Spirit Ruins

Chapter 257 Purple Moon Secret Land

The white pillar of fire collided with the purple fire in mid-air, and then a violent explosion occurred. The shock wave generated by the explosion destroyed all the vegetation within 100 meters below the ground. The ground sank, and a huge deep pit 100 meters in diameter appeared.

At the same time, a dazzling flame rose to the sky, like a small sun suddenly appearing at night, illuminating the scene within a kilometer radius!

The spiritual ruins palace monks in the depths of the dense forest saw the dazzling fire, and everyone's faces changed greatly.

At this time, no matter how slow the monks react, they have noticed that there are powerful monks outside the 'Xu Jianglin'.

So immediately, some monks went to report to Yanhai, who was guarding the Chinese army's tent.

However, unexpectedly, after learning the news, Yan Hai was not in a hurry and still asked everyone to strengthen their vigilance, but no one was allowed to leave the barracks for half a step, and the monks were not allowed to go to see who was fighting outside.

Some Purple Gate monks vaguely felt that it was inappropriate, so they wanted to report to Lin Xiao.

But to the surprise of the Purple Gate monk, Lin Xiao is not in his account!

The Zimen monk reported the unknown news of Lin Xiao's whereabouts to Yanhai, but Yanhai just said that he knew it, and there was no other explanation.

Lin Xiao was not here. According to the previous agreement, the Zimen monks obeyed Yanhai's orders. Although a group of Zimen disciples were suspicious, they had to hold their uneasiness and stayed in the camp to wait for the news.

On the other side, Lin Xiao and Bai Gu are still fighting fiercely.

After a long battle, no one side has been able to completely gain the upper hand, and the battle began to become stale.

After fighting for a moment, when the two sides separated again, Bai Gu suddenly smiled and said, "Kid, you are very good. You are still the first fellow monk who can fight with me to this point. What's your name?"

After a fierce battle for a long time, Lin Xiao also felt that the other party was the most powerful opponent he had ever met since he practiced. He couldn't help but show a trace of respect for the other party. Hearing the other party ask his name, Lin Xiao said in a low voice, "In Lin Xiao, I don't know what to call you?"

Bai Gu Jie smiled and said, "My name is Li Luo, and I am the vanguard general under the 'Heaven and Evil Ghost King'. You have to remember it well."

Li Luo!

Lin Xiao's heart suddenly moved and vaguely remembered that when he met Wang Laowu again in Wuyun City, Wang Laowu said to himself that he was used by a ghost general named Li Luo to finally modify the ghost skills. Is this white bone in front of him one of the incarnations of the Liluo ghost general?

seemed to see that Lin Xiao's expression was a little wrong. Bai Gu said coldly, "Why, what do you seem to remember when you hear my name?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, "I just think of an old friend. Do you still remember Wang Laowu?"

Li Luo was stunned when he heard the words, "Wang Laowu? I'm a little impressed. That's a monk of your human race. Because he was desperate, he actually came to Wuyun City and directly contacted my body through the space cracks. He begged me to instill ghost gas for him and modify our holy skills.

"I saw that he had a little courage, so I fulfilled his wish to make him a member of our holy clan, and ordered him to guard the Wuyun City with several ghost attendants to prepare for the arrival of our holy army."

"However, these guys did not do well. They were broken into Wuyun City by a group of Jindan monks and killed by those human monks. Fortunately, my body came to Wuyun City from the space crack in time, and then forced those Jindan monks back.

Speaking of this, Li Luo suddenly raised his head, looked at Lin Xiao, and then slowly said, "That day, I put a divine mark on those Jindan monks, but I was still escaped by several people. I said that no wonder you have a smell that I am familiar with. It turns out that you are one of the golden elixir monks who escaped from Wuyun City that day!"

Lin Xiao also changed his face, and then sighed, "It turns out that you are the ghost who came out of the space crack that day!"

Li Luo Jie Jie smiled and said, "It seems that there is a war between you and me. This is God's will. You can't escape even if you want to escape."

Lin Xiao's tone suddenly became cold, "Yes, since I can't escape, I will seize this opportunity to cut off your incarnation first and weaken the strength of your body!"

Li Luo seemed to hear something ridiculous and laughed, "You and I have been fighting for a long time, and you can't help me. Do you have any hidden skills?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao did not deny it, but nodded and said in a low voice, "Yes, I really have one move that hasn't been used. This move was originally my new self-created secret art. You are the first person to see this secret skill!"

Before the voice fell, there was a fluctuation in the space above Lin Xiao's head, and then a purple moon appeared above his head!

While the remnant moon appeared, the purple light on the crescent moon was shining, and the purple moonlight quickly shot out in all directions, instantly dyeing the environment within 100 meters of Lin Xiao's radius into a purple.

Looking down from above, I saw a purple hemisphere with a diameter of 100 meters around Lin Xiao's body, and the light ball wrapped Lin Xiao and Li Luo in it.

Inside the purple light ball deep away from Luo, he did not feel that the purple light was aggressive at all. He tilted his head to Lin Xiao and said coldly, "Kid, are you going to use illusion? I advise you not to waste your efforts. At the level of our ghosts, the power of the soul is already extremely powerful, and ordinary illusions are not effective for us at all.

Lin Xiao sneered, "Who said it was an illusion? The space inside this photosphere, I call it the secret place of the purple moon.

"The secret place of the purple moon? What's the role?" Li Luo asked in a low voice.

Lin Xiao did not answer, but suddenly waved to the seven dragon above his head, and the seven dragons changed into seven flying swords and flew back to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao pinched a sword formula, and the seven flying swords suddenly merged into one in mid-air and changed into a huge seven-color spiritual sword.

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and grabbed it and grabbed the seven-color spirit sword in the palm of his right hand.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was constantly mobilizing his spiritual power, Li Luo knew that Lin Xiao was going to work hard, so he did not dare to neglect it. He quickly waved to the huge skeleton that had been fighting with seven dragons in the distance. The huge skeleton flashed and turned into the 'white bone fissure gun' again and fell into Li Luo's palm.

Lin Xiao held a seven-color sword, took a step forward with his left foot, and his body was slightly bent, showing a posture that he was about to charge.

At the same time, Lin Xiao ran the 'true spirit forging secret' and the giant rhinoceros, giving full play to his physical strength.

Lin Xiao suddenly burst into a huge atmosphere like a mountain, ready to go, which made people look at it from a distance. Suddenly, there was a dangerous feeling that the mountains and rivers would collapse at the next moment.

Li Luo also felt the sense of oppression before Lin Xiao's full blow. Although he was still standing quietly, there was a white phosphorus fire on his body. The phosphorus fire wrapped the long gun layer by layer, and finally condensed into a little flame at the tip of the gun. The flame contained violent energy, and the flame swayed, and the internal Energy is also constantly annihilated and regenerated, as if there would be an explosion the next moment.

At this time, Lin Xiao suddenly moved!

With his left foot on the ground and launching the phantom pattern at the same time, Lin Xiao quickly shot out like an arrow away from the string. The speed was so fast that he left a shadow in place!

At the same time, Lin Xiao's pupils burst into a purple light, and the heavenly son's qi skill was launched!

Through his pupils, Lin Xiao quickly found the 'deadness' on Liluo's body, and his right magic sword fiercely chopped down the position of the 'deadness' on Liluo's body!

Li Luo was very surprised that Lin Xiao could find his weakness, but he was just surprised. Li Luo was not an ordinary Jindan monk and immediately started his body to avoid Lin Xiao's magic sword. At the same time, Li Luo accelerated the operation of spiritual power in his body and changed the direction of 'deadness'.

However, what Li Luo Wanwan didn't expect was that while he moved to the left, Lin Xiao actually blocked the path of Li Luo's movement to the left one step earlier than him, just like he knew that Li Luo was going to move to the left!

In a hurry, Li Luo hurriedly rose into the air and turned to the rear to avoid Lin Xiaojianfeng.

However, Li Luo was in mid-air, but he was shocked to find that Lin Xiao did not know when he had flown behind him. The magic sword in his hand did not stop, and it was still cutting at Li Luo's body, and the target was still the 'dead' of Li Luo's body!

This sword was cut so accurately, just like Li Luo sent his body to let Lin Xiao chop!

Li Luo has no time to explore why his 'deadness' has changed its orientation, but Lin Xiao can still find an accurate position. He screamed, "How can you prejudge my actions?"

Lin Xiao's voice sounded faintly, "In the 'Purple Moon Secret Land', the trajectory of anything can escape my calculation and prediction!"

The Purple Moon Secret Land is a secret art created by Lin Xiao combined with the 'Emperor's Extreme Sky Performance' after condensed the Taoist heart of the 'purple moon in the water'.

Within the scope of the secret land of the purple moon, the movement trajectory and development of all things will be predicted by Lin Xiao in an instant, and then respond in advance.

The function of this secret art is somewhat similar to the 'Taiji Infernal vision' performed by Ji Tianming, the descendant of the Tianji Palace, but it is more powerful than 'Taiji Infernal'.

In the end, in Li Luo's unwilling roar, Lin Xiao's sword hit the 'deadness' on Li Luo's body, broke its protective spiritual power, and then instantly cut Li Luo's sword in half.

Two halves of Li Luo's bodies burned in an instant and turned into a turbulent fire.

After killing Li Luo's incarnation, Lin Xiao put away the secret land of the purple moon and looked a little withered. It seemed that it was not a big consumption for him to release the secret land of the purple moon just now.

At this time, a black and red light suddenly shot out in the firelight of the wreckage of Li Luo's incarnation, and instantly fell into the body of the 'white bone crack gun' wandering in mid-air.

The 'White Bone Rift Gun' quickly broke through the air. Lin Xiao knew that the black and red light just now was the incarnation of Li Luo, the ghost elixir, and naturally he did not want to let it go so easily.

The seven-color magic sword in Lin Xiao's hand suddenly separated a cyan flying sword, flew towards the 'white bone cracked gun', and then turned into a circle of thorny vines, wrapping the 'white bone split gun'.

The 'White Bone Crack Gun' lost its owner's protection and spontaneously triggered a mass of white phosphorus fire, burning a lot of cyan vines, but the cyan vines are like weeds, burning endlessly and regenerating.

In the end, the 'White Bone Rift Gun' exhausted its strength and gradually fell silent.

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand, and the cyan vine flew out with the 'white bone split gun' and fell into Lin Xiao's hand.

The cyan vine turned into a blue flying sword and disappeared into Lin Xiao's body, while the 'white bone fissure gun' was held in Lin Xiao's right hand.

It seems to feel the strong ghost power on the gun body of the 'white bone cracked gun' and the ghost elixir hidden in Li Luo's incarnation. Lin Xiao's armor 'ghost hunting' buzzed again, expressing a very thirst.

Lin Xiao said in a low voice, "The 'White Bone Crack Gun' can be given to you, but I still have the use of Li Luo's incarnated ghost elixir. Don't count on it."

'Ghost Hunting' seemed to be disappointed that he couldn't get the ghost elixir and mourned for a while, but finally fell silent succumbingly.