Spirit Ruins

Chapter 11 Savage

At this time, the reference was lost, and the map was useless. Lin Xiao walked around in the Longmian Mountains for most of the day. However, as I went deeper and further, the surrounding scenery became deeper and deeper, and I met some fierce beasts and poisonous snakes from time to time along the way.

At night, it began to rain heavily in the sky. Lin Xiao shouted unlucky. The mountains and forests were very humid and sultry. Lin Xiao simply climbed up a huge bush, took out his cloak, blocked it, and planned to leave after the rain.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger. From the perspective of Lin Xiao, there is a vast emerald green in front of us, and dark clouds are dense overhead. The sky is windy, and the showers crackle down like pouring jade dew. In the distance, there are a few thunders from time to time, and lightning clas across the sky, and then there comes a burst of thunder. The roar of thunder makes people feel the great power of nature and sighs at their own insimity.

Maybe because he was too tired, Lin Xiao's eyes were getting heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep on this stormy night.

What Lin Xiao didn't notice was that when he was asleep, the acacia bell hanging on his chest automatically emitted a silver light that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The light wrapped his whole body. The poisonous snakes on the bush that had wanted to sneak into Lin Xiao's side to attack him were scared away by the silver light and coiled On the canopy far away, I dare not move forward.

And on another shrub not far away, a pair of small palms gently opened the leaves used as hidden in front of him, revealing a pair of cunning small eyes, looking at the happy bell on Lin Xiao's chest, and a trace of greedy light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Xiao, who was asleep, felt that he seemed to have a dream that someone was approaching him and extending his hand to him.

Then Lin Xiao suddenly opened his eyes! This is not a dream. This is the scene felt by his external consciousness. After half a month of practice, his consciousness has now reached the realm of external release. Although the range is not far, it is enough for him to feel the danger of his close body!

After Lin Xiao opened his eyes, he first saw a seven- or eight-year-old boy dressed in animal fur and with shaggy hair carefully stretching out his right hand to steal the bell hanging around his neck!

It seemed that Lin Xiao would suddenly wake up and turn around. The little guy with a dirty face seemed to be burned by fire, suddenly withdrew his right hand, and then turned over and fell from the bush!

"I want to run! Stop!" Lin Xiao shouted loudly, grabbed the cloak above his head, kicked the bush with his right foot, and chased the little guy like an arrow from the string.

I didn't expect that the little guy was like a little monkey in this forest, with a frightening figure. From time to time, he grabbed the vines that came out of nowhere and jumped far away. Lin Xiao almost lost it.

When Lin Xiao secretly said surprise, he couldn't help but be a little puzzled. It is reasonable that he is still close to the interior of the Longmian Mountains. Unexpectedly, he would encounter such a small guy traveling alone in this deep mountain forest. Is there a savage tribe nearby?

Thinking that there were people nearby, Lin Xiao was overjoyed, and regardless of whether there was danger in the savage tribe, he immediately unfolded his body and hung tightly behind the savage. He neither grabbed him nor lost him. He wanted to see where the savage would lead him to.

Under Lin Xiao's deliberate escape, the little wild man ran desperately in a certain direction. The two ran for more than half an hour, and finally passed through the deep forest and came to a more open place.

And just as he could see, Lin Xiao saw rows of wooden houses built on wooden stakes!

When Lin Xiao was overjoyed, the little guy who had been running in front of him and thought that his legs were too short and didn't run fast enough suddenly stopped running. He turned his head and pointed to Lin Xiao and muttered a lot of meaningless savage language.

Lin Xiao was surprised and wanted to ask what the little savage was talking about. At this moment, there was a mutation!

A hunting net made of dense and tough bark suddenly fell from the top of Lin Xiao's head, which covered Lin Xiao from beginning to end. Then Lin Xiao only felt that his feet were empty, and he was actually trapped in the net and hung in the air!

Lin Xiao looked down through the net and saw two upper bodies**, a middle-aged man who only covered the key parts with animal skin around his waist, came out of the dark. One of them quickly ran into the savage tribe and obviously went to report the news. The other person pointed to Lin Xiao, who was trapped in the net, and talked to the little wild man, as if asking the little wild man something.

Before long, many savages came out of the savage tribe with wooden forks, axes, sharp spears and other items, surrounded Lin Xiao, pointing to Lin Xiao one after another and scolding them in language that Lin Xiao did not understand. Some people even smashed Lin Xiao with stones.

Lin Xiao's cultivation at the peak of the bone-casting realm is naturally not afraid of these stones, and he also let the savages scold him, just watching the change.

"Let's get out of the way!"

At this time, someone behind a group of wild people suddenly shouted with the official language of the State of Chu. The voice was a little old, and the official language was not standard, but Lin Xiao still understood it. He couldn't help but be stunned and looked up at the outside of the wild people.

The wild people consciously made a gap for the people. An old man with crutches, gray hair hanging thinly on the top of his almost bald head, and a large string of necklaces worn with beast teeth on his neck slowly came over.

The old man crouted his back, walked to the bottom of Lin Xiao, raised his head, looked at Lin Xiao with a pair of turbid old eyes, and asked in an unfamiliar official language, "Outsider, who are you? Why did you break into our tribe?

Lin Xiao replied, "I came from the State of Chu outside the mountain and got lost in the mountain. I happened to meet the little guy in your tribe who stole my things, so I followed to ask for justice."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the little wild man.

The old man turned to the little wild man and asked the little wild man a few words in savage words. At first, the little wild man clenched his fists and his face turned red, "reasonably" like an angry wild boar, but in the end, his voice became weaker and weaker, and finally lowered his arrogant head and obed his mistake obediently.

The old man turned his head, and his original vigilance also went away a lot. "Ono has admitted his mistake, and he hasn't taken anything from you. Why don't we let you go and leave?"

Lin Xiao said angrily, "Just kidding, isn't it stealing without stealing? This little guy from your tribe has offended me, and I won't stop!"