Spirit Ruins

Chapter 84 Sacrifice to the Ancestors

It is said that at the beginning of the flood, the floating world was originally a poisonous fog and wild land. Later, the two great powers of the human race and the demon clan fought in this place.

The sky and the earth collapsed in that battle, and the sun and moon were lightless. Tianfu Continent was originally a whole, but it was divided into two halves by one of the peerless powers. Since then, Tianfu Continent has been divided into two halves.

After this battle, the world of Tianfujie has undergone great changes, and the poisonous fog has gradually disappeared. The two continents of the east and west have begun to germinate, and everywhere is green. After that, later generations came to visit the ruins of the two great battles and found that the floating world had become a livable and blessed place. So a large number of monks took their descendants to live here.

In those years, the two powers who fought in this world were one from the human race and the other from the demon clan, so those who moved to this world also included the descendants of the human and demon clan. I don't know how many wars have broken out between the two sides in tens of thousands of years in order to compete for territory.

Later, after a fierce war, the power of the two demons could not bear to see their own lives, so they reached an armistice agreement. After that, the human race occupied the eastern land, while the demons took root in the western land and did not interfere with each other.

Thousands of years have passed since then, and the number of people in the eastern land has become more and more, so there will be a split country, and the dynasties have evolved, and finally gradually formed the pattern of the twelve eastern land countries are tied today.

The human race is the spiritual leader of all things, and the legendary immortal body is the appearance of the human race. Since there is a human race to reproduce, there is naturally a spread of immortality.

Since ancient times, driven by the hope of immortality, countless intelligent people in the East Land have gone one after another, devoted their lives and studied hard. Unexpectedly, there is a legend that mortals have practiced the art of immortality, crossing the nine thunder disasters, turning into immortals, and breaking through the boundary are spread in the Eastern Land classics and the countryside.

Once the practitioners of Taoism have penetrated the creation of heaven and earth, they can use the body of mortals and with the help of secret treasures and magic weapons to master the strong and horizontal power, shake the heavens and the earth, and live a long life for thousands of years. Urge by the desire for longevity, there are those conceited and talented people who go against the current and practice the truth with their mortal bodies, hoping to win the favor of heaven. It's just a big wave, and there are very few people who can really fly up in the army of immortal cultivation. Most people are finally submerged in the tide of the times...

There are trillions of people in the eastern land, but there are very few people who cultivate immortals.

In the eastern land cultivation of immortals, there has always been a saying that there are four secret realms.

The so-called four secret places are the four caves opened by the four predecessors together. They are "Kunlun Realm", "Glass Realm", "Qianqiu Realm" and "No Empty Realm".

These four caves are distributed in four hidden spaces parallel to the eastern land, which are invisible to mortals.

In the northeastern part of Tianfu Continent, there is an endless snowy plateau.

The entrance to the secret land of Kunlun is in this snowy plateau.

Unlike the white snow outside the secret, there is a vast area in the secret land of Kunlun.

The mountains here are undulating, four seasons are like spring, and everything is rich. Surrounded by aura, the haze is full of smoke. There are spiritual mountains and valleys, deep pools of blue water, and supernatural beasts and birds everywhere. When people are in it, they have a sense of entering the fairyland on earth.

In the secret land of Kunlun, countless raw ores rich in crystals and aura-filled Lingshan veins are all over the world. Countless large and small immortal cultivation forces occupied these veins and established huge palace gates.

There are countless palace gates in Kunlun, but there are only 13 big forces in the platoon, known as 13 caves.

Lingxu Cave Sky is one of the thirteen caves in the northeast of Kunlun. There is a large mountain range with high mountains and deep jungle. The mountain range is composed of several small mountains, collectively known as the Lingxu Mountains.

There are seven most steep and spiritually distributed peaks in the northern part of the Lingxu Mountains, known as the 'Seven Peaks of Lingxu'. The seven peaks are distributed as the situation of Doushu, and the six peaks are guarded outside, and the main peak is in the middle.

The peak in the middle of the "Seven Peaks of Lingxu" is a dangerous peak, called Lingxu Peak. The mountain is ten thousand high, and its peak goes straight to the sky. The peak is full of runes and murals, with countless thick chains hanging down, which are set up for people to climb. In addition, there is a mountain road winding up like a dragon leading to the top of the mountain.

The peak of Lingxu has been cut into a huge platform with great power. There is a huge architectural community on the platform. During this period, the carved corridors and columns, the eaves and teeth interact, and all kinds of scenes are extraordinary and beautiful. It is the first real place in the Lingxu Mountains, the place where the 'Lingxu Palace' is located, the fundamental Taoist temple of the "Lingxu Cave Sky" of the Taoist immortal gate that has lasted for thousands of years.

It is the sun, the rising sun rises in the east, but the "Spirit Ruins Palace" is still surrounded by fairy fog, and it is difficult to see its true appearance.

However, a thunderous sound came from the palace, and the sound spread. In an instant, a strong sound wave swept through the "Lingxu Palace" in all directions. The thick smoke was suddenly forced away by the sound waves, and the rising sunlight sprinkled directly on the "Lingxu Palace". The weather was graceful and made people have an impulse to worship.

At this time, the "Spirit Ruins Palace" woke up from the silence of the night. Two fat people rushed out of the place where the disciples of the "Green Gate" set up by the "Spirit Ruins Palace" and rushed to the "Xuanxiao Hall" in the center of the "Spirit Ruins Palace".

The fat teenager has just become the outer disciple of the "Lingxu Palace". Because he had just started for less than a year, the teenager was extremely curious about everything. As he ran, he ran to his side with the same chubby brother who breathed and asked, "Brother Anle, why don't you take me a flight with a sword!? Xuanxiao Hall is still a long way from here!"

After saying that, the teenager looked eagerly at the teachers who could perform the art of imperial escape in the sky, turning into streamers flying from the far away and sinking into the huge square outside the Xuanxiao Hall.

Not long before, the fat brother named Anle took him to fly in the air outside the palace gate. The teenager now knows the taste of marrow, and unconsciously his feet are a little itchy.

The fat brother with two short beards on his face looked at the stupid brother beside him angrily, "Longsheng brother, I really don't know how you remember things. Didn't you tell your new disciples about the rules when you started?"

He stretched out a fat finger and said, "In addition to the palace owner, the 'Lingxu Palace' is divided into several levels from top to bottom, which are the five heads of the elders, 'red, green, purple, gold and cloud', true disciples, inner disciples and us outer disciples."

The senior brother said and stared, "Except for special circumstances, only the bigwigs of the inner disciples and above are allowed to fly within the scope of the 'Spirit Ruins Palace'. Do you know now that violators will be severely punished!?"

After he finished speaking, he spread out his hands, "Although I am an inner disciple and can fly, you are not. I dare not take you there. If the little sister Qingying hadn't been afraid that you would have lost your own and wanted me to take you, I wouldn't care about you!"

Changsheng said, and it was a little embarrassing to hear the name Qingying. Suddenly, Changsheng remembered something and shouted, "Oh no! The door rules also say that when the 'shock thunder bell' rings, all the disciples of the 'Ling Ruins Palace' will arrive at the 'Xuanxiao Hall' within a single incense! We have to hurry up!"


The Xuanxiao Hall is the main hall of the Lingxu Palace, which is located in the center of the Lingxu Palace and is said to be the center of the origin of the entire Lingxu Mountains. This huge palace building is divided into three floors inside and outside, covering a large area. Ordinary disciples can only enter the outermost floor, that is, the Taichu Square outside the Xuanxiao Hall. There is a huge altar on the square, called the "Star Picking Altar", which is more than 108 levels high, which is dark.

When the two people arrived, the square was already full of countless disciples. According to the order of the inner disciples to the outer disciples, they were orderly and orderly. From afar, it seemed to be a dense group of ants.

The two found the 'Qingmen' camp they belonged to, did not dare to disturb the eldest brother, and quietly knelt down on the periphery.

"I didn't expect that an ancestor worship ceremony would be held." The fat brother muttered.

Changsheng did not respond immediately, but looked at the heads and elders of the five sects walking on the altar of swords. He said incredulously, "Such a grand ceremony has gathered all the disciples, and even several elders who are still in the closed door have broken out!" This... Is it really an ancestor sacrifice?

The fat brother was shocked and looked carefully at the altar. After a long time, he shook his head and said, "It is indeed ancestor sacrifice. Didn't you notice the spiritual position placed on the altar? If it's not an ancestor sacrifice, what is it?"

Changsheng was shocked, "Is it really ancestor worship!? But isn't the sacrifice held every hundred years? Now that there are still ten years before the next hundred years, why did the ancestral ceremony be held? Did something happen?" He thought for a moment and decided that it would be better to take care of this kind of thing, so he changed his words and asked in a low voice, "Brother, I have just started. I haven't participated in the ancestor worship ceremony before. I don't know which ancestor we are going to worship now?"

The fat brother stared at Changsheng first, "Don't say this to others in the future." Then his eyes suddenly became blurred and fascinated. "Although the name on the spiritual throne is too far away can't be seen, but it can afford this kind of ceremony. I'm afraid there are only two people in the 'Spirit Ruins Palace' - that are the ancestor of our founding - the ancestor of Luo Xingzi and the ancestor of Bixia!"

Changsheng only felt that his blood surged all over his head, "It turned out to be the two founders!"

Although he has not been in the first place for a long time, he has heard about the deeds of the two ancestors.

It is said that in those years, Luo Xingzi and his wife Bixia Fairy cast swords in Kunlun. After the success of the immortal method, the two swords combined and created a great reputation in the immortal world.

In their later years, the two returned to the Lingxu Mountains and established the Lingxu Palace based on the main peak of Lingxu. A hundred years later, they both soared.

Ten thousand years later, the Lingxu Palace has developed into the Lingxu Cave, becoming a giant leading more than a dozen medium-sized immortal palace schools in the Lingxu Mountains.

The two ancestors are no different from gods in the minds of the disciples of the Spiritual Ruins Palace.

At this moment, the fat brother's expression suddenly became serious and slowly knelt down in the distance. People around also knelt down and bowed to the ground, and suddenly a large group of people knelt down in the square.

Long life needs to say something, but the huge "shock thunder bell" sounded again, "Bang, bell, bell..." Nine times in a row, the ancestral ceremony began.