Spirit Ruins

Chapter 110 Practice

Zhang Jixian's plot at night shocked the whole Qingmen and even the Lingxu Palace.

A monk who was about to enter the realm of Jindan is so abandoned, and anyone will be very surprised.

In addition to their great regret, everyone is also very contemptuous of Zhang Jixian. Some nuns who know the situation slandered Zhang Jixian in their hearts. Unexpectedly, this sanctimonous brother Zhang was such a sly person in his heart.

It can be said that Zhang Jixian is not only completely ruined on the road to immortality, but also his character has begun to be suspected by the people of Lingxu Palace.

In the condemning public opinion, although Zhang Jixian argued that he was plotted by others, few people would listen to his explanation.

Unlike the monks who unanimously questioned Zhang Jixian's character, the first Song Zuixian of Qingmen and several elders tend to believe that Zhang Jixian was indeed plotted.

With their qualifications, it can naturally be seen at a glance that Zhang Jixian lost Yuanyang not because of his mental state of mind. To achieve Zhang Jixian's Taoist fetal cultivation, even if he goes crazy, it is a small probability, not to mention losing Yuanyang because of the loss of his state of mind.

Therefore, the elders of Qingmen concluded that Zhang Jixian suffered this disaster because he encountered external interference when he entered the house.

Everyone immediately made a list of monks who had a grudge against Zhang Jixian, but found that Zhang Jixian had provoked many people recently. The names of Gongsun Hui, a law enforcement monk of Xianjie, and Lin Xiao, a disciple of Qingmen Gate, are also among them.

But Lin Xiao was the first to be excluded from the list by the elders because his cultivation was too low.

After some investigation by the elders, it was found that most of these monks had proof that they were not present last night, and it was impossible to lock who framed Zhang Jixian.

Seeing that he could not find the strength in a short period of time, Zhang Jixian's master Fang Yuan's face was even more pale, shouting that if the culprit was found, he would definitely dismember his five horses to vent his hatred.

However, when everyone planned to ask Zhang Jixian to describe in detail what he had seen after entering the situation, while tracing the culprit, Zhang Jixian unexpectedly chose to be silent. No matter how Fang Yuan forced him, he refused to tell in detail what he saw and did in the delusion.

In such a situation, even if Zhang Jixian claimed that he had indeed been framed, the eyes of the elders looking at him were a little different. Zhang Jixian refused to tell the content of the delusion, naturally because there must be many unspeakable secrets in it. No matter who framed Zhang Jixian, Zhang Jixian can actually fall into such an unspeakable delusion, which shows that his own mind is also very problematic, otherwise how can he easily fall into the delusion?

Zhang Ji did not say the specific situation of losing Yuanyang. Even if these elders are all powerful people, they are helpless at this moment. I don't even know the reason. How to track down the culprit?

Of course, there is another way to find out what happened to Zhang Jixian last night, that is, to directly invade his genshen and read what he did in the delusional situation. However, the Lingxu Palace Law Order clearly records that it is not allowed to spy on other people's genshen. Therefore, although everyone here is a high-ranking person, no one will investigate Zhang Jixian's memory.

Finally, under unchecked circumstances, the elders present left and did not intend to intervene in the matter again.

After Song Zuixian also left, Fang Yuan stared at Zhang Jixian with a frightened face and shouted angrily, "You evil! Why don't you say the content of the delusional situation!"

Zhang Jixian cried bitterly. How dare he tell his "dream" experience last night? If it is known that he was with the only daughter Chunfeng in his dream, I'm afraid that he would be directly driven out of the Lingxu Palace by Huo Yuanchun.

"Disciple, I really dare not say! Master, please don't force me anymore!" Zhang Jixian suddenly knelt down and bowed his head and said.

Fang Yuan said angrily, "You dare not say it, which means that you have a ghost in your heart. You, you have wasted my teaching for so many years!"

Zhang Jixian suddenly kowtowed on the ground, kowtowed with a crying voice, "Master, my disciple knows it's wrong! The disciple has failed to live up to the master's expectations. Please punish me!"

Seeing Zhang Jixian's pitiful appearance, coupled with his great change for the first time, he had already broken the road to seek immortals. Fang Yuan was also a little unbearable and didn't say anything more about him. Instead, he stamped his feet and sighed, "Alas, God's will."

After he said, he took out a bottle of elixir from his sleeve and handed it to Zhang Jixian, "This is a bottle of three-pin 'mixed yuan elixir', which has the effect of returning qi and nourishing yang, which is also beneficial to you. You can take it!"

Zhang Ji first took the elixir and said happily, "Thank you for giving me the elixir!"

He knows that this bottle of elixir has been treasured for a long time and has not been willing to take it. Each elixir has a great effect on cultivation. Therefore, the haze in my heart has dissipated a lot.

I only heard Fang Yuan continue to say, "The road to immortality is unpredictable, and the changes of life and death are on the front line. You don't have to be discouraged."

Zhang Jixian nodded quickly. He still had something to say to comfort his master, but unexpectedly, the next sentence was like a bolt from the blue, which suddenly confused Zhang Jixian--

"The fate between you and my master and apprentice is today. You can take care of yourself in the future!"

After saying that, Fang Yuan turned around and left without saying anything more. Zhang Jixian stood still and couldn't believe that his master, who usually spoiled him, would say such a thing.

What on earth is all this for?

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled! Who and who framed me? I won't let you go even if Zhang Jixian dies!"

In the cave, Zhang Jixian's hysterical roared like a wounded beast.

On the other side, in the Anle Cave, Lin Xiao, who was practicing cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes. He frowned, looked out of the window, and said doubtfully, "I just wanted to feel who was scolding me?"


Time flies, and more than five months have passed in a blink of an eye.

After Zhang Jixian's transformation into an abandoned person caused waves in the Lingxu Palace for a while, he returned to calm. The huge thing of Lingxu Palace is like a vast ocean. Although there was a small ripple on the surface, it soon returned to its old appearance, as if nothing had happened.

And Zhang Jixian himself began to gradually disappear from the sight of the disciples of Qingmen. Later, he had not seen him for a long time, nor did he know where he had gone, as if he had disappeared.

In fact, a month after the Zhang Jixian incident, the other half of Lin Xiao's soul was finally able to come out of the reincarnation blood pupil, representing his other half of the dark side of the soul left the body and returned to the blood pupil.

Lin Xiao, who returned, felt a little strange that the other 'Lin Xiao' method was so vicious, and he was also a little happy. Fortunately, the other half returned to the blood pupil, otherwise if something big happened, it would not be easy for him to end.

Now the ordinary soul of evil has returned to the blood pupil, and it is impossible for the elders of Qingmen to pursue the culprit again.

However, since Fang Yuan has given up Zhang Jixian, an incompetent disciple, which elder will work hard to trace clues for a disciple in the district?

In the immortal world, everything is based on the law of the jungle. When you are proud, you are superior, but once you lose value, you may fall from a high place and die miserably.

As the originator of all this, Lin Xiao is deeply touched by this. But he did not feel any guilt because of Zhang Jixian's tragic situation. There are two reasons. First, if you change positions with Zhang Jixian, I'm afraid that the other party will not know how to torture you more. Second, this matter is actually done by Lin Xiao's other half, which has nothing to do with him.

For more than four months, Lin Xiao, who was in a good mood, began to immerse himself in the world of cultivation.

His alchemy technology has become more and more sophisticated, and by this time, he has been able to skillfully refine two ordinary elixirs.

In terms of making symbols, Lin Xiao has begun to make a large number of practical charms since he almost suffered a big loss in Zhang Jixian's hands last time. After repeated practice, Lin Xiao has now been able to start making some three-pin runes.

With the gradual improvement of Lin Xiao's skills, the number of elixirs and runes made from him is increasing. Lin Xiao made a small fortune by trading elixirs and runes with Xianjie. Now three months of sect worship is a piece of cake for him. He made room to help Changsheng's part, which made Changsheng very grateful.

But in these four months, the elixir and Fulu are not Lin Xiao's biggest harvest.

Lin Xiao's greatest gain was that he finally successfully condensed the sea of Qi with the Taiyi Aoki formula, which is not top but can definitely be called high-level.

In the world of cultivation of immortals, the realm of Dandao is divided into the five realms of Taoist fetus, Jindan, Yuanying, Leijie and He Dao.

Few people know what the above is. However, before the realm of the Taoist fetus, there was actually a layer of realm, called "the practice state", but the practice of the qi and the Taoist fetus itself are the same realm, and it is only divided into two stages. Therefore, the immortals did not separate the practice of the fetus, but unified the practice of the qi with the Taoist fetus.

Practicing Qijing, as the name implies, is to condense the Qi veins and practice the Qihai.

At this stage, the monk has to build an "qi vein" similar to the human blood circulation channel in the body so that the spiritual power can run in the qi vein, and then return to the sea and enter the human Dantian.

The sign of the great success of practicing gas is whether it can condense a whirlpool of the sea of gas in Dantian.

The Qihai vortex is responsible for connecting all the gas veins of the human body, located in the central part of Dantian, constantly rotating, like a cluster of star river whirlpools, constantly purifying and refining the spiritual power absorbed into the body.

It is because of the sea of Qi that the monks can begin to store the spiritual power of heaven and earth absorbed from the surroundings, store the mana in the sea of Qi, and are not afraid of dissipating.

The wider the sea of gas, the more powerful the monk's mana will be.

The practice of gas is hailed as the first level of immortals by monks, because the success of condensing the sea of gas is a key sign of whether a monk has really embarked on the road of cultivating immortals.

Whether the Qihai can be successfully condensed is related to many factors, such as talent, luck, qualification, understanding, elixir, etc.

Unlike the closed practice that takes a long time to condense the golden elixir, the time it takes to condense the sea of gas varies from person to person.

If a monk has all the above conditions, his talent is amazing, and is assisted by some unique elixirs such as Huaqi elixir, it may only take a few days to condense the sea of gas successfully. And if some people are not lucky enough and are born not suitable for immortality, even if they give him a great golden elixir and spend hundreds of years, they can't condense the sea of gas.

Therefore, whether you can cultivate immortals or not is not enough. It also depends on whether you have the best luck.

It took Lin Xiao four months to get a three-pin chemical qi elixir through an advanced elixir. After a lot of effort, I finally succeeded in condensing the sea of anger. The luck is not too good, but it is not bad.