Spirit Ruins

Chapter 263 Evil Ghost King

An hour later, Ji Yao and Lingkong led their monks to the edge of the 'Shu Jianglin'.

At this time, 'Xu Jianglin' had already been captured by the ghost clan, and the defenders originally stationed in 'Xu Jianglin' had also fled.

Lingkong and Ji Yao were shocked to see such a scene, and Ji Yao blamed herself for not seeing Lin Xiao's whereabouts. I blamed myself for being delayed for too long, causing the reinforcements to come a step late.

I just don't know how Lin Xiao's life and death are now?

Ji Yao was a little panicked because she remembered Lin Xiao's safety, and the reinforcements of Chimen and Yunmen were temporarily handed over to Lingkong for unified command.

Lingkong ordered everyone to collect the fleeing Lingxu Palace monks, while ordering his subordinates to form a belligerent battle and slowly approach the 'Xianglin', hoping to fight back the 'Xianglin' when the ghost clan's foothold was unstable.

On the other side, Wuhun led more than a dozen ghost servants and led several ghost soldiers in several ghost camps, and tried their best to hunt down the escaped spiritual ruins palace monks according to the instructions of Li Luo and Youlan.

However, those human monks are really too 'cunning'. Once they gave up the 'Xu Jianglin', they immediately turned into zero and fled. Although they had no soul to do their best, they failed to capture many disciples of the Lingxu Palace alive.

At this time, some ghost soldiers came to report that two elite armies on the human side were rapidly approaching the 'Xianglin', which seemed to be reinforcements from Kunlun Mountain City.

The soulless was overjoyed to hear the words. It was worried that it had no place to catch the human monks, but it didn't expect that the other party actually threw himself into the trap.

So the soulless immediately ordered the ghost servant to immediately lead his subordinates to gather and meet them in the direction of the human reinforcements.

The armies of Soulless and Lingkong and Ji Yao met behind 'Xu Jianglin'. Without too much temptation, the two sides soon launched a fierce confrontation.

To the surprise of Lingkong and Ji Yao, the ghost army they encountered this time seemed to be a little strange. In the past, the ghost army was not afraid of death, but this time the other party did not care about death or injury, but also had to capture their own monks alive.

After discovering the changes in the ghost army, Lingkong saw the location of the fighters, so he immediately ordered everyone not to be afraid of casualties and brazenly attack 'Xu Jianglin'.

The ghosts were afraid of their hands and feet, and the monks of Lingxu Palace were born and died. The war situation suddenly became beneficial to Lingxu Palace. However, after all, only Yunmen and Chimen reinforcements came to Lingxu Palace, and the number was still slightly thinner than the ghost army, so there was no way to expand the results.

At the same time, although the monks of Lingxu Palace killed many ghost soldiers, they were also captured by the enemy.

The two sides fought fiercely. After about an hour, two spiritual boats suddenly flew over behind the monks of the Lingxu Palace. It was Yuan Yu who led the remaining group of reinforcements to come 'in time'.

Although Lingkong and Ji Yao were already very dissatisfied with Yuan Yu, Yuan Yu came to support them after all, so they had to put down their prejugatives with Yuan Yu. The two sides worked together and immediately turned the situation around.

Sitting behind the ghost army and seeing the arrival of a large number of reinforcements from the other side, he suddenly became worried. He hurriedly sent people to find Liluo and Youlan, and wanted to use the power of two ghosts to take down all the hateful human monks.

However, after a while, his men suddenly came to report that Liluo and Youlan had returned to Wuyun City in advance with some of the human prisoners. Before the two adults left, they ordered the ghost army to be presided over by the soulless for the time being. They did not want to defend 'Xianglin' in this battle, but begged It can capture a sufficient number of human monks and transport them back to Wuyun City.

After receiving the order, the soulless immediately conveyed the decree of the two ghost generals to the rest of the ghost waiters, and the ghost soldiers began to slowly shrink to the rear and lure the monks of the Lingxu Palace into the 'Jianglin'.

The monk of Lingxu Palace was single-minded to recapture the 'Shulin', so he immediately chased into the dense forest. Unexpectedly, he fell into the layers of ret laid by the ghost army with the help of the dense forest terrain, and many monks were captured alive by the ghost clan.

After capturing hundreds of monks, Wuhun saw that the front-line troops could no longer resist the fierce attack of the other party, so he ordered the ghost army to start slowly withdrawing.

In the end, the monks of Lingxu Palace paid a heavy price and recaptured the 'Shenlin', while the ghost army escorted hundreds of prisoners of war and retreated to the ghost camp in the rear.

A big war finally came to an end, leaving only smoke and corpses everywhere, showing the intensity of the previous battle.


Shortly after the end of the war, in Kunlun Mountain City, in the elder hall, Huo Yuanchun, with a pale face, was standing in a hall and asked Song Zuixian angrily.

"Brother Song, how can you do such a thing? Many sect disciples fought hard on the front line, but you didn't move in the rear. What's your intention?

Song Zuixian explained helplessly, "Brother Huo, I was indeed shutting down for alchemy at that time. I didn't know that 'Hu Jianglin' was besieged at all. After learning about this, I have ordered Yuan Yu to rush to support 'Xianlin' quickly. If you don't believe it, you can find the two nephews of Yuan Yu and Xie Qinghou to meet him."

Huo Yuanchun snorted coldly, "Let's not mention this matter for the time being, so how do you explain the fact that you asked Yanhai to set up a 'soul array' and framed Lin Xiao?"

Song Zuixian was stunned when he heard the words, "Soul gathering array? What the hell is going on? Why have I ever framed Lin Xiao?

Huo Yuanchun said angrily, "Do you still want to deny it?"

Then, Huo Yuanchun talked about Yanhai's frame-up of Lin Xiao, and then said coldly, "In addition to me, you are the only one who can instruct Yanhai to do such a thing. If you didn't do it, who would have done it?"

Song Zuixian said coldly, "Brother Huo, you and I have been brothers for so many years, don't you understand my temper? I admit that I am indeed very dissatisfied with Lin Xiao, but I don't have to deal with a descendant boy with such a despicable little means.

Song Zuixian didn't say anything after saying it. Huo Yuanchun was still angry before, and he calmed down after hearing Song Zuixian's words.

After thinking about it, he felt more and more that Song Zuixian was reasonable. He had known Song Zuixian for many years, and he also felt that Song Zuixian would not use this method against Lin Xiao.

If it hadn't been for Song Zuixian, who would the mastermind of Yanhai be?

Thinking of this, Huo Yuanchun suddenly asked, "I asked Yanhai to come back to Kunlun Mountain City to apologize to you. Has he ever come back?"

Song Zuixian shook his head when he heard the words, "I didn't see Yan Hai."

After thinking about it, he asked someone to call over the control responsible for guarding the gate of Kunlun Mountain City and asked, "Have you ever seen Yan Hai, the elder of the Commandment Hall?

The system thought for a moment, and then nodded, "I did see Elder Yanhai return from the 'Shu Jianglin' once, but I haven't seen him since."

Huo Yuanchun was furious when he heard the words, "If you go on, the whole city will immediately search for Yanhai and be sure to bring him here!"

However, after a search, the monks reported that there was no trace of Yanhai in Kunlun Mountain City.

Song Zuixian and Huo Yuanchun looked at each other and began to feel that the matter seemed to become complicated and confusing.

Who will be the messenger behind the scenes?

At this time, Xie Qinghou took Ji Yao into the Presbyterian Church. After the two saluted Huo Yuanchun, Xie Qinghou said, "Huo Shou, according to the front-line monks, they searched the whole 'Shen Jianglin', but they did not find any trace of Brother Lin at all."

Huo Yuanchun was shocked when he heard the words, "How could it be like this? Why have so many monks escaped back, but Lin Xiao has disappeared?"

Song Zuixian snorted coldly, "Isn't it because he was afraid that we would be held accountable for ordering him to retreat, so he fled?"

Xie Qinghou said coldly, "Song's first brother, Brother Lin is not such a person. According to our Purple Gate monk who narrowly escaped from the ghost clan, Brother Lin was the last person to leave the battlefield after ordering the retreat. How could he defect?"

Ji Yao said worriedly, "I have sent our Yunmen disciples to search around, but I have never seen Elder Lin. Will he be captured by those ghost troops and become a prisoner?"

Hearing Ji Yao's words, everyone was silent.


A day and a night later, in the Wuyun Mountains, surrounded by a thick black fog, a group of ghost troops slowly entered the city from the open gate.

At this moment, the Wuyun City has already been transformed into a completely different face, and ordinary residential buildings have long ceased to exist, replaced by some ferocious and gloomy ghost buildings.

In the four corners of the southeast and northwest of Wuyun City, there are four huge black towers with a height of hundreds of meters.

The tower is black, and its surface is covered with dense inverted thorns. There is a thick black fog wrapped around the tower, and a burst of grievance cry can be faintly heard from the fog.

These four huge towers are the 'flour ghost towers' that make people smell like, but these four 'flour ghost towers' are several times larger than ordinary 'float towers' in height and size, which is very ferocious and terrible.

These four 'flourve ghost towers' are forbidden places in Wuyun City. Ordinary ghosts are not allowed to approach half at all, and a huge spiritual pressure emerged from the ghost tower. Ordinary ghost soldiers can't withstand the spiritual pressure within kilometers of the ghost tower, so they have to bypass the ghost tower. Go.

These four ghost towers are the temporary residences of the four ghost kings in Wuyun City.

At this moment, in the top of the east ghost tower.

The top floor of the ghost tower is an extremely wide hall, which is full of thick black ghost fog, and the surrounding space is extremely gloomy and invisible.

In the middle of the hall, there is a huge altar with 18 floors.

Above the high altar, he drives a gloomy throne made of white bones.

A young man with a soft face, purple lips, long hair spread to his waist, and wrapped in a black armor full of thorns is leaning lazily on the white bone throne.

The man held his cheeks with one hand and his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was closing his eyes to refresh his mind.

Suddenly, the thick black fog in front of the man suddenly rolled up, and a woman with long blue hair slowly walked into the hall, knelt down under the high altar and whispered, "I want to see you, the king."

The female general is the Youlan who has just returned from the 'Shu Jianglin'.

The young man is the evil king.

The evil ghost king still closed his eyes and did not open, but slowly said, "Youlan, are you back? Have you ever found that thing?

Youlan bowed her head and said, "My subordinates are incompetent. Although they have launched a war against 'Shu Jianglin' again, they still can't find out the whereabouts of that thing."

"Oh, that's really a pity. I thought that thing would fall into my hands, but I didn't expect it to be an empty joy. If I can't get it, it's cheaper than the other three guys.

The evil ghost king said in a secluded way, and there was some regret in his tone.