Spirit Ruins

Chapter 51 Black Tiger Token

In the early morning of the second day, the small inn on the mountainside of Wuyun City was uprooted. The news of countless deaths and injuries of tenants spread throughout the city. The government sent people to come and go to search for suspects, but found nothing.

This incident caused a stir in the cloud city. Some people suspected that it was done by demons and monsters. Some people claimed that they saw a bloody whirlpool above the inn in the middle of last night, and some people said that it was not scary because lightning fell from the sky last night.

In a word, everyone is talking about it. Many people pay special attention to this matter, and there is endless discussion in the streets and alleys. However, more people adopt an indifferent attitude, thinking that as long as they don't demolish their houses, even if the sky falls, they have nothing to do with them.

In the noise of Wuyun City, four or five huge merchant ships set out from the only ferry on the bank of the Cang River, drove into the Cangjiang River, and then went down the river to a certain destination.

The speed of the ship was very fast, and it didn't take long for several big ships to leave Wuyun City far behind and stay away from the noise.

After half a day of sailing, a sailor suddenly screamed, "Look! There is a man's body in the river!"

Everyone ran to the starboard one after another to have a look. Sure enough, they saw a man in blue floating and sinking with the waves, as if he were dead.

It was very unlucky to meet a dead person on this trip. Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a while.

After discussion, everyone decided to salvage the dead body.

There are rumors that if you encounter a dead body on the road, you can't turn a blind eye to it, otherwise the ship will be entangled by the resentment of the dead body. If you encounter more powerful ghosts, it may also lead to the boat to overturn and kill.

Therefore, after salvaging the man in blue, they put him on the deck and burned incense to worship him.

After everything stopped, the stewor surnamed Li of the ship did not dare to neglect it. He quickly ran into the back cabin of the main ship and asked to see the owner of this ship, the largest gang in Wuyun City, one of the three deputy masters of the Hongfu Gang, and repeated the whole story.

The stewardier surnamed Li is Pang Yihu's confidant. He is usually quite valued by Pang Yihu. After the report, he stood aside and waited for Pang Yihu's reaction.

Pang Yihu is a middle-aged man who looks like a scholar. Although his face is white and his face is unnecessary, he is an extremely irritable person. At that time, he was sleeping at noon in the back cabin. He was awakened by his deputy and was a little dissatisfied. When he heard that everyone had actually moved a body on the boat, he was immediately angry and cursed, and. He immediately put on his clothes and got up to go out to see who took the body into the boat at his own discretion and had to throw him into the river to feed the fish.

The deputy was so scared that he couldn't continue talking about the next words and hurriedly followed Pang Yihu out of the cabin.

At this moment, some of his men entered the cabin and reported, "Deputy master, the body has woken up!"

Pang Yihu scolded when he heard the words, "What's the mess? Did the body wake up? Don't cheat the corpse!?"

The man who was scolded was stunned first, and then quickly explained, "The deputy master, it's not a fraudulent corpse, but the guy we picked up didn't die at all. He was just injured and fell into a coma in the river. Now that we know that we are a ship of the Hongfu Gang, we must let the deputy master go and see him."

"What is that person from? Dare to let our deputy master go to see him? Seeing that Pang Yihu's face was very ugly, the deputy beside him quickly asked the sailor.

The sailor quickly said, "He claims to be a fairy..."

before the sailor finished speaking, Pang Yihu roared, "What bullshit fairy master? I haven't heard of this man at all. I immediately broke his dog's leg and threw it into the river to feed the fish!"

The sailor shouted, "Deputy master, by all, he has a black tiger order in his hand!"

Black Tiger Order? What a black tiger order, I have never... What? You said he had a black tiger order in his hand!? Are you right?"

Pang Yihu originally wanted to continue to scold, but his face suddenly changed after hearing the Black Tiger Order. He was one of the three deputy masters of the Hongfu Gang. Naturally, he knew that there was only one Black Tiger Order, and it was held by the little fairy Qingming. Seeing the Black Tiger Order was like seeing the one supporting the Hongfu Gang behind the Hongfu Gang. Qingsong Laodao himself, even the master has to obey his orders!

Wither waiting for his men to say something, he waved his hand again, "Hurry up and take me to see him!"

Lin Xiao was carried back to the deck like a dead body. After everyone burned incense and worshiped him, he suddenly woke up. This act like a "fraudulent corpse" shocked the people present.

After some confusion, after Lin Xiao figured out that these ships were owned by Hong Fu Gang, he thought about it carefully and suddenly had an idea to avoid Wang Laowu's pursuit, so he showed the black tiger-print token snatched from Wang Laowu.

After seeing the Black Tiger Order, all the Hongfu gangs on the ship knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao only knew that the Black Tiger Order was the token of the Hongfu Gang when he only heard the dialogue between Qingming and Wang Laowu. He never expected that this token was so effective that it could make a boat kneel down for himself.

After Lin Xiao let everyone get up, the Hongfu gang became extremely respectful one by one. These Hongfu gangs were not fools. Some capable people quickly led Lin Xiao into an elegantly decorated cabin and served them with good wine, afraid that Lin Xiao would be dissatisfied.

Before long, Pang Yihu also led his deputy to the cabin.

Seeing Lin Xiao's appearance, Pang Yihu couldn't help but be stunned. Although Lin Xiao's age was similar to the Qingming that Pang Yihu had seen before, their appearance was completely different. The two are not the same person at all!

Thinking of this, Pang Yihu couldn't help but be a little suspicious. How can the other party hold the Black Tiger Order?

Seeing that Pang Yihu began to be suspicious, Lin Xiao's inspiration moved and didn't wait for Pang Yihu to speak out, so he said first, "Pang Yihu, why did you come so late? Are you so bold that you don't even pay attention to my green tea?

After Lin Xiao just talked with the Hongfu gang who was in charge of the ship, he probably knew some of the situation of Pang Yihu, so he called his name directly and said that he was Qingming as soon as he opened his mouth to block Pang Yihu's mouth and prevent him from seeing the flaws.

Hearing that the other party called himself Qingming, Pang Yihu suddenly became a little scared. He hurriedly said, "It's too late to come down. Please forgive me. However, why did Qingming little fairy become like this?"

Lin Xiao sneered and said the answer that had been drawn up in his heart, "I was hunted down by the enemy last night and narrowly escaped. In order not to be recognized by the enemy, I had to change my appearance. This is a fairy spell. If you don't understand it after saying too much, don't ask so much.

Chased down by enemies last night? Pang Yihu suddenly thought of the destruction of the inn on the mountainside when he left Wuyun City this morning. Is Qingming Little Fairy related to this matter?

Although he couldn't figure out the cause of the matter, Pang Yihu had already believed Lin Xiao at this time and no longer investigated Lin Xiao's identity. Instead, he asked, "So, I don't know what order is the little fairy master to summon his subordinates with the Black Tiger Order?"

"Are you a pig's head?" Lin Xiao scolded and imitated Qingming's arrogant and domineering appearance, but it was somewhat similar. "Didn't I just say that I was hunted down by my enemies? You can think of a safer and secret place right away. I'm going to heal my wounds.

Yes! Don't worry, my subordinates will find a place right away!" Pang Yihu was scolded by Lin Xiao for no reason, but he didn't even dare to fart. He also knew a little about Qingming's bad temper, and he was born in awe of Qingming and Qingsong, who were afraid of offend them. He quickly ordered those masters to help take care of the little fairy teacher, and then gave his deputy a With a look, the two retreated from the cabin.

How's it going? Do you think he is a little fairy? As soon as Pang Yihu left the cabin and waited for the two to go far away, he asked his deputy in a low voice.

The deputy pondered for a moment before saying, "It seems that his personality and temper are similar to that of Qingming Little Fairy Master, but it seems that there are some differences. However, since the Little Fairy Master said that he changed his appearance with fairy spells, it is normal to think there are some changes."

Pang Yihu snorted coldly when he heard the words. The deputy knew that Pang Yihu was dissatisfied with his answer, so he quickly added, "If the deputy master is still suspicious, why don't you send a message directly to Qingsong Fairy?"

"That's all I can do, but the Qingsong Fairy has always only been in single-line contact with the master himself, and even I don't know his whereabouts now. Let the master decide this matter. You go and prepare the flying pigeon first and send a message to Master Hong!"

"Yes!" The deputy hurriedly answered, and then asked, "What are you going to do next? The little fairy asked us to find a secret place."

Pang Yihu said, "A secret place? Do you still need to look everywhere? Isn't my ship the most secret place? Don't forget that the cabin I live in was arranged by the master who spent a lot of money to hire a master. It is not only invulnerable to swords and water and fire, but also can isolate the exploration of monks! I'll just give the cabin to the little fairy!"

After hearing Pang Yihu's decision, the deputy quickly waved his hand, "Deputy master, it's inevitable. Have you forgotten the purpose of our trip? We are going thousands of miles away to welcome the advance team of the 'zun ren in Black' and their group to enter the cloud city! The Hong Gang also intends to hide the alliance between our Hongfu Gang and the 'black market'! Just let the little fairy stay on the ship like this. What if he knows about the venerable in black and blame us for hiding the alliance with the black market and getting angry with us?

Pang Yihu nodded when he heard the words. First, he praised the deputy for thinking about things, but after a moment, he suddenly raised his head, and there was a trace of excitement in his eyes, as if he had thought of some poisonous trick again. He patted the deputy on the shoulder and whispered, "Flying Pigeon sent a letter to Master Hong. Don't do it first. You have to warn the helpers on the ship secretly. No one is allowed to tell the little fairy that he left on our ship, otherwise I will unload him eight pieces and throw him into the sea!"

"Why are you..."

before the deputy finished speaking, Pang Yihu said excitedly, "Also, please invite the little fairy master to live in my cabin from now on!"

The deputy was shocked, "Deputy master, the little fairy master in this way will know about the venerable in black!"

"I just want to let him know!" Pang Yihu lowered his voice, and there was a trace of uncontrollable excitement in his tone. "My opportunity has come. If the little fairy master is really angry because of the matter of the venerable in black, we will shift all the responsibility to Master Hong. Since we can't contact the old fairy teacher of Qingsong, let the little fairy of Qingming send a message for us!"

After saying that, Pang Yihu turned his eyes to the open river in the distance and said coldly in his heart, "Hong Shunchang, Lord Hong, you have always held the right to speak with the Qingsong Fairy Master and prevented us from contacting the Qingsong Fairy Master, but you didn't expect that the little Qingming Fairy Master was on my boat, right? If the Qingsong Fairy is furious because of the black market, hey, then don't sit in the position of your master anymore!"