Spirit Ruins

Chapter 158 Blood Crystal Ant

Ten miles away from Tianshang City, there is a very secret underground mine.

This is one of several crystal veins owned by Tianshang City. After Tianshang City opened a large number of crystals in the mine, most of the crystals in this mine were almost exhausted, leaving only some raw ores that could not be directly used by monks left in the deepest part of the mine.

Because this place was originally the place where crystal mines were produced, the spiritual power of heaven and earth was very complex and violent. After emptying the crystal mine here, Tianshang City did not abandon the mine, but invited a master who was proficient in arrays, engraved arrays in this section of the mine by superb means, condensed the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the mine, and continuously transmitted these crazy spiritual power of heaven and earth to ten miles through the transmission array. In addition, it provides a spiritual supply for the mot array of Tianshang City.

There is a hollow hall in the middle of the mine, and there are two transmission arrays in the hall. Among them, the super-large transmission array with a diameter of ten meters in the central position is the channel where the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the mine is transported to Tianshang City. It operates all year round, emitting a burst of turquoise light, which will make the whole large The hall is reflected in a green color.

Next to the large array, there is a small array, which are provided for the transmission of the monks of Tianshang City. Some monks responsible for guarding the mine array can directly teleport to Tianshang City through this small array. And the monks of Tianshang City also entered the mine through this transmission array.

At this time, a black monk was meditating not far from the small magic circle. The light of the giant magic circle reflected his expressionless zombie face green, which looked extremely scary.

Suddenly, the originally silent small teleportation array suddenly buzzed, and the white light flashed over the array, and a young monk in blue appeared in the hall.

It was Lin Xiao who was transmitted from Tianshang City.

Lin Xiaogang escaped from the transmission state, and his mind was still a little dizzy. He secretly carried up Zifu Yuanzong, and his spiritual power operated in his body for a week, and his head returned to normal.

At this time, the black monk had also noticed that someone was coming in. He opened his eyes, looked at Lin Xiao coldly, and then asked in a hoarse voice because he had not spoken to others for a long time: "Are you a monk from Tianshang City?"

Lin Xiao nodded, took out the cyan token from the storage ring, and said, "I came to repair the magic array under the order of Elder Qingfeng."

After he said that, he turned his head and looked around, and then asked, "Didn't you say that there were several people who transmitted it before me? Where are they?"

The black monk stretched out a thin finger, pointed to the dark mine on the right side of the hall, and then said, "They had checked in the hall before and found no problem. They have gone to the deepest part of the mine."

Lin Xiao pondered when he heard the words. Since those few people didn't find any problems here, he didn't have to waste any time here. Just go straight to meet them.

He made up his mind, so he punched the monk and said, "In that case, I will go to find them. I have some Taoist friends."

After saying that, Lin Xiao entered the entrance of the mine and walked deep into the mine.

After the black monk behind Lin Xiao saw Lin Xiao enter the mine, he closed his eyes again and crossed his knees, like a stone, and was no longer moving.

Although crystals have been mined on both sides of the mine, some abandoned crystals remain on the rock walls around the mine, shining brightly.

After Lin Xiao walked through the tortuous mine and walked for about a long time, something like someone was talking came faintly in front of him.

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and quickly accelerated his pace to the place where life came from.

However, before Lin Xiao approached, the voice that seemed to be looming gradually sank, and finally disappeared.

There was no human voice in his ear. On the contrary, as Lin Xiao went deeper and deeper, some strange rustling sounds began to appear in his ears, as if something was crawling.

Lin Xiao became suspicious. He thought for a moment, quickly slowed down his pace, and operated the divine armor of the body watch, hid his air machine, and then gradually approached the deepest part of the mine.

Finally, Lin Xiao finally came to a relatively empty place. After turning a corner, the scene in front of him suddenly shocked Lin Xiao.

In front of me is a cave that is twice as small as the previous hall. The deepest part of the cave was originally engraved with another gathering array, but now the ground of the cave is densely covered with a kind of huge black and red ants!

I don't know when a big hole was broken at the top of the cave. Black and red ants kept falling from the mouth of the cave. Each ant was the size of a fist. The largest ant was actually as big as a human head. These ants densely occupied every corner of the cave, and the gathering magic array had already been These ants have been destroyed, which is the fundamental reason why there will be a spiritual failure in the moth array.

However, it was more than that that shocked Lin Xiao. In the ant pile, he could faintly see the broken bodies of more than 20 red ants and the bones of five monks. These monks were obviously the five monks who had just come to check the situation of the spiritual array. But I didn't expect that they had been buried under these ants.

The dense ants crawled over the bodies of the five monks and gnawed the five monks with only five bones in an instant, which was really shocking.

Lin Xiao remembered that he seemed to hear someone's voice in the distance of the mine. It must be the screams of these five people.

Lin Xiao suddenly inferred the circumstances of the death of these five monks from the surrounding scene.

These people should have seen some alone ants that were destroying the spirit array when they came to check the gathering array. After killing a few ants, they somehow shocked these gregarious monsters and were suddenly surrounded by a large number of ants that suddenly appeared. Although these monks tried together to kill them More than 20 ants, but at the same time, they also suffered more ants and were defeated and died, and their bodies were divided by these ants...

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel a little happy. Fortunately, he had just used the divine armor to hide his whole body's breath. Otherwise, he would stray into the ant nest and besieged by these ants. I'm afraid he would fall with these five monks without noticing it for a while. The same end.

Lin Xiao did not recognize the origin of these ants, but he was able to bite five monks to death in such a short time, indicating that these ants are definitely monsters he can't afford to provoke.

Lin Xiao frowned and saw that there were more and more ants, and there was a tendency to swim out of the cave. He hesitated for a moment, but finally did not dare to disturb the ants, but quietly retreated before the ants noticed his existence.

It was not until he left the mine and returned to the hall that Lin Xiao's forehead sweated coldly. He quickly walked to the black monk and shouted, "Taoist friend, get up quickly. We need to leave here immediately and return to Tianshang City!"

The black monk opened his eyes and saw Lin Xiao's panic. He said strangely, "Didn't you go to check the spiritual array with those five monks? Why are you in such a hurry to leave? What about the five people?

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and then told the monk in black what he had just seen in the mine.

The monk in black stood up and said, "What are you talking about? Those five monks were all bitten to death by ants? What do those ants look like?

Lin Xiao then talked about the general appearance of the ants. The more he listened, the more shocked he became. Later, his tone became a little trembling. "It's a big deal. It's actually blood crystal ants. These ants feed on crystals and hide in the deepest part of the crystal mine. Their shells can't even be penetrate ordinary spiritual weapons. The blood crystal ants of the group, even ordinary Jindan monks, have to retreat... Why did these ants appear in the mine at this time when they had never seen them before?

He thought for a moment and shouted, "Oh, the blood crystal ants will destroy this mine sooner or later. What about Shangcheng that day?"

Lin Xiao pulled the black monk to the transmission array and said, "It can't be preserved here. There are more and more ants. They will come to the hall soon. We will leave immediately and return to Tianshang City to make plans."

After saying that, Lin Xiao was about to put a few crystals on the transmission array and hit the magic formula to start the transmission array, but at this time, the black monk broke free from Lin Xiao's hand holding his sleeve and turned back to the hall.

The monk in black looked at Lin Xiao, but there was a decisive look on his face. "Taoist friend, go back to Tianshang City by yourself and tell Elder Qingfeng about the situation here, and I won't leave."

Lin Xiao looked at the monk in black in surprise and shouted, "What are you doing? Don't you want to die? If you don't leave at this time, when those blood crystal ants come to the hall, you can't leave!"

The monk in black smiled bitterly and said, "Taoist friend, think about it, if both of us leave, there is no one to maintain this magic circle. What will happen to Tianshang City when the blood crystal ants also destroy this large magic array in the hall?"

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly: "The moat mask of Tianshang City will disappear in an instant, and a large number of monsters will **, then..."

Without waiting for Lin Xiao to finish speaking, the black monk said, "So, I can't go. As long as the magic circle in the hall is not damaged, the moat can still support it for a longer time, and the rest can only be left to fate."

Lin Xiao shouted, "Are you crazy? Can you block those blood crystal ants alone? Five monks can't even resist and die directly in those ants. Why do you protect this magic array?

The monk in black pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a smile that was more ugly than crying. "Don't worry, this large magic array in this hall has the effect of transmitting the spiritual power of heaven and earth to Tianshang City, but also has some defensive functions."

After saying that, he took out a blue array from his arms, stimulated the spiritual power in his body with his sword finger, drew a runes on the array, and then pointed the array to the large magic array that kept running.

A blue light suddenly shot out on the array and suddenly disappeared into the large magic array.

The large magic array suddenly made a roar, and then inhaled the surrounding spiritual power from the mine.

After the spiritual power of heaven and earth entered the scope of the large magic array, a little golden light suddenly appeared in the depths of the large magic array, and then the light mass continued to become larger, and finally formed a huge light curtain like an egg shell that completely covered the whole hall.

This light curtain is actually somewhat similar to the moat light cover of Tianshang City, but because the protection range is much smaller, the destructive spiritual power on the light curtain here is also much more solid than the moat light cover of Tianshang City.

After finishing all this, the black monk went to the large magic array, sat down cross-legged, put the array on his knees, and then looked up and said to Lin Xiao, "Taoist friend, you'd better leave quickly. The spiritual power here is suddenly disordered. Sooner or later, those blood crystal ants will notice it. Before the blood crystal ants come over, you can hurry up. Back to Tianshang City. Tell Elder Qingfeng about this matter and let him take countermeasures early. I may not last long on my side."

Lin Xiao stared at the monk in black, "Are you going to die in the city? Is it worth doing this?

A stiff smile appeared on the zombie's face of the monk in black, "I have been an orphan since I was a child, and it was Tianshang City who raised me. For me, Tianshang City is my home.

After he said this, he closed his eyes, refreshed and waited for the arrival of the blood crystal ants.

Lin Xiao sighed when he heard the words and finally gave up the idea of persuading the black monk to return to the city. He took another look at the black monk, and then resolutely waved a formula and launched a transmission array.

Not long after Lin Xiao left the transmission array, there was a dense rustling sound in the depths of the mine. The blood crystal ants finally sensed the messy spiritual power of heaven and earth in the hall and quickly crawled towards the hall!