Spirit Ruins

Chapter 175 Xuantian Lingguo

Yang Kuan nodded, walked a few steps forward, then turned his head and said to the other 30 inner gate monks, "All of the same door, because the barbarian hunting ground was opened by the great powers of the thirteen caves in Kunlun ten thousand years ago, the rules about the barbarian hunting ground were also formulated by the great powers of the thirteen caves, not It is our Lingxu Palace family that has the final say.

"The barbarian hunting ground is opened every 15 years. After each opening, the thirteen caves can select a certain number of inner gate monks according to the ranking of the sect to enter the barbarian hunting ground for trial."

"At the same time, according to the agreement of those powerful people who have opened up barbarians, in order to implement the trial purpose of the law of the jungle, all monks who enter the barbarians no longer need to follow the precepts of the sect and can kill each other at will. Even the monks of the same sect follow this rule, and even after leaving the wild hunting ground, the elders of the sect will not trouble those disciples after learning that the disciples have killed each other.

"As for the demons sneaking into the wild hunting ground, because of the strong boundary isolation outside the wild hunting field, the demons above Jindan can't enter the trial place at all. The cultivation of those demons who sneak in are generally not too high, at most, similar to those Taoist monks."

"Moreover, you don't have to worry that the demon powers will destroy the boundary and come in to trouble us. At the beginning, when we Kunlun Territories opened a barbarian hunting ground in the Westland, we had already reached an agreement with those demon powers. They can send some demon descendants with similar cultivation to ours into the barbarian hunting ground, but I can't do it myself."

"So, in fact, the wild hunting ground is not only a trial place for our disciples in Kunlun, but also a place where the demons use to train their younger generation. Our human race and the demon clan have always been natural enemies. If we encounter it, it must be a life-or-death situation. In addition, because the free killing of monks is not restricted, this place is full of opportunities but also full of dangers.

When Yang Kuan finished explaining, Song Zuixian ignored the time when the monks were in a turbulent mood, and did not give them time to digest what he had just heard, but said directly: "Well, you are generally clear about the content of the wild trial. Originally, our four first seats took turns to host each sect competition. This year, it happened to be my turn to host this sect competition, so your achievements after entering the wild trial are also evaluated by me alone.

After he said that, several Taoist children standing behind him went down with several large plates full of jade slips and distributed the jade slips on the plate to everyone.

After everyone got a copy of the jade slip, Song Zuixian said, "What is recorded in the jade slip are some unique heavenly materials and earth treasures. I gave it a score after the introduction of each heavenly materials and earth treasure. Depending on the rarity of the heavenly materials and earth treasures and the difficulty of obtaining them, the score varies in different sizes."

"When you go to the wilderness this time, in addition to completing the trial and trying to come back alive, you should also find ways to get these heavenly treasures in the jade slips. When you return, I will count the sum of the value of the natural treasures you have obtained.

"The final results of your sect comparison this time will be ranked according to the size of the scores you have received!"

Finally, Song Zuixian looked at the crowd coldly and said slowly, "If there is no problem, you can go back and prepare for it now. Five days later, you will come to Taichu Square in the early morning to gather, and we will set out together to the place where the transmission array of the wild hunting ground is located."

"I will personally send you to the wilderness trial. Of course, if any of you regret within five days and do not want to enter the wilderness hunting ground, you can ask me to withdraw from this trial at any time, and I will never punish you."

"But," Song Zuixian said coldly, "I will look down on you!"

"You guys take care of yourself!" Song Zuixian finally left a sentence and then turned around and walked away.

After Song Zuixen left, 31 inner monks also left the Xuanxiao Hall one after another and returned to their cave.


That night, when Lin Xiao was still meditating in the cave, Xie Qinghou came to find him.

"The master is quite dissatisfied with the big ratio that you almost missed the sect today." Xie Qinghou began to blame Lin Xiao for the first sentence.

Lin Xiao said with a wry smile and said, "I have been locking myself in this Ziyun Cave to practice. For a moment, I forgot the time of the clan's big comparison. Fortunately, you sent me to remind me. Otherwise, the master would not only be dissatisfied with me. I guess he would have killed my heart directly."

Xie Qinghou did not answer, but took out a map made of unknown materials from his sleeve and handed it to Lin Xiao.

"This is what the master asked me to pass on to you."

Lin Xiao took over the map and saw that the map was densely marked. Those dangerous places were painted with a red circle, and the places containing unknown treasures were specially marked, while the places that had not been explored were marked with questions.

Lin Xiao carefully identified it and found that the top landscape and orientation were unheard of before, so he asked, "What kind of map is this?"

Xie Qinghou did not answer immediately, but looked at Lin Xiao, as if you guessed.

Lin Xiao suddenly flashed in his mind and blurted out, "This is a map of the wild hunting ground!"

Xie Qinghou nodded, "Master heard that Song Shouzuo was going to put the last round of sect comparison in the wild hunting field, so he asked me to bring you such a map."

Lin Xiao held the map and didn't know what to say for a moment. Although Wan Jiantao is usually a little strict, he also poses a huge problem for Lin Xiao, and he has to get the top three of the sect.

However, at the critical moment, Wan Jiantao's help to Lin Xiao can be said to be meticulous. The map he sent to Xie Qinghou alone is a valuable existence.

"I really don't know how to repay the kindness of the master. With this map, my wild trip will obviously be much smoother. Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Xie Qinghou shook his head and said, "Don't be happy too early. This map is drawn by some monks who have entered the wild hunting ground and lived successfully, but the wild hunting field is so big that no one can really walk through the wild hunting ground. Therefore, this map is actually incomplete, leaving a large gap in it.

"According to the master, if you can come back alive this time, you still need to improve this map."

Lin Xiao said with a wry smile, "What if? Does the master have so no confidence in me? Do you think I will fail in the wild trial?

Xie Qinghou shook his head and said, "The wild hunting ground is mixed with fish and dragons. Anything can happen. I advise you to be careful."

Lin Xiao knew that Xie Qinghou was indifferent, and he was already expressing his concern for himself to say this to himself. So he felt hot and nodded.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao thought of something, took out the jade slip given by Song Zuixian from his arms, gave it to Xie Qinghou, and then said, "Brother, this is the list of a batch of natural treasures given to us by Song's first seat today."

Xie Qinghou nodded, "The master and I already know about this matter. Song Shouzu asked you to go to the wild hunting ground to collect natural resources and earth treasures and evaluate your achievements. The master and several elders have no problem with this. On the map I gave you just now, there are several places where the treasures of heaven and earth have not been explored. You can go and explore them. Maybe you will gain something.

Lin Xiao said, "What I want to ask is not this matter, but about Xuanlingguo, the top natural treasure on this jade slip!"

Lin Xiao asked curiously, "Each heavenly treasure on Yujian is marked with different points. For example, the second-ranked dragon-patterned fairy vine is worth 500 points, and the third-ranked phoenix blood flower is worth 400 points. However, I am surprised that this first-ranked Xuanling fruit is actually worth 5,000 points! It's ten times the value of the dragon-patterned fairy vine. Doesn't it mean that as long as you get a Xuanling fruit, you can almost get the first place in this sect?

"What exactly is Xuanling Fruit? Why is it so valuable?"

When Xie Qinghou heard Xuanlingguo, he was also slightly moved. He pondered for a moment before slowly said, "Brother Lin, you have been practicing Taoism for a while. Have you ever heard of the law of heaven and earth?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "The law of heaven and earth is the fundamental law of the operation of each interface. If you master the law of heaven and earth in a certain world, you can control the life and death of life in one world. However, the law of heaven and earth has always been only accessible to monks above the thunderstorm after the thunderstorm. Even the Yuanying monk can only spy on it. It's just fur."

Lin Xiao's face changed after saying, "Brother, you don't want to tell me that Xuanlingguo is related to the law of heaven and earth, do you?"

Xie Qinghou nodded, "Yes, Xuanling fruit is the fruit born from the Xuantianhua tree that began to exist at the beginning of the birth of our floating world. As the oldest spirit of heaven and earth on this interface, the Xuantianhua tree itself is born in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth. This kind of tree blooms every thousand years and bears fruit every thousand years. The number of Xuanling fruits produced is very small, but each Xuanling fruit will contain a trace of residual fragments of the law of heaven and earth.

"Calculation carefully, this time you went to the wild hunting ground, and the Xuantian flower tree in the hunting ground should also bear fruit. Now you know why the Xuanling fruit score is so high, right?

Lin Xiao was very surprised when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that this Xuanling fruit had such an amazing history!

But after thinking about it, he still felt something was wrong, "If Xuanlingguo really contains a fragment of the law of heaven and earth as you said, why don't those great powers compete for these fruits? Just stay there to save us low-level monks who participated in the trial?

Xie Qinghou shook his head and said, "It is true that the Xuanling fruit contains fragments of the law of heaven and earth, but it only has an effect on the monks below Jindan. Even if the monks in Jindanjing and monks above Jindan get the Xuanling fruit, they can't feel the power of the law in it. This is also the reason why the mysterious flower tree in the wild hunting ground has survived to this day. Since those mighty people can't make use of Xuanling fruit, they might as well leave it to you descendants.

"Moreover, it doesn't mean that any monk can feel the fragments of the law when he gets the Xuanling fruit. Whether you can feel that trace of law fragment or not depends on personal opportunity, and... God's will..."

Lin Xiao was stunned for a long time before he said with a wry smile, "So, maybe we finally fought hard to get the Xuanling fruit, and the Xuanling fruit may be just a worthless waste treasure?"

Xie Qinghou's expression suddenly became serious, "Brother Lin, I advise you not to fight for Xuanling Fruit if it is not necessary."


Xie Qinghou shook his head and said, "I once heard from my master that the mysterious flower tree grew under the canopy at the end of the wild hunting ground, and the flower tree existed before the wild hunting ground was established."

"As a Xuantian giant tree that has existed since the era of flood and famine, like most spiritual objects in heaven and earth, that flower tree is also guarded by accompanying spiritual beasts. Those spirit beasts are very powerful, and each of their cultivation is absolutely no less than a monk in the late golden elixir. If you take away the Xuanling fruit under their eyes, they will never let you go.

Xie Qinghou shook his head and said, "I think this may also be one of the reasons why Song's first seat set the value of Xuanling fruit so high. After all, if someone can really break through the blockade of those spirit beasts and get Xuanling fruit, then he will definitely take the first name of this clan comparison."