Spirit Ruins

Chapter 265 Blood Pool

Fufeng said this and sighed, "It's a pity that although the Holy Temple got the coordinates of this boundary at the beginning, it suffered from the lack of opportunity to break the boundary, so this matter was over afterwards."

"It was not long ago that a space crack connecting our heavenly ghost world suddenly appeared in Wuyun City, so you, the evil kings, had a chance to break through the boundary."

After listening to Fufeng's description, Tianxie finally knew the context of Shura's heart in this world.

He pondered for a moment, and then slowly asked, "Fu Feng, when will the blood sacrifice be carried out?"

Fu Feng replied, "I have to make some preparations in advance, and it will take three days at the earliest to activate the magic array inside the blood pool for blood sacrifice."

Tianxie nodded, "Well, I'll give you three days. If there's nothing wrong, you can go down first."

Fu Feng didn't say much when he heard the words, and slowly retreated after saluteing.

After Fufeng left, Tianxie closed his eyes again and closed his eyes to refresh his mind.

Three days is just a flash for the existence of a ghost king with thousands of years of life.

At this moment, at the bottom of the 'Foubuter Tower' where the evil ghost king is located, hundreds of human monks captured by ghosts are suffering.

At the bottom of the 'Butcher Tower' is an extremely large space, and the tone of the whole space is blood red.

The whole space is like a big bowl, surrounded by curved rock walls, which are engraved with countless blood-red ghost texts.

At the bottom of the 'big bowl' is a large blood pool composed of countless unknown blood. In the blood pool, there are constantly some pale human race or monster bones floating.

not far above the blood pool, there is a huge cage made of unknown materials, surrounded by a huge array of powerful prohibition fluctuations.

Hundreds of monks were imprisoned in this cage. Countless blood-colored threads were released on the outer array of the cage, which were inserted into each monk's Dantian Qihai, constantly absorbing the spiritual power in their bodies, making them unable to use half of their mana at all.

Lin Xiao is also among this group of people. At this moment, his face is very pale. There is also a bloody silk thread outside his body, and a mass of purple spiritual power is constantly being drawn from his body.

At the same time, Lin Xiao has been banned several times before, and Lin Xiao, who has lost his spiritual power, can't crack those prohibitions at all.

At this time, Lin Xiao has become an ordinary person who only has physical strength, but can't use a trace of magic power.

At this time, a group of ghost soldiers suddenly patrolled on the platform outside the cage. A leading ghost servant took a look inside the cage and then said a few words of unknown ghost language to the ghost soldiers behind him.

The ghost soldiers behind him should be in a hurry.

After the patrol ghost soldiers left, someone behind Lin Xiao suddenly asked Lin Xiao in a panic and low voice, " Elder Lin, are we going to be killed here?"

Lin Xiao turned around and looked at the young disciple with a look of fear. He recognized that he was an outer disciple of the Golden Gate, so he comforted him, "Don't think nonsense. While the ghost clan has no time to take care of us, you'd better try to accumulate a trace of spiritual power to deal with it."

Then, Lin Xiao said to the monks around him in a low voice: "Don't panic. As long as it's not until the last minute, we still have a chance to escape from here. While you all accumulate spiritual power for me now, you can accumulate as much as you can. Do as I order at any time.

Most of the people were already disheartened and thought that they must have died this time, but they were all excited after hearing Lin Xiao's words.

They followed Lin Xiao to be born and die in the 'Shu Jianglin'. They knew that Lin Xiao was by no means the kind of person who easily abandoned his subordinates. At this time, everyone had put all their hopes on Lin Xiao. After hearing Lin Xiao's instructions, they immediately began to try their best to accumulate spiritual power in their bodies.

Although the spiritual power accumulated by the monks was quickly removed by the blood outside the body, after the unremitting efforts of the monks, everyone left some spiritual power in their bodies more or less.

Then, Lin Xiao ordered everyone to transfer the accumulated spiritual power into their own bodies one by one. Although the spiritual power into the body is mottled and impure, Lin Xiao still relies on the strength of the body to gradually refine those spiritual powers and integrate them into his Dantian.

A spiritual power was suddenly supplemented in Dantian. Lin Xiao instantly activated the silenced Jindan. At the same time, a purple moon spiritual power emerged in the Jindan, which instantly activated the seven swordsmanships hidden in the air sea of Dantian.

A golden sword light flashed on Lin Xiao's body, and the bloody silk line wrapped around his body was quietly cut by Lin Xiao.

Losing the clamping of the blood-colored wire, Lin Xiao cut off the blood-colored wire that bound the people around him one by one.

In order not to attract the attention of the patrol ghost soldiers, Lin Xiao only helped a few highly cultivated monks get out of trouble at the beginning, while the rest of the monks kept their original state to confuse those patrolling ghost soldiers.

As for the monks after getting out of trouble, they began to close their eyes and sit still, run their practiced skills, and began to restore their spiritual power in their bodies bit by bit.

According to Lin Xiao's plan, he wanted to maintain the status quo first, and then he immediately led the crowd out after most of the monks had recovered their spiritual power.

However, people are not as good as God.

Three days later, Fu Feng entered the underground blood pool accompanied by Li Luo and Youlan.

After seeing the depressed human monks in the cage, Fu Feng nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and said to Li Luo and Youlan standing behind him: "Later, I will start the power of the blood pool, refine this group of human monks, take their original soul power, and heal the ghost king. You two are The upper level helped me guard the entrance of the blood pool. Without my order, I can't let anyone get closer to this place.

After Fufeng finished speaking, Youlan and Li Luo looked at each other. Fufeng was not familiar with Youlan, but they knew that he was a new subordinate of the Ghost King, who was very low-key and mysterious.

Because they have received the order of heaven and evil in advance, Fufeng is fully responsible for opening the blood pool. Li Luo and the two must obey Fufeng's orders, so although Youlan are not familiar with Fufeng, they have to obey Fufeng.

After Fufeng ordered, Youlan and Liluo turned around and left the blood pool and returned to the upper level of the ghost tower to guard the entrance of the blood pool.

At this moment, all the idle ghost soldiers were removed from the blood pool, and only Fufeng and the other nine ghost soldiers remained here as his assistants in the huge blood pool.

After adjusting his state, Fu Feng waved his hand and the nine ghost soldiers standing behind him immediately raised a huge black round mirror in his hand.

Fufeng solemnly condensed a little pure black light spot from between his fingers, and then flicked his fingers, and the light spot slowly flew out of his fingers and slowly flew towards one of the round mirrors.

After condensed the black light spot, Fufeng's face wrapped in the black robe suddenly became extremely pale, and the whole person kept gasping for breath and looked very difficult.

The light spot pulled out a black silk thread in the air, and then slowly sank into the interior of a round mirror.

A layer of black light wave suddenly flowed on the surface of the black round mirror, and then the mirror blurred, and suddenly a ferocious ghost shadow appeared!

The ghost head opened its mouth and suddenly let out a ghost roar. As soon as the ghost roared, an identical ghost head appeared on the surface of the other eight round mirrors at the same time. A total of nine fierce ghosts opened their mouths at the same time, spewed out a black beam of light from their mouths, and hit the rock walls on all sides of the blood pool.

After the black light column touched the rock wall around the blood pool, the bloody ghost lines on the square rock wall were suddenly lit up, emitting a dazzling red and black light.

Then I only heard a loud noise, and the whole blood pool seemed to be alive, and there was a slight vibration!

At the same time, the blood water at the bottom of the blood pool also began to boil and began to release a mass of blood-colored water vapor.

Those human monks didn't know what it was. Some people watched curiously as the water vapor gradually submerged the whole cage, and then suddenly some monks made an inhuman cry!

Those bloody water vapors stained the monk's body, which instantly made his whole body red. Then under the surprised gaze of the surrounding monks, the man instantly turned into a pool of blood.

After the monk turned into blood, a blood-red soul suddenly rushed out, and then flew to more than a dozen round mirrors in the distance, and instantly fell into the big mouth of a fierce ghost on the surface of the round mirror.

The fierce ghost absorbed the bloody soul, as if he had a delicious food. He chewed a sound in his mouth, and the look on his face was very satisfied.

In addition, the fierce ghosts in the eight-sided round mirror did not get the supply of fresh ghosts, and they all shouted dissatisfiedly. It seemed that they would break free from the shackles of the round mirror the next moment and come out to look for food by themselves.

At this time, the monks around Lin Xiao turned into a pool of blood under the erosion of blood-colored water vapor one after another, and countless ghosts flew out of their bodies and flew out towards the huge round mirrors on nine sides.

Seeing that the monks under him died one by one, Lin Xiao could no longer care about anything else. He roared and suddenly rose into the air. The seven swords of the driver broke through the limitations of the cage and flew out!

In the introduction of Lin Xiaojian's secret, the seven swords instantly turned into seven dragons and rampaged around the periphery of the cage, destroying the prohibition array outside the cage.

The forbidden array was destroyed, and the human monks finally regained their freedom. They all flew up and rushed to Fufeng and the nine ghost soldiers behind him under the leadership of Lin Xiao!

Fu Feng never expected such a change in the process of blood sacrifice. He was relieved and lost control of the nine black round mirrors!

Seeing so much blood food flying towards him, the nine-sided round mirror suddenly emitted a black light. Everyone's eyes were shocked, and the nine-headed fierce ghost suddenly jumped out of the round mirror!

In the nine-headed mirror, the fierce ghosts turned into huge ghosts that were five meters tall, naked**, covered with black hair, and rushed into the group of monks. A fierce ghost casually grabbed a monk, then opened his mouth and bit off the monk's head!

Seeing that the fierce ghost was out of control, Fu Feng was angry and regretful. He knew that he had been made so much trouble by this group of monks, and the plan to use the nine-sided 'Yinsi Ghost Mirror' method of blood sacrifice to calculate the whereabouts of the 'Heart of Shura' has been completely failed!

Not only that, it is also a big trouble to take back the 'Yinsi Ghost Mirror' next!

Thinking of this, Fu Feng looked bitterly at Lin Xiao, who led the crowd, who caused all this!

Thinking of this, Fu Feng fit together and rushed to one of the tall ghosts.

The ghost suddenly did not dodge, and was immersed in his body by Fufeng's imageless ghost body.

The ghost was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly glowed with blood, which was actually controlled by the wind!

The ghost was manipulated by Fufeng. First, he looked at Lin Xiao with resentment, and then screamed angrily, "Kid, I'm going to smash you into ten thousand pieces!"

After saying that, the ghost took a big step in the air and rushed to Lin Xiao!