Spirit Ruins

Chapter 152 Enemy's Narrow Road

"Everyone, please be quiet a little!" The old man spoke first.

I don't know if it was because of the old man's majesty, the noisy crowd suddenly calmed down, and everyone was waiting for the old man to speak.

The old man was satisfied with everyone's reaction and nodded, "You have also seen that this 'black wind bear' is comparable to the existence of a Taoist monk. It is a unique monster in the deepest abyss of 100,000 mountains. When the beast tide attacked our Tianshang City two days ago, this furry bear did not appear at all.

He said, pointing to the golden armored man beside him, "But this morning, Fang Taoist friends met this abyss monster when patrolled thousands of miles away from Tianshang City. At that time, it had attacked several villages and used people as food, and several villages that survived the last wave of beasts were slaughtered by it! Fortunately, Fang Taoist friends took action in time, so they did not let this monster continue to wreak.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the crowd and turned his words, "Not long after Brother Fang killed this monster, the monks sent out by Tianshang City to collect monster information in different directions one after another sent back information that there were abyss monsters near Tianshang City. This is definitely an ominous sign!"

He then said word by word, "Now it is certain that the next demon tide will break out, we will not only face those low-level monsters, but also powerful abyss monsters!"

A noisy sound suddenly broke out. Although it had been expected that the abyss monster would participate in the war, the abyss monster came so fast that it was beyond most people's expectations.

Some of the relatively timid people have begun to consider leaving Tianshang City.

The old man stretched out his hands, pressed down, motioned everyone to calm down, and then slowly said, "Our Tianshang City Fairy League will join the task of killing the abyss monster on the "Star Picking List" promulgated this month. As long as you kill an abyss monster, if the low-level monster is rewarded with 10,000 pieces of crystal and 12,000 pieces of high-level monsters Crystals, which are comparable to the existence of golden elixir, are rewarded with 13,000 crystals. I hope all Taoist friends can try their best to help the Tianshang City Fairy League and destroy demons.

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the people below immediately whispered to each other--

"Tianshang City is so big that you can get a reward of 10,000 pieces of crystal just by killing a low-level monster. What do you think?" A man in a Confucian shirt near Lin Xiao asked in a low voice.

The companion beside him shook his head, "It seems that the matter should be very serious. Just looking at this 'black wind bear', at least it also has the strength of the early monk of the Taoist fetus, which is simply very different from the low-level monsters we killed two days ago."

At this time, another person suddenly asked, "Are you two going to receive the task on this 'star list'?"

The man inru shirt shook his head and said, "I still won't go through this muddy water. Lao Mo is right. This matter is very difficult. Although the reward from Tianshang City is rich, you have to take it with your life. It's none of their business. What does the matter of their Tianshang City have to do with me?

Another man said, "I think I'd better pick up one or two!" If you perform well, you may still be able to join the Tianshang City Fairy League!"


The three people were still discussing in a low voice, but Lin Xiao, who stood behind them, was no longer in the mood to continue listening to their discussion. He looked at the body of Brother Heifeng thoughtfully and then quietly withdrew from the crowd.

Just as Lin Xiao was about to turn around and leave, the back of a hot but domineering woman in red with long red hair suddenly jumped into Lin Xiao's vision.

He looked at the back of the woman in red and was stunned.

Withesting Lin Xiao's reaction, the woman in red seemed to sense something and turned around at the same time.

Then the two suddenly looked at each other, and Lin Xiao had no place to hide.

"It's you! Why is this guy here!? The woman pointed to Lin Xiao and shouted in surprise.

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, "I should ask this sentence, right? What a narrow road, Miss Huo, why don't you stay in the Lingxu Palace and come to this damn place?

Lin Xiaowan didn't expect to meet Huo Yuer, a unruly woman, in this place.

Huo Yuer was angry when she saw Lin Xiao. "It's my freedom to go anywhere. What does it matter to you?"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yes, it's your freedom to go anywhere, but for the sake of everyone belonging to the same family, don't blame me for not reminding you that there will be a second round of beast tide here in a few days. If you know each other, you'd better leave quickly."

Unexpectedly, Huo Yuer snorted coldly, "It's just a low-level monster, so I scared you away. Not only won't I leave, but I also have to pick up the task on the star list and kill a few more monsters!"

Lin Xiao sighed secretly, wondering if there was something wrong with this unruly woman's head, or did she not know what was going on with the beast tide at all, so she was in a hurry to die?

Seeing Huo Yuer's complaish appearance, Lin Xiao shook his head and was too lazy to pay attention to her. He turned around and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yuer suddenly shouted behind Lin Xiao, "Hey, wait!"

Lin Xiao turned around and said, "Why? Are you going to settle accounts with me while your father is not here?

Lin Xiaoben thought that Huo Yuer would make trouble to herself, so she was also ready. Unexpectedly, Huo Yuer said, "I have promised my father that I won't bother you again."

After she said, she pointed to the Tianshang Tower in the distance, "Would you like to pick up the star list with me? Half of the profits from completing the task.

After carefully looking at Huo Yuer and seeing that she really invited her to form a team with her, Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in the tasks on the star list."

After Lin Xiao refused Huo Yuer's invitation, he turned around and left. Huo Yuer stared straight at Lin Xiao's back and stamped her feet angrily.

She saw that Lin Xiao had gone far away, and the anger in her heart had nowhere to vent for a moment, so she gritted her teeth and took out the fiery red heart stone from her arms. At the moment she saw Lin Xiao, the heart stone, which had been in a calm state, suddenly became very hot again. Huo Yuer held the stone in the palm and sighed faintly, "This family Dude, how can it be the predestined person I'm destined to live three lives?"

On the other side, Lin Xiao was also relieved to see that Huo Yuer did not keep up. Although he was surprised why he didn't make trouble with himself according to Huo Yuer's hot temper, but he tried so hard to pull himself over, but he couldn't figure it out, so he temporarily took this Let it go.

After deciding to adapt to changes, Lin Xiao then walked around Xianjie again.

Along the way, Lin Xiao saw a lot of novel things that had never been heard of before. The powerful runes, high-class magic weapons, complete magic spells, low-level mount spirit beasts and other things made him excited. Unfortunately, the price marked above was really shocking, and he could only stare at those good things. It's just an eye.

Not long after, the time of the meeting with Xie Qinghou was approaching, so Lin Xiao did not continue to browse, but went directly to the place where the long-distance transmission array was located in Tianshang City.

After half a column of incense, Lin Xiao finally found the place called "Lingxiao Pavilion".

Lingxiao Pavilion is the place where all the transmission arrays in Tianshang City are arranged, occupying a small area, but because it controls the lifeblood of Tianshang City's contact with the outside world - the transmission array, Tianshang City has arranged a lot of manpower in Lingxiao Pavilion.

As soon as he approached Lingxiao Pavilion, Lin Xiao sensed that more than a dozen spirits had faintly spread out of Lingxiao Pavilion, including some powerful monks like Jindan.

At this time, the news that the abyss monster was about to attack has also spread all over Tianshang City, so many retreating monks have flocked to Lingxiao Pavilion and intend to leave Tianshang City with the help of the transmission array.

Therefore, Tianshang City, which was originally a little deserted, looks very lively today, and there are already three monks outside.

However, these monks looked very ugly, and some monks near it quarreled with the monks guarding the gate of Lingxiao Pavilion, and the scene seemed very noisy for a while.

Lin Xiao stopped a passing young immortal: "This Taoist friend, what happened in Lingxiao Pavilion? So many monks don't send away directly and stay at the door to quarrel about?"

The man first frowned and then sighed, "Isn't it made like this by the new regulations promulgated by Tianshang City. Just two hours ago, Tianshang City issued a notice saying that because the abyss monster is about to attack, in order to save the spiritual power of the city's magic array, it is necessary to restrict the use of the transmission array. Only 20 monks can leave Tianshang City every day, and each departing monk has to pay five times more than the original transmission fee. Use it!"

Lin Xiao was shocked when he heard the words and turned his mind. He woke up to the intention of Tianshang City to promulgate this temporary regulation. He sneered and said, "Tianshang City is called saving the spiritual power of the magic array. In fact, he wants to tie most of the monks to the chariot of Tianshang Fairy League. Instead, he will not let us leave, but to work for it obediently?"

The monk also said angrily, "No! This practice of Tianshang City has caused public anger. I guess it won't take long. When there are more monks who insist on leaving, these people will probably rush directly into Lingxiao Pavilion.

After saying that, the man hurriedly said goodbye to Lin Xiao and turned around and left.

Lin Xiao frowned. He didn't expect that Tianshang City would issue such a decree, but he didn't know how Xie Qinghou had negotiated with the monks who guarded the magic array.

Just as Lin Xiao hesitated, the corners of his eyes jumped, but saw Xie Qinghou have come out of the Lingxiao Pavilion. Seeing Lin Xiao waiting outside, Xie Qinghou passed through the crowd and came to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao hurriedly asked, "Brother Xie, the matter of transmitting the magic array..."

Xie Qinghou shook his head, "We can't leave for the time being."

Lin Xiao sighed, "Surely, haven't we been able to rank those 20 places?"

Unexpectedly, Xie Qinghou shook his head and said, "No, in fact, because I came earlier, I had already won the qualification to transfer back to Kunlun before the 20 quota decree was issued."

Lin Xiao was surprised and asked strangely, "Then why did you say that we couldn't go back for the time being?"

"Because someone wants us to stay and fight against those abyss monsters and block the next wave of beasts for Tianshang City." Xie Qinghou said coldly.

Lin Xiao doesn't understand even more. With Xie Qinghou's character, how has he compromised with anyone? He was about to ask who that person was when a young man suddenly came behind him, "Brother Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Lin Xiao looked back and saw that three monks appeared behind him.

Volume IV Zifu Yuanzong Finish