this time she apologized to Lei Han, which was really unexpected.

In fact, isn't Shen Lin stunned? She didn't expect that she actually apologized to people, and even apologized to that person twice. She didn't even believe it, but this kind of thing happened. She was very contradictory and thought to herself: Why am I so abnormal today? I have never apologized to anyone. Why do I apologize to him in a row? Do I like him? Right, no, it's impossible. I've had a favorite person in my heart for a long time, that is, Brother Lin Yan. How can I fall in love with him? I'm sure I won't. He can't be compared with Brother Lin Yan at all. Brother Lin Yan is so excellent, but he is so bad. Although he is good at it, he is useless without spiritual power. I'm sure I don't like him, but why am I abnormal to him?

In fact, even Shen Lin doesn't know that there has been a feeling hidden in her heart, that is, the need for the care of friends and father. Since Shen Lin's mother died, his father Shen Rulong has been thinking about Shen Lin's mother all day long. He is too sad and painful all day long. Life is not as good as death. He once thought about dying. But Shen Lin was only six or seven years old at that time. In order to raise Shen Lin, he had to give up the idea of dying. But the pain in his heart is still so deep that he can't get rid of it, so Shen Rulong has been busy practicing and working all day long, hoping that he can forget this pain. Because Shen Rulong was busy with practice and work, he neglected to take care of Shen Lin, which made Shen Lin lack fatherly love from childhood, and the distance from Shen Rulong became farther and farther, like a stranger. In fact, deep in Shen Lin's heart, she always hoped that Shen Rulong would care about her, so she often did some special things, such as playing pranks on passers-by and businessmen, hoping that they would catch her and lead her to her father to be scolded, so as to attract her father's attention and let Shen Rulong pay more attention to her. But those passers-by and merchants did not do so. First, they respected Shen Rulong's character and did not want to bother Shen Rulong for such trivial things. Second, they were afraid of Shen Rulong's strength and did not dare to go there. Therefore, even if Shen Lin did a lot of excessive things, the people of Edelweiss City would only silently endure it. Gradually, Shen Lin developed her current unruly and unreasonable personality, and because of this personality, she has never made any friends and has been in a lonely environment. But since meeting Lei Han, Lei Han dared to point out her fault in public, and still did not retreat under her threat, which deeply touched Shen Lin and left a deep imprint in Shen Lin's heart. On the one hand, he was angry that Lei Han dared to contradict himself, but on the other hand, he also appreciated Lei Han's behavior. This contradictory psychology rippled in her heart, which made Shen Lin do so many different ordinary things in front of Lei Han...

Shen Lin felt everyone's surprised eyes, and his little face turned red, but he still pretended to be calm, snorted coldly and said, "What's wrong? Haven't you seen Miss Ben like this?"

After hearing this, everyone snorted coldly and came back from their consternation. Lei Han said, "Nothing? I just don't understand why you are the same for a while. You said you wanted to kill me for a while, but the next moment you apologized to me, which made my second monk confused.

Shen Lin was speechless. After all, he was the first to give way, but Shen Lin did not compromise because of this, but gave full play to his rude characteristics and opened his eyes wide: "It's just your poor understanding ability. I have never been able to beat people without reason. If I hit someone, either that person's face is hateful, or that person is full of crimes.

Lei Han scratched his hair and said, "Although I'm not handsome, I'm not as good as the hateful person you said. It seems that I should belong to the second kind of person you mentioned, but it's a little unclear that I did something wrong?"

Shen Lin shook his head and said in a rogue tone, "You didn't do anything wrong. It's just that I misunderstood you, so I went to hit you. But now it's sunny after the rain. I know it's none of your business. You can go and have a rest. I can also rest in peace."

"What" Lei Han was stunned and looked at Shen Lin with wide eyes: "Can just say a misunderstanding make up for your desperate pursuit of me before, which made me so embarrassed? I don't want to think that I almost died in your hands."

Shen Lin raised his eyebrows, stared at Lei Han, and said rudely and unreasonably, "Can't this work? Do you want me to kneel down and kowtow to you to plead guilty?

Lei Han was shocked, and his body unconsciously stepped back a few steps and thought to himself: Forget it. If you really let the unruly lady apologize to herself, you don't know what she will do to me, or less offend the unruly lady, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Thinking of this, Lei Han's body bent slightly, squeezed a smile reluctantly, and said, "How dare I provoke you, but at least you should let me know why you hit me, and now suddenly why you don't hit me, so that I will die and close my eyes."

Shen Lin thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll tell you. In fact, at first, I thought you had hurt Brother Lin Yan, so..."

"What, Lin Yan was injured?" Lei Han interrupted Shen Lin's speech and suddenly interrupted.

"Well, I heard that Brother Lin Yan was seriously injured yesterday and almost died. Although he is resting at home now, he is still unconscious. I originally wanted to visit Brother Lin Yan, but at that time, the Lin family was in chaos, and Uncle Lin Yu issued an eviction order to refuse everyone to visit. Think about it, the young master of the Lin family was attacked and injured. Uncle Lin Yu's face was still hanging somewhere, so Uncle Lin Yu vowed to find the murderer. He mobilized many family members and the guards went everywhere to find the murderer. As soon as he saw the suspicious person, he immediately took it down and waited for Lin Yu's judgment. Therefore, the whole Edelweiss City has made people panic these days.

Lei Han touched his chin, thought for a moment, and thought to himself: No wonder the guard Lin wanted to make things difficult for him. He suspected that he was premeditated. That was the reason. But Lei Han thought about it and felt that he still didn't understand. He immediately asked, "How strong Lin Yan is. The person who can hurt him must be extraordinary. After that, why did you hit me if you didn't go to revenge on that man?

Shen Lin was a little embarrassed and said, "In fact, at first, I suspected that you were the one who injured Brother Lin Yan, because the time when Brother Lin Yan was injured was just practicing with you, and you didn't come back all day. I thought you were afraid of absconding, so I was very angry. When I was about to find you, you came back. . As soon as I couldn't help it, I hit you. But when I saw the snow sword, I knew that I had misunderstood you.

"No way, how can I hurt Lin Yan?"

"So that's why I said it was a misunderstanding. Indeed, I was too reckless. I should have known that it is impossible to hurt Brother Lin Yan with your strength.

Lei Han felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this. He touched his chest and felt a pain in his chest. It was not an internal injury, but a heartache. Deep in Lei Han's heart, there has always been the feeling of being looked down upon. He hates being looked down upon and regarded as a waste. Despite this, Lei Han is still silently suffering from the pain of ninja. After all, there are still more important things to do now. Thinking of this, Lei Han remembered the hatred of killing his father again and suddenly fell into great pain.

And Shen Lin saw that Lei Han did not move. He thought that Lei Han was very unhappy and seemed to blame her appearance, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty. Suddenly, the atmosphere became heavy.

Shen Lin bit his lips and was a little uncomfortable with this environment, so he changed the topic and asked gently, "Didn't you say that you wanted to worship Uncle Lin Wei as your teacher? Is it successful?"

Lei Han raised his eyebrows and came back from his pain. He shook his head and said, "He won't accept me."

After hearing this, Shen Lin showed an evil smile and said, "If you want to learn swordsmanship, you don't have to worship Uncle Lin Wei as your teacher. In fact, I can also teach you swordsmanship."

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