Spirit Ruins

Chapter 352 Lingcui Peak

Lin Xiao defeated a strong man with one blow, which shocked everyone present.

The next fight, as expected, Lin Xiao also overwhelmed the whole audience and defeated the candidates one by one.

Finally, amid the cheers of the crowd, Lin Xiao was undisputedly announced by the owner of Wang Island as the new guest minister trapped on the empty island.

The owner of Wang Island gave Lin Xiao a Xuantie token symbolizing the identity of the guest emperor. With this token, Lin Xiao can enter and leave the empty island at will, and can independently choose a place to open his own cave on Lingcui Peak, the main peak of the trapped island.

After that, under the leadership of Peng Yuan, Lin Xiao came to a small mountain on the west side of the trapped island.

In the core area of the mountain, a green, towering mountain peak rises from the ground, full of aura, which is the green peak.

Peng Yuan took Lin Xiao to an attic located on the mountainside of Lingcuifeng. When an old man with white hair greeted him, he respectfully said to Peng Yuan, "I don't know what you can do?"

"Old man Yu, this is the new guest elder who is trapped on the empty island. I was ordered by the lord of the king's island to bring him to choose the cave." Peng Yuan said proudly.

When the old man heard the words, he hurriedly looked at Lin Xiao with his turbid eyes, and his expression became more and more respectful. "So this is Elder Lin, who was famous in the test of Keqing Elders before? Disrespectful and disrespectful, please come with me.

After saying that, he turned around to lead the way and entered the attic. Lin Xiao and Peng Yuan also followed in. After a moment, the old man came to a row of bookshelves full of various jade slips, took out a jade slip from above, and gave it to Lin Xiao.

"In this jade slip, it records the places where our Lingcui Peak is full of aura and the rest of the free caves. Elder Lin can choose at will. If there is a place he like, just tell the old man to make a record."

Lin Xiao nodded when he heard the words and reached out to take Yu Jian over.

When his divine consciousness was immersed in the jade slip, he saw the virtual shadow of the whole Lingcui peak in the jade slip. The virtual shadow is marked with various colors in addition to the place and location with rich aura. The color of the mark is roughly divided into five types: red, blue, gold, green and black, representing the five elements of spiritual power. The darker the color, the more it represents the aura there. It is rich.

Lin Xiao's eyes glanced at the whole mountain shadow. As expected, most of the places with aura bells have been occupied, and some of the rest are not very good.

Just as Lin Xiao was preparing to choose an ordinary area, he suddenly noticed that among the cave communities left behind and temporarily unoccupied, there was a very strong aura that had not been occupied!

Lin Xiao suddenly felt a little puzzled. It is reasonable that such a spiritual place should have been robbed long ago. Why would some monks prefer to choose some places with insufficient aura, but have missed this legacy cave?

Lin Xiao immediately raised this doubt.

Old Yu said quickly, "Eden Elder Lin, I won't hide it from you. The aura of this cave is enough, but it is a little evil. So other monks are not willing to choose this cave.

Lin Xiao and Peng Yuan were a little surprised, so they hurried to ask.

The old man explained the strangeness of the cave.

However, it turned out that this cave was opened up by a ghost practice thousands of years ago. However, somehow, the ghost practice actually died violently in the cave. Next, all the monks who replaced the ghost practice and took over the cave also had accidents one after another. They did not go crazy in the process of cultivation. If you explode and die, you will eventually die of madness.

The empty island once sent monks into the cave to investigate the situation, but never found the reason for the violent death of those cave owners. Therefore, over time, the cave was abandoned and no one dared to move in.

Peng Yuan was surprised and shook his head and said, "There is such an evil cave, Lin Daoyou, I think we'd better choose a safer place."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "I don't think so. The more mysterious this place is, maybe there are some secrets hidden in it. Well, I'll take a chance and choose this cave."

As soon as this statement came out, Peng Yuan and the old man Yu were shocked. They looked at Lin Xiao together. Peng Yuan took the lead and said, "Lin Daoyou, do you really want to choose this fierce place as the cave?"

Old man Yu also moved his lips slightly and wanted to say something, but finally he was silent.

Lin Xiao nodded and said in an unquestionable tone, "Yes, it's settled here. Please help me go through the handover procedures!"

Old man Yu looked at Peng Yuan when he heard the words, but Peng Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, since Lin Daoyou insists on doing this, I won't stop you. Just be careful."

While Lin Xiao was talking to Peng Yuan, the old man lowered his head, and a few rays in his eyes flashed quickly, and then returned to a turbidity.


After completing the handover procedures, Lin Xiao followed Peng Yuan to the outside of the mysterious cave.

There are two stone doors outside the cave, which are engraved with bright red charms, as if suppressing some demons and monsters in the cave.

At this time, a cloudy wind suddenly blew through the mouth of the cave. Peng Yuan had been living on the empty island for a long time and had heard a lot about the secrets of the cave, so he subconsciously felt a little afraid of the cave, so when he stood in front of the cave, he suddenly felt extremely cold.

Seeing Peng Yuan's lingering appearance, Lin Xiao smiled and said, "Peng Daoyou, if you have something to do, you can go first. I'll just go in by myself."

Peng Yuan suddenly got an amnesty. He hurriedly said, "Well, well, I really have something else to do, so I'll go first. Lin Daoyou, take care of yourself, and I'll come to you for a drink later."

After he said that, he hurriedly set up the escape light and flew away, leaving Lin Xiao alone in place.

Seeing Peng Yuan's fearful attitude towards the cave, Lin Xiao couldn't help smiling bitterly, and then took a few steps forward and hit a formula to the gate of the cave according to the old man Yu's previous instructions.

The magic formula hit the gate of the cave, and the gate suddenly roared. The red charms lit up one after another, and then the stone door slowly opened to the holes on both sides.

After the stone door was opened, the dark hole behind the door was exposed, and a cloudy wind was swept into the hole from the outside, making a whine sound.

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, and then walked into the mouth of the cave.

Shortly after Lin Xiao entered the cave, in a dark corner in the distance, a figure slowly retreated and disappeared.


Soon after the news of Lin Xiao's admission to Lingcui Peak, some of the monks who had originally practiced on Lingcui Peak came to greet Lin Xiao. These are all monks who have been practicing on Lingcui Peak for a long time. Some are elders trapped on the empty island, and some are the same as Lin Xiao, who are also guest elders.

Although the cave has been repaired by Lin Xiao, it is not as gloomy and terrible as the first day, but the guests who came here felt very depressed because they remembered those terrible rumors in their hearts. All the guests deliberately or unintentionally advised Lin Xiao to leave this place and choose another cave to practice, but they were all Xiaoyi declined gracefully.

Seeing that Lin Xiao had made up his mind, the monks stopped him, but they were unwilling to stay here for a long time, so after visiting Lin Xiao, they found a reason and left.

A few days later, no more guests came to look for Lin Xiao, and Lin Xiao was also happy, so he closed the door of the house and practiced at ease.

More than a month later, Lin Xiao has been closed to practice, but nothing happened during this period, as if the previous terrible rumors about the cave were just some rumors.

However, one night, just as Lin Xiao was practicing at ease, some visions suddenly began to appear in the cave.

First, in the process of Lin Xiao's practice, there was a strange sound of ghost crying and howling in the cave. This sound was not loud, but it had a terrible power to penetrate people's hearts, which actually triggered a surge of spiritual power in Lin Xiao's body!

Fortunately, Lin Xiao woke up in time, otherwise he might be disturbed by the sound of ghost crying at that moment and almost went crazy.

However, the strange thing is that when Lin Xiao woke up, the ghost sound disappeared again and disappeared.

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, but did nothing. He knows that this may be just the beginning.

Sure enough, the next night, when Lin Xiao was practicing, the ghost sound sounded again. This time, Lin Xiao was ready. The ghost hunts and ice spirits lying in ambush around him immediately took out of the air and chased them in the direction of the ghost sound.

The two chased to the cave and stretched out a stone wall, and then stopped.

Lin Xiao followed the two ghost hunters to the stone wall, and then said in a low voice, "Are you sure that sound disappeared behind the stone wall?"

Ghost Hunter hurriedly said, "Yes, subordinates and others followed as soon as the ghost sound appeared, and made sure that the ghost sound disappeared behind the stone wall."

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, "Sure enough, someone is trying to make trouble. I'd like to see who wants to lead me crazy with ghost sounds!"

After he said it, he waved his right hand, and a huge Haiba knife appeared in his hand.

"You two retreat!" Lin Xiao whispered.

After the ghost hunt and the ice spirit retreated enough distance, Lin Xiao shouted and suddenly waved his knife to the rock wall!


A huge crack was drawn by Lin Xiaochang's knife on the rock wall in an instant, but a surprising scene appeared. Countless bright red blood appeared in the crack. The blood tilted down like a waterfall and dyed the cave into a bright red color in an instant!

Ghost Hunting and Bingling were both scared by the scene in front of them and were stunned.

However, Lin Xiao said coldly, "Pretold to be a ghost, come out!"

After he finished speaking, a black light suddenly appeared on the body of Haiba's knife in his hand. Lin Xiao waved his knife, and the black light instantly turned into a black half moon, separated from the knife body and cut into the rock wall!

At the moment when the half-moon knife light approached the rock wall, a shocking roar suddenly broke out in the rock wall, "Jior, how dare you cut off my corpse king's golden body? I want to die without a burial!"

Following the sound, a thick bucket, a big hand like a hook, suddenly broke through the rock wall and stretched out. The five fingers closed one by one, and suddenly crushed the knife light!