Spirit Ruins

Chapter 89 Danqing Peak

A white light flashed on the ring of the spirit beast. A white giant wolf the size of a pony suddenly came out of the spirit beast ring, loosened his fur on the ground, lowered his head and rubbed his cheeks intimately.

Seeing such a big white wolf, Lin Xiao suddenly took a step back and alerted. The shadow left in his heart had not been removed. Now he is a little uneasy to see the wolf Lin Xiao.

Changsheng did not notice the change of Lin Xiao, touched the mane of the white wolf happily, then turned over and sat on the back of the white wolf, reached out and touched Bai Ling's head. A clear spiritual force penetrated into Bai Ling's body, making Bai Ling hum comfortably.

Changsheng turned his head and looked at Lin Xiao, "Come up quickly. It's still a little far from the seven peaks of the spiritual ruins. You and I can't fly, so we have to let my spirit beast white walk!

Lin Xiao nodded, jumped on Bai Ling's back and sat safely on the back of the wolf.

"What a handsome body, Brother Lin must be a powerful martial artist!" Changsheng laughed.

Lin Xiao was a little curious, "Don't you practice martial arts?"

Changsheng waved his hand, "We practitioners, as soon as we enter the fairyland Avenue, and start to practice directly from the realm of Taoist fetus. How can we have time to practice ordinary martial arts?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but be speechless. He thought that he had worked hard to get to the bloody situation step by step, but he was directly ignored by others.

"It's different to have a master and a secret!" Lin Xiao sighed in his heart.

Changsheng didn't know what Lin Xiao was thinking, but patted the huge head of the white wolf and whispered, "Go to the seven peaks of Lingxu."

The white wolf roared, suddenly spread its four hoofs, and ran in the direction of the seven towering peaks in the northwest.


Half a day later, the white wolf finally took Changsheng and Lin Xiao to the entrance of the mountain road at the foot of Lingxu Peak.

Lin Xiao followed Changsheng and looked up at the winding mountain road. In front of him was a huge white jade archway, with three golden lacquer characters "Lingxu Palace" engraved on the top of the archway.

At the top of the archway, it has been covered with golden scales, as thick as a bucket, with two golden snakes like dragon horns lying on their foreheads, and two golden pupils staring at people in the distance without blinking, as if they were going to choose someone to eat.

When Lin Xiao saw the big snake, he couldn't help but feel tight, as if he had been targeted by the big snake.

What level has this strange snake reached? Just by looking at it, it feels like falling into an ice cellar... Lin Xiao thought so in his heart that Changsheng had connected with several disciples from the outside the Lingxu Palace in blue under the archway.

Changsheng took out a cyan token indicating the identity of the disciple of the outer door from his waist, raised it to the disciple of the gatekeeper, and then said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The disciples who guarded the door nodded, and Changsheng walked into the archway.

Lin Xiao was waiting to follow in, but the golden snake on the archway suddenly probed its long body and suddenly bit Lin Xiao with a big mouth!

Lin Xiao was shocked. Fortunately, he reacted fast enough and jumped back at once to avoid the attack of the snake.

"Where did the savage dare to break into my spiritual virtual palace?" A middle-aged man guarding the door shouted angrily.

Before Lin Xiao said anything, Changsheng patted his head and hurried to the middle-aged man and apologized, "This brother, I'm really sorry. I forgot to tell you just now. His name is Lin Xiao, and he is a disciple of our Qingmen."

"Since you are a disciple of Qingmen, why don't you show the access token? Do you regard this place as a vegetable market?" The middle-aged man said coldly.

Changsheng was stunned when he heard the words, "Well, he hasn't officially joined Qingmen, and he hasn't received the Qingmen token..."

"Just now he said that he was a disciple of Qingmen, and now he says that he didn't receive the token. Are you kidding me?" The middle-aged man scolded rudely, and the golden snake hanging on the archway above his head was also eager to move, and a pair of snakes stared at Lin Xiao maliciously.

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly took a step forward, stared at the middle-aged man, and said coldly, "I was instructed by Uncle Xie Qinghou and asked me to report to Qingmen, which delayed Uncle Xie's matter. Can you bear this responsibility?"

This kind of watchdog is the most snobbish, specializing in bullying the weak and fearing the hard, whether in the mortal world or this fairyland-like place.

Lin Xiao played a trick and directly moved out Xie Qinghou's name. When the middle-aged man heard Xie Qinghou's name, he suddenly chilled and softened his tone, "Since it was sent by Uncle Xie, can you carry Uncle Xie's own tokens with you?"

When Changsheng heard the words, he hurriedly said, "Yes, yes." After saying that, he immediately took out the jade pendant that could be banned by Qingye Valley.

The big man seemed to recognize the jade pendant, and now he made way and let Lin Xiao and the others in.

Riding Bai Ling on the winding Yangchang Mountain Road, Changsheng laughed and said, "Brother Lin, you are really good. This is the first time I've seen those brothers guarding the door so delin."

Lin Xiao also smiled and said, "I'm just a tiger, but I didn't expect Xie Qinghou to work so well."

The two talked and laughed all the way, and didn't know how long it took before they finally came to the Lingxu Palace at the top of Lingxu Peak.

Although he had seen the majesty of the Lingxu Palace at the foot of the mountain, Lin Xiao still felt a violent shock when he stood in front of the real entrance of the Lingxu Palace.

In front of me was a huge mountain gate, and the scale of the mountain gate was many times larger than the one at the foot of the mountain. The whole house plate is made of white jade and supported by twelve pillars, straight into the sky.

Behind the door is a road made of white jade, which leads directly to the Xuanxiao Treasure Hall, and countless fairy birds surround the sky above Jianzong. Because Lingxu Peak has gone deep into the clouds, looking out of the mountain from the mountain gate, I can only see an undulating sea of clouds.

And the Lingxu Palace behind the mountain gate is also submerged in a sea of clouds. Occasionally, golden eaves and jade columns can be seen stacked between clouds and fog. Buildings and buildings of different heights emerge one after another. The buildings and spiritual flowers reflect each other, and the weather is magnificent. The so-called fairy family is nothing more than that!

Unlike those guarding the door at the foot of the mountain, the huge mountain gate outside the Lingxu Palace is unman guarded.

Changsheng put Bai Ling into the spirit beast ring, and then took Lin Xiao into the huge mountain gate one after.

When Lin Xiao passed through the mountain gate, he seemed to feel something terrible hidden behind the mountain gate and was staring at himself, making him faintly feel a sense of fear.

However, looking up, I saw a huge door sign hidden in the clouds, but I didn't find anything unusual.

Lin Xiao shook his head, followed Changsheng closely, and entered the huge palace that shocked the whole eastern land.

The two turned left and right in the white jade path and finally came to the left edge of the Lingxu Palace.

All kinds of strange buildings along the way made Lin Xiao overwhelmed and feasted his eyes. It's just a little strange that I didn't see many disciples practicing along the way, as if everyone was hiding somewhere.

When the two stopped, Lin Xiao saw a square altar in front of him. The flat altar was engraved with arrays made of countless complex lines, and there were several crystals in the grooves around him. He only felt a strong breath of energy coming to his face.

The two walked to the square altar made of white jade in front of them. Before Lin Xiao could ask, Changsheng turned around and explained, "This is the internal 'transmission array', which can transmit us to anywhere in the 'Spirit Ruins Palace' in an instant. You will often use it in the future!"

After he said that, he pulled Lin Xiao to stand on the transmission array and waved a magic formula. He saw a blue light shooting out of his fingertips and accurately hit the array.

A yellow halo instantly appeared around the transmission array, wrapping them up, and then flashing, and the two disappeared from the magic array.

Lin Xiao only felt black in front of his eyes and a little empty under his feet.

Before he could react, his feet stepped on the hard ground, and the scene in front of him began to recover.

When his vision fully recovered, Lin Xiao couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

What I saw in front of my eyes was no longer the strange transmission array, but a green mountain! The scenery on the mountain is beautiful, and the spiritual beasts are wandering and full of aura.

There is a platform on the mountainside, and a staggered courtyard has been built on the platform. Although the scale is far from comparable to the Lingxu Palace on the peak of Lingxu, there is a unique winding path here, and the artistic conception of a village with dark willows and flowers.

And Lin Xiao is standing on the edge of this platform at this moment.

Looking up at the edge and looking out, I saw that a vast spiritual field was artificially opened up at the foot of the mountain. The spiritual field was full of all kinds of elixirs and spiritual flowers that Lin Xiao could not even call their names. Countless monks shuttled through the spiritual fields to take care of the spiritual things in the spiritual field.

Lin Xiao just took a quick look and preliminarily estimated that there were more than 200 monks who took care of Lingtian!

Lingtian has been spreading out. No matter how far away it is, Lin Xiao can't see it clearly. He only feels that everywhere is cyan, which is dazzling.

"Welcome to Qingmen!" Changsheng behind him said to Lin Xiao with a smile.

Seeing Lin Xiao's stunned appearance, Changsheng also remembered the scene when he first entered here and couldn't help saying, "Does Brother Lin think it's a little incredible? Why is Qingmen like this, and the entrance is actually a transmission array?

Lin Xiao nodded.

Changsheng smiled and said, "I didn't expect it at the beginning." He suddenly looked at Lin Xiao cunningly, "Brother Lin, guess what this 'Danqing Peak' and the spiritual field under our feet are?"

Lin Xiaoqi said, "Aren't we on the ground?"

"Haha, Brother Lin guessed wrong!" Changsheng stroked his palm and smiled, "We are in the sky!" This is not land, but a floating island!"

Seeing Lin Xiao's shocked face, Changsheng stretched out his hands and circled a huge circle, "This floating island is so vast that it can hold more than a dozen Danqing peaks! If you have a chance, you must go to the edge of the floating island to have a look. In our floating island, you can't see the island from the outside, but you can see the outside. At that time, you will find that our floating island revolves around the seven peaks of the spiritual ruins!"

"Island floating in the sky... What a big hand in Lingxu Palace!" Lin Xiao muttered to himself that at this time, he had been completely impressed by fairy methods such as Lingxu Palace. In an instant, I felt that the past 19 years seemed to have lived in vain.

"Long live brother! You're back!" Suddenly, a girl's laughter came from the distance. They hurriedly turned their heads and saw a little girl in blue clothes, bare feet, two long braids, and a pale blue epilographical birthmark on her eyebrows running towards Changsheng and Lin Xiao.

The girl is young, eleven or twelve years old, about the same age as immortality. She is very pink and cute. Together with the immortality, people can't help admiring - what a pair of golden boys and jade girls!