Spirit Ruins

Chapter 132 Condensation of the fetus

While Chen Yi was forced to fight with the red-haired Shura, Lin Xiao was flying forward with a breeze charm, but he secretly complained.

Just now, Chen Yi gestured to him, asking him to act with himself, find a way to delay the red-haired Shura, and then take the opportunity to escape.

However, Lin Xiao knew the horror of the red-haired Shura in his heart. After seeing the red-haired Shura kill the poisonous horn monster with the blood river needle that day, Lin Xiao knew that he and Chen Yi were not the enemies of the red-haired Shura at all.

Therefore, Lin Xiao finally chose to seize the road and escape.

As for whether something will happen to Chen Yi behind the palace, Lin Xiao can't care so much.

On the way, a bright light suddenly came from Lin Xiao's eyes. Lin Xiao was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking that he had finally had a chance to escape. Unexpectedly, when he approached the light, he found that the light emitted by a night pearl embedded in the tomb was not the exit at all.

Lin Xiao pressed his inner loss, dug down the night pearl, put it in the storage ring, and then flew forward non-stop.

At this time, Lin Xiao has no way back. The red-haired Shura is behind him, and he will never let go. He can only keep moving forward until he finds a way out, or there is a dead end ahead, so he has to accept his fate.

, he suddenly found that things were not what he thought.

As time went by, the long-awaited exit was not seen, and Lin Xiao's heart also became lost little by little. Accompanied by loss is a growing sense of anxiety.

Since stepping into the world of immortal cultivation, how many times have you encountered danger and had to escape?

Those monks with strong strength can pinch themselves to death like an ant, but they can only escape from danger in exchange for vitality by racking their brains again and again.

I'm still too weak! Lin Xiao couldn't help sighing.

This is the first time since Lin Xiao came out of the mountain that his strength is too low.

When he was in the Lingxu Palace, although Lin Xiao also encountered dangerous places several times, with the protection of Wan Jiantao's reputation and the deep and strict laws of the Lingxu Palace, Lin Xiao did not really encounter the danger of life and death.

Next, when he traveled south with Xie Qinghou, he took the lead with a strong cultivation. Lin Xiao just came up with an idea and cleaned up his hands, so there was almost no chance to really fight with the strong enemy.

However, after Xie Qinghou left and now that Lin Xiao has no way to survive, Lin Xiao has to admit that no matter how capable he is and how powerful he is, he does not have strong strength to guarantee it. He is still a pawn at the mercy of the strong, and the chess player can never be himself.

If you have enough cultivation, how can you fall into today's involuntary field? And if I hadn't been a little witty, I'm afraid I would have died at the hands of many monks at this moment. What else would I talk about for long life? What's more, now just a red-haired Shura can force himself into a desperate situation. If he meets a stronger enemy in the future, won't he be slaughtered?

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly had an incomparable desire for a powerful force. He had never wanted to control his fate so strongly. If this world is an endless game of chess, he must be the chess player, not a chess piece at the mercy of others!

Suddenly, the scene of using the fantasy to fight against Bai Zheng in the lake courtyard again surged in Lin Xiao's mind. At this moment, the original perception of chess and military Tao became clear and profound again!

"I want to control my destiny! Let heaven make way for me, and all living beings in the world are black and white chess pieces in my hand!" Lin Xiao suddenly roared in his heart. His eyes were wide open and he looked up at the dark tomb. His eyes seemed to penetrate all obstacles and look directly at the sky!

In the place where the world can't see, above the nine heavens, a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket suddenly appeared out of thin air, making a roar! It seems that God can also feel Lin Xiao's will!

Lin Xiao made a wish, and his Taoist heart suddenly resonated violently with him. In the Dantian in Lin Xiao's body, the seven-color sword wheel that kept hovering gradually approached the spiral sea, and finally coincided!

The sword wheel coincided with the sea of gas, and the two were combined into one. Dantian in Lin Xiao's body suddenly made a sound of dragons and tigers, and the sound of the unity of yin and yang!

All the vitality in the sea of Qi actually contracted, gradually condensed, and finally turned into a round cyan balloon the size of a thumb. The sphere emitted amazing mana fluctuations. Although it did not turn into a physical golden elixir, the cyan balloon contained more than five times thicker than the previous sea of gas!

The seven-color sword wheel dispersed again and turned into seven cyan swords, wrapped around the cyan balloons like seven dragons. The cyan balloons sometimes emitted a trace of cyan spiritual power, moistening the seven swords, making the seven swordsqi like a fish in water, which is very uncomfortable.

While the sea of air condensed into a cyan balloon, the bottleneck of the practice atmosphere in front of Lin Xiao was suddenly broken. Lin Xiao's body was blue and bright, which made him suddenly feel extremely comfortable, reaching a supreme Taoist state of holding wisdom beads and looking at everything!

This is the state of fetal condensation!

The distance between the practice environment and the Taoist fetal state is only a layer of window paper, and what is paid attention to is the word epiphany. Some people achieve the sea of Qi and also achieve Taoist fetuses at the same time, while others only wander in the practice of Qi for the rest of their lives and are not allowed to enter.

Lin Xiao has reached the peak of qi practice before, but he has been unable to break through the fetal realm. Now that the Taoist heart is round and has no worries, it has made an opportunity for him to break through again!

Because Lin Xiao suddenly made a breakthrough, the spiritual power of heaven and earth suddenly gathered to his side. Then he sucked into the body, and these spiritual powers gradually poured into Dantian along the layers of air veins in Lin Xiao's body, and then were absorbed by the cyan balloon.

The balloon constantly absorbs the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth. The body shape has not changed, but its color and thickness have deepened much. In the end, Lin Xiao stopped absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth until he could no longer accommodate the spiritual power of the outside world. At this time, the mana in his body has increased nearly five times than before!

Feeling the surging spiritual power in his body, Lin Xiao felt very happy even in danger. From now on, he finally officially became a Taoist monk, and from then on.

While Lin Xiao's breakthrough, the monks who were constantly looking for a way or fighting with each other in the royal mausoleum felt the changes in the spiritual power of the surrounding world sooner or later. Everyone looked at the direction of Lin Xiao's breakthrough thoughtfully, and then everyone galloped towards Lin Xiao's position!

Everyone thought that the treasures in the royal mausoleum had begun to be unearthed!

Lin Xiao naturally doesn't know all these changes, and he doesn't know that he has become the target of public criticism. Now he is a Taoist monk and can fly with a royal weapon. Therefore, he put away the breeze charm, then took out the protective diamond ring, tried to control the diamond circle with the method of the controll, and then turned into a golden salisman to fly forward, and soon disappeared in the distance. It's faster than just now!

In the process of flying, Lin Xiao looked far away for a moment in the direction of his exchange under a layer of golden light, as if thinking.

Lin Xiao knew that Chen Yi would inevitably lose, but he didn't know how long Chen Yi could hold back the red-haired Shura. Sooner or later, the red-haired Shura will come to chase and kill him. With such a slow escape speed, he can't escape his pursuit, so the top priority is to hide it.

But this place is surrounded by a flat tomb road, and there is not even a place to hide around. Where on earth are you hiding?

Lin Xiao suddenly looked down at the dark floor of the tomb, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

After about two columns of incense, a bloody light suddenly flew over at a very fast speed in the distance!

The red-haired Shura came over with a rolling blood fog surrounded by seven skulls, and from time to time made an angry curse.

At this time, the red clothes on the red-haired Shura's body had been damaged in several places, and there was an extra scratch on his right hand. Blood kept leaking out, and the flesh rolled out, revealing pale bones. Presumably, in the war, Chen Yi fought to the death, which actually caused a lot of damage to the red-haired Shura.

"Damn guy, I didn't expect to have a hand before he died. When I didn't pay attention, he hit me hard with the method of self-explosion. Humph, when I kill the guy who escaped Lingxu Palace first, I will refine your soul and torture you again later. You will feel good!" Red-haired Shura gritted his teeth and scolded, esciting extremely fast.

But when he passed the place where Lin Xiaofang stopped, he was suddenly stunned and hesitated. Finally, he lowered his escape speed, stopped, and looked around. The big nose smelled the air even harder, as if to distinguish something.

"Some people have stayed here, and it seems that this is also the origin of the change of the spiritual power of heaven and earth just now... Did that boy have a breakthrough?" The red-haired Shura was shocked first, and then sneered, "Kid, you have good talent. You can break through and advance in this situation, but you are unlucky and met my red-haired Shura!"

He sneered, and then followed the smell left by Lin Xiao all the way.

After about a period of incense, the red-haired Shura suddenly stopped and frowned and said to himself, "It's strange that I just heard that there was a breath of someone passing by all the way. Why did you distinguish it carefully at this time and there is no breath?"

The red-haired Shura muttered a few words, and suddenly flashed sharply in his eyes, regardless of the killing mistakes. He ordered a few words to the seven skeletons around him, and those skulls shouted and rushed to the tomb wall in all directions with heavy blood fog, including the range within 100 meters in the search. Within the scope.