Spirit Breaks the World

Chapter 90 Conspiracy

"Sir, what should I do?" Uncle Feng looked anxious, with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and then asked, "If you die, our Shen family has no ability to resist the attack of Lin Wei and Chen Zhiyi now. In addition, the news of the master's death will definitely have a certain impact on the people in the clan. If it goes on like this, in two days, Shen's house will definitely be broken by Lin Wei and Chen Zhiyi. At that time, Shen Mansion will really not exist.

After hearing this, Shen Rulong's expression also became dim. He turned his back and turned his back to Uncle Feng. He shook his head and looked at the white clouds in the sky, sighed and said deeply, "Actually, I'm not worried about the fate of Shen Mansion now, but about Xiaoming and Xiaolin."

"Young master and young lady?" Uncle Feng raised the corners of his eyes slightly and asked thoughtfully.

"Ye, although I built the Shen Mansion. In the end, I will feel very uncomfortable if I am destroyed. But after all, these are all things outside the body. If they are gone, it will be gone. It's no big deal. However, Xiaoming and Xiaolin are different. They are my people, and I can't let them have trouble. If something happens to them, even if I die, I will not close my eyes. Shen Rulong said with an extremely fierce light in his eyes, and his body was filled with a murderous atmosphere. He then said in a low voice, "So I can't let them have something wrong. Feng, promise me to protect them for me. Be sure to help me protect them. Shen Rulong has never asked for anyone in his life. This is the first time, maybe the last time. Feng, I beg you." Shen Rulong said and knelt down to the ground with his legs...

Uncle Feng was shocked when he saw this. Without saying a word, he hurriedly helped Shen Rulong forward and said, "Master, you can't do this. You are the owner of the Shen family. How can you kneel down to a subordinate? Get up, get up. If others see it, is it okay?"

Shen Rulong shook his head, shook off Uncle Feng's hand with one hand, and still knelt on the ground and said, "A Feng, you claim to be my subordinates, but have I been your servants for so many years? We have been taking care of each other for so many years, and I have always regarded you as my good brother. To be honest, although there are many people in the huge Shen Mansion, you are the only one who can really believe and can believe 100%. Ah Feng, this is my last prayer to you before I die. I hope you can help me take good care of Xiaoming and Xiaolin. Every word Shen Rulong said was filled with deep feelings, and tears flowed down as he spoke.

Uncle Feng was moved more and more he heard it, and tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes unconsciously. Uncle Feng wiped his tears, desperately suppressed the emotions in his heart, and said, "Sir, I promise you. I will definitely take good care of the young master and young lady. Even if you fight for my life, you can't hesitate, so get up, sir. You will kill me like this."

After hearing Uncle Feng's promise, Shen Rulong slowly stood up from the ground, wiped his tears, patted his hands on Uncle Feng's shoulder and said, "A Feng, you really didn't let me down. In this case, I'm relieved even if I'm going to die now.

"Master, what nonsense did you say?" Uncle Feng looked at Shen Rulong and then said, "Master, you can't die now."

"It's just a joke, Afeng, don't be so serious. I know about myself, and I still have at least a week to live. So I have to take advantage of this time to do something. Even if you try your best to sort out some obstacles for Shen before you die, it will be up to you in the future. Although Shen Rulong had a smile on his face when he spoke, there was an extremely cold air in his eyes.

"Song..." A cold wind blew over, and the withered leaves and bright maple leaves fell down, as if several colorful butterflies were flying in the air. Although it was late autumn, the frost came to the earth. The weather is much colder than before, but the pine still wears green robes, which looks greener. In the garden, hundreds of flowers compete for beauty, red like fire, pink like clouds, white like snow, and beautiful. The leaves on the persimmon tree have all fallen, but the yellow persimmons are still hanging on their fingers, like big and small orange lanterns, and the red begonias press the branches. The yellow branches and leaves are falling one after another, like a dancing butterfly, flying freely, but the more they fly, the more they fall. Falling to the ground, like putting a golden autumn suit on the earth. In the blue sky, there is no cloud. A group of wild geese returning to the south are rapidly and regularly changing a "human"-shaped array of returning to the south.

There are three lights in a small firewood house in the yard. Although it is still daytime, the small firewood house is very dark. Three different voices came from time to time.

"Is Shen Rulong really dying?" A man's voice with a little magnetism came out. Take a serious look, that person is Lin Wei. At this time, Lin Wei looked at a shadow standing in the small firewood room and looked forward to waiting for the shadow's answer.

"Ye�, I have investigated it very clearly. I believe that in less than half a month, Shen Rulong will definitely die. The shadow spoke with a deep voice.

"It seems that this is right. Hahaha... Shen Rulong is about to die, and I finally have a chance to avenge that." Chen Zhiyi came out from another corner, with a strange smile on the corners of his mouth and a sneer.

"When will our plan start?" The shadow asked coldly.

Lin Wei touched his chin and thought, "At this time in those six days. Do you think so?"

"Why don't you choose night? If you attack during the day, that's not too blatant. The shadow said.

After listening to the shadow's words, Lin Wei turned his head and looked at Chen Zhiyi, waiting for Chen Zhiyi's answer. Chen Zhiyi smiled faintly, waved his hand and said, "Actually, I don't care anymore. Anyway, my ultimate purpose is just to kill Shen Rulong. As long as I can kill Shen Rulong, I don't mind when to start attacking.

After hearing this, Lin Wei raised the corners of his mouth slightly and immediately said, "You don't object to Chen Zhiyi, so let's decide to start attacking at this time six days later."

"Cut" the shadow showed a trace of unhappy expression and said angrily, "Lin Wei, how can you ignore me? Don't forget that I am also one of you. I still have a little voting power in this group.

Lin Wei and Chen Zhiyi looked at the shadow with a little surprise. The former waved his hand and smiled, "Don't be angry. I'm just joking. Didn't you ask me why I chose to attack Shenfu during the day? You don't understand this. Edelweiss City has always been centered on Shen Mansion. The feeling of the people inside about Shen Mansion is not an ordinary respect relationship, but close to the worship of heroes. Therefore, even if we can destroy Shen Mansion, we can't shake the status of Shen Mansion among the people. In this way, even if we capture the whole Shen Mansion, it is useless, because people's hearts are not compatible with us, and we can't survive in the edelweiss City. So I think it's best to capture Shenfu in the morning. At this time, the people of Edelweiss City are here, as long as we defeat their heroes in front of them. The image established by Shenfu in the minds of the people for many years will also be indifferent.

After hearing this, the shadow touched his chin and thought for a while. He nodded and said, "You're right. Then let's decide to start action at this time six days later.

After hearing this, Chen Zhiyi and Lin Wei showed a treacherous smile in their eyes, and the latter smiled and said, "Then let's decide."

After hearing this, the shadow nodded and stamped his toes on the ground, like a phantom, and disappeared in front of Lin Yu and Chen Zhiyi.

Looking at the shadow leaving, Lin Wei's face changed and became more gloomy. With a cold smile on his face, he said lightly, "That man is really an idiot. Does he think we will really share him after breaking through Shen's house? It's so childish. Don't you think so, Brother Chen?

Chen Zhiyi's face also became much darker and said lightly, "Don't make me call me so intimate. Don't forget that we are just a cooperative relationship. What's more, I have never believed you at all.

"Don't say that? At least we used to be good brothers." Lin Wei laughed.

Chen Zhiyi raised the corners of his eyes slightly and clenched his fists unconsciously. He looked at Lin Yu, with a trace of excitement in his eyes and said in a low voice, "Lin Yu, don't tell me this nonsense. I'm not in the mood to discuss this issue with you now. Anyway, our purpose is the same.

Lin Wei also looked at Chen Zhiyi, and his face became solemn. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's go back and prepare for it now. Six days later, let's attack Shenfu together."

After hearing this, Chen Zhiyi nodded, stamped his toes on the ground, and his body disappeared in front of Lin Yu. Lin Wei saw Chen Zhiyi's disappearing figure, and his face became solemn. He touched his chin, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and muttered, "What on earth is Chen Zhiyi paying attention to? With his personality, he should not have done such a thankless thing. What kind of conspiracy is he hiding?

Lin Yu thought for a while, but still couldn't figure it out. He immediately shook his head and stamped his toes on the ground and disappeared. After Lin Yu completely disappeared, a figure appeared in the small firewood house. Looking carefully, the man was Chen Zhiyi who had left. Chen Zhiyi looked at the scene in the empty dark firewood room, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

[Since the signing of my novice Virgo "Breaking the World", my results have not been ideal. It is not easy for a novice to write a book. Your every move will change a person's life. I hope you can comment more on this novel, so that I can have the opportunity to correct this novel and make my writing more outstanding. I hope you can support the newcomers! Please click, red ticket, collect!!]