Spirit Ruins

Chapter 205 Blood Pattern

When night fell, the black dragon, who was closing his eyes, opened his eyes first, and then whispered, "The time has come to break the ban!"

Several other people also opened their eyes and looked at the black dragon.

Only heard the black dragon explain: "The fluctuation of the prohibition shows signs of weakening. Once the power of the prohibition enters the night, it will become weak. This is the best time for us to break the prohibition left by the Huntian demon ancestors!"

At present, led by the black dragon who can sense the forbidden direction, the split of the four demon kings first circled around the open space. About half an hour later, they gathered together to discuss for a while, and then drew up a set of plans to break the array. The four people first made up a set of materials, which were dozens of small pieces of Flags, a box of very rare star sand, dozens of second-grade crystals, and some runes.

Tianyang and Black Dragon, who are proficient in array, painted a huge secret charm on the open space with star sand, and some rune paper were pasted around the secret charm. And a magic array was arranged on the periphery using the array and crystal.

The last four demon kings stood at one end of the huge secret charm, forming a quadrilateral.

Four people used the magic formula at the same time, and the huge secret charm on the ground suddenly ignited without fire. The star sand burned by the fire emitted a strange blue star fire. When the spark was burning, the magic array on the periphery opened at the same time, and a huge tornado appeared above the fire. The fire took advantage of the wind and the wind helped the fire rise. The four people gathered in a formation. Suddenly, a pillar of fire appeared in my heart.

"Okay, this is the 'wind and fire' in the array. The wind and fire set fire on the prailand and burn all the obstacles. It is estimated that the prohibition of this barrier will be broken soon."

Lin Xiao has been standing on the periphery and watching the four demon kings cast spells. Combined with what he usually learned, he suddenly felt that he had benefited a lot. For a moment, he forgot that he was in danger and shouted to cheer up.

Sure enough, a moment later, a thick white fog suddenly appeared in the center of the fire column. The wind and fire suddenly extinguished where the white fog passed, and finally the whole pillar of fire was swallowed up by the thick fog.

Seeing that the magic array had worked, the four demon kings quickly increased the transmission of magic power to input continuous spiritual power into the magic array.

After the thick fog rolled for a while, it gradually dispersed, but a simple stone door appeared on the originally empty ground. At this moment, the stone door was completely opened, revealing a deep hole.

"This is the door of the cave. Let's go in now!" Tianyang shouted in surprise.

"How can it be so easy!" Blood suddenly made a sound to stop it. Seeing that everyone looked at him doubtfully, Blood said hurriedly, "Let's see what is engraved on the stone door!"

When everyone heard the words, they looked at the stone gate and saw that there were countless mysterious runes engraved on the stone gate. These runes were intertwined and condensed into a strange animal head pattern!

The remaining three demon kings shouted at the same time, "'Wild Beast Blood Pattern'!"

A few people look at me, and I look at you. After a long time, the black dragon sighed, "I didn't expect the Huntian demon ancestor to have such a handwriting to come to the town with the soul of the wild beast. Now we are a little troublesome."

The so-called blood pattern of the wild beast is a domineering prohibition cast by the soul of the ancient wild beast comparable to the thunder robber monk. Unless there is a way to open it, if it is cracked by brute force, it will cause the soul of the wild beast. With the strength of the four demon kings, it is impossible to compete with the soul of the wild beast at all.

Because of this, the black dragons don't look good at this moment.

"The bloodline gate of the barren beast must have a special bloodline to open the stone door. Since it is forbidden by the demon ancestor, it must require the bloodline of the demon ancestor's descendants to open this door." Tianyang sighed.

At this time, Jiuwei suddenly turned to the blood demon and smiled, "The blood demon old ghost, since you are known as the ancestor of the blood demon, it must be difficult for you to beat the blood lines of this wild beast, right?"

As soon as Jiuwei said this, Tianyang and Black Dragon, who were originally a little discouraged, were refreshed and hurriedly looked at Xue Sha.

Since Blood evil is proficient in blood attribute skills, there should be some ways to deal with such blood curses.

Sure enough, Blood sneered, "I really have a secret method to break this bloodline prohibition, but only if you can collect enough blood for me."

"Is there enough blood? What kind of blood do you want? How much?" The black dragon frowned and asked.

"The blood of any creature is fine, but the premise is that it must be fresh blood. During my casting, the supply of blood must not be interrupted, otherwise the secret method will fail." Bloody came back.

"Well, where will we go to get you so much blood for a while?" Jiuwei is cold.

Tianyang pointed around, "Jiuwei Michio, don't forget that we are now in the vast sea. There are countless creatures in the sea. With the strength of us, what's the difficulty of obtaining some blood? Just kill more creatures on the sea."

Black Dragon immediately made a decision, "It's not too late. Let's get ready to cast spells, and leave the collection of blood to us."

Everyone's division of labor has been determined. Blood Sha immediately sat down cross-legged in front of the stone gate and suddenly shot four blood-colored rays on his body. The light revealed his real body in mid-air. It turned out to be a demon flag that emitted a strong blood spirit on all sides. Countless blood-colored threads were shot out on the demon flag, instantly connected to the ancient stone gate.

There was a strong stream of blood flowing into the stone gate on the demon flag. The head of the beast on the stone gate was suddenly full of blood. From a distance, the wild beast carved on the stone gate seemed to be about to come back to life!

"What are you still looking at? Why don't you go and look for sperm and blood? If there is no sperm and blood replenishment in half an hour, my secret method will be interrupted." When Xues saw several people still looking at him motionlessly, he immediately shouted angrily.

"Seeing that the storm was coming, I didn't expect that I still couldn't get in. What a bad luck!" Jiuwei said with dissatisfaction.

The black dragon laughed and said, "The treasure of the demon ancestor is not so easy to get. It's not too late. Let's kill the sea beast separately. It's faster!"

After saying that, the black dragon turned into a golden light and flew towards the sky, and Tianyang also followed the black dragon and left.

Jiuwei sighed and wanted to leave with him. Suddenly, he saw Lin Xiao standing on the side and motionless. He was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Little guy, do you want to go with your sister to catch the sea beast?"

I don't know if it's because of the special nine-tail skill. This look actually made Lin Xiao's mood ripple. He quickly calmed down and hummed coldly, "I'm only responsible for leading the way, and I don't care about anything else."

Jiuwei snorted coldly when he heard the words, "That's up to you. Anyway, you have nothing to do, just work for me!"

Among them, Jiuwei grabbed Lin Xiao, set up a white light, soared into the air, and disappeared in the distance in a blink of an eye.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker...


At the same time, a ship named Breaking Waves was sailing like duckweed in the wind.

The crew on the ship looked very ugly.

This ship has just returned from sea and is sailing to Nantu.

Originally, I thought that the voyage would be smooth, but I encountered such weather near the end. Looking at the heavy dark clouds in the sky and the surging and disturbing sea, the shipowner Lao Huang's face was about to be twisted into a ball.

After sailing for so many years, Lao Huang and others knew the horror of the storm in the ocean. However, yesterday, somehow, the compass on the ship suddenly failed, so that the "Breaking Wave" went to the wrong channel and came to this desolate sea where even the island could not be seen.

There is no shelter from the wind, and now the people who are full can only rely on fate.

I walked so uneasily for most of the day. Suddenly, the crew standing high on the mast in charge of looking at the wind suddenly shouted, "Master, there is a large sea fog in front of you, and there seems to be an island in the sea fog!"

"It's really an island!"

"We are saved!"

The crew shouted in surprise in an instant. When Lao Huang heard the words, he also suppressed his ecstasy. He didn't show a face and issued a loud order, "Depart at full speed and drive in the direction of the island!"

Seeing that he was about to reach the natural harbor to avoid the wind, Cai Bo, the crew member in charge of observing the channel, also relaxed. After chatting with his companions around him for a while, he looked at the clairvoy mirror in front of him as usual.

"Worse! Something in front of us blocked our boat lane. You watch first, and I'll report to the ship owner right away." Cai Bo hurriedly greeted his companion, grabbed the cable beside him and slipped down.

Everyone on the boat was shocked and rushed to the bow to look forward to see what was in the way.

At this time, everyone had gone deep into the thick fog area. The thin layer of water vapor on the sea enveloped the surrounding environment. It seemed that there was a huge thing slowly sinking in the sea in the middle and far away. The water vapor became thicker and thicker, completely covering its body. Everyone could only faintly see the huge and long drive out of the sea from time to time. Dry, and, one eye is closed, with a huge snake head half the size of the bow!

"Daw! It's actually a 'sea dragonfly'!" Old Huang scolded fiercely, "Quick, all go back to your position and ask the rowing brothers below to work harder. First Deputy, turn the 'Breaking Wave' immediately and don't hit the monster!"

The first mate agreed and quickly took everyone to carry out the task.

Most of the sailors on the "Breaking Wave" are people who have passed by the pile of death. Even in the face of such a terrible "sea dragon", they still change their appearance and orderly deflect the "Breaking Wave" slowly.

I don't know if it was asleep. The "Sea Jiao" did not notice the "Breaking Wave" that slowly passed by its side. The people on board held their breath. Some merchants stayed on the ship and the guys in charge of escorting the goods looked at the black snake body as close for the first time. They were so close that their legs and stomachs trembled, and their faces were nothing. Blood color.

Suddenly, the sea water under the hull suddenly poured back! The sea dragonfly turned over! The waves surged and instantly changed the direction of the ship's progress!

"Bum!" The ship hit the sea dragon impartially. The people on the boat suddenly crooked and mourned.

Suddenly, everyone only felt a sudden darkness above their heads, and a dark shadow hung over their heads. Everyone looked up and saw a nightmare--

A pair of huge blood-red snake eyes are staring at them!

"Quick! Release the crossbow!" Lao Huang shouted loudly. Before he finished speaking, the experienced crew set up more than a dozen giant crossbows the size of a person on the ship!

I only heard a series of loud noises, and more than a dozen crossbows with thick arms instantly hit the sea dragonfly, piercing the sea dragon into a hedgehog.

The sea dragonfly ate pain and made a sharp whine. The blood red in its eyes became thicker and thicker. It suddenly shook the thick snake body and patted the "Breaking Wave"!