Spirit Ruins

Chapter 35 Tracking

Lin Xiao and Wang Lao left Hongfu gambling house before and after.

Lin Xiao left with a large amount of silver ticket, while Wang Laowu left with a stuffy stomach.

Zhu Hao suddenly stopped in front of Wang Laowu and said angrily, "Wang Laowu, you let Lin Xiao win back all the winning money in the three games. Now not only did he not win, but also let Hongfu gambling house lose more money! How to calculate this account?

Wang Laowu grinned, showed a row of big yellow teeth, and said coldly, "At most, I don't want your reward, okay? I have something else to do. get out of the way!"

Zhu Hao's irritable temper also broke out, "Huh! You made my Hongfu gambling house lose so much money, do you want to leave like this?

Wang Laowu stared and came over. He almost had a nose to nose with Zhu Hao. "What do you want?"

"Compensate for all the losses of my gambling house! Otherwise..."

Wang Laowu snorted coldly, "Otherwise? Ask Wang Laowu to compensate, but there is no door!"

Zhu Hao said angrily, "If you don't make a toast, don't eat punishment. Come on, give it to me!"

Before he finished speaking, more than a dozen Hongfu gangs scattered around the gambling house to maintain the safety of the gambling house gathered around and looked at Wang Laowu coldly, as if they wanted to swallow him up.

Wang Laowu snorted coldly and gently pushed forward. The dozen warriors seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer and all flew out of the door at once, spraying blood in the air and suffering internal injuries.

Zhu Hao was shocked and quickly retreated half a little, "What kind of magic power is this? Is it possible that you are also a warrior in the bloody realm?

"Hmm! Bloody realm? I, Mr. Wang, can slap several people to death!" After saying that, Wang Laowu shook his hand, shocked Zhu Hao, and then Shi Ran left.

Zhu Hao was slapped by Wang Laoyi and turned several times in mid-air before landing, which shocked a group of gamblers and quickly dodged!

Zhu Hao's mouth was bleeding, and he slowly got up. His eyes looking at Wang Laowu were full of resentment and fear.

After a while, a gang of Hongfu suddenly ran in outside the door and shouted, "Deputy master, it's not good, it's not good!"

"What's the matter!?" Zhu Hao shouted harshly. He felt that he was really shining today. It was really unlucky for such a series of unfortunate things to happen.

The gang knelt down and shouted, "My subordinates are not strong! Didn't the deputy master want me to get the bronze tripod? Xiaoding was just robbed by Wang Laowu from my hand!"

"What!?" Zhu Hao was furious, "Wang Laowu, you son of a bitch! First, he lied to me and made me lose a lot of money, and now he hurt my men and took my artifacts! Do you really think there is no one in Hongfu's help?"

Now Wang Laowu has escalated into an enemy in Zhu Hao's heart. After a few angry curses, he shouted to the gang who knelt down and pleaded guilty: "Don't kneel! Get up quickly and report the matter here to the master, saying that Wang Laowu is already a master of walking in fairyland. Let him ask the little fairy master to take action and kill Wang Laowu!"

Zhu Hao guessed that Wang Laowu was already a monk in the fairyland, and his own strength was not bad, and he had the cultivation of the Taoist Dandao fetus that was about to be completed.

After leaving Wuyun City all the way, Wang Laowu took out two pieces of yellow paper as the base from his sleeves, and the divine charm of Zhu Hongdan sand was attached to his legs. After identifying the direction of a mountain stream in the west of the city, his toes were gently touched, and a strong wind appeared on the ground out of thin air, bringing up Wang Laowu's body. Between the sand and stones, the five old Wang have floated out several feet away.

Before Wang Laowu finished his words, the five cyan rings had approached his body! Wang Laowu saw that he was in mid-air and could not avoid it. Although he was a little reluctant, he still gritted his teeth. Suddenly, an iron-blue ring on the middle finger of his right hand suddenly shot out a golden light. Then Wang Laowu had a golden charm in the palm of his right hand and suddenly patted himself!

The golden rune suddenly emitted a circle of brilliant golden light, wrapping Wang Laowu's whole body tightly. The five rings hit outside the golden protective ring and made a crisp tapping sound, but could not break through the defense of the golden light. The two rebounded at the same time, and Wang Laowu fell to the ground heavily, but he was safe in Jinguang's defense circle and quickly got up.

"It's actually a high-level 'King Kong charm'! No wonder it can block my 'five spiritual rings'. I didn't expect that you, a little man, would have such a spiritual charm.

A blue figure appeared in front of Wang Laowu. With his appearance, the five rings returned to the size of a palm in the air and flew back to the man's right wrist one after another. Disappear between the sleeves.

The visitor is a 17- or 18-year-old young monk, with long blue hair, slender cheeks, and a trace of sick paleness on his face, which seems to be caused by excessive indulgence. There is a cruel sneer hanging on the corners of his mouth, and the smile comes from the heart, which makes people feel that this person must be a cruel person.

"It's you!" Wang Laowu's pupils contracted.

"Oh, do you recognize me?" When the monk in blue saw that Wang Laowu seemed to recognize his origin, his tone became cold and implied murder.

Wang Laowu sensed the other party's bad intentions. He secretly pinched the ring on his finger with his right finger in case the other party's sudden action, and then said in a muffled voice, "I don't know you. I just saw you standing on a building with an old man when I was wandering in the fog cloud city, because of the air machine sensing between monks. For this reason, I accidentally saw you."

"Oh, that's it." He found that Wang Laowu just accidentally saw himself. The monk in blue looked better, but he still killed the secret cloth.

Wang Laowu's face darkened and said in a low voice, "I, Wang Laowu, have no grudge against you. What on earth do you want to do when you intercept it halfway?"

The monk in blue sneered: "I didn't want to do anything. You offended the people of Hongfu Gamble. I just came to teach you a lesson for them. So that you can know that even a monk can't run rampant in the world!"

Wang Laowu's heart is awe-inspiring. I didn't expect that Hongfu gambling house had such a *. Today, I met a tying product. Although it seems that both sides have similar cultivation and are in the state of fetal perfection, the other party has a spiritual weapon. He was born in the wild. If he wants to fight, he will definitely not be able to beat it, so he has to admit defeat.

Wang Laowu himself is not a hard bone. Seeing that he could not beat the other party, he immediately made a decision and said in a low voice: "Your lesson is that I, Wang Laowu, was confused, offended Hongfu gambling house, and did something wrong. Now I'm willing to compensate for all the losses of Hongfu gambling house. How about we clear it?

Wang Laowu thought that the monk in blue should be satisfied with what he said. Unexpectedly, the monk in blue suddenly sneered, "Two clear? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

"What else do you want?" Wang Laowu's heart was awe-inspiring.

The cruel smile appeared on the face of the monk in blue again, "According to the rules of Hongfu gambling house, the people who make trouble in the casino have to leave their right hand. If you cut off your right hand, I will let you go, how about it?"